View Full Version : Language
- ashi sabaki
- A few words
- Counting in Japanese
- Another question
- Aikidoka vs. Aikidoist
- bowing in
- Meaning of Competitive?
- name of knife attacks
- Takemusu
- Shihan
- "Shugyo"
- masakatsu agatsu
- We're what now??
- translation please
- Shosho?
- Name of an Arm stretch
- Kagami Biraki
- Ikkyo or Ikkajo
- Calligraphy
- "Competition"
- Definition of "Dan"?
- in search of certain kanji ...
- "Aiki"
- "atemi"
- what "kyo" means?
- What "kajo" means?
- What "waza" means?
- What Is The Meanin Of "awase" And "musubi"
- There's A Reply
- Omote and Ura
- The rank of Shiran
- Two Hand Grabs
- Shinji
- Dojo rules in Japanese?
- Meaning of -to?
- Kana and Kanji Fonts?
- Meiso Ho
- Symbols
- "Aiki"
- Sword; sword; sword; sword . . .
- translation of ki terms
- Learning the lanuage
- Titles
- Osu!
- Learning Japanese
- Yoshinkan Vs Aikikai Terminilogies
- How do Aiki translates to you?
- translation please?
- What does O Sensei's name mean?
- seeking a word...
- English in the Regular Forum
- seigan
- Oyogi vs. Henka waza
- "Kokyu"
- using improper word terms
- yawara
- oxymoron
- Kanji for the seven pillars of budou
- language question
- Calling oneself sensei
- aikido banner for my dojo
- Sankyo do??
- What happens if you're NOT sensei?
- Numbers in Japanese
- Ki Kanji
- which is which?
- Defintion of Shugyo.
- Aikido kanji images?
- sincere effort?
- Aikido and english
- tai sabaki
- The one gettin attacked:
- Whats in a name?
- Aikido essentials in Russian language
- Shihan:
- Arigato or Thank you
- Odd word
- budo vs. bushido
- Sokumen means... ?
- Mushin/mushin no shin
- Nage vs. Tori
- what does the 'shi' mean?
- Does Michi mean Do?
- kokyudosa-kokyuho ?
- Tori vs Dori
- 'Spirit Forging' Interpretation
- keiko
- Meaning of "Kenshu"
- meaning of Ki Society ki rank names
- Kanji info
- shin
- Atemi
- What is "keiko"?
- uedori: disappearing throw?
- Book of Aikido terms recommendations?
- budoshin and zanshin?
- To Live to Die
- What does "Aiki-gul" mean?
- Onegaishimasu
- call to attention?
- Ideograms in English?
- Ukemi
- Vowel Pairs: 'ai', 'ei', etc
- Multiple vs Single Kanji Words
- Difference btw randori and jiyu waza
- Ueshiba quote
- Help for a begginer
- Whats the difference?
- just like to know
- Language school in Kyoto
- The "Ki" to Aikido...???
- English to Japanese Translation
- Ryu vs. Ryu-ha
- kata dori vs. katate dori
- assistant to the assistant?
- "Nage" to "Release" - Article
- "Muto"
- "Aikido student" in Japanese and more...
- Shiodin vs Shidoin
- Yon/Shi and Nana/Shichi
- Jui-Jitsu or ju-justu
- Love...
- Bokken or boken
- "Arigato"?
- plurals in japanese
- Kurai
- fu rin ka zan
- Japanese names when used in English?
- doka of the day translator?
- Takemusu
- Old School
- "Yudansha"
- Dojo Names
- Ki Power!
- Translation
- Aikido and capitalization
- ban yu ai go?
- jo kata II; ju-yon? ju-shi?
- Hachi no ji jo suburi
- English to kanji translation
- Kancho-San?
- Honbu or Hombu?
- sho
- Shihan
- Kokyu explanation
- On communication and verbal Aikido
- Aiki-Dojo or Aikido-Dojo?
- ......pants and jacket
- kanji translation?
- How to write kanji
- The Art of Peace???
- "san", vs. "sama"
- Japanese words for my practice
- Non-resistance
- Dojo administrator
- Dojo?
- Help in finding O-Sensei sayings, please
- "kon pa furugire"
- Finally!
- Application of Nage/Uke
- Ryu
- so and so san
- Bun Bu Ichi
- Moji
- shinwakai
- nikkyu, nikyu? What is it?
- "group" in Japanese?
- name the technique...
- Trying to Get the Tai Sabaki Straight
- Capital letters in Aikido, Budo, Uke etc
- First in Japanese
- Japanese Terms
- Help! new AikiWiki page: Japanese words
- Viet Nam, very interesting!
- Opening/Closing of class vocabulary
- translation please?
- "Energy"
- Aikido is Love text
- French speaking aikdoka needed!
- "Japanese Traditional Martial Art"
- German seminar publicity
- Buddhist Term for "now"
- Kanji for "shodan"
- translation help
- "Correct" usage of sensei
- translation
- Kanji help?
- Dai?
- Budo vs Martial Art ?
- Jujutsu - Yawara -- definitions
- Neru / Knead
- What is a Martial Art
- Japanese order...
- Tori to Nage
- Need help with the meaning of a kanji.
- "Doka"
- Name that Kanji!
- Hasso no Kamae
- Kanji for shiro kashi
- Need help for the meaning of symbol (circle,square,triangle)
- Nae bother
- Parsing ai ki do
- help with translating an article
- Awase (from Meaning of Competitive)
- "jiu"/ ju and "jitsu"/jutsu
- Shihan
- Translation for 'universe'
- Farm+Budo=?
- O-sensei quotes in the Original Japanese
- Defining "Aikido"
- "Mudansha", "Kyusha", "Yukyusha"
- not dan, den...
- We're not sure what to call him
- Definition of Budo
- "escape" techniques
- Term for techniques against kicks?
- Kanji question.. Merry Christmas!+
- ikkyo vs ikkajo
- meaning of "osu"
- Japanese language teaching materials?
- Kanji Etymology
- types of zanshin
- Help with choosing a dojo name w/ kanji.
- Translating a name into Kanji?
- Bi-color ?
- o-sensei
- What is the meaning of this phrase?
- Kanji for Ikimono and Ryu
- Japanese Aikido Prayer at beginning of class
- Counting to 10 in Japanese (Inconsistent)
- Japanese Budo Art Index?
- Kanji for Bushinkan
- Meaning of Shisei
- Kanji for Student
- -kyo vs. -kajo
- "suki" "tsukuri": Japanese terms for "opening"
- Chiba Sensei's Name?
- Jujinage
- Define grappling
- doka re: 75 movements of compassion
- Translation
- Kokyu
- Kanji for Irimi
- Plum blossom questions
- Practice speaking Japanese
- Shin Kokyu
- Definition of katamenuchi?
- One cut...
- ken ore ya mo tsuki
- tori vs. dori
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