- My Ikkyu test
- Why/Why Not Seminars?
- Physical qualities for Aikido
- At home training, and bad habbits
- Different styles
- What are you working on?
- training deaf
- yokko irrimi naga
- Training hard then soft.
- are you training on the 4th of july?
- Jiyu Waza
- defense training
- Neighborhood Dojo
- Real world Uke?
- Fear of meditation
- out side training
- The Larger Person
- Take a breath!
- to breakfall or not to breakfall....
- Seiza
- training with women
- how to deal with people who say "I can't
- Aikido and Fitness
- Giggle Fit
- Fear
- Attitudes when visiting other styles
- no fall insurance
- Re Battle Of The Sexes
- The Big Falls
- Self Training
- Modern Training
- Randori
- "Street Aikido"
- Is Aikido Dangerous to pracice?
- Injuries
- Boring Training
- flexibility training for older persons?
- Latest Revelation
- this weeks polls
- Students
- Staying away from muscles
- styles of Aikido?
- It hurts when I do this...
- talkative sempai
- Kiai Usage
- weapons training
- Military training
- Ki
- Eye injuries
- behavior in the dojo
- Multiple Attackers Drills
- knee damage
- Re Hurt thumbs while training!!
- Question
- Aikido videos
- Have you ever offended your uke?
- *Really* Tough Training…
- training by yourself
- Odd.. training...
- Uschi Deshi programs
- Training outside
- Misogi
- poison oak
- Focus
- Tanren exercises
- Hard Training
- revenge
- beginner's learning curve
- Need Suggestions For Learning...
- kihon dosa
- Aikido's Strikes.
- Talking on the mat
- Timing
- testing and asking questions.
- etiquette and lack of it
- Changing of Partners
- Dojo Floor Space
- gis
- Training, Form, Effectiveness and Resistance
- The latest poll
- Backpain
- "no touch" throw????
- Fatal Injuries
- Tobi ukemi
- Aikido for All
- Patience v.s. Frustration
- Aikido with only one kidney
- Partner Difficulties
- Seeing Yourself
- Randori
- Big Dude Needs Advice
- Where to self train?
- Article: Thoughts on Bugei Studies by Karl Friday
- The Making of Uke and Tori
- New teacher & style
- Training with beginners
- old ukes being hard
- Training With Aikidoka Mountains
- I Am Interested In Aikido
- Seiza
- Alexander Technique
- Preferred and non-preferred partners
- uncooperative, overbearing....
- Would Aikido be less if explained in english
- Is our Budo watered down?
- Combat efficiency? "Fantastic"!
- Will a book help me?
- Does aikido train the mind?
- Different styles of Aikido
- Knee Injury
- How to stay relaxed?
- Finding answers ...
- Cross-Training
- Adrenal Stress Training
- Internal pain when taking a fall
- intensive training
- Blind awase
- Character in Ranking
- Proper way to Breakfall
- is there a dojo near me?
- Surprise Ni Kyu Test!
- Beginners Help Please
- Train In Ki And Why
- Weight lifting and Aikido
- Experimental Aikido
- Help ! Popping Joints
- soft breakfalls
- Before you start....
- Kata in Aikido
- Do you ask to test?
- Aikido & Ground Fighting
- Taigi
- Kick Defenses...
- A Great Drill
- Learning
- direct transmission?
- Incorporating Different Martial Arts
- Surpassing the Founder's Skill Level
- extensive breakfalls
- Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
- "Even the Mona Lisa's falling apart"
- Videos and Training
- Yoshinkan basics within the ASU
- Do Aikido need gymnastic too?
- To Rough?
- osae waza
- training while ill
- Ranks
- 5th Kyu test: Too easy?
- Observing the USE of KI?
- putting kata pieces together
- When someone try to block you
- What is Aikido?
- When is a good time for a Beginner to practice
- blind aikidoka
- Essay for Dan Grading?
- Leading the mind
- The worst class ever!
- Relax!
- a fly...
- injuries
- Mixed martial arts
- Looking for guidence...
- Training outside of the dojo?
- Blurring the Roles of Uke and Nage
- Current Training Focus
- Critiquing Videos
- Shifting the Training Focus
- Centering
- Self Control
- Flexibility
- Leading with frustration
- Abt Ki Aikido
- spinning..?
- kotodama
- Memorizing (and executing) the teacher's examples
- Aikido as Street Defence, Part 2
- Cross-Art Influences
- Beginner-training
- Open Letter on Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
- high repititions in training
- Pain to train, or nudge to budge?
- After an injury
- Seiza
- bukiwasa
- Aikido with legs?
- Visual documentation / explaination of technique
- Hard Floor
- X-Training within Aikido
- helpless in Binghamton, NY
- Training in the Japan
- Thanks
- How heavy?
- Isn't it odd...
- Injury
- Training time
- Body awareness
- Total Aikido
- Great Class!
- solo exersies - tai sabaki
- Heart of the matter
- Outdoor training.
- Non "Standard" Aikido
- "chess"-like cross training
- It's a training kata
- Wrong Reflexes?
- what's the absolute minimum training time?
- Physical Aikido
- automatic reponse training
- aikido curriculum and training
- Rooting and the Iron body
- na waza
- Shodan - lessons learned
- Fighting
- zanshin
- Atemi cross training?
- Uke's Message
- Drills
- Perfection and Mistakes
- Tai Sabaki
- hip throws
- intense training for excellence
- appearances
- Crosstraining?
- Shikko and variations
- Rolls and breakfalls
- Can you improve your skill without using weapons?
- Medicine Ball 'Z'
- Private Lessons?
- Can you recommend a dojo in Miami, Florida?
- choosing the right MA
- Multiple Nage Randori?
- Learning by taking ukemi
- Upper or Lower Body Development ?
- Being in shape
- Seiza
- Aikido ettiquette?
- Is Aikido for me?
- Weapons training for beginners
- Advice to Your Beginner Self
- instructors
- Help! I use too much muscle...
- Ukemi
- How physical do techniques need to be?
- rising energy
- Will Hapkido teach me aikido?
- adaption with time
- Need advice for my newbie self.
- more atemi...
- Beyond Frustration