View Full Version : O Sensei: The Movie!!

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Neil Mick
02-21-2007, 12:25 AM
OK, you might as well admit it...it's bound to happen, sooner or later. As terrible as it seems, it's probably better to face the truth, rather than run away.

Sooner or later, Hollywood is going to make a movie about the life of O Sensei. :eek: :eek:

As we all know, Hollywood is endlessly running out of ideas (cf, Flintstones 2, Vacation 3, etc, ad nauseum), so...O Sensei's life, filled as it was with adventure, war, subterfuge (the Great Mongolian adventure), and deep, warrior training, is bound someday to get trivialized into 90 minutes of culluloid.

So...what do you think the cast would look like? Tom Cruise, playing the middle-aged Morihei? :eek: Perhaps a cameo of Steven Seagal, playing Terry Dobson, with Samual Jackson, as Sokaku Takeda. :blush:

OK...I have to stop now. I'm getting shivers, and I'm only allowed 6 :eek: 's per post.

Any thoughts on who would play in this film? Cameron Diaz as O Sensei's wife...? OK...REALLY! I'm stopping now! Let's not even GO there! :eek:

02-21-2007, 04:28 AM
Please don't stop, you're cracking me up. Cruise, Seagal, Jackson, and Diaz are all excellent actors, and I do agree that Hollywood will make a flick about O'Sensei. Aikido is popular enough, and the movie hasn't been done already. What they need is a good screenplay writer like me! Where do I apply?


Beard of Chuck Norris
02-21-2007, 05:22 AM
I was thinking about this recently too. I think it would be a cracking movie for sure; what a life he lived.

Samuel L as Takeda gets my vote, although i'm not sure if "mother******" translates into Japanese with the same ring to it.:p

It might work if it was made into a fantasy style movie full of all the myths and legends, daemons and kami. Yeah, i want to see that.... knowing hollywood, they'd probably stick in a few ninjas for the crack.

peace and love


02-21-2007, 06:08 AM
Not to mention the martial arts staple: the montage scene, where the student goes from timid shy know-nothing to a confident warrior who will use that secret technique to defeat the baddy in the final confrontation.

Dieter Haffner
02-21-2007, 06:41 AM
Not to mention the martial arts staple: the montage scene, where the student goes from timid shy know-nothing to a confident warrior who will use that secret technique to defeat the baddy in the final confrontation.

The baddy ... being himself?

02-21-2007, 06:52 AM
david carradine as O'Sensei....

chris w
02-21-2007, 07:21 AM
david carradine as O'Sensei....

Too tall, too white

02-21-2007, 07:45 AM
And Takeda was a black man with an afro?

Beard of Chuck Norris
02-21-2007, 08:15 AM
Not to mention the martial arts staple: the montage scene, where the student goes from timid shy know-nothing to a confident warrior who will use that secret technique to defeat the baddy in the final confrontation.

You gotta have a montage... MONTAGE!

fade out coz it makes it seem like more time has passed in a montage....

02-21-2007, 09:01 AM
Sorry guys, it's already been done.

"The Power of Aikido", starring Sonny Chiba! You can't get weirder than that.


Lyle Bogin
02-21-2007, 09:21 AM
Wow, didn't know about that sonny chiba movie...anyone seen it?

02-21-2007, 09:55 AM
david carradine as O'Sensei....

Anyone see Kill Bill? I think Carradine's Kung Fu master should play O'Sensei...and Tarantino should produce it...just for the love of God no slicing off a good guy's ear with a straight razor like in Reservoir Dogs!

Mr. Pink

02-21-2007, 10:47 AM
Sorry guys, it's already been done.

"The Power of Aikido", starring Sonny Chiba! You can't get weirder than that.


aaaah...jim! you beat me to it!!!!

i've got this movie and its crazy!!!

the cool part is rolling credits in the first 10 minutes. nidai doshu looks really cool with the hot 70's soundtrack in the background!

personally, i'd like to see yoda as 0-sensei in his later years...

02-21-2007, 10:55 AM
With Carradine we'd have to listen to an hour of dimestore philosophy. I'd go for Mako as Takeda-have to knock out some teeth (is Mako still alive). Sonny Chiba-isn't he a taekwando guy? I think Master Po (Keye Luke) is dead although he probably looks a little like O'Sensei when he was alive.

Princess Rose
02-21-2007, 10:56 AM
Nah I think Jet Li as Ueshiba and Lindsay Lohan as his wife. Come on her anorexia would be perfect to model the hard life of the Japanese family. Or maybe Paris Hilton. Lol.
And it’s not a revenge film so Jet might do it.

Princess Rose
02-21-2007, 10:58 AM
Oh and Ian Mckellen as the old Ueshiba

02-21-2007, 11:03 AM
how bout ross perot as kisshomaru ueshiba nidai doshu.

Neil Mick
02-21-2007, 11:49 AM
OK...I have the best cast suggestion of all.

Are you sitting down? Good.


Is THAT not a part he was born to do?

(and BTW, the whole point of Westerners playing Japanese parts fits right in with H'wood casting. That's the point ;) )

And, I could see S. Jackson now in a scene as Takeda, beating up some baddies on a moving train...

"I'm sick and tired of these m----- f----- badguys, on this m----- f----- train!!!"

Mark Freeman
02-21-2007, 11:56 AM
OK...I have the best cast suggestion of all.

Are you sitting down? Good.


Is THAT not a part he was born to do?

hmmmmm, I like the cut of your twinset my friend;) :D

02-21-2007, 05:56 PM
Wow, didn't know about that sonny chiba movie...anyone seen it?

I have it but I haven't been able to make it all the way through :crazy:

Oh, and Ueshiba is played by Sonny's younger brother Jiro.


Eric Webber
02-21-2007, 07:12 PM
Can we get Eric Roberts back on the screen, as well as Ian Thomas Griffin (I think that is his name - was the bad guy from the Karate Kid III)? Got a thing for nostalgia.

02-21-2007, 08:04 PM
O Sensei IS Gymkata!

02-21-2007, 08:26 PM
I have it but I haven't been able to make it all the way through :crazy:

Oh, and Ueshiba is played by Sonny's younger brother Jiro.


even etsuko shiomi (sister street fighter) is in the movie, although i can't remember why.

anyways, back to business...and this thing eric has for nostalgia...how bout lalo schiffrin does the soundtrack

02-22-2007, 12:00 AM
O Sensei IS Gymkata!

Good lord. I blocked all knowledge of Gymkata out of my memory, and it came rushing back to me with just one post. The horror!

02-22-2007, 02:25 AM
Mako unfortunately died in last July. He would ahve been nice for Ueshiba.

I would steer WELL away from anyone with as twisted agenda as known Scientologists...

This aside...

Who here thinks only way to get the whole thing ABSOLUTELY RIGHT would be to have it done as a fantasy anime? :)

Eric Webber
02-22-2007, 05:50 AM
anyways, back to business...and this thing eric has for nostalgia...how bout lalo schiffrin does the soundtrack

Nostalgia??? How about having Michael Mann produce it and Jan Hammer do the music? We can get that "Miami Vice" feel in Tokyo.:eek:

James Davis
02-22-2007, 11:59 AM
Sokaku Takeda should be played by that guy who was "Sho Nuff" in The Last Dragon.

"Am I the meanest?!":grr:
"Sho 'nuff!"
"Am I the prettiest?":mad:
"Sho 'nuff!"
"Am I the baddest mo-fo low down 'round this town?"evileyes

...and his hands should glow.:straightf


02-22-2007, 12:19 PM
Nostalgia??? How about having Michael Mann produce it and Jan Hammer do the music? We can get that "Miami Vice" feel in Tokyo.:eek:


only if 0-sensei gets to wear shoulder pads and a sweet pastel-coloured hakama.

0-sensei walking around the neon-lit shinjuku with jan hammer in the background...talk about a time warp!

02-23-2007, 01:10 AM
Jack Poole to play the part of Kaiso


02-23-2007, 01:20 AM
Sorry guys, it's already been done.

"The Power of Aikido", starring Sonny Chiba! You can't get weirder than that.


An action movie that illustrates the struggle of Morihei Ueshiba who was born in a farming family in Wakayama (an area in Japan) on his way of pursuing the heart of martial arts until he finally created his own well-polished martial arts Aikido in which he included the strengths of other martial arts such as old-style Judo, Kendo, and spearmanship. It was the first time that Shinichi Chiba$B!G(Bs younger brother Jiro takes the leading role in a movie.

Couldn't resist, just ordered it :cool:

Neil Mick
02-23-2007, 10:40 AM
....and Brad Pitt plays the 2nd doshu.

Sometimes, I scare myself. :eek:

02-23-2007, 06:49 PM
An action movie that illustrates the struggle of Morihei Ueshiba who was born in a farming family in Wakayama (an area in Japan) on his way of pursuing the heart of martial arts until he finally created his own well-polished martial arts Aikido in which he included the strengths of other martial arts such as old-style Judo, Kendo, and spearmanship. It was the first time that Shinichi Chiba$B!G(Bs younger brother Jiro takes the leading role in a movie.

Couldn't resist, just ordered it :cool:

Curiosity killed the cat.....I just ordered one also! LOL

03-07-2007, 01:05 AM
Sorry guys, it's already been done.

"The Power of Aikido", starring Sonny Chiba! You can't get weirder than that.


Well I just wrote a big review of this, but when I went to preview it,
Aikiweb came back and asked me to log in again, erasing the last half an hour of writing :(

Don't have time to retype it now, so will try and do it again later.

03-07-2007, 11:38 AM
Let's see if I can come out with someone to put in the cast...

O Sensei mid age - Bruce Willis
O Sensei old age - Sean Connery
Film directo and martial art expert - Steven Seagul Sensei

Oh and as per the movie, I am calling Hastings now to see if they have it otherwise I buy it on ebay immediately...gotta see it!!!!

Princess Rose
03-09-2007, 10:33 AM
Sorry guys, it's already been done.

"The Power of Aikido", starring Sonny Chiba! You can't get weirder than that.


Couldn’t resist just ordered a copy :)