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08-15-2002, 11:10 AM
For you Japanese speakers out there, can someone tell me what Morihei means in Japanese?
While you're at it, can you also tell me what the other two Doshu's names mean?
I've tried to search the web for these but they don't seem to be popular names (for the westerners who make the websites at least :D)

08-15-2002, 12:28 PM
Morihei - Abundant Peace

Peter Goldsbury
09-13-2002, 05:38 AM
For you Japanese speakers out there, can someone tell me what Morihei means in Japanese?

While you're at it, can you also tell me what the other two Doshu's names mean?

I've tried to search the web for these but they don't seem to be popular names (for the westerners who make the websites at least :D)
Well, as Joe suggested, 'Morihei' means 'abundant peace'. Here are the other names (your computer needs a Japanese language capability to get all the kanji).

Ueshiba 植芝

植 = ue: to plant or sow

芝 = shiba: lawn, an area of grass.

So: Ueshiba means 'planting a lawn'.

Morihei 盛平

盛 (read as 'mori'; there are other meanings depending on how the Chinese character is read) = good measure.

平 = hei: peaceful.

So: 'Morihei' means 'peace in good measure'.

Kisshomaru 吉祥丸

吉 = kichi, kitsu: luck; an occasion of joy.

祥 = sho: happiness

丸 = maru: full; perfection, purity; also used as a suffix for the name of a ship and, in ancient times, after the name of a sword or child.

So: 'Kisshomaru' means (something like) 'abundant happiness / luck'. The name was suggested by Onisaburo Deguchi.

Moriteru 守央

守 mori = defend, protect, preserve.

央 teru = middle (however, 'teru' is a reading not found in dictionaries of modern Japanese).

So: Moriteru means (something like): 'preserving the centre'.

Best regards,

09-18-2002, 02:59 AM
So: Ueshiba means 'planting a lawn'.
Hey, cool! My family name, 'Wiese', means 'meadow' ... :) :) :) :)



09-24-2002, 03:19 PM
[QUOTE="Goldsbury Peter (Peter Goldsbury)" Well, as Joe suggested, 'Morihei' means 'abundant peace'. Here are the other names (your computer needs a Japanese language capability to get all the kanji).

/quote]Thanks for this info. I've wondered that too.

Now, can you tell me what Koichi Tohei means?


John the Kiwee

Peter Goldsbury
09-24-2002, 05:59 PM
[QUOTE="Goldsbury Peter (Peter Goldsbury)" Well, as Joe suggested, 'Morihei' means 'abundant peace'. Here are the other names (your computer needs a Japanese language capability to get all the kanji).

/quote]Thanks for this info. I've wondered that too.

Now, can you tell me what Koichi Tohei means?


John the Kiwee
Koichi Tohei (in the Japanese name order Tohei Koichi) is written:


藤: TOU (also read as fuji) = wisteria

平: HEI (same as HEI in Morihei) = harmony

光: KOU (also read as hikari) = light

一: ICHI = one (i.e., the number).

Best regards,

09-26-2002, 09:04 AM
Koichi Tohei (in the Japanese name order Tohei Koichi) is written:


藤: TOU (also read as fuji) = wisteria

平: HEI (same as HEI in Morihei) = harmony

光: KOU (also read as hikari) = light

一: ICHI = one (i.e., the number).

Best regards,
So, Tohei Koichi Shihan's name means:

Wisteria Harmony First Light or First Light of Wisteria Harmony?

This is cool, thanks.
