View Full Version : Training in Kaeshi waza

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Michael Hopkins
12-01-2006, 08:00 AM
Hi everybody. A brief introduction is in order. My name is Mike Hopkins. I am a student of Tetsutaka Sugawara Sensei. I have been practicing his interactive kaeshi waza and his 42 form aikido taichi kata for a couple years now. http://www.santarosaaikido.com/sugawara.html
I have no doubt of their significance, but in general, people don't seem to be interested. People always seem to like it when my teacher and I review his kumi-jo. Anyways, I would invite everyone to view his katas at a sight prepared by Jay Bell Sensei. I have provided the website above. The purpose of this forum is to see how interested you would be in learning it if you had someone among you who knew it. Thanks.

Mike Hopkins

12-01-2006, 11:13 AM
...Tetsutaka Sugawara Sensei. I have been practicing his interactive kaeshi waza and his 42 form aikido taichi kata for a couple years now. http://www.santarosaaikido.com/sugawara.html
I have no doubt of their significance, but in general, people don't seem to be interested.Hi. Thanks for the link. I am enjoying the vids immensely. They remind me of a demo I saw on video from Mochizuki's Yoseikan Budo in the 50th DR Anniversary vid from AJ.

I think there's excellent precedent for slowing down as much as you folks do. The Angier people and offshoots, the Systema people, the Tai chi folks all do it. The longer I train, the more value I see in it.

Joe Jutsu
12-01-2006, 11:36 AM
Very cool stuff!

Ron Tisdale
12-01-2006, 11:56 AM
I onbly watched one of the vids, but liked what I saw...
