View Full Version : Humor

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  1. Amazon.com Reveals the Secrets of Aikido
  2. A joke for the day
  3. aiki-trolls
  4. The Secret to Martial Arts
  5. Self Defense Seminar by Cleese Sensei
  6. Keep your legs, no running
  7. Pimp dat gi yo!
  8. Aikido Definitions
  9. Daito Ryu You wanna Dance
  10. What the........?
  11. Aiki Tango
  12. Why is it....
  13. Ever Giggled in class?
  14. Resisting Evil Shihans/Aku no Michi
  15. Dreams
  16. hehe, interesting ;P
  17. Japanese sword vs machine gun
  18. Steven Seagal Emotion Chart
  19. How to fold a hakama
  20. Modern Art
  21. Woman Defends Herself from Attack
  22. Aikido against a dragon.
  23. Ki Karate
  24. E-Randori : )
  25. " Oh My God,They killed Kenny"
  26. squirrel aikido
  27. Aikido helps Aussie Cricketers
  28. If we can't laugh at ourselves...
  29. stand up comedy about aikido!
  30. Forget aikido.... this is true budo
  31. You know you've been away from the dojo too long when...
  32. Steven Seagal is a cock...... puncher!
  33. Secret weapons of the yudansha
  34. how to avoid getting beaten up 'on the street.'
  35. what technique is your kryptonite?
  36. Aiki Jedi!
  37. When Do I Get My Light Saber Issued To Me?
  38. Aiki-wannabes
  39. do Y0U wanna be a samurai?
  40. Big Belly Aikido
  41. And the YouTube Ukemi-of-the-Year Award goes to...
  42. Aikido Christmas
  43. Aikido Bloopers Video
  44. Just Funny
  45. New Aikido Entry
  46. How to teach martial arts.
  47. Intimidating instructors
  48. Is it?
  49. Doshu Resigning
  50. Fudebakudo
  51. Aikido and the Lord of the Rings
  52. Another " Boot To The Head"
  53. The truest of aiki masters
  54. Top Ten Uses for Duct Tape
  55. Aikido's True Purpose
  56. Practicing Ikea
  57. Fat Aikido Feet?
  58. Limerick challenge!
  59. Methods of Self-Defence
  60. That old Aikido-L Bad Novel
  61. Science: Pregnant women master Internal Strength
  62. YouTube: Durable Outdoor Gi - Carhartt
  63. Master, please teach me!
  64. The first time you fell on your (_!_) thanks to your hakama
  65. Shibari on Santa Clause
  66. 12 Days of Shinsa
  67. Diary of a Samurai
  68. He is definitely an Aikidoka!
  69. New Complaint Process
  70. some cartoons I drew
  71. another cartoon of mine
  72. another of my cartoons
  73. Discussions about Aikido remind me of......
  74. My t-shirt project - help needed
  75. Funny and weird Aikido quotes
  76. recommended books
  77. Aikido Jokes
  78. Dog Judo
  79. Aikido techniques...
  80. aikido voodoo
  81. Town full of 'Masters'
  82. Question of etiquette
  83. The night before Christmas
  84. irenew... stupid ki tricks?
  85. A funny thing happened last night.
  86. Ahh..Seagal...a site you should be wasting time on
  87. How to Be Remembered
  88. Names For Aikido Soap Operas
  89. Happy Day of the cats
  90. Bill Cosby on Karate and Self Defense
  91. A Mobile App For Self Defense
  92. Aikido Koans
  93. Anyone for an argument?
  94. Deshi and Master
  95. Advanced Aikido
  96. My Girlfriend Theory of Martial Arts
  97. How a TKD yellow belt beat a Akido black belt...
  98. What kind of forum member are you?
  99. Ki Developement vs. Aiki Developement
  100. New ways to market Aikido
  101. Random thoughts thread
  102. Aiki in Manga
  103. The wisdom of figghting with word
  104. The Merits of a .45
  105. YouTube: Aikido Analogies
  106. O'Sensei's bath
  107. Taekwondo Doesn't Work In A Fight
  108. Aikido Teachers
  109. Into the Dojo... comedy web series.
  110. Gotta love it
  111. This is how it started...
  112. Tap Tap Tap...
  113. AIkido/Board Game humor . . .
  114. Had my first dream with kanji in it.
  115. Münchausen Budo !
  116. Best Techniques for the Zombie Apocolypse
  117. probably funny just to me.
  118. Harlem Shake
  119. A Seminar With The Unknown Sensei (video)
  120. Aikido (Sandan) vs Sumo World Champion video
  121. MMA should be a crime
  122. Suganuma Shihan vs the Jugglers !!!
  123. New Japanese Art?
  124. Happy New Year! I'm putting this lil guy up for shodan!
  125. Aikido against ghost attack!!!
  126. Breaking Bricks with Karate..
  127. Aikido and the fundamental forces of the Universe
  128. Aiki-math
  129. Would you study with this man?
  130. kiai emoticon? contest...
  131. When Yoga class goes wrong and becomes political!
  132. Tenchinage
  133. A sign in my dojo...
  134. 42
  135. Sen sen no sen
  136. Actual footage of me...