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  1. O Sensei starts "No Atemi" Aikido?
  2. Tsuki Irimi nage (irimi)
  3. Who says tenchinage doesn't work...
  4. koshinage (hip throws)
  5. Tenshi Nage troubles
  6. skikaku - in aikido
  7. Aikikai or Shodokan
  8. From Ikkyo to Gokyo
  9. Relating Aikido to the streets
  10. Receiving and Performing Techniques
  11. Tsuki kotegaeshi (Fulcrum leverage)
  12. "Upside-down" ikkyo?
  13. what exactly is an atemi?
  14. "Large attacks" and Simultaneity
  15. Best technique to use against someone shoving you?
  16. Sword blocking (I forget the name)
  17. Question on Ki-ai and Ikkyo
  18. One Point/Hip Power
  19. How to stop head butts
  20. Atemi, kuzushi and effectiveness
  21. Irimi-nage on Taller Ukes
  22. The evolution of Kamae
  23. More powerful techniques
  24. Aikido against very high kicking (like in tae kwon do)
  25. Can someone explain Tai No Henkan the Iwama way?
  26. low kick, what to do?
  27. how to execute the perfect kokyunage?
  28. aikido vs jiu-jitsu
  29. Question about omote and ura...
  30. Koshi nage without strength?
  31. Confused...
  32. Double Randori
  33. Techniques clips
  34. A somewhat random technical observation
  35. Attack all u can..
  36. AIKIDO versus Double-leg-takedown?
  37. Beginner's Syllabus
  38. 2-on-1arm control from wrestling?
  39. Differences in Europe?
  40. Iwama Ryu dojo
  41. Twosomes and threesomes
  42. Does Aikido have leg throws,trips&traps?
  43. Yellow Belt Techiques
  44. Kuzushi against resistance
  45. High Ukemi with Irimi Nage
  46. Trouble with Iriminagi
  47. Sumiotoshi
  48. Randori
  49. Uke kicking back in throws
  50. Two questions
  51. To block or not to block
  52. Technique Reference
  53. breaking body habits
  54. Nerve points
  55. Irimi Nage
  56. Boxing type punches
  57. Telegraphing Techniques
  58. Nihon Goshin Techniques
  59. Suwari waza kokyu-ho
  60. jeet kun do
  61. randori with superuke
  62. Rolling with Katana
  63. Backhand?
  64. Real Life Experiences
  65. Anti-sidearm techniques
  66. Ikkyo vs elbow or bicep/shoulder
  67. Uke - Supple or Stiff
  68. Contact/Power - Examples
  69. Mind dumbness vs activity in randori
  70. Help me choose my weapons techs!!
  71. Aikido vs. druggies and drunks
  72. Principle names
  73. Sayu undo revised(Ki Society)
  74. beyond atemi in aikido
  75. Foot work
  76. Founder and Chinese Martial Arts
  77. Aikido Website...
  78. Difference between two techniques
  79. Katatedori Tenkan
  80. A Woman's Center
  81. Ushiro techniques - forward thinking?
  82. Shomen Uchi Ikkyo (aikikai style)
  83. Will Aikido really work?
  84. Examples of Henka Waza
  85. Practicing Flow?
  86. Practical use of ukemi
  87. Why no Kokyunages ?
  88. Ukemi vs. Protecting your attacker
  89. What is good ukemi?
  90. What is a "real attack"
  91. No Touch Throws
  92. traditional yokomenuchi sankyo
  93. Topic for Discussion: Initiating Attacks
  94. Locking/pinning as pain submission...
  95. Break Falls
  96. actual techniques used by police
  97. Did I give the right advice?
  98. Sutemi technique
  99. Techniques for breaking up a fight.
  100. shomenuchi
  101. Shime-waza in Aikido?
  102. Iwama Atemi
  103. Looking for the name of a technique
  104. Double Blade technique please help
  105. Kamae...the saga continues...
  106. About the "center"
  107. Bicep grabbing
  108. Kamae vs Shizentai (hips underneath)
  109. The meaning of omote and ura
  110. Hanmi for attack
  111. ukemi to feet?
  112. Atemi Article
  113. Help with a few phrases
  114. Kihon Waza
  115. Video Clips
  116. Kaeshi Waza
  117. How many practice Rokkyo?
  118. When is Aikido not Aikido?
  119. Daito Ryu vs. Aikido
  120. techniquies in street fights
  121. Awareness
  122. Anxiety prior to conflict?
  123. Kata in Aikiken
  124. Did you feel anything?
  125. Extending Ki.
  126. Hombu Dojo grading list in Japanese?
  127. Taigi?
  128. more defenses
  129. Value of atemi
  130. The Law
  131. Tips for shomen uchi ikkyo ura? anyone?
  132. Hand Position
  133. Is Atemi Necessary to Good Aikido?
  134. Suwari waza / Shikko help
  135. Atemi
  136. Q: Aikido = Entering ?
  137. Aikido versus Knees and elbows
  138. Advanced Ukemi
  139. tall ukemi
  140. Mystery Yoshinkan/Shioda Toe Technique
  141. Iriminage Ura
  142. more ukemi
  143. Unknown technique
  144. Immobilisations - how many?
  145. Aiki concepts : strengths and weaknesses
  146. Striking without moving in
  147. Ever Had To Use Aikido For Real?
  148. newbie question
  149. question
  150. BJJ vs. Aikido
  151. Meditations of the doka
  152. Bokken vs Bokken
  153. Favourite Technique's
  154. Question about Aikido (Ki-Aikido)
  155. what do you do from a bear hug attack?
  156. Yokomenuchi
  157. Randori/Jiu Waza Technique combinations
  158. Keep your hands in front of your center?
  159. round house kick about to hit your head
  160. The countering uke
  161. Te
  162. Nodo Tsuki - Throat Push
  163. The Color of Ikkyo
  164. Name that technique!
  165. Aglimpse into the window of no technique
  166. Vocalizations for Rowing Exercise?
  167. Body position for receiving
  168. Should the leg be straight in the Breakf
  169. Help with Ukemi
  170. Your Demon Technique?
  171. just curious
  172. question about a particular technique
  173. Common Mistakes
  174. Techniques for Demonstration
  175. Iriminage Question
  176. Question about back/front roll practice
  177. Video Tapes on Techniques
  178. Gokyo-why?
  179. the pins
  180. breakfall
  181. Whats the Name of Ueshiba's uppercut?
  182. Nikyo or Ikkyo or something Else?
  183. Aikido and Target Focus Training
  184. Little Help Here...Sankyo
  185. chokes in aikido
  186. Backward Ukemi
  187. Reversals
  188. VERY Basic Footwork Question
  189. iwama kamae
  190. Shodokan aikido Shomen Ate?
  191. Aikido Video Clips...Please Post
  192. How you did this techniques
  193. Kokyu Tanden Ho
  194. How important are the basic techniques
  195. Aiki-Otoshi
  196. Best Methods for Teaching Forward Rolls!
  197. Forward and back rolls
  198. More Kokyunage Plz?
  199. Lifting the feet
  200. Jujitsu Clinch attack.
  201. Katatedori Kokyunage Omote?
  202. Caught on tape?
  203. Question for Tomiki Ryu Aikidoka
  204. Lethality implied
  205. Headlock from the front
  206. Ukemi from the Ground Up
  207. What style of Aikido am I doing?
  208. Strike Nikkyo
  209. Misogi Breathing
  210. A good illustrated reference?
  211. literal translation of techniques?
  212. What is you're favorite technique?
  213. Chiba Sensei Video Clips
  214. Heaven and Earth throw?
  215. Small movements
  216. Hello, question about aikido here.
  217. Better to Train in Many or Few Techniques?
  218. Samurai
  219. Aikido on the ground, questions.
  220. Kokyu Nage techniques do they work?
  221. Rhythm/Speed/Musubi - How they work
  222. Looking for technique videos
  223. Kuzushi for kaiten nage
  224. Randori No Kata - history etc
  225. high punch?
  226. No Sankyo
  227. Aikido Yearage....
  228. Tai sabaki for reverse yokomenuchi
  229. Question from a beginner
  230. Yankyo reeeeeeally hurts    :-\(
  231. creation of new techniques
  232. Shomen-ate FTW!!!
  233. Shomenuchi nikkyo
  234. Various Style Technique Translation
  235. different ways of applying kotegaeshi
  236. Seagal's technique...is it his size?
  237. Irimi or Omote?!!!
  238. Forward Ukemi Help?
  239. What should I use?
  240. What is this kote gaesh called?
  241. O'Sensei slow motion throw's
  242. The MOST important technique?
  243. sankyo
  244. Backward Roll - Risks and benefits
  245. Routine Name?
  246. Do u know this illustrator?
  247. Using the hand in ukemi
  248. Non-cooperative tanto-dori (Discussion)
  249. Irimi Nage Omote, turning the hand over
  250. Nikyo Basics