View Full Version : Need help with the meaning of a kanji.

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Marie Noelle Fequiere
03-28-2007, 03:13 PM
I have just purchased the french version of O Sensei's "The Art Of Peace". It's a tiny softcover book, easy to tuck in a purse and take everywhere. Every page is adorned with a kanji. I suppose that it should mean "Peace", but the book provides no information about it. Since I would like to reproduce this kanji in my notebook, I would just like to be sure. Can somebody who knows this particuliar book
(there might be other editions of this same book, with a different presentation) tell me for sure? I am talking about the one edited by John Stevens and Guy Tr馘aniel.
Tanks in advance.

03-30-2007, 12:47 PM
peace would be "平和” or maybe just 和

03-30-2007, 01:40 PM
peace would be "平和” or maybe just 和

Your Japanese is coming up 文字化け (mojibake). Is mine showing up OK?

03-30-2007, 02:03 PM
weird. It should say heiwa or wa. I can see your kanji, and it does say mojibake. How does my signature file look?

03-30-2007, 02:05 PM
weird. It should say heiwa or wa. I can see your kanji, and it does say mojibake. How does my signature file look?


03-30-2007, 03:49 PM
マジ?Shift-JISを使っているのに。Weird that a computer at Toyota would have problems writing in Japanese

03-30-2007, 06:39 PM
マジ?Shift-JISを使っているのに。Weird that a computer at Toyota would have problems writing in Japanese


03-31-2007, 11:04 PM
I just had a hunch, so I checked the encoding and it was showing up as ISO 8859-1. That would explain why your stuff was mojibake, but why would MINE show up on the same page? Once I manually switched to S-JIS, all was well.

Very odd indeed.

Ethan Weisgard
04-27-2007, 11:50 AM
I have just purchased the french version of O Sensei's "The Art Of Peace". It's a tiny softcover book, easy to tuck in a purse and take everywhere. Every page is adorned with a kanji. I suppose that it should mean "Peace", but the book provides no information about it. Since I would like to reproduce this kanji in my notebook, I would just like to be sure. Can somebody who knows this particuliar book
(there might be other editions of this same book, with a different presentation) tell me for sure? I am talking about the one edited by John Stevens and Guy Tr馘aniel.
Tanks in advance.

Dear Marie,

I don't know if you got your answer or not. The English language version of the Art of Peace doesn't have any kanji on the pages, as you mentioned the French version did.
平和 These two kanji are pronounced heiwa The second one is usually pronounced wa, and means peace or harmony in itself. Does this look like the kanji you have in the book?

In Aiki,

Ethan Weisgard

Marie Noelle Fequiere
04-27-2007, 02:19 PM
Dear Marie,

I don't know if you got your answer or not. The English language version of the Art of Peace doesn't have any kanji on the pages, as you mentioned the French version did.
平和 These two kanji are pronounced heiwa The second one is usually pronounced wa, and means peace or harmony in itself. Does this look like the kanji you have in the book?

In Aiki,

Ethan Weisgard

Unfortunately, it does not. Apparently, the kanji in my book does not mean peace. So what hasn't the editor though of providing a translation for it? Thanks to all you guys, for trying to help me. I do seem to have initiated some interesting discussion here. I am not loosing hope, though. Maybe, somewhere out there, some French person with an interest with japanese will have the solution for this mystery.
Arigato to you all.

Dan Rubin
04-27-2007, 03:03 PM

Perhaps you can start here:


and contact M. Tredaniel directly.

04-27-2007, 03:40 PM
Every page is adorned with a kanji. I suppose that it should mean "Peace", but the book provides no information about it.

When you say every page is adorned with a kanji do you mean that it is the same one on every page or do they vary? Is it a single character or two? Does it look like this:
