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03-21-2006, 06:22 AM
i just wanted to know if any one has had something funny happen to them in the middle of training!
like me when i was doing wepons training and i accidently let go of my jo and it hit my sensei :blush: :uch: :D :p

Nick Simpson
03-21-2006, 06:27 AM
All the time, but the most recent one being:

On sunday I was at one of our organisations courses held by our head instructor. At dinner time I was given a breakaway (which is a chocolate covered biscuit bar, for those of you not au fait with them) and stashed it in my obi because I was waiting for some chips. 2 hours later and well into the afternoon session Im training with a friend and notice something yellow sticking out of the top of my hakama. I pull out a very mangled chocolate bar. I'd been thrown by sensei and everything, had trained with most of the senior instructors in the org. Oh imagine the situation had it flown out and hit sensei in the face in front of everyone. Doh!

03-21-2006, 06:35 AM
All the time, but the most recent one being:

On sunday I was at one of our organisations courses held by our head instructor. At dinner time I was given a breakaway (which is a chocolate covered biscuit bar, for those of you not au fait with them) and stashed it in my obi because I was waiting for some chips. 2 hours later and well into the afternoon session Im training with a friend and notice something yellow sticking out of the top of my hakama. I pull out a very mangled chocolate bar. I'd been thrown by sensei and everything, had trained with most of the senior instructors in the org. Oh imagine the situation had it flown out and hit sensei in the face in front of everyone. Doh!

lmao may he would have thanked you for bringing him a snack :D

James Davis
03-21-2006, 10:41 AM
My dojo had been without mats for so long that we had pretty much gotten used to training on thin commercial carpet on concrete. When we went to a workshop on Florida's other coast, I and another student found ourselves without room to work comfortably on the mat. So we moved over a few feet and started throwing each other around on the linoleum floor. The rest of the class looked at us as if we were from another planet. :drool: Robert and I just continued hitting the floor with a smile. :D

03-21-2006, 12:52 PM
I had been impressed and quite intimidated by Shibata sensei's demonstrations at Winter Camp. He'd finished demonstrating and I was working on nikyo with a partner when suddenly my partner's eyes got very big and he backed away from me. I turned around to find Shibata sensei at my elbow, holding out his wrist. What could I do but grab it?

He bent my wrist in nikyo fashion and then pressed it to his forehead, and very deliberately and inexorably drove me all the way into the mat with his head. "It's all nikyo," he said; we bowed to each other and he went off to look at someone else.

Once I got over the nerves I was giggling so hard....

Mary Kaye

John (King John)
03-21-2006, 01:22 PM
when i was doing wepons training and i accidently let go of my jo and it hit my sensei :blush: :uch: :D :p
Shortly after I started, just sensei and myself in a squash court doing jo suburi with some vigour.

me: "If I let go of this I'll hit you in the back of the head."

sensei: "Don't let go."

What could I do after that? I had a white knuckle grip for the next hour! :hypno:

03-23-2006, 05:54 AM
some fool had got cocky .... they'd been training hard .. getting ready for grading ... when they hit the floor at a perculiar angle and damnaged their shoulder ... oh how we laughed through the pain
dont tell anyone it was me!

03-23-2006, 11:58 AM
One time during testing we had been in seiza for about 20 minutes when Sensei asked me to be Uke for the test candidate. Having "old" knees I wear both elastic knee supports and knee pads which do not contribute to good circulation especially in prolonged seiza.
As I got up I discovered that with no circulation, or feeling in my left leg it did would not support my body eight and I simply fell over backwards ( I like to think it was a good ushiro kamae). This "planned "move certainly broke the tension of the test and my dear friends
have not let me forget the incident.

03-23-2006, 02:04 PM
A student was taking ukemi for Hreha Sensei after said sensei had eaten a bit of chocolate or two. The tempo picked up. Uke was caught off guard and let out an explicative, "Oh sh*t!" halfway through the fall. As he stood up to see Sensei smiling, uke explained, "Um, that was my kiai, Sensei."

04-04-2006, 02:23 PM
I have one that was a bit of an embaressment last night, I took a break fall got up and got some weird looks from those around me, well it turns out that I blew the crotch out of my gi pants, yeah that was a wee bit embarresing, thankfully I had a pair of gym shorts in my bag so I grabbed those and threw those on under my tattered gi pants and continued the trainig

04-04-2006, 02:41 PM
I have one that was a bit of an embaressment last night, I took a break fall got up and got some weird looks from those around me, well it turns out that I blew the crotch out of my gi pants, yeah that was a wee bit embarresing, thankfully I had a pair of gym shorts in my bag so I grabbed those and threw those on under my tattered gi pants and continued the trainig

:blush: oh my have you fixed them yet? :D

04-04-2006, 04:27 PM
no I havent had a chance to do my half ass sewing job on them

Logan Heinrichs
04-05-2006, 01:48 AM
A few months ago I was taking my nidan test doing tanto dori. During one of the standing pins the tanto dropped on to my uke's head and made a nice bonking sound. Everyone started laughing. It was prett funny.

04-05-2006, 02:11 AM
Nice posts everyone they are all very amusing. I started laughing out loud and I am at work and everyone turned and asked to share what I was laughing at so I showed them the thread. They all started laughing to.

Thanks for the entertainment from everyone here at Jobs West.


04-05-2006, 04:52 AM
Nice posts everyone they are all very amusing. I started laughing out loud and I am at work and everyone turned and asked to share what I was laughing at so I showed them the thread. They all started laughing to.

Thanks for the entertainment from everyone here at Jobs West.


lol you and your collegues are welcome , i love do do any thing to bring a smile to some ones face

Dirk Hanss
04-05-2006, 05:47 AM
A few months ago I was taking my nidan test doing tanto dori. During one of the standing pins the tanto dropped on to my uke's head and made a nice bonking sound. Everyone started laughing. It was prett funny.
So you failed, because you "killed" uke?

Dirk ;)

Steve Mullen
04-05-2006, 06:02 AM
killing uki isn't a fail in our organisation,

It just means you have used up one of your uki ration

Dirk Hanss
04-05-2006, 06:22 AM
Yes Steve,
I know, Wite Rose teach a very special aikido.

But in fact I was not precise enough.

Killing uke is not really the problem, unless you run out of your uke ration ;).

But killing uke by accident means bad control, doesn't it?

Cheers Dirk

Steve Mullen
04-05-2006, 07:03 AM
Ah, i see, yep know what you mean now. I have been saving up my uki ration for my 2nd kyu, its coming up any month now evileyes

:D :D :) ;)

04-05-2006, 08:28 AM
Ah, i see, yep know what you mean now. I have been saving up my uki ration for my 2nd kyu, its coming up any month now evileyes

:D :D :) ;)

lol i dont think ive filled mt quota yet!!! ps goodluck with your 2 kyu you will get it im sure

Mark Freeman
04-05-2006, 09:29 AM
killing uki isn't a fail in our organisation,

It just means you have used up one of your uki ration

Boy they breed em hard up in the north east! down here we consider it bad form to finish off a uke! ;)

Nick Simpson
04-05-2006, 09:48 AM
its coming up any month now

Not unless you start coming to class ;)

I dont like killing uke's, I'd rather just leave them shells of their former shelves. It's classier.

Steve Mullen
04-05-2006, 09:51 AM
i was there monday, and noticed a distinct lack of mr simpson in the dojo? Hmmmmmmmmmmm ;)

Nick Simpson
04-05-2006, 09:56 AM
Oh well, Excuse the fact that I was ill all weekend, including the friday night where I still took the time to turn up and teach a class. Well, the term class is a little misleading, I mean the two people who turned up! Because you all had better things to do. And forgive me the 4 classes I trained in last week and the blood that I ended up spilling in one of them. Because Im obviously lazy and never train!

I'd like to add that I wont be there tonight (due to having slept all day after work last night and the fact that I have to hand in two essays) so burn my hakama, hang up my gi, remove my name from the list of illustrius deshi. Nick Simpson is obviously dead.

Mark Freeman
04-05-2006, 10:14 AM
Nick Simpson is obviously dead.

Did he employ a ghost writer for this post?? :rolleyes:

04-05-2006, 10:17 AM
Oh well, Excuse the fact that I was ill all weekend, including the friday night where I still took the time to turn up and teach a class. Well, the term class is a little misleading, I mean the two people who turned up! Because you all had better things to do. And forgive me the 4 classes I trained in last week and the blood that I ended up spilling in one of them. Because Im obviously lazy and never train!

I'd like to add that I wont be there tonight (due to having slept all day after work last night and the fact that I have to hand in two essays) so burn my hakama, hang up my gi, remove my name from the list of illustrius deshi. Nick Simpson is obviously dead.

aww nick i have to say i have the upmost admiration for you teaching a class whilst your were ill. lol but please no burning of hakama , i want the chance to see for my self what is under it :p :D
on a more serious note i would like to point out that if any one wishes to have ago at mr simpson will have to go through .............. the aiki sirens evileyes

James Davis
04-05-2006, 11:20 AM
aww nick i have to say i have the upmost admiration for you teaching a class whilst your were ill. lol but please no burning of hakama , i want the chance to see for my self what is under it :p :D
on a more serious note i would like to point out that if any one wishes to have ago at mr simpson will have to go through .............. the aiki sirens evileyes
Karen, you are so tough. :p

Fear not, as I do not intend to "have a go" at Mr. Simpson. :yuck:

At least if I have to deal with aiki sirens, I'll hear them coming from far away! :D

04-05-2006, 11:24 AM
Karen, you are so tough. :p

Fear not, as I do not intend to "have a go" at Mr. Simpson. :yuck:

At least if I have to deal with aiki sirens, I'll hear them coming from far away! :D
oh no you wont we are as silent as ninjas evileyes :grr:

James Davis
04-05-2006, 04:36 PM
oh no you wont we are as silent as ninjas evileyes :grr:
with sirens? :confused:


04-05-2006, 09:41 PM
Karen, you are so tough. :p

Fear not, as I do not intend to "have a go" at Mr. Simpson. :yuck:

At least if I have to deal with aiki sirens, I'll hear them coming from far away! :D

Hold on...last time I checked, hearing sirens was not too beneficial... :hypno:

04-06-2006, 03:12 AM
Hold on...last time I checked, hearing sirens was not too beneficial... :hypno:

and not hearing them isnt too good either, lol havent you heared the saying " a calm before the storm" :D

04-06-2006, 05:50 AM
and not hearing them isnt too good either, lol havent you heared the saying " a calm before the storm" :D

Ah, silent but deadly, like a jaguar in a hakama... :grr:

04-06-2006, 06:32 AM
Ah, silent but deadly, like a jaguar in a hakama... :grr:

lol yes but the aiki sirens are worse!!! :grr: evileyes especially the chief siren she is the most deadly of all evileyes :grr:

James Davis
04-06-2006, 10:31 AM
Well, at least we get plenty of warning. That's really nice of you, Karen. :)

04-06-2006, 11:49 AM
Well, at least we get plenty of warning. That's really nice of you, Karen. :)

yes but it would help even more if you knew who you were looking out for :p :D

04-06-2006, 12:20 PM
Ah, silent but deadly, like a jaguar in a hakama... :grr:
that sounds like a quite fart let out a the mat during training

04-06-2006, 12:34 PM
that sounds like a quite fart let out a the mat during training

hee hee :D :p :cool:

04-06-2006, 03:25 PM
that sounds like a quite fart let out a the mat during training

Imagine how deadly! No warning except the slight billowing of gi pants... :D

04-06-2006, 03:49 PM
Imagine how deadly! No warning except the slight billowing of gi pants... :D

lol although the slight greening colour on the surrounding peoples faces would also be a clue :p :D

James Davis
04-07-2006, 10:20 AM
yes but it would help even more if you knew who you were looking out for :p :D
A funny girl with an english accent and jetlag? :D

04-07-2006, 11:11 AM
Imagine how deadly! No warning except the slight billowing of gi pants... :D

lol although the slight greening colour on the surrounding peoples faces would also be a clue :p :D
lol......that is an intresting way to extend you ki

04-07-2006, 11:43 AM
A funny girl with an english accent and jetlag? :D

yes but there are a few of us on aiki web which one of us will you be lookin for :mad: :rolleyes:

04-07-2006, 03:04 PM
yes but there are a few of us on aiki web which one of us will you be lookin for :mad: :rolleyes:

Well, according to a previous thread Karen's gi apparently knows how to hum, so that would certainly be a help with identification... :D

Trish Greene
04-07-2006, 03:17 PM
One of our senior students who is known to have a "commanding attitude" towards the kids in the group ("you don't mess with Mr. So and So"), was bowing us out after practice one night. While we were sitting in Seiza, this Senor student asked if we had "fun" practicing that night, one of the younger boys who is a bit of a smart alec (an 11yo 6th grader that has a bloodtie to me) sat up straight and yelled "SIR YES SIR!" at the top of his voice. At that time, several of the older students who are former military members sat straight up for a split second before they caught themselves and realized where they were. Everyone had a good laugh over that one. .

04-07-2006, 03:22 PM
Well, according to a previous thread Karen's gi apparently knows how to hum, so that would certainly be a help with identification... :D

well the aiki sirens do not wear there gi's when they attack they could be the girl standing next to you so beware evileyes

James Davis
04-07-2006, 04:36 PM
yes but there are a few of us on aiki web which one of us will you be lookin for :mad: :rolleyes:
"Train with one as if they were many, train with many as if they were one."

In short, I'LL TAKE ON ALL OF YA!! :grr:


04-07-2006, 04:59 PM
"Train with one as if they were many, train with many as if they were one."

In short, I'LL TAKE ON ALL OF YA!! :grr:


well ther is only one thing i can say to that !!!
BRING IT ON :grr: evileyes :mad:

04-07-2006, 06:18 PM
well ther is only one thing i can say to that !!!
BRING IT ON :grr: evileyes :mad:

Uh-oh, angry stealth Aiki Siren on the warpath! :D

04-07-2006, 06:19 PM
"Train with one as if they were many, train with many as if they were one."

In short, I'LL TAKE ON ALL OF YA!! :grr:


That's not terribly Aiki of you... :D

04-08-2006, 06:46 AM
Uh-oh, angry stealth Aiki Siren on the warpath! :D
aaron be thankful its only me the chief aiki siren has a much worse bite then i do :p :D

04-10-2006, 04:35 AM
aaron be thankful its only me the chief aiki siren has a much worse bite then i do :p :D

More and more this is sounding like the bit with the rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, isn't it? :D

04-10-2006, 05:46 AM
lmao it does doesnt it well if she ever reads this thread she will comment

James Davis
04-10-2006, 10:26 AM
lmao it does doesnt it well if she ever reads this thread she will comment
...and heaven help us when she does. :p

Jennifer Grahn
04-10-2006, 09:22 PM
you guys have some really bizarre conversations, you know? :p
this thread sort of isn't anymore much about funny moments, i think. :D
perhaps maybe it could be a sort of a good thing to get out the holy hand grenade....
run away! run away!

Lucy Smith
04-20-2006, 11:56 AM
Last Monday a 2nd kyu girl (highest rank in the kids class) who was practicing with me & a smaller 4th kyu kid of about 9 or 10 years old (with whom I had to kneel to be able to pass above his ushiro ryokata-tori grab), lost her gi pants under her hakama. Luckily she wears a hakama! She told us and fixed her problem through those pocket-like holes in the hakama while the kid and I kept practicing. But it happened again and again, even when Sensei demonstrated a technique with her. We didn't notice of course but her face told everything. Really funny face that made me appreciate the value of hakama even more.

03-12-2010, 03:17 AM
At our dojo, the sensei says 'yame' to stop/pauze an excercise so everyone goes back sitting in seiza, so he can show another excercise.

In our club, there is an older student with the same low voice like the teacher.
And when that person thinks he's already doing too long that same excercise, or he gets bored, he says "yame" out loudly himself.
Then, every student is going back to sit in seiza, and the real sensei is looking like: 'did I say anything?'.
Always fun to do ;-)

03-12-2010, 04:48 AM
We managed to catch this amusing moment on tape at about 0:19


Michael Hackett
03-12-2010, 09:26 AM
Not amusing - wonderful! Wish I could do that consistently on randori.

03-17-2010, 07:21 AM
Some time ago I was practicing a tenkan technique with my sensei as uke.
He blocked my wrist with all his force in his arms and said: "you have to use your center, otherwise the technique does not work."
Then I just did the same technique but with my hips turned a little more to him... Actually nothing changed.
But he reduced the force in his arms so he didn't block my wrist anymore. Then he said: "see, now it works, you have to use your center".

I understand his point was that I had to use my center... but wether I was using that center or not... he just reduced force to let me do the technique. It didn't show me that the technique worked by using my center...

07-19-2010, 02:49 PM
We were doing kokyu ho to finish of the lesson and I was playing around with tilting my pelvis so that the motion 'comes' from your centre. Anyway, when I tilted a bit too far the old fabric of my pants tore in two, my partner and I were looking at each other checking if it was only fabric or that something else made that noise from under my hips :D The pants are very breezy now, but alas unusable on the tatami :p