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07-27-2001, 11:05 AM
Hey all... thought I'd post this on here... this is a guy who apperently knows my friend (nickname "grey fox") and decided to IM me... Try to guess which one I am!!

MaskedDeath35: grey fox says i should meet you....
budoka2k1: I haven't spoken to him in a while
MaskedDeath35: oh...interesting...
MaskedDeath35: I too take kendo...
budoka2k1: cool
budoka2k1: how long?
MaskedDeath35: 5 years...maybe longer.
MaskedDeath35: but i have been busy with other arts to put alot of time in...
MaskedDeath35: so i can't really tell you...
budoka2k1: ok
MaskedDeath35: so how long
MaskedDeath35: you been in?
budoka2k1: been in what?
MaskedDeath35: kendo....
budoka2k1: never been in kendo, no dojo near me
budoka2k1: I do study aikido though
MaskedDeath35: oh........ I am in aikido and ninjutsu...
budoka2k1: ninjutsu? what style?
MaskedDeath35: but i don't live in the U.S.
budoka2k1: what style ninjutsu?
MaskedDeath35: Kuji kiri.
budoka2k1: and who's your aikido instructor?
MaskedDeath35: me.
budoka2k1: excuse me?
MaskedDeath35: I continued to teach myself after my sensei died..
budoka2k1: and who was your sensei?
MaskedDeath35: an old wise men ....who wouldn't tell me his name....he said i had to earn the right....
MaskedDeath35: to know his name...
budoka2k1: riiiight
budoka2k1: where was this?
MaskedDeath35: Edo.
MaskedDeath35: where i live.
budoka2k1: oh really? that's quite fascinating
budoka2k1: nihongo deskimasuka?
MaskedDeath35: .......
MaskedDeath35: why ask me.
budoka2k1: what is it I just asked you?
budoka2k1: and why do you call it edo?
MaskedDeath35: cuz that is how the world knows it...
budoka2k1: not since the Meiji restoration
MaskedDeath35: I know....it is changed.....alot....
MaskedDeath35: many things have changed here.....but there one thing.....
MaskedDeath35: is*
MaskedDeath35: do you know what has not changed smart one?
budoka2k1: I'm sure you'll enlighten me
MaskedDeath35: so you don't know....
budoka2k1: I guess not
MaskedDeath35: the shrines and the temples have not disappeared like anything eles....
MaskedDeath35: every*
budoka2k1: that's nice
MaskedDeath35: the city grows though but i don't know how much cuz i lived in the mountians....
MaskedDeath35: don't see it much...
budoka2k1: that's just outstanding
MaskedDeath35: 'grins' do you anything eles about the city smart guy?
budoka2k1: obviously not as much as you, oh enlightened one... after all, you seem to know everything
MaskedDeath35: I know my art....I know myself ....I know that you are a waste of my time.
budoka2k1: oh, what a shame

At this point he blocked me or got offline or something... right about the part of the "old wise man with no name" he lost any and all credibility he had... I've heard kuji kiri somewhere before, has anyone else?

I posted this in the humor section because there's no "Sadly funny" forum...


07-27-2001, 04:23 PM
yeah I know peole like that....that go i learn 5 arts and my teacher was enlightenet and stuff.. it can be intresting... sorry nick never heard of that style of ninjitsue. although I was wondering do you think jun could put a sadly funny fourm?? anyhow.....

07-27-2001, 04:26 PM
btw do you have icq or any of instant messenging service maybe we could chat sometime!... maybe ill check your profile... but if you want to chat just email me at MuaDib@yoshinkan.com... :) or at MuaDIb92@hotmail.com

07-27-2001, 07:40 PM
Uh, you two, I hate to sound any more like your mother (oh, OK, grandmother) than I have to, but you both are smart (as well as obviously young) and post a fair deal with your names and locations. Show stuff like that to your parents and be careful, folks are often not nice nor who they say they are.

Liz Baron
07-28-2001, 03:53 AM
Many years ago in another life I read a book called The Ninja, which I think was by Eric Van Lustbader...you can tell just by the name can't you? oh the folly of youth etc... ;)

Anyway, this is referred to as the "nine hands cutting" and applies to some form of magic. It must be fifteen years since the book was around, so I'm a little hazy on the details. It may have a legitimate heritage, but this is the only time I remember seeing it.


07-28-2001, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Liz Baron
Many years ago in another life I read a book called The Ninja, which I think was by Eric Van Lustbader...you can tell just by the name can't you? oh the folly of youth etc... ;)

Anyway, this is referred to as the "nine hands cutting" and applies to some form of magic. It must be fifteen years since the book was around, so I'm a little hazy on the details. It may have a legitimate heritage, but this is the only time I remember seeing it.


Eric Van Lustbader writes science fiction/fantasy novels :)

I think you knew that already but just in case.....

07-29-2001, 12:29 PM
Yeah... the Ninja book was excellent!
So was Miko.
They had so much more DETAIL for an MA enthusiast than any films.
Pity he kept writing after them though :D
(A bit to much s_x in them though...)
It has it's claims about kuji-kiri, but didn't O-Sensei have stuff about Ku-Ki? Any relation? Don't worry, I'm not freaking out!

06-21-2005, 09:11 AM
There is a school of kuji-in (kuji-kiri) that offer on-line possibilities. It is called the Dragons of Justice (search the web, i'd rather not spam on my first day here). It is a school where i have been studying kuji-in for years and have had my martial arts and personal experience of life enhanced greatly.

Nick Simpson
06-23-2005, 11:09 AM
Thanks for posting that conversation. I got a chuckle out of it. Weird guy eh?

Jory Boling
06-23-2005, 01:42 PM
who here hasn't read some of Lustbader's ninja novels? he "kite" struck this and threw atemi out left and right...

06-24-2005, 04:09 AM
I enjoyed 'Ninja' and 'Miko' immensely when I first read them at about the age of 15 or so. During the past 20 years I have picked them up again once or twice as a light holiday reading. They seem to go very well with a cool drink and a spot in the sun :D

BTW 'MaskedDeath35' was kind of right.... the whole conversation DID seem like a waste of time ;)

06-30-2005, 02:05 PM
Kuji Kiri...I remember reading something about it meaning "nine cuts" and having some sort of mystical properties to the practitioner, but from the way it was written it was something within the art..kinda like shikko to aikido (yes, shikko has mystical knee-burning properties).

I haven't read Ninja or Miko, I have never been able to find either. I have read the Sunset Warrior Cycle a couple times, and have read some of his other stuff. Any ideas how I could obtain Ninja and Miko?

Btw...can anyone imagine trying to teach yourself aikido? You would be your own uke! Kaiten Nage yourself, arm bars, vital point atemi....very amusing.