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  1. Off Budo Humor
  2. How many aikidoka do you need to change a bulb?
  3. Ukemi
  4. Cows and Aikidoda
  5. Seagal vs. Van Damme
  6. Mean Sempai
  7. aikido limericks
  8. Whats the deal......
  9. the fall of a sensei
  10. Film student looking for true stories
  11. Cartoon in 3 Frames
  12. Aikiman!
  13. Good Hakama Gone Bad
  14. Street Fighting
  15. Stick man fighting
  16. Engrish (or Japanese-English)
  17. Yooo-shhhinn-kkkaaaaan!!! ha ha
  18. conversaton I had with someone...
  19. Killer Coconut
  20. Extension of Ki
  21. Funny Aikido Stories
  22. Ancient martial art...
  23. The Way of the Exploding Pen
  24. The truth about Ninjas
  25. The language barrier.
  26. Sadistic Senseis
  27. Aiki bowling !
  28. The revelation in Aikido
  29. Just a message:
  30. Aikido lightbulb joke
  31. Feeding time for the Trolls
  32. why not?
  33. A New Ki for the Westen Mind!
  34. change comes from within
  35. Dragon Master
  36. Voices of Inexperience
  37. The Ki of the Drive-Thru!
  38. Best sound to make when doing tech?
  39. The Rude master
  40. Chicken Humor
  41. The worst yet...
  42. different strokes
  43. Weebl & Bob
  44. Technique "Variations"
  45. All the answers ...
  46. Not exactly Aikido but.....
  47. Messed up techniques
  48. 'Cos it wasnt any of us...
  49. Forum Addiction
  50. tai chi masters
  51. Mystic & The Hot Dog
  52. "Feeling Aiki"
  53. Steven seagal as you've never seen him before...
  54. viking kittens
  55. aikido cartoons
  56. Irimi
  57. Aikido Songs!
  58. Cautionary tales
  59. Unofficial Aikido forum FAQ (rated R for immature)
  60. Games
  61. Not Aikido but...
  62. Aikido VS supervillans???
  63. Dont click on this link
  64. Complaint against myself
  65. New Techniques for Randori
  66. Fudebakudo
  67. how many?
  68. Funny aikido video clips?
  69. Rude Master 2
  70. Rude Master 2 ONLINE!
  71. Aikido, hockey, and baseball
  72. Injury as a Learning Tool
  73. Becoming a White Belt
  74. Must See! Greatest Jo Master Of All Time
  75. Weird knee padding
  76. Matrix Bunraku Uploaded
  77. sayings from training
  78. Aikido Light Bulb Jokes...
  79. A Jean-Claude Van Damme Cinematic Retrospective
  80. Another aikido joke
  81. Nose-scratching habit.
  82. A Silly Poem
  83. Language
  84. Fun Book Titles
  85. Doka of the Day
  86. Funny things during class
  87. Sitting in a bar....
  88. How effective is Aikido in the street,packing meat
  89. The Complete Guide to Self-Defense Guides
  90. Collective nouns for aikido stylists
  91. Insect Aikido
  92. The Aiki Horror Dojo Show
  93. A couple of short Chiba Sensei stories...
  94. This is ki!
  95. Steven Seagal
  96. Just working out!
  97. Secret of Aikido Revealed in a Dream
  98. Tohei Sensei story
  99. Which style is better?
  100. Aikido With A Dog
  101. This may be old, it just occurred to me
  102. embarresing
  103. Zen and the Hot Dog...
  104. Sneak Attacks
  105. DVD Trailer
  106. Real Karate
  107. This is karate:d
  108. This is Tae Kwon Leap!
  109. Tae Kwon Don't...
  110. Hakama FAQ
  111. Aiki Mouse!!!
  112. Self defense, UK style
  113. Aikido on a wasp
  114. Aikido cartoons
  115. the existence of Ki
  116. Extreme Kung Fu
  117. Secrets of Ninjitsu revealed!
  118. Modern weapond
  119. "Practice" Katana Video
  120. Dojo search tutorial
  121. Important Health Information
  122. Happy Holidays?
  123. More Shodothug,Yoshigoons, Aikielves etc
  124. Quiz
  125. Lightsaber Kumitachi thread
  126. The Red Tiger Shaolin Kung Fu Dialogue
  127. Dog Judo
  128. Dai chop soke chimp
  129. Aikidoka and Boiling Water Pot
  130. Viagra - for those in need :-)
  131. Dysfunctional Ki Skills
  132. Stupid things you've done when drunk!
  133. Bruce lee Vs Steven Seagal ( cartoon )
  134. Finger
  135. Aiki Doh's
  136. Spending a little too much time on here!
  137. What do you get when you mix a...
  138. Did O-Sensei have a sense of humor?
  139. Dojo Brawl (TM)
  140. Help with technique
  141. Dojo & Dogi, 2nd editon.
  142. An extension of the dojo brawl
  143. You might be an Aikiweb addict if ....
  144. Top 10 Reasons Why You Want to Wear a Ha
  145. Top 10 Reasons Why You Joined Aikido
  146. MA geeks
  147. Which is more destructive: Air or Water?
  148. Top 10 Signs You Have Done Too Much Aiki
  149. The solution to Aiki Newbie Confusion...
  150. Signs of too much cross training.
  151. Look before you leap!
  152. A parody
  153. Is Aikido Really Canadian?
  154. Judo is better than Aikido because...
  155. Hard training - Rocky style
  156. This happen to anyone else?
  157. Aikido Urban Legends, Stories, and Myths
  158. Ian Beale doing aikido
  159. Top 10 SignsYou Haven't Done Enough Aiki
  160. What a Surprise
  161. ukemi grace
  162. Seen that one yet? ;-)
  163. Animals can do aikido too !!!!!
  164. Lethalo!!!
  165. A Message you'd rather not recieve
  166. LLAP-Goch is better than Aikido
  167. Tai Chi Pizza ! ( Cartoon )
  168. Aikido in Neighbours
  169. Reality TV Proposal-- Pitch
  170. Creating a McDojo
  171. The Original Meaning of Aikido
  172. Miyamoto Musashi's duel reenactment
  173. Top Secret Training...
  174. Gathers the gas channel!
  175. Black Belt Home Study Course
  176. Aiki goons
  177. Male or Female
  178. Aikido Puns
  179. The Danger of Too Much Ki
  180. What do you do if you cannot avoid...
  181. Aikido on Computers
  182. You might be an Aikido addict if ....
  183. Do you sleep with your Bokken?
  184. Penguin Page
  185. Dear Aikidoka
  186. How Do I Beat People Up Using Aikido
  187. Contagious Diseases in Aikido
  188. Aikido and Child Birth ?
  189. 12 Days of Christmas (Aikido style)
  190. Chuck Norris facts
  191. Bloopers
  192. McDojo Fees
  193. Steven Segal in Today's paper
  194. The Twelve Rules of Flaming
  195. Ninja Burger
  196. Games of skill and haggis
  197. weird aikido dreams
  198. 24
  199. Chuck Norris
  200. Rowing for Beauty/Dreaming of Mori
  201. This Is For All You BJJ Crosstrainers
  202. Chief Samurai
  203. funny moments
  204. Hin Ki Pin Ki
  205. Care of the Gi.
  206. Shocknife'R'Us
  207. Speak English
  208. lyrics
  209. Tenkan of Steel
  210. They just dont get it?
  211. What is first kyu called?
  212. Mat Fight!!!
  213. kids in aikido
  214. Inflict Damage from 20 Feet Away
  215. Steven Seagal...
  216. In the dojo, 90% of Aikido is fake
  217. What aiki-species are you?
  218. Does your Sensei have his own plane?
  219. Aikido does not work at all when........
  220. Trippin'
  221. is aikido in the work place wrong?
  222. Co-workers
  223. Advertising for your local dojo!
  224. Aikido training at the World Cup
  225. Aikido does not work against dogs!!
  226. Lightbulb jokes
  227. a strange fancy
  228. Top Ten Reasons you STAY with Aikido
  229. Aiki Redneck
  230. Naughty Aiki
  231. zanshin (awareness )
  232. Anyone have a copy of the takeoff on
  233. How many...
  234. aikido words of wisdom
  235. A true master... of online marketing
  236. Aikido... The practical Art
  237. Aiki Innocence: Kids say the most....
  238. Aiki Cake
  239. An alternative appreciation of 'the Do'
  240. The Kanji Is On The Wall
  241. Seiza can be dangerous
  242. brutal brown belts
  243. I had an incredible revelation..
  244. the Ideal Training Partner
  245. O Sensei: The Movie!!
  246. Nice to meet you Szczepan
  247. Wind and Thunder!
  248. Penguins
  249. Guys with pregnant wives
  250. Funny Story