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  1. Training the Body. Part 2: Exercesis
  2. Stomach Pain.. help?
  3. Does anyone know . . .
  4. aikido iceland
  5. Can't hit a girl??????
  6. You stink… literally
  7. conditioning routines
  8. Bad knees
  9. neribo ... this unknown ...
  10. Wrist Exercises
  11. Muscles important for Martial Movement
  12. Things good & bad for Kokyu training
  13. neck strengthening
  14. Scenario Training
  15. Newbie
  16. What makes a goods uke?
  17. What is Weight Transfer(Taijuuidou)??
  18. Losing grip during katate dori
  19. senshusei
  20. Full speed practice for 1st time....
  21. Juba Nour Sensei
  22. My first week of Aikido
  23. Men and Women Training Together
  24. What is "Aikido"?
  25. This is Cool
  26. As new as a new born child
  27. Children intro to Aikido
  28. Dummies anyone??
  29. Kotodama
  30. Escaping Choke
  31. Out of breath whilst rolling
  32. Ukemi training for the elderly?
  33. Rigid center??
  34. Can you learn without ever being UKE?
  35. Cross-training or Cross-purposes?
  36. Training for Crisis?
  37. Takemusu Aiki in Systematic Teaching?
  38. new training
  39. nikyo
  40. training at home
  41. Inguinal Hernia and Practice
  42. hello
  43. Tamura's warm up
  44. "homestay"/study-training aikido dojo?
  45. Aikido Beginner
  46. New and wondering about ki
  47. First class of Aikido
  48. Teaching Aikido NOT Pain!
  49. ow ow ow
  50. Took a beating last night. Amazing!
  51. Different from O Sensei?
  52. Deshism
  53. Training
  54. Type III ac separation and aikido
  55. opening the joints
  56. Training in Kaeshi waza
  57. Time off...
  58. Practical internal training ?
  59. Training with injuries
  60. Controlling your respiration
  61. Returning to training after injury
  62. free Aikido lessons in Fresno
  63. Personal Views on Ukemi
  64. Gozo Shioda Sensei Videos
  65. Using tension to understand relaxation
  66. Crazy Ki demonstration by Barrish Sensei
  67. angry white pyjamas
  68. "Proactive" Aikido?
  69. Wrist and grip conditioning video demo
  70. What is good ukemi?
  71. Specific question on Ukemi
  72. Aikido Melbourne Victoria Australia
  73. Stealing techniques
  74. aikido vs muay thai sparring video
  75. When does weapon training....
  76. Committed attack... a cliche?
  77. Oneness Rhythmn
  78. Love, Ego, and Learning
  79. Non Traditional training methods/Drills
  80. Exceptional People
  81. Cross Discipline Training
  82. home practice
  83. Kotodama and Kiko (Qigong)
  84. Aikido in Mexicali, BC, Mexico
  85. Breath
  86. Aikido, Weight Lifting & Flexibility
  87. Does anyone here train at the Chicago Aikikai?
  88. Aikido as External Art -or- Where's the Chewy Center?
  89. Randori video's
  90. First Response
  91. Feldenkrais, Nature and Martial Response
  92. forgot most
  93. kata for ashi sabaki
  94. Aikido Free Mat Time
  95. Jackson Michigan area
  96. First day of training
  97. Video of O'Sensei when he was younger.
  98. bokken and jo katta
  99. Seminars
  100. Uchi Deshi
  101. Are there any instructional videos by Ando Sensei?
  102. My aikido training is being hindered help....=(
  103. back injury
  104. broke collarbone
  105. Lessons from injury / approaches to recovery
  106. Testing Fear
  107. How long to shodan?
  108. Technique of running around nage
  109. Aikidoka attacks
  110. Breathing exercises
  111. Analytic Anger and Frustration in Training
  112. Food before training
  113. rough start with Aikido lessons
  114. Hello! A question about choosing a dojo...
  115. "real life" simulations
  116. Searching for an Ehime Dojo
  117. preserving knees and shoulders....
  118. Searching for dojos in Edmonton & area
  119. Explanation of Forms
  120. Fall training
  121. Training Plateau
  122. Ungraded and self practice
  123. training hand
  124. Dojos Near Hermosillo, Mexico or Training Alternative
  125. Keiko at Tsubaki America
  126. Seminar Attendance Pointers
  127. How many "quality" hours should I train outside of class?
  128. lost the feeling
  129. Rough training :S
  130. Training Solo?
  131. The tool of resistance in teaching Aikido
  132. Effects of weight training on aikido
  133. Resistance training overview: the four basic levels
  134. Role of Tension and Body Conditioning in Aikido
  135. Training Costs?
  136. Hard Aikido
  137. Knife Randori Videos
  138. Video of my training class
  139. Video Clip - Koichi Tohei and "Herman"
  140. Chinkon Kishin
  141. Poll of Chinkon Kishin training (or variations)
  142. meditation
  143. Power-Release Skills
  144. Freeform Bokken Drills to Develop Aiki Flow
  145. Morning, Noon, or Evening
  146. How-to images for wrist stretches
  147. Searching for Scott Howard sensei
  148. Residential school
  149. Training again
  150. The Topic I never Wanted To Post
  151. improving footwork
  152. Goodbye Aikido
  153. Baoding balls, Chinese Exercise Balls, Chinese Therapy Balls
  154. Northern Ireland dojo
  155. Training With A Replacement Hip
  156. More Seagal on YouTube
  157. Dislocated Finger-Help!
  158. Help> Overcoming Fear
  159. Heavy Bags/Medicine Balls?
  160. Breathing for a Beginner
  161. Striking in your Aikido
  162. new Ellis Amdur piece on aikido journal
  163. problems with wrists
  164. Back Pain From Bokken
  165. The road to the Humbo Dojo...
  166. Aikido Lessons at Home - Which DVDs?
  167. Misogi and Internal Training
  168. Indianapolis
  169. Supplemental Software OR DVDs
  170. What's Your Game?
  171. Having trouble sticking with training...any thoughts?
  172. solo training for centering and extending
  173. Training with Fibromyalgia
  174. I hate briefs, but...
  175. Broken Clavicle
  176. Daily Training - How important is it?
  177. Beginners and Daily Training
  178. Grappling In Aikido
  179. Two basic styles of learning...
  180. Aikido solo exercises
  181. Full Resistance
  182. Bangladesh
  183. speed: good question from kohai
  184. revelation "vs" intuited aiki
  185. YouTube: Aikido and Police Work
  186. Breathing Training while Exercising
  187. Defending Against Grappler Using Aikido
  188. Training goals
  189. Newbie Training
  190. Police Training in Aikido Needed
  191. NLP in martial arts.
  192. Back falls
  193. Functional Based Training
  194. Renshinkai/yoshinkan
  195. Recommended dojos in London?
  196. Mirror Neurons and Aikido Training
  197. Flow States in Aikido
  198. Nishio's Dojo in Jakarta?
  199. Respect and Punctuality
  200. The HA in SHU-HA-RI
  201. Should I Fold My Sensei's Hakama?
  202. “Practical Aikido” seminar
  203. Aikido at Age 59
  204. Dojo in Guangzhou, China?
  205. Wii Fit...
  206. How to help shy women to have confident training
  207. I give up, time for a home dojo
  208. to be imparted by oral instruction...
  209. What is the Best Stretching to do?
  210. "Readability" in Aikido: Some lessons training with Kids
  211. dojos in Harrisburg PA?
  212. Dojo in PJ, Malaysia
  213. Tengyo
  214. Can anyone suggest a dojo in Maryland
  215. The Different Styles of Aikido?
  216. How often should one train per week
  217. Need help in Ushiro ukemi waza
  218. Love training, and I have a heavy build and joint issues.
  219. Seeing yourself how others see you - Videotaping yourself
  220. Pros and Cons of Video
  221. What if I have to use aikido?
  222. gradings
  223. Is Aikido Really Effective?
  224. weight training - swariwaza
  225. Should aikido evolve?
  226. the centre
  227. Advice for shape
  228. To Shikko or not to Shikko/Bad idea for Aikido?
  229. Eyes Wide Shut
  230. Aikido - Form and Method
  231. Dojo in PA
  232. Dojo in southern Indiana?
  233. What am I learning,when I learn Aikido?
  234. Relaxing
  235. What is a Martial Art?
  236. Transmitting Spirit
  237. Worth More Than Money
  238. Training in SoCal (Orange County)?
  239. The teacher as a person
  240. Groupthink Problems in Training ?
  241. Less acceptance with more rank
  242. Possible to Train By Oneself?
  243. Rochester USA: Nearest Yoshinkan Dojo?
  244. Aikido Techniques and Aiki Training
  245. Swine Flu - Affected Your Training?
  246. Shodokan Dojo has moved
  247. Anyone training at Sugden with John and Sara?
  248. How do you train in a Seminar?
  249. What to do when what Tori is doing is hurting you
  250. O sensei and 'correct ukemi'