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01-20-2004, 02:52 PM
I'm not sure that reading about this will be as funny as seeing it, but I have to post this as I still find myself laughing about it sometimes.Last class one of the techniques we did started out with a wrist grab and nage doing a tenkan extending uke forward, and then as uke turns to continue the attack nage does a strike to the face and enters under their arm and does a cutting motion to bring uke down and in towards nage. Well when it was my partner's turn to be nage she managed the first part well enough but when she stepped under my arm and went to cut down she bumped into me slightly and then fell over, all of a sudden she was there just sitting on the mat. A good thing she's a close friend of mine because I started laughing and just couldn't stop. It took me a couple of minutes to get myself under control. Now I've thrown a nage once or twice when they've really lost the technique but I think this is the first time one has just fallen over.:freaky: :D

Gilles D'Hoker
01-21-2004, 11:34 AM
I performed an 'uchikaitennage' when my opponent did his forward roll I stepped on his ... hair. After a strange noise and a loud aaauch! I realised what I did. Lifting my foot revealed a bit of his 'front' hair!

01-21-2004, 03:20 PM
My instructor has very long hair and I have lost count of the amount of times his pony tail has been stepped on, twisted or knelt on.

It is quite funny to see a person get pinned by their hair!


01-21-2004, 09:31 PM
I have long hair too, and last week, my instructor was demonstrating a hole in a pin, and how to close it. I was on the ground, his knees on either side of my shoulder and he said, "She can get up from here..." I tried to get up to illustrate his point, but couldn't move my head. Me: "I can't, Sensei." Him, looking down at me: "Yes you can. Just roll away." Me: "No, Sensei, I can't. Not when you're kneeling on my hair." Everyone laughed.

... I guess you had to be there.


01-22-2004, 06:15 AM
Guess why I cut my hair and beard short :D

Yann Golanski
01-22-2004, 07:27 AM
So, we were doing ni-nin randori and one of the two uke got a nice shiny bokken to play with. I was paired up with two yudansha -- I must have been 2kyu by then -- and we started.

I ended up being tori first, then the unarmed uke.

When my turn to have to bokken arrived, tori decided that taking the bokken away from me was a good idea. He then would ``drop'' the bokken in an awkward possition. It gave him time to breath while I ran, picked it up and attacked. Now, this was going over time after two hours of class and we were all shattered!

Towards the end of the two minutes, I picked the bokken and realised that tori had just thrown his first uke and was getting ready for me. So I charge, bokken above my head, screaming my best ki-ay! todate. Tori froze. I taped him on the head and said ``you're dead''. The whole class errupted into laughter. Sensei called it a night after that.

Morality: Never underestimate the power of the voice!

01-22-2004, 04:04 PM
"I have long hair too, and last week, my instructor was demonstrating a hole in a pin, and how to close it. I was on the ground, his knees on either side of my shoulder and he said, "She can get up from here..." I tried to get up to illustrate his point, but couldn't move my head. Me: "I can't, Sensei." Him, looking down at me: "Yes you can. Just roll away." Me: "No, Sensei, I can't. Not when you're kneeling on my hair." Everyone laughed."

That is very funny!

This thread is great!

Its these moments in the dojo that make it all worth while. Its all about fun.

01-23-2004, 07:24 AM
When we first started awhile back, we had those real cheap mats over carpet. The mats were super lightweight with "handles", kind of like handles on a purse or bag.

While we were doing ukemi, one of the students stepped on this handle and did a forward roll. His foot got caught up in the handle, and the mat wrapped him up like a burrito! It was so funny to see him rolled into that mat!!!

It was really funny when it happened. I still laugh when I remember that.

Michael Neal
01-23-2004, 08:19 AM
The funniest thing I witnessed was an uke that passed gas very loudly when he rolled from a throw, it seemed to give him more momentum than usual.

Anders Bjonback
02-08-2004, 04:51 PM
One time I came to class having eaten a caserole with too much onions and garlic. When I was training with one of my friends, as he attacked me as uke, I burped in his face. He literally fell down, dizzy. My best atemi ever!

02-08-2004, 05:04 PM
Hi !

Once at a seminar I was trainig with vigorous

high ranking uke and I slipped a wind -

for some reason nature has gifted me with

some evil methane - he suddenly kept a comfortable distance !

Later on I told him of one of our samurai ancestors who reputedly alwas had a bad stink

in order to keep attackers at a safe distance - go figure !

I've met him since,and no he hasn't forgotten,I think he's avoiding me.

yours Chr.B.

John Boswell
02-25-2004, 03:16 PM
Funny thing during class...

Once, a couple weeks ago, Sensei had shown us a technique we had not done before (or at least I didn't remember it). Anyways, with each new nage, Sensei would attack us first.

On my turn, he attacked and I didn't quite get it right. He pointed out something for me to correct and so I tried. Next attack, I go to throw him and WHAM! Down on the ground he goes like a freakin' rock!

I just KNEW I had hurt him or did something wrong. The look of shock on my face and the others nearby was hilarious (looking back on it). I asked sensei,"Oh my god... what happened? Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?" Meanwhile... he had rolled out of it, laughing the whole time, walking away shaking his head and saying "No... no! That was good! Do it again!"

Now if I could only remember what the hell I did! :D

Fred Calef III
02-25-2004, 06:38 PM
Me (a mudansha) and a yudansha were warming up during a break in a seminar and just doing a little Jiyu Waza to warm up (the mat was empty as people were still returning from lunch).

Well, as one can guess, we sped it up a bit and as I delivered a shomen strike, the yudansha switched from one throw to another where I would roll out over him. He changed a bit too slowly and I wound up bowling him and myself over into one big pile of gi and hakama. We laughed for quite awhile while entertaining various stares. :)



02-26-2004, 09:41 AM

It's always hard to not crack up at a seminar when someone accidently squeaks one while warming up.

02-29-2004, 04:33 PM
Yesterday I tested for Ikyu, and, durring randori, I invented a new technique; I call it the, "Pick up the person that was just choking you from behind and drop them" technique. :D

02-29-2004, 11:38 PM
That could be a version of aiki otoshi or maybe ganseki otoshi (if you had them up high, like over your shoulders)

Sorry, dude...nothin' new under the sun ;)


Clayton Kale
07-15-2004, 10:25 AM
About a week ago, sensei was talking about the importance of ukemi. He asked the youngest student in the class, who is about 14 how long he wanted to train in Aikido.

"A long time," the young student said.

"What is that," Sensei replied.

"I dunno... 30?" The entire class blew up in laughter, as everyone else there is either older than or quickly approaching the young student's "finish" line. :p

07-16-2004, 08:53 AM
We have a new student who holds a fourth dan in karate, but at our classes wears white belt. As we were doing rolls sensei attacked everyone as we came out of the last roll. As my friend came up the sensei attacked him with a shomen ... and missed a spinning elbow in the head. Very funny, no injuries :D

07-26-2004, 06:31 PM
We had a young student (around age 12) who was the designated "what if???" student. During any technique he had a what if question, usually some complex situation, involving several attackers, handcuffs, machine guns, etc..... His standard question for tanto tori was " What if it's a double edged knife?" sometimes adding " What if it has spikes on the handle like in the Stallone movie Cobra?" The best one of all came during a session of grappling. The Sensei was showing how to use the gi to off balance or choke or something like that when the young man asked " What if they're naked?" Myself being around 18-20 at the time, and a bit of a smart ass, replied " If you're getting attacked by naked people, you're in the wrong place!"

Devin McDowell
07-27-2004, 07:14 AM
"What if they're naked?"

07-27-2004, 05:25 PM
This is a fresh one. Yesterday we had a sensei visiting us at our dojo. He had to leave before the end of our practice. We don't have desiganted changing rooms, just a big hall where we have our mats in the middle and chairs and tables along the walls. Incidently, we had quite a few new comers training, who were not familiar with the ethiquette of bowing.

So, as one of our regular senseis said 'Now let's thank Sensei for coming here tonight' , everybody turned round to face him (only in boxer shorts by then) ... and started applauding. Noone could hear the voices of tudents and sensei behind what sounded like a massive ovation (there is a lot of echo in the hall) trying to tell them to just bow. Well, the Sensei kept serious face a bowed in responce.

07-27-2004, 10:36 PM
When I was in Sensei Jim Wallace's Seidokan class back in the '80s, I bought a bokken at a Jade East store in Utica, NY. The first time I bought it to class, afterwards, in the Y's locker room, Sensei Jim asked me if I'd oiled it.

"Oiled it?" I asked. "No." And I thought: Oiled it!? Who said anything about oiling it?

"Yeah," Jim said, holding it up and sighting down the back of it, "if you don't oil them, they tend to--" Then he lowered it and smiled at me. "Never mind!"

Yep, that's right, my bokken is a cheap peice of junk with a lovely warp in it.

Fast foward to 2004, and a kid in the dojo I just joined said, "Nice swords."

"Uh ..... Thanks." I didn't have the heart to tell him.

Maybe not funny, but all I could think of. :o


Mas Mike

The Molinjir
08-19-2004, 10:06 PM
I know of a rather clumsy fellow in my dojo, he was demonstrating a technique with my sensei, and when he was thrown, he tripped over the sensei's hakama, bringing both of them to the floor :)

The student, needless to say, was embarrassed.

This has happened to me, but on a lesser scale, finding someone had stepped on my gi sleeve, preventing me to get up. He did not realize it, and was waiting for me to get up to start the technique again :)

08-20-2004, 03:01 AM
We have a student that's still in the recently-post-pubescent spiderlike stage of development - arms and legs everywhere. With a hakama on he bears a rather startling resemblance to a featherduster. :D
He's also darned near double-jointed; which makes some techniques rather odd when he's uke. I remember once practicing with him; I was performing katate kosa-tori kokyunage. It was working - sort of - but with those arms going off in all directions I wasn't getting the drop required for an effective finish. The resulting technique was hilarious - as he came around and his arms came up; I caught them; folded him up like a jointed ruler and then dropped him. Not much to read; but it looked funny as hell. :D

08-20-2004, 10:57 AM
Lately I asked sensei about the functional meaning of hakama and he told me that's just a tradition. But later I discovered that in reality it's a very powerful weapon in the hands (or should I say on the legs) of a skilled aikidoka. My partner trapped me with his hakama while I was thrown !!!
He tryed to convince me that was done accidentally! But all right, I know he was practicing some secret technique ! ;)

08-20-2004, 12:21 PM

It's always hard to not crack up at a seminar when someone accidently squeaks one while warming up.

Far worse during meditation.
As it happened on person broke wind at this quite time before. And every time someone would stop laughing, the next person would start.

But the best was when one of the white belts was testing his first test, and he did a roll and came up, while needless to say, his pants did not.

08-31-2004, 10:44 AM
During warm up one day, there was one where we had to bring our knees up to our chest, and hold... Needless to say, by mistake I let slip a wind, while the guy next to me turned around and said "But withou farting..."it was sooo embaressing, but so funny at the same time....

Fast forward to yesterday....

It was my second pre-exam, and my partner was going to apply shomenhuti iriminague on me.... Sooooo... Like a good partner, I attaked, she came in to block, and pulled me to her sholder... But instead, she stepped on my foot, and knocked my head on her jaw... I walked away rubbing my head, and her, her jaw, while every one else laughed. We tried again.... This time she stepped on my foot, knocked my head on her jaw, and tripped me up..... :D LOL! Needless to say that she won't be doing the exam now... She doesn't even want to.. Doesn't think she's good enough... :D I wonder why.... LOL!

Emily Fine
09-01-2004, 10:36 PM
My friend was practicing a twirling exercize with a jo, and so one of my other friends says, "You're going to get those in your crotch." To which he replied, "No I'm no-" and then he hit himself and fell over. For quite some time after that, his voice was an octave higher!
Also, ye be warned who don't tie their pants tightly- my brother's fell off during a roll, and he said, "I'm sorry, I can't control me pants!" to which my sensei replied, "I've used that line- it doesn't work." @_@


09-03-2004, 09:23 AM
LOL!!!! Too funny!!! I`ve never seen anyone`s pants falling off in class, but then, maybe we all tie them too tightly... many a time i`ve seen someone go off to the bathroom to loosen their pants `cause they coulden`t breath... But them I`ve also seen 1 too many go to the bathroom to prevent their pants from falling off... LOL!

Also, ye be warned who don't tie their pants tightly- my brother's fell off during a roll, and he said, "I'm sorry, I can't control me pants!" to which my sensei replied, "I've used that line- it doesn't work." @_@


Thomas Ambrose
09-21-2004, 09:52 PM
Today we were doing a technique... I think it was Kata-dori-sankyo (not sure, still new!) and I was uke. I sort of stumbled and stubbed my big toe kinda bad on the mat. It made a very loud "pop" or "snap" sound as the toe bent down under my foot. Immediately everyone hearing the sound turned their heads.

My partner asked if I was ok, I said yes.

Sensei also asked if I was ok, and I said I was fine. It hurt pretty bad, but it was a pretty nasty stubbing, maybe a slight sprain, nothing too bad. I could still move it :)

My partner suddenly had a really worried look on his face and said "Are you sure you are ok? It looks broken!"

I then realized something. You see, the toe next to my big toe on my right foot is sort of "crooked," the joint bends to the side. It has been that way as long as I can remember, perhaps I broke it when I was too young to remember. This is the first time my partner saw my "deformed toe," and he saw it right after I stubbed it pretty bad and made a loud "pop!" noise. From his point of view, it probably looked like he broke my toe! I explained "It has always looked like that" and then we continue practicing. After practice I explained the situation and we had a good laugh about it!

Anyway, that is my funny story. Now I think I will ice my toe a bit! :)

11-18-2004, 04:09 PM
I've just returned from my dojo. I had a "situation" there. Being a newbie, i've been told to hold my hand in front of my face to prevent atemi to it. Needless to say, the very instant i dropped my guard, i recieved an uppercut atemi to my lower lip. So the nage starts apologising, and i was like: "ok, ok, it was nothing, now just throw me again" :)

I got the feeling that it hurt him more than me :D

11-21-2004, 09:31 PM
Got a fresh one:

The dojo I'm going to is good friends with the dojo that runs a university Aikido club. A couple of Thursdays after Tai Chi, I've gone up to sit in, partly because of my Aikido addiction and partly because if the weather prevented me from going to Friday parctice, this would have to do.

On a recent Thursday, I was sitting in, and the club was doing its thing, when this big mother of a cockroach popped up on the corner of the mat.

You wouldn't think there was something funny about a roomful of martial artists (including me) being put off by the sight of a cockroach, but there is.

Once the interploper had been disposed of, normal practice resumed.

Devin McDowell
11-22-2004, 07:16 AM
Once during a randori I tried a lapel grab, but missed the gi jacket and grabbed the nage's t-shirt, an underlying chest hair. Ouch.

11-22-2004, 09:58 AM
Once during a randori I tried a lapel grab, but missed the gi jacket and grabbed the nage's t-shirt, an underlying chest hair. Ouch.

<Mike touches his own chest in sympathy> "Ouch" is such a small word for such a large amount of pain! :crazy: :)

Jonathan Thielen
11-22-2004, 02:33 PM
You see, the toe next to my big toe on my right foot is sort of "crooked," the joint bends to the side. It has been that way as long as I can remember

The exact same thing happened to me once!!! My second toes (on both feet) are crooked, and once I stubbed my big toe and made some kind of exclamation (probably rather inappropriate!)...my partner at the time looked at my foot, saw my deformed toe and was pretty worried...Fortunately, I had my other foot to prove it wasn' broken!

11-23-2004, 11:36 AM
A couple of weeks of ago we were practising Taisabaki and Sensei came round to demonstrate something and, as I was the guinea-pig, he said that the idea behind the move was to unbalance your opponent. He had put his hand on my forehead and next thing I know I'm on the floor with my training partners in fit of laughter. Apparently the look on my face as i fell was priceless. :grr: :D

11-24-2004, 08:16 PM
Once during a randori I tried a lapel grab, but missed the gi jacket and grabbed the nage's t-shirt, an underlying chest hair. Ouch.
Could have been worse. What if it was a woman? :p Well maybe not to bad. Heheh :freaky:

11-24-2004, 08:40 PM
Could have been worse. What if it was a woman? :p Well maybe not to bad. Heheh :freaky:
I hope you are not referring to the chest hair you sic puppy you.

Chest hair is a target - I've been known to trim my chest (baaaaa) before Judo shiai.

Stupid moves include actually missing a partner when attempting a technique during randori and ending up on the floor with your partner standing above you with a now what??? expression on their face in front of a whole whack of witnesses.

Or how about your mawashi falling off after a bout of Sumo - right in front of a rabid pack of giggling Japanese ladies.

K Lynch
12-06-2004, 03:54 AM
I can't remember who said it, but I agree.. these kind of incidents just -make- the class/seminar. Stops any of us from taking ourselves too seriously!

There's loads I like, but off the top of my head.. (names withheld to protect the innocent)
We were at our yearly Weapons Camp, a good mix of people. In the fairly expansive camping area at Savernake Forest. So here we are watching Sensei demonstrate some of the finer points of kumi-jo, when along comes this sage piece of advice, "It's not the distance that's important.. it's the timing and the distance." Crickets literally chirped as the whole class sought a way to say, 'Uh.. sensei.. you what?!' in an appropriately dignified martial arts reply. At which point he realised what he'd just said, chuckled, and moved swiftly onward in that patented, 'I never made a mistake anyway..' dan grade fashion.

Secondly, on a course just recently, one of the senseis was using counter-techniques in groups as a method of highlighting the possible weaknesses of a given technique. In this case, it was an iriminage-off-iriminage counter which two dan grades were doing nice and patiently and slowly for the benefit of all us baffled lower grades. Now there was a bit of a height difference between the two, and at the crucial point the shorter one went for the counter... and completely missed. Couldn't get the other to move. So in a classic aikido fashion, decided to make something up. Pretty much bundles himself at the taller man... looks like WWF grappling in hakamas. By which point, the entire group is trying desperately not to snicker. (Out of interest, the end result was a reasonable, if not pretty, sacrifice throw.. Guess you had to have been there!)


12-06-2004, 11:44 AM
There was this one time we were practicing toshu randori, and as I went in for shihonage, my partner did kotogaeish, and in mid-airfall, i let out the word "wheee!" before promptly hitting the mat. I hadn't realized that it slipped until I sat back down after the randori, and everyone was either laughing for holding back laughter. My friend pointed out what I had done. :P

12-06-2004, 01:43 PM
"What if they're naked?"

umm, grab and throw them by their "handles. :) :) "

12-06-2004, 03:51 PM
At a recent seminar, one of the two seminar sensei was showing how gentle the lead into iriminage can be by using the hair on top of uke's head to pull him through the throw. Many gasps from the audience, but the people taking ukemi seemed happy enough with it. Then he called up another uke, discovered he was bald on top, and actually sent him back (accompanied by gales of laughter) because the hair-waza just wasn't going to work.

Mary Kaye

12-14-2004, 11:14 PM
It is quite funny to see a person get pinned by their hair!

Would that be considered aiki bouffant or something more along the lines of suwari waza katate dori kami(nogi) omote or something like that?...

12-20-2004, 09:34 PM
This was only a little bit funny, but mainly embarrassing.....I was training with my Sensei's wife, and part of the technique (forgotten which one....) was an uppercut to the chin. I swung my fist upwards, aiming diligently for her chin......but her boobs got in the way. She was a big girl in the boob department, and my hand smacked into them. Almost twisted my wrist! All she did was look at me and ask if groping was part of the technique! :eek:

12-21-2004, 03:17 AM
Today we were doing a technique... I think it was Kata-dori-sankyo (not sure, still new!) and I was uke. I sort of stumbled and stubbed my big toe kinda bad on the mat. It made a very loud "pop" or "snap" sound as the toe bent down under my foot. Immediately everyone hearing the sound turned their heads.

My partner asked if I was ok, I said yes.

Sensei also asked if I was ok, and I said I was fine. It hurt pretty bad, but it was a pretty nasty stubbing, maybe a slight sprain, nothing too bad. I could still move it :)

Many years ago when I was a fresh faced newbie, only training about three weeks at the time. I can't remember the technique but I vividly remember my partner stepping forward into me as I was stepping forward, I stubbed my little toe against the front of his ankle. It felt a little painful, and looking down I could see my little toe was vertical at a rather odd angle :eek:

My immediate thoughts were how the hell was I going to get my shoe on to drive to hospital, and that even when I got there, it was going to bloody hurt putting it back after it had been swollen for a few hours (English NHS aint exactly the quickest service you know ;) ). So biting the bullet so to speak, I dropped to my knee there on the mat and pushed hard!!!!

Feeling a little pale, I turned and asked Sensei if it was Ok to leave the mat whereby I promptly hobbled over to the bathroom, switched on the cold tap and stuck my foot in the sink for 10 minutes.

Not a form of treatment that I would advise :crazy:



12-21-2004, 06:54 AM
My wife and I were partnered for our first saburi class during which we practiced "taking" a bokken from uke.

The technique was finished with a kokyu-nage and nage stepping through with the bokken firmly in hand.

I compliantly fell to the mat after being thrown, letting go of the bokken in the process, only to land on my back, with the hilt of the bokken following through to thwack me square in the forehead!

Sensei rushed across to see if I was okay, and asked whether this variation was intended to disable uke after they had been disarmed.... as if ;)