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Andrew Scotchmer
08-29-2008, 10:34 AM

I've just started training in Aikido (Ki Aikido). Previously I've studied Ninjutsu, Tai Chi and Chi Kung (I still practice the last two at home on a daily basis).

The club I attend is only small and is held once a week. In ninjutsu training once a week was fine as there was always kata to learn.

As I understand it, Aikido has no kata. My question therefore is: How can I, or anyone new to Aikido, practice the techniques solo outside the dojo?

Just to say this is a brilliant site and I'm really learning a lot about the Aikido tradition.


08-29-2008, 11:09 AM
Aikido does have kata. Maybe not in the sense of a bunch of solo moves done in a sequence like in karate. But there is kata. I'm sure your instructor will be more then helpful in giving you homework if asked :D

Stefan Stenudd
08-29-2008, 11:24 AM
Jun and other knowledgeable people on this forum will be able to confirm or dispute it, but my impression is that kata simply refers to pre-decided series of movements - such as the basic aikido techniques, when done in an orderly fashion, whether or not together with a partner.

Kata can absolutely be done in pairs, like the kendo kata that are always done with a partner. Same in judo. So, basic aikido training is kata training.

Please correct me if I'm wrong :)

Anyway, there are lots of things that one can practice on one's own, for example any one of the aikido techniques. I am not sure about the fruitfulness of it, though.
Maybe the best solo practice is aiki-taiso stuff, like irimitenkan taisabaki, shomenate in shiho, funakogi undo, et cetera. Not to mention suburi with bokken or jo.

08-30-2008, 12:43 AM

I've just started training in Aikido (Ki Aikido). Previously I've studied Ninjutsu, Tai Chi and Chi Kung (I still practice the last two at home on a daily basis).

The club I attend is only small and is held once a week. In ninjutsu training once a week was fine as there was always kata to learn.

As I understand it, Aikido has no kata. My question therefore is: How can I, or anyone new to Aikido, practice the techniques solo outside the dojo?

Just to say this is a brilliant site and I'm really learning a lot about the Aikido tradition.


Personally, I work on footwork while maintaining a focus on Center. When I say footwork, I mean all movements; I try to make a point to be aware of my center of balance with every step I take. I've found that improves my ability to perform Tenkan/Irimi.