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Rod Yabut
04-10-2007, 04:59 PM
After practice last night, we got to sharing about the funniest episodes in an aikido dojo that we've had. This one took the cake...

A prospective student came to watch practice at one of my dojo mates' former dojo and described the guy as:

"a 5'6", 250 lb. guy in a full black ninja outfit" asking if when can he start practice.

Wow! :D What do you say to guy that comes in your dojo in this manner!

04-11-2007, 05:47 AM
Maybe he trained in ninjutsu previously and showed up in the keikogi he had already to see if aikido would be a nice thing to try? Please excuse me if I kill the hilarity, but that's a distinct possibility. Please don't jodantsuki me. :D

04-11-2007, 10:00 AM
If he had trained in ninjutsu previously he would have already acquired real ultimate power, and therefore would have no need of Aikido's frustrating, elusive power.

Rod Yabut
04-11-2007, 10:05 AM
I agree Max...but come on! With the mask while walking in? The picture in my mind makes me smile all the time.

Ben - touche!

James Young
04-11-2007, 10:47 AM
Actually I think I may have ran into that guy too. (Although the person I remember was definitely over 6' tall.) He showed up to our dojo once when I lived up in Pasadena and he actually didn't just watch class, he practiced with us. He claimed he had studied ninjutsu for like 14 years or something like that I recall. He was definitely an "interesting" person and made for a unique night.

Eric Webber
04-11-2007, 11:48 AM
I agree Max...but come on! With the mask while walking in? The picture in my mind makes me smile all the time.

Ben - touche!

He was wearing a the ninja mask? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!:D

Did anyone see him come in or did he just appear? If he was detected and seen coming in the door he isn't much of ninja is he?:p I'd ask him why I saw him coming in if he is a ninja-man.

The visual is killing me!!!!:cool:

04-11-2007, 12:14 PM
See, I had thought this person came with just a black uwagi and trousers, but if he came in wearing a mask, too ... I'd say that's very strange indeed. :hypno:

James Young
04-11-2007, 12:28 PM
He was wearing a the ninja mask? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!:D

Did anyone see him come in or did he just appear? If he was detected and seen coming in the door he isn't much of ninja is he?:p I'd ask him why I saw him coming in if he is a ninja-man.

The visual is killing me!!!!:cool:

Speaking with Rod it does appear to likely be the same incident we are talking about. Basically when I arrived at the dojo I saw this big guy changing into his ninja garb in the parking lot. (Why he didn't change inside I don't know.) At the time he hadn't finished so I thought he was just a visitor putting on a black dogi. However, when he came into the dojo he had everything, the mask, the tabi-boots, etc. on. He wasn't wearing the mask around his face but it was around his neck at the time, so I guess fortunately he wasn't in stealth mode or attempting to assassinate anyone in the dojo.

04-11-2007, 10:46 PM
If he had trained in ninjutsu previously he would have already acquired real ultimate power, and therefore would have no need of Aikido's frustrating, elusive power.

Speaking of real ultimate power:


04-11-2007, 10:51 PM
Speaking with Rod it does appear to likely be the same incident we are talking about. Basically when I arrived at the dojo I saw this big guy changing into his ninja garb in the parking lot. (Why he didn't change inside I don't know.) At the time he hadn't finished so I thought he was just a visitor putting on a black dogi. However, when he came into the dojo he had everything, the mask, the tabi-boots, etc. on. He wasn't wearing the mask around his face but it was around his neck at the time, so I guess fortunately he wasn't in stealth mode or attempting to assassinate anyone in the dojo.

Ahhh - I suspect he wasn't a real ninja then - the real ones are green.

With shells.


04-12-2007, 05:09 AM
Speaking with Rod it does appear to likely be the same incident we are talking about. Basically when I arrived at the dojo I saw this big guy changing into his ninja garb in the parking lot. (Why he didn't change inside I don't know.) At the time he hadn't finished so I thought he was just a visitor putting on a black dogi. However, when he came into the dojo he had everything, the mask, the tabi-boots, etc. on. He wasn't wearing the mask around his face but it was around his neck at the time, so I guess fortunately he wasn't in stealth mode or attempting to assassinate anyone in the dojo.

Lol, that's funny. I've had a couple of guys turn up in black keikogi and start training with us, usually because there's no ninja dojo around, that's fine by me, no different than a guy appearing wearing a katategi for the same reason. But to turn up in the full ninjer outfit hood and all seems a bit weird to me lol! Maybe he had a good reason for it though. If he comes back maybe someone should ask him :)


04-12-2007, 05:46 AM
Now if he came in equipped with ninja-to, kusarigama, shuriken, manriki-gusari, nekade, kyoketsu-shogei, and various other ninjutsu sundries, I would be a wee bit worried.. :D
Would still be funny though :D
I would also ask him if he had sempai named Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo.. and if his original sensei was a rat named Splinter..

04-13-2007, 01:45 PM
It would be interesting to learn how to dodge flying shuriken attacks, I think Osensei omitted these ones. Or maybe was it part of the "secret techniques".

04-13-2007, 03:45 PM
You people are sooo rude!
I got that outfit for my birthday. Mom said I looked cool.
My dojo storming days are over...DAMMIT!

04-14-2007, 09:11 AM
Did he disappear in a puff of smoke after class?

Princess Rose
04-16-2007, 12:13 PM
Speaking of real ultimate power:


Well, if he didn’t like flip out and kill everyone then he wasn’t a ninja :D

It reminds me of this guy who came to our dojo once. He said he had a black belt in like 5 other martial arts and asked how much a black belt in aikido would cost. We told him $35 at Bujin :cool:

Ron Tisdale
04-16-2007, 01:52 PM
You guys think that's funny...you should have seen us rolling when this guy came in.

And yes, he pretty much looks like that in person!


Ron (oh boy)

04-16-2007, 01:55 PM
You guys think that's funny...you should have seen us rolling when this guy came in.

And yes, he pretty much looks like that in person!


Ron (oh boy)
I wanna see this guy.

Ron Tisdale
04-16-2007, 02:48 PM
ah...no, Ricky, you don't. :D Take my word for it! ;)


James Davis
04-16-2007, 04:22 PM
You guys think that's funny...you should have seen us rolling when this guy came in.

And yes, he pretty much looks like that in person!


Ron (oh boy)

He actually came into your dojo? I wouldn't have expected that.

Russell Pearse
04-16-2007, 09:51 PM
We had a guy train with us for a couple of weeks once - he said that he had trained in kung fu for a few months. One night at drinks after training he told us that he was training aikido because he wanted to create a new martial art combining kung fu and aikido. Said he wanted to call it kungdo.

He was completely serious. We said why not call it aikifu.

As we say in Australia, he was a few sausages short of a barbeque...


04-19-2007, 07:12 PM
That is awesome

You guys think that's funny...you should have seen us rolling when this guy came in.

And yes, he pretty much looks like that in person!


Ron (oh boy)

Princess Rose
04-19-2007, 10:45 PM
Um maybe we shouldn't be making fun of this guy. He might show up in ninja gear and flip out.

04-19-2007, 10:54 PM
Watch out, he'll get you with his numchucks, sigh, and shrunken!

05-02-2007, 12:38 PM
I once mentioned to my sensei that I had noticed the ninjitsu school in the neighboring town had their sign up on a new building. He responded with "hmm, you wouldn't think ninja would have a sign." :D


Paul Sanderson-Cimino
05-02-2007, 01:47 PM
You guys think that's funny...you should have seen us rolling when this guy came in.

And yes, he pretty much looks like that in person!


Ron (oh boy)

You HAVE to tell us more!

"45 degree pivot? Oh no. I always pivot to 47. The ELEMENT OF SURPRISE."

Ron Tisdale
05-02-2007, 01:57 PM
Thankfully, he came about 3 times, realized none of us was going to buy his product or introduce him to Utada Sensei, and he stopped showing up. One funny thing though...how big his eyes got when he saw a san dan in shotokan REALLY use nunchako...course then he ruined it by arguing with the san dan on "proper technique". :D

Ron (and I love your sig!)

05-02-2007, 02:38 PM
Ninjas turning up in Aikido dojos seems to be a concern in many places:



jennifer paige smith
05-07-2007, 08:21 AM
I once mentioned to my sensei that I had noticed the ninjitsu school in the neighboring town had their sign up on a new building. He responded with "hmm, you wouldn't think ninja would have a sign." :D

