View Full Version : Ikkyo or Ikkajo

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02-12-2001, 08:27 AM
I have a question to all of you who speaks japanese.
Every where I look, people use the terms Ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo, etc.
In my style of aikido (Yonshinkai) we use the terms Ikkajo which literary means first control (or so I've heard.) It is the same thing for nikajo, sankajo, yonkajo...
And the way I understand Ikkyo, it would mean first level/class/rank. So, shouldn't people be using Ikkajo instead of Ikkyo???
Please do tell me. :triangle:

02-12-2001, 08:54 AM
Matthieu wrote:
And the way I understand Ikkyo, it would mean first level/class/rank. So, shouldn't people be using Ikkajo instead of Ikkyo???
"Kyo" is the character for "teaching" (as in "kyoshi" which basically means "one who teaches"). You may be thinking of "kyu" which can mean something akin to "level" as in "ikkyu."

The -kajo suffix was used in "older" martial arts like Daito ryu aikijujutsu from which aikido stems. Perhaps this is why people like Shioda sensei used the term rather than the ikkyo/nikyo and so forth?

As far as what people "should" be using and such, I don't really care if they call it "ikkyo," "ude osae," "ikkajo," or "pin number one." They're basically still the same thing...

-- Jun

02-12-2001, 09:15 AM
akiy wrote:
They're basically still the same thing...

-- Jun [/B]

Thank you... :)

02-12-2001, 10:03 AM
Matthieu wrote:
Every where I look, people use the terms Ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo, etc.
In my style of aikido (Yonshinkai) we use the terms Ikkajo which literary means first control (or so I've heard.) It is the same thing for nikajo, sankajo, yonkajo...

I speak no Japanese, but....
There's an interview with a Daito Ryu sensei on the aikidofaq where he talks a little about this.(Well, it's related...) I think in daito ryu Ikkajo refers to about thirty techniques, and this guy was saying in this interview that one of these became Ikkyo. I doubt it's so cut and dried, and the difference is probably about a different approach to teaching emphasis. Maybe.
Round here we translate "Ikkyo" as "first principle."

Yonshinkan developed seperately from Aikikai from the thirties, did it not? The names "Ikkyo.." etc. probably weren't in use when Gozo Shioda got going...
