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11-01-2002, 06:13 AM
It seemed so innocent at the time…

Years ago, I would occasionally surf the forums in aikiweb, about once every 2-3 months. About a year ago, I noticed I was looking every month. Not a problem I thought, I can stop anytime… Now, I’ve registered and I find myself an addict!

First, it was once a week, now I can barely stop myself going in every day, even at work. I found myself adding comments to threads, contemplating how I’d answer these questions – where does it end?

Will I become a full forum addict? Committed to the greater use of smilies, obscure MA quotes and long rambling discussions. Can I choose my style of addiction - nice open minded attendee, nasty macho guy? Do I have to choose my forum enemies now or can I just wait for them to appear.

Please help…

L. Camejo
11-01-2002, 06:50 AM
It seemed so innocent at the time…

Years ago, I would occasionally surf the forums in aikiweb, about once every 2-3 months. About a year ago, I noticed I was looking every month. Not a problem I thought, I can stop anytime… Now, I’ve registered and I find myself an addict!

First, it was once a week, now I can barely stop myself going in every day, even at work. I found myself adding comments to threads, contemplating how I’d answer these questions – where does it end?

Will I become a full forum addict? Committed to the greater use of smilies, obscure MA quotes and long rambling discussions. Can I choose my style of addiction - nice open minded attendee, nasty macho guy? Do I have to choose my forum enemies now or can I just wait for them to appear.

Please help…
My name is Larry.... I too am an Aikiweb forums addict.

Everyone: "Welcome Larry"

(takes a chair amidst the applause and support of others who have also lost fortune, job, relationships, personal wealth, internet accounts and most importantly... training time due to this debilitating, yet mentally stimulating addiction)

The spirit is willing, but the body is ohhh so weak :)

11-01-2002, 07:09 AM
The spirit is willing, but the body is ohhh so weak :)
Amen to that! :D

I just started both Aikido and Aikiweb forum, and I am addicted to both. Help me ... :p


Ta Kung
11-01-2002, 07:13 AM
Yeah. I also have a drinking pro... oh. Wrong forum. Sorry. :)

Bruce Baker
11-01-2002, 07:16 AM
Obviously, you have something in the back of your mind that needs to be satisfied.

I would try not to log on during work time, but eventually, (rolling stones quote) "You don't always get what you want, you get what you need."

I understand the journey of trying to make sense of the etherical spiritual ramblings that are based upon the experiences of the real world. Each person must find the logic of learning the illusion of the magicians secrets while being able to understand the science of how things work. Give it time, don't rush about, it will happen.

As far as being an addict?

Well, I made a decision to never smoke at home thirty years ago, and just like getting sucked up into being an addict of any passing phase, the creation of a valve, a firebreak that allows you the room to separate yourself from something that becomes an addiction is a wise move.

What ever it is that drives us to communicate, to check out the Aikiweb, I guess it is something that has to be indulged with moderation, and some control.

There are some very interesting people who cross paths here, and to agree or disagree is not usually the point ... the point is to get involved if you have something to say.

I say, you can always tell a wise person by the amount of mistakes they have made, and the way they have learned from them.

So, welcome.

But ... don't get in trouble at work for checking in. Your job is your livelyhood, and this forum should be the hobby.

Unless you can retire, then who cares.

(you could put a prompt on the work computer that limits your time, then "Bad Dog!" could be voiced after two minutes?)

11-01-2002, 08:18 AM
Oh how week i am! help me please, i couldnt help myself...as soon as i say this thread my mind started churning and before i know it i was typing a reply...;..I'm sick... i need help...

and some milk which i'll have to go to the shops for as soon as i've finnished posting...Oh who am i trying to kid!>?


pete evileyes

11-15-2002, 07:19 AM
I'll be your arch-forum-enemy if you'd like.. Or how about nemesis? I'm not a mean guy, but everybody needs some competion, I suppose. Spy vs Spy like. ;)

11-15-2002, 07:32 AM
Gah - it's getting worse! Bruce's barking dog program has left me with a memo from admin on bringing pets to work and my cat has left me for excessive canine-isity!

So... and arch rival already appears (polite too - I like that in a fiend). I must warn you One4K4, I'm a founder member of the "born again cowards society" (motto: when to start running - why did you stop?) and will be an elusive foe.

Don't think it'll help the addiction, but I've found wearing mittens while typing slows me down (you all know the type, them with the strings tying them together).

11-15-2002, 10:20 AM
Aikiweb seems to have really helped with my problem of surfing for pictures of attractive women. I guess it's all relative.

11-15-2002, 12:03 PM
Ain't nothing wrong with checking the forum each time. As long as you don't get all "otaku" all of a sudden.

The only time I don't check the forum is when I'm not connected (no duh...) or when I'm not in front of a computer (double no duh...).

My only solution is, "stay away from the computer", by getting outdoor activities or something, fill up my freetime with training. If not, I will be back in here...

11-15-2002, 12:12 PM
The only time I don't get on the forum is when I'm training in the dojo. Thank God, that we don't have a computer in the dojo.

As far as enemys, just let them appear. It's more fun that way. Or you could just "ignore" them. Works for me.

;) :D :)

11-18-2002, 03:40 PM
"stay away from the computer"


(BTW, on the subject of having enemies - you can open two accounts and flame yourself if you wish. Fun assured ;) And only mods/admins will know.)

11-18-2002, 04:23 PM
BTW, on the subject of having enemies - you can open two accounts and flame yourself if you wish. Fun assured ;) And only mods/admins will know.
Hmm, seen this on other forums. Not a good sign. I prefer a nice forum with a vigilant moderator/administrator like Jun! :D

11-19-2002, 02:33 AM
So, what you're all saying is that there's no known cure for the addiction? Instead I should learn to blend and harmonise with the addiction in the true manner of aikido and just avoid going schizo and flaming myself (never thought of that one, my left hand twitched rather pointedly when I read that one)

Interesting point, if you flamed youself and then complained to Jun, which "one" of you would he ban from the forums...

One thought this flight of whimsical post did engender - should we have some colour coding on these forums to help identify them? Gotta admit that some of the posts veered more towards the serious than I was expecting (really glad I didn't go with my first one entitled "ban aikiweb from answering in forums...")

mike lee
11-19-2002, 03:20 AM
I used to be addicted to love, but I've found that my recent addiction to aikiweb is much more cost effective.

But I think that we should draw up a "Bill of Rights" in the event that Jun should ever decide to abuse us. :eek:

11-20-2002, 03:33 AM
Mike, if you lead the bill, I'll back it. (and we'll see who gets banned from aikiweb first..)

11-20-2002, 07:44 AM
Ian, ask Jun to ban you...and the IPs of the local libraries (if any), and your neighbor's computer...hehe.

11-20-2002, 12:37 PM
Interesting point, if you flamed youself and then complained to Jun, which "one" of you would he ban from the forums...
The object, of course, is to eventually make harmony with your other selves, and come out as a better, "whole" person. I don't see how Jun could object to that, as long as you don't piss off too many personalities that aren't yours. :D


I frequent several web boards, some of them for many years already, but I've never managed to post more than a couple of hundred posts on any one of them. I don't post unless I have something relevant (or at least moderately funny) to say; that helps a lot. I have a life, that helps even more. As long as you don't get ridiculously high post counts in short amounts of time (like 1000+ posts in two or three months) you probably don't have to worry too much.


11-21-2002, 03:34 AM
Well TomE...


I frequent several web boards, some of them for many years already, but I've never managed to post more than a couple of hundred posts on any one of them. I don't post unless I have something relevant (or at least moderately funny) to say; that helps a lot. I have a life, that helps even more. As long as you don't get ridiculously high post counts in short amounts of time (like 1000+ posts in two or three months) you probably don't have to worry too much.


what can I say but "ouch!". Ok, I'll now write on the blackboard "do not use the humour forum to try to be humorous" 1000 times - that should do it. For anyone just reading the last few threads.. honest, it was just a bit of fun, I promise 500 extra ukemis every day for a month in penance.

mike lee
11-21-2002, 04:10 AM

1. If Bruce writes over 100 words in a single post and/or has over 10 spelling errors, he must do 100 situps within 1 hour.

2. If anyone criticises Bruces posts, he must ...

Bruce Baker
12-19-2002, 07:28 AM
Damn! 100? That all?

I am up to 100 leg lifts.

I guess I will have to slow down to stretch situps out ... been doing that 100 under ten minutes.

How about ...

If you can't say anything nice about Bruce you must train with Bruce for one week ....OWIE-ZOWIE!

Now that could be a painful way to express humor?

short story....

A new guy, who was so stiff he falling like a tree, went with me on tuesday class. On thursday he went with Chet, our 72 year old sensei who likes to train rather than teach. I ask the guy who was more painful to train with, me or Sensei Chet?

The little 135 pound/72 year old man was a lot more painful to learn from.

Now that Chet has put the torque on 'em, I can take practice up another notch without being the bad guy.

Ya see? Just because I look like a gorilla doesn't mean I can't be gentle .... when I want to be.

Bruce hungry ....

Feed me..... Where is my banana!

12-19-2002, 08:04 AM
Ummmm....I have my homepage set to Aikiweb.

Could that be an indicator of a problem?

12-19-2002, 11:39 AM
my name is bill... i'm an aikiholic, while not yet in recovery i have found myself leaving the computer for 15-20 min while not at work or Aikido class , cutting shomen strikes with my katana (this helps some, i see it as a cry for help). It got bad when i would read a post then go to another site to return in less that 1 minuite to see if there were more...

I need help from a higher power, not a higher power bill...

"We the People of the AIki forum in order to create a more perfect addiction..."