View Full Version : Aikido VS supervillans???

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01-05-2003, 01:21 AM
Hi all,

I was just wondering how well you think Aikido would work against supervillans such as Sabertooth, Magneto or the Juggernaut from x-men or the green goblin or dr octopus from spiderman?
Do you think it would be effective if you were attacked by one of these supervillans in the street?

p.s. yes I am being sarcastic.

01-05-2003, 05:21 AM
Well if you managed to knock the Green Goblin off his skateboard as he is grabbing you, and then as you're falling down, deliver a tremendous punch through the hole in his mask, before he beats the shit out of you with his super-powered mechanical suit, then you will most likely knock him out, take the suit, and then you'll stand a much better chance against the rest of the guys.

Thank you, I'll be here till Tuesday, try the veal.

01-05-2003, 08:50 AM
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-- Jun

01-05-2003, 09:26 AM
One question... could I be a superhero that knows Aikido? So at least I could be at least under par with these superfreaks.

01-17-2003, 01:25 PM
Don't know about these fancy American type supervillans, but the title character from the manga and anime <i>Rurouni Kenshin</i> whose swordsmanship seems to apply aikido techniques to defeat his enemies...

Being rather short and slight, Kenshin relies on his God-like speed to get himself off the line of his enemies' attacks, and only fights to subdue his opponents, not to kill.

Come to think of it, isn't it more cruel to leave your opponents - who relied on their mad killing skillz to support themselves - crippled and forever unable to wield a sword again than to mercifully put them out of their misery? :D


01-23-2003, 11:57 AM
Aikido should be effective on the ones that are mostlly human, like Batman, Magnito, Lex Luther, or The Punisher, even the Invisable Woman but you'd only be able to use Ki to find her. Mr. Fantastic would have a large advantage as he basicaly has no bones or joints, and he may be able to move his center making it dificult to effect. Anything involving grabing wouldn't work on Shadowcat as she's intangable, but you could irimi right through her. Aikido would work fine on Nightcralwer until he teleported behind you. It is posable that the super strong like Jugernaut and Kingpin still have the same physical range of motion and pressure points, so Aikido would work if size realy doesn't mater. You could develop an Aikido to deal with Alien lifeforms, but it may be very diferant than what you would use on an earthling. Just as a side note, Iceman could have great unbendable arm, he can turn it into a block of ice....

This was fun.... hehehe

Eila Saarni
02-16-2003, 11:44 AM
What about Vicious from Cowboy Bebop?? he's pretty evil ;) and he as a katana ;)

Mark Burns
02-21-2003, 09:35 PM
what if a they taught a monkey to do aikido.

you know! like that chimp who does kempo karate

02-22-2003, 07:38 PM
what if a they taught a monkey to do aikido.

you know! like that chimp who does kempo karate
You mean Chuck Norris??:D

Mark Burns
02-23-2003, 12:38 PM

02-27-2003, 11:46 PM
On the more serious side of this thread (if there ever was one)---I'm glad you mentioned Rurouni Kenshin, Diana! It's one of my all-time favourite animes, particularly because of how the character of Kenshin exemplifies the spirit of Aikido---not only in his swordsmanship, but in his dialogue with his enemies. In a lot of cases, he initially refrains from fighting in favour of first trying to reason with his attackers to resolve the situation without violence.

And of course there's his reverse-blade sword, the sakabatou, which is only sharp on the inside while being blunt on the outside to merely subdue the bad guys as you mentioned. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I've always had a strong feeling that the sakabatou was a symbol for the penance he was doing for having once been a ruthless killer. There is obviously a large risk one takes in fighting with the cutting edge of the sword facing oneself; by willingly taking this risk, it seems as though Kenshin is turning pain unto himself internally instead of onto others. This seems to manifest later in the series when you hear other main characters say that he's always taking everything upon his own shoulders instead of sharing the burden with them.

But I digress...

On a lighter note, I'm still having a good chuckle about "Chimp Norris".

03-03-2003, 07:42 PM
another good anime is trigun. in one episode the main character Vash takes off his shirt to reveal the hiddeous scarring he endures for attempting to leave all his opponents with mere flesh wounds and not kill. although vash uses a gun and I can't find any symbolism in that.

Eila Saarni
03-13-2003, 05:28 PM
Oh what about Ryoga from Ranma 1/2? He's mainly open hand combat, kickie 'n punchie style ;) a fun mix ;)

Mark Burns
03-26-2003, 10:13 AM
what about motoko chan from love hina. she is a samurai, and tou get to see her boobs

Sven Groot
03-30-2003, 07:45 AM
Aoyama Motoko is one of my favourite anime characters!!! Although I have never much cared for such 'fanservice' as you mention.

One of these days I must learn to do a Zanmaken ni-no-tachi. :D In a way it's the ultimate aikido technique, destroying only the evil.

Other than that I'd hardly call Motoko a budoka, much less a samurai. She may have extreme sword-skills, but while her fanclub (those three girls, I forget their names) is always going on about her inner-calm, in truth I think she's way too easily excited, and nearly always overreacts. But then again, that's the purpose of her character! ;)

04-21-2003, 08:40 PM
Ah fans of Rouronin Kenshin!

Have you seen his 2nd movie? I cried when he died in each others arms.

Actually, Batman, Daredevil and Iron fist are some examples of above average humans who use their extraordinary martial abilities to defeat supervillains.

I have one comic about wolverine and his trip to Japan, where he had met up with his old flame. He got his butt kicked by the old man who wielded a bokken notwithstanding his mutant powers and reflex.

06-01-2003, 02:36 AM
I don't think Aikido will work against Ultimacia or Sephiroth though. In fact, not against ANYONE who can cast Ultima...

Kyri Honigh
06-15-2003, 01:35 PM
Hmmmm, your post have really inspired me..Why should I train to defeat mere uke, when iI can rumble with mutants with unbreakable skeleton like Wolvie?Rogue would be a challenge though, because wshe could suck my ki away with a mere touch.Oh and when I tried to AMAKAKERU RYU NO HIRAMEKI my sensei, after the miss the vacuum pulled him to me!!!But then I got put in an ikyo ura...sigh. Sensei: baka deshi!!

Kyri Honigh
06-15-2003, 01:36 PM
Damn sorry about the typo's!!!LOl, have been up watching Rurouni kenshin all night!!hehe

Usagi Yojimbo
07-05-2003, 01:46 PM
Well, most supervillains/heros would still lay waste to you, Juggernaught is unstoppable by definition so have fun getting squished, Dr. Octopus, yeah right, that many arms? No way you'll get him, Magneto, kiss your metal wrapped butt goodbye, Green Goblin, I've noticed the spiderman ones tend to be incredibly less intelligent (ie, Green Goblin from movie, hated it) so you'd pawn him, only after he hit you a few times though, and it would have to be dramatic fashoin, Punisher, bang, martial arts Punisher, ...only if you're a grand master or something, Hulk, maybe, if you could get proper leverage and grip, Cyclops, def. coky lil piece of...sorry, Nightcrawler, once you got a grip, if you watched out for the tail

Anders Bjonback
07-21-2003, 11:36 PM
Mark Burns--Seeing Motoko's boobs? Excuse me? Please recall the episode in which they showed them. The most extreme example I can think of fan serive in Love Hina is in the first episode of Love Hina Again, and that scene was so misplaced and needless it was mindboggling why it was there in the first place. Although I am quite aware it was in the manga as well.


I can sympathize with watching Rurouni Kenshin all night... I watched all 95 episodes within three weeks while taking 18 credits, six of them Junior level courses as a Freshman.

Another example of an anime with a good aikido message or whatever you want to call it would be the end of Tenchi In Tokyo (I'm sad to say, probably my least favourite of the three tenchi series). He subdues the main villian in a non-violent, constructive manner.


As to how well aikido would work against super villians... well, first of all, I'd make sure to have a high Charisma modifier and a lot of ranks in diplomacy and intimidation. And then pray to roll a twenty.

Jesse Lee
07-22-2003, 10:46 AM
Plastic Man would be a real handful to deal with, with just Aikido. Plus just looking at him, I bet he trains in Aikido, bigtime.

08-10-2003, 10:49 PM
daredevil can be the best aikidoka.....

08-11-2003, 06:02 AM
Whoa, Plastic Man would be rough. Still, just bring some epoxy, that'd stiffen the ol' boy up. :)

Joezer M.
03-16-2004, 09:12 PM
How about the Gramatton Clerics from Equilibrium with their gun-kata? (anybody seen the movie yet?)

Close combat with double hand-cannons and katanas... wonder if aikido would work against that.

dan guthrie
04-03-2004, 06:51 PM
Well, first you find out if she's in New York or Washington. Her husband won't be a problem but the Secret Service will have to be taken care of ("Wild, Wild West" brand Sleeping Gas?). She's usually wearing a nice navy-colored pant suit - tailored somewhat wide in the hips - so most Aikido throws and joint locks should work quite well on her.

She'll probably be easy to find during the Democratic Convention in a few weeks, just wait near the photo journalists, if she can get in front of Chuck Shumer (hah!)

11-18-2004, 12:05 AM
hello, Dick Grayson... aka Nightwing aka the first Robin, he's an aikidoka. It says so on www.dccomics.com. Seems to work out just fine for him. Plus I bet that whole acrobat thing really helps him move from center and all.

11-18-2004, 03:50 AM
p.s. yes I am being sarcastic.

Forget it then. I'm not answering or giving up ANY of my secrets. Jerk.

Michael Cardwell
11-18-2004, 04:23 AM
I know the perfect hero to use Aikido, Pyslock from the x-men. She already uses her ninjutsu and psychic powers to combat super villain's, why not use Aikido too. With her ability to read people's minds and know how they are going to attack, she could be almost as good an Aikidoka as O-sensei ! Better looking too, he he. Plus Aikido would go along with the x-men's philosophy of not killing better then ninjutsu does.

p.s. if size does not matter, could the Silver surfer throw Galaxtis into a sun or something, that guys sucks.

11-18-2004, 04:27 AM
hello, Dick Grayson... aka Nightwing aka the first Robin, he's an aikidoka. It says so on www.dccomics.com

Don't believe everything you read....I'll bet you can't find Nightwing performing aikido in his entire current comic book run (currently 99 issues).



11-18-2004, 05:08 AM
p.s. if size does not matter, could the Silver surfer throw Galaxtis into a sun or something, that guys sucks.

Actually, size doesn't matter at all so as long as the Surfer gains enough momentum to smack Galactus. All the Surfer would have to do is go to the other side of the solar system, break out his slide rule, and after some choice calculations determine the best direction to take off in. Forget throwing, shomen ate the pig.

11-19-2004, 12:05 AM
I'll bet you can't find Nightwing performing aikido in his entire current comic book run (currently 99 issues).
You are right. I haven't seen too much aikido in the comics of his I've read (haven't read too many, though). I was hoping for more aikido, but alas, that is the way of things sometimes... I would have hoped that DC would have cared more about him. I understand that he isn't batty, but the "haven" needs a hero too. :D
Aside, I just got the copy of "A Knight in Bludhaven" g.novel! It's really cool. :cool:

11-19-2004, 06:19 AM
That's it.....


Oh what about Ryoga from Ranma 1/2?

Ryoga has no good qualities and is a punch/kick guy. Ranma owns him in every way imaginable, but most importantly, in character.

Actually, Batman, Daredevil and Iron fist are some examples of above average humans who use their extraordinary martial abilities to defeat supervillains.

Daredevil is superhuman. He has enhanced senses and radar sight.

Batman is a paragon. Given enough time to plan and prepare he can take out anyone. Batman has two victories over Superman that are in continunity, for crying out loud.

Iron Fist is good, but he ain't aikido....and you could argue that his "iron fist" is a superhuman power.

I know the perfect hero to use Aikido, Pyslock from the x-men.

Psylocke is dead. She isn't coming back....sorry Blame Chris Claremont.

p.s. if size does not matter, could the Silver surfer throw Galaxtis into a sun or something, that guys sucks.

An ant has a better chance of overturning a semi. Galactus eats worlds and gave Silver Surfer his power. The Silver Surfer exists on Galactus' whim.

Plastic Man would be a real handful to deal with, with just Aikido. Plus just looking at him, I bet he trains in Aikido, bigtime.

Plastic Man has never trained aikido.

I would have hoped that DC would have cared more about him. I understand that he isn't batty, but the "haven" needs a hero too

Bludhaven is currently being protected by Tim Drake (the current Robin) and Cassandra Cain (the current Batgirl).

As for Nightwing, Chuck Dixon's run on Nightwing isn't bad, but it isn't great. Devin Grayson, the current writer, has destroyed Nightwing completely and I'd strongly recommend not reading anything she has written...which means issues #73 ish - current.



Michael Cardwell
11-19-2004, 07:03 AM
Psylock is dead? Now where have I heard that before. Crimson dawn anyone? And we all know that comic book chacators are never brought back from the dead. And I do blame Chris Claremont, for a good many things!

I know the Surfer could not do it, I just thought it would be poetic justice if he was the one who offed Galaxtus. Frankly I do not care who does it, just someone please take him out.

11-19-2004, 07:20 AM
Aikido was used in the hero-satire "Temps" (short stories) to trap the psychic familiar of a brand new sorcerer - it was only when the hero relaxed that he could get a purchase on his otherwise intangible foe.

[geek question]

Hold on, I thought galacticus had already been defeated by the fab four years ago by making him eat a planet populated by people who were essentially just hot air in the brain department...

Anyway, ranma rules, but I'm still puzzled why he thinks it a curse...

11-19-2004, 07:24 AM
Psylock is dead? Now where have I heard that before. Crimson dawn anyone? And we all know that comic book chacators are never brought back from the dead. And I do blame Chris Claremont, for a good many things!

Psylocke died in X-treme X-Men #2...and yes, we saw the body.

The current editor in chief, Joe Quesada has said that "dead is dead" in the Marvel Universe now, and indications are he's sticking to it. So, chances are not good that she'll be brought back, which is a shame. Psylocke was a great character that got continually abused.

I know the Surfer could not do it, I just thought it would be poetic justice if he was the one who offed Galaxtus. Frankly I do not care who does it, just someone please take him out.

The only things capable of taking out Galactus are capable of taking the rest of the universe as well. Galactus is going to be around for a long, long time.



11-19-2004, 07:30 AM
Hold on, I thought galacticus had already been defeated by the fab four years ago by making him eat a planet populated by people who were essentially just hot air in the brain department...

Anyway, ranma rules, but I'm still puzzled why he thinks it a curse...

Re: Galactus....defeated ain't dead.

Re: Ranma.....He's been raised by an abusive father who has taught him to hate all things feminine and his mother, a certified nut job, will force him to kill himself if he's not "manly" enough. Under those circumstances, it's definitely a curse!



Zato Ichi
11-19-2004, 07:43 AM
The current editor in chief, Joe Quesada has said that "dead is dead" in the Marvel Universe now, and indications are he's sticking to it. So, chances are not good that she'll be brought back, which is a shame. Psylocke was a great character that got continually abused.
Didn't they just bring back Colossus (thank god)? ;)
The only things capable of taking out Galactus are capable of taking the rest of the universe as well. Galactus is going to be around for a long, long time.
I've been out of touch with my inner comic book geek, being trapped here in Japan. Are they still going with the Ultimate Nullifier?

11-19-2004, 07:56 AM
Didn't they just bring back Colossus (thank god)? ;)

I've been out of touch with my inner comic book geek, being trapped here in Japan. Are they still going with the Ultimate Nullifier?

Re: Colossus (from online interview (http://www.newsarama.com/pages/Marvel/JoeQ4Years.htm) between Newsarama and Joe Quesada )

NRAMA: Okay -- well, talking about the respective lines that have seen major changes or storylines lately, you've had major events in the X-Men, Spider-Man, and Avengers recently -- a resurrection, a revelation, and a massacre. Going with the X-Men first and Colossus…"dead is dead?" Wasn't Colossus your original example four years back as a character who was going to stay dead, because it made sense, story-wise?

JQ: Absolutely, I believe the term was "significant death." I also said that in order to bring a character like that back, who has suffered a significant death, the writer has to come up with the best resurrection story ever. What, do you think Joss is the first person to pitch me the return of Colossus? Come on now, let's be real. However, he pitched me a resurrection story that I couldn't say no to and that's the point of "dead is dead."

Re: Ultimate Nullifier (http://marvelite.prohosting.com/surfer/galactus/nullifier.html)

Basically, it's still around, virtually impossible to get a hold of and using it costs you your life.



11-19-2004, 10:38 AM
I see that someone else was brought to tears. that was sad. Going back to the subject of Rurouni. I guess I never really got very far in the series, because i went out on a limb and bought trust and betrayal, which after seeing, just could not go back to Rurouni Kenshin, the art, but mainly characters and overall feel were so different that I just couldn't accept it as real. which was sad, because I'd already put some much time and effort into the series. I was depressed until I found Naruto.
Now there's a supervillain, could Aikido work against Itachi's ten thousand years of pain... or is that Kakashi Sensei's technique? Ok well... How would Aikido work against Uchiha Itachi and against Kakashi Sense?

12-15-2004, 10:38 PM
What about Vicious from Cowboy Bebop?? he's pretty evil ;) and he as a katana ;)

Tachi dori techniques...

10-10-2005, 01:50 PM
I find my aikido works great against the super villans thanx!
ok ... so sometimes theres a bit of a skirmish ... and a few buildings get taken out ..... and matching them with my own super abilities is a bonus.....
..... actually .... i may need a better name .... "super Dory" just doesnt seem to strike fear in to the hearts of wrong doers!!!
any suggestions?
:D :D :p :p :D :D

10-10-2005, 02:13 PM
You mean Chuck Norris??:D

Chuck does Tang Soo Do...but it was still funny! LOL!

James Davis
10-11-2005, 10:26 AM
What about Vicious from Cowboy Bebop?? he's pretty evil ;) and he as a katana ;)
Steer clear of him unless your weapon of choice is a bazooka. If a pistol won't work, I don't wanna mess with him. He's pretty darn quick. :dead:

10-14-2005, 11:29 AM
heres some more anime Supers I'd like to see an avarage person take on heh

any saiyan from DBZ
Orochimaru from Naruto
Alucard from Hellsing
Edward Elric From Full Metal Alchemist

thats it for the monet I'll think of more later

10-14-2005, 04:12 PM
heres some more anime Supers I'd like to see an avarage person take on heh

any saiyan from DBZ

At the end of DBZ all of the saiyans are grossly powerful....as in, "I'm tired of fighting you, I'll just destroy your planet and be done with it." Nothing an average person could do would phase them.

Alucard from Hellsing

At the end of the first anime series (a second one is in production), Alucard is actually delighted to tangle with a demon-god. That's not someone to mess with unless you have super powers of your own. Some people suspect that Alucard is the original vampire...just spell his name backwards.

I haven't seen Full Metal Alchemist and I've only seen the first 4-5 episodes of Naruto on cartoon network (not sure how much either series has been edited for North American tv...)



10-28-2005, 11:03 AM
I suspect we might have a few problems with Shredder, he having all those spikey bits and so forth....

James Davis
10-28-2005, 03:18 PM
I suspect we might have a few problems with Shredder, he having all those spikey bits and so forth....
That's why the turtles carried whoop-ass sticks. :D

10-29-2005, 04:49 AM
Now, Shredder, stand still while I execute the 31 jo kata upon you!

Take that!

No! No! Stand hanmi and attack with a tsuki dammit!

Good point.

11-18-2005, 04:29 AM
*giggle* .... awwww bless!!!

James Davis
11-18-2005, 10:08 AM
I haven't read comics in a loooong time. Is Wolverine still alive? Who in the Marvel books has died in, say, the past 15 years?

Oh, what about Juggernaut?! Is he dead yet?! Man, I haven't thought about this stuff for a while!

Clue me in, would ya? :D

11-19-2005, 03:51 AM
ok ... just to turn the question on its head .... would Aikido be effective against the super hearo ..... I mean ... im looking at it from the "im gunna take over the world* point of view.

11-19-2005, 03:52 AM
ok ... just to turn the question on its head .... would Aikido be effective against the super hero ..... I mean ... im looking at it from the "im gunna take over the world* point of view.
you know its gunna happen right? evileyes evileyes evileyes

James Davis
11-21-2005, 09:46 AM
ok ... just to turn the question on its head .... would Aikido be effective against the super hero ..... I mean ... im looking at it from the "im gunna take over the world* point of view.
you know its gunna happen right? evileyes evileyes evileyes
I think I could make it work against Jean Grey. Upon seeing her, I would wait just a moment while she read my mind. Her momentary inaction due to being shocked and scandalized by my thoughts would be all the opening I needed for a quick atemi. :p

Steve Mullen
11-21-2005, 09:54 AM
I think I could make it work against Jean Grey. Upon seeing her, I would wait just a moment while she read my mind. Her momentary inaction due to being shocked and scandalized by my thoughts would be all the opening I needed for a quick atemi. :p

i like it, shock them into a stuper with a barrage of mind-numbingly dirty thoughts, all the while inching closer and closer readying yourself to deliver the atemi. evil, pure evil

11-21-2005, 03:00 PM
ok ... just to turn the question on its head .... would Aikido be effective against the super hero ..... I mean ... im looking at it from the "im gunna take over the world* point of view.
you know its gunna happen right? evileyes evileyes evileyes

Gunna? Oh! I get it! You mean like time travel and going back in time like supervillans can usually do. Yeah right. Add in some magic potons and the rest is easy.

"...can take care of themselves." - Alice Cooper


James Davis
11-21-2005, 03:08 PM
i like it, shock them into a stuper with a barrage of mind-numbingly dirty thoughts, all the while inching closer and closer readying yourself to deliver the atemi. evil, pure evil
Nah, just horny. :D

Steve Mullen
11-21-2005, 03:10 PM

Tim Gerrard
11-21-2005, 05:49 PM
I think I could make it work against Jean Grey. Upon seeing her, I would wait just a moment while she read my mind. Her momentary inaction due to being shocked and scandalized by my thoughts would be all the opening I needed for a quick atemi. :p

Yeah, and when she isn't lookin whip your kn.................... :eek: sorry, ladies, forgot where I was there.....

Definatly think aikido is the way forward in terms of beating the do gooder superhero, as you control the speed......the only problem I can think of is if those nutters from Dragonball Z turned up, then we'd be screwed! :D

Steve Mullen
11-22-2005, 03:52 AM
you're a dirty dirty boy mr gerrard

James Davis
11-22-2005, 10:40 AM
you're a dirty dirty boy mr gerrard
and with present company, he fits right in. :p

Tim Gerrard
11-22-2005, 11:51 AM
You can talk, the stories I've heard from your girlfriend Mr Mullen... :D

Steve Mullen
11-23-2005, 03:27 AM
she sends special love your way tim

Tim Gerrard
11-23-2005, 06:17 AM
I'll be sure to thank her when she comes round tonight :p

James Davis
11-23-2005, 10:45 AM
Eeeeaaasy, fellas. Take a breath. Cleanse your minds.

Scrub 'em really hard...

with strong soap...

and steel wool. :yuck:

12-01-2005, 09:25 AM
here .... borrow some bleach ... i have no use for it ..... just pure ands clean thoughts here ....
*whistles innocently*

James Davis
12-01-2005, 11:00 AM
here .... borrow some bleach ... i have no use for it ..... just pure ands clean thoughts here ....
*whistles innocently*
...and black is white and up is down. :rolleyes: :D

12-02-2005, 03:51 AM
...and black is white and up is down. :rolleyes: :D
Im innocent me! ..... an absolute angel! .... :D ;) :D

12-02-2005, 03:54 AM
personally (back to the evil super villan-ness) ... I intend to lure them in ... being all nice like ... then nikkyo them, but thats if i have to come down to hand to hand combat. ... dont forget that all us ultimate super villans have a horde of henchmen!

Steve Mullen
12-02-2005, 09:15 AM
chocolate ninja armed with liquorice shuriken by any chance?

James Davis
12-02-2005, 09:54 AM
personally (back to the evil super villan-ness) ... I intend to lure them in ... being all nice like ... then nikkyo them, but thats if i have to come down to hand to hand combat. ... dont forget that all us ultimate super villans have a horde of henchmen!
Umm. Emma? See your previous post. :confused:

12-03-2005, 11:51 AM
nahhhh i miss what yer saying here .... I am innocent! .... and I only have pure thoughts .....

James Davis
12-05-2005, 10:03 AM
nahhhh i miss what yer saying here .... I am innocent! .... and I only have pure thoughts .....
Until the ninja arrive, right? :rolleyes: ;)

12-05-2005, 03:47 PM
Until the ninja arrive, right? :rolleyes: ;)

Sir ... what could you be implying ....?
anyway ... im an excellent supreme Dark Empress .... ask my loyal subjects ..... which would be most of the aikichatters!

James Davis
12-06-2005, 10:16 AM
Sir ... what could you be implying ....?
anyway ... im an excellent supreme Dark Empress .... ask my loyal subjects ..... which would be most of the aikichatters!
Oh, yeah. :rolleyes:

I forgot. :rolleyes:

Sorry. ;)

12-06-2005, 01:38 PM
Your mocking me .... arent you?

James Davis
12-06-2005, 03:46 PM
Your mocking me .... arent you?
Please don't hurt me.