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  1. My Ikkyu test
  2. Why/Why Not Seminars?
  3. Physical qualities for Aikido
  4. At home training, and bad habbits
  5. Different styles
  6. What are you working on?
  7. training deaf
  8. yokko irrimi naga
  9. Training hard then soft.
  10. are you training on the 4th of july?
  11. Jiyu Waza
  12. defense training
  13. Neighborhood Dojo
  14. Real world Uke?
  15. Fear of meditation
  16. out side training
  17. The Larger Person
  18. Take a breath!
  19. to breakfall or not to breakfall....
  20. Seiza
  21. training with women
  22. how to deal with people who say "I can't
  23. Aikido and Fitness
  24. Giggle Fit
  25. Fear
  26. Attitudes when visiting other styles
  27. no fall insurance
  28. Re Battle Of The Sexes
  29. The Big Falls
  30. Self Training
  31. Modern Training
  32. Randori
  33. "Street Aikido"
  34. Is Aikido Dangerous to pracice?
  35. Injuries
  36. Boring Training
  37. flexibility training for older persons?
  38. Latest Revelation
  39. this weeks polls
  40. Students
  41. Staying away from muscles
  42. styles of Aikido?
  43. It hurts when I do this...
  44. talkative sempai
  45. Kiai Usage
  46. weapons training
  47. Military training
  48. Ki
  49. Eye injuries
  50. behavior in the dojo
  51. Multiple Attackers Drills
  52. knee damage
  53. Re Hurt thumbs while training!!
  54. Question
  55. Aikido videos
  56. Have you ever offended your uke?
  57. *Really* Tough Training…
  58. training by yourself
  59. Odd.. training...
  60. Uschi Deshi programs
  61. Training outside
  62. Misogi
  63. poison oak
  64. Focus
  65. Tanren exercises
  66. Hard Training
  67. revenge
  68. beginner's learning curve
  69. Need Suggestions For Learning...
  70. kihon dosa
  71. Aikido's Strikes.
  72. Talking on the mat
  73. Timing
  74. testing and asking questions.
  75. etiquette and lack of it
  76. Changing of Partners
  77. Dojo Floor Space
  78. gis
  79. Training, Form, Effectiveness and Resistance
  80. The latest poll
  81. Backpain
  82. "no touch" throw????
  83. Fatal Injuries
  84. Tobi ukemi
  85. Aikido for All
  86. Patience v.s. Frustration
  87. Aikido with only one kidney
  88. Partner Difficulties
  89. Seeing Yourself
  90. Randori
  91. Big Dude Needs Advice
  92. Where to self train?
  93. Article: Thoughts on Bugei Studies by Karl Friday
  94. The Making of Uke and Tori
  95. New teacher & style
  96. Training with beginners
  97. old ukes being hard
  98. Training With Aikidoka Mountains
  99. I Am Interested In Aikido
  100. Seiza
  101. Alexander Technique
  102. Preferred and non-preferred partners
  103. uncooperative, overbearing....
  104. Would Aikido be less if explained in english
  105. Is our Budo watered down?
  106. Combat efficiency? "Fantastic"!
  107. Will a book help me?
  108. Does aikido train the mind?
  109. Different styles of Aikido
  110. Knee Injury
  111. How to stay relaxed?
  112. Finding answers ...
  113. Cross-Training
  114. Adrenal Stress Training
  115. Internal pain when taking a fall
  116. intensive training
  117. Blind awase
  118. Character in Ranking
  119. Proper way to Breakfall
  120. is there a dojo near me?
  121. Surprise Ni Kyu Test!
  122. Beginners Help Please
  123. Train In Ki And Why
  124. Weight lifting and Aikido
  125. Experimental Aikido
  126. Help ! Popping Joints
  127. soft breakfalls
  128. Before you start....
  129. Kata in Aikido
  130. Do you ask to test?
  131. Aikido & Ground Fighting
  132. Taigi
  133. Kick Defenses...
  134. A Great Drill
  135. Learning
  136. direct transmission?
  137. Incorporating Different Martial Arts
  138. Surpassing the Founder's Skill Level
  139. extensive breakfalls
  140. Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
  141. "Even the Mona Lisa's falling apart"
  142. Videos and Training
  143. Yoshinkan basics within the ASU
  144. Do Aikido need gymnastic too?
  145. To Rough?
  146. osae waza
  147. training while ill
  148. Ranks
  149. 5th Kyu test: Too easy?
  150. Observing the USE of KI?
  151. putting kata pieces together
  152. When someone try to block you
  153. What is Aikido?
  154. When is a good time for a Beginner to practice
  155. blind aikidoka
  156. Essay for Dan Grading?
  157. Leading the mind
  158. The worst class ever!
  159. Relax!
  160. a fly...
  161. injuries
  162. Mixed martial arts
  163. Looking for guidence...
  164. Training outside of the dojo?
  165. Blurring the Roles of Uke and Nage
  166. Current Training Focus
  167. Critiquing Videos
  168. Shifting the Training Focus
  169. Centering
  170. Self Control
  171. Flexibility
  172. Leading with frustration
  173. Abt Ki Aikido
  174. spinning..?
  175. kotodama
  176. Memorizing (and executing) the teacher's examples
  177. Aikido as Street Defence, Part 2
  178. Cross-Art Influences
  179. Beginner-training
  180. Open Letter on Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu
  181. high repititions in training
  182. Pain to train, or nudge to budge?
  183. After an injury
  184. Seiza
  185. bukiwasa
  186. Aikido with legs?
  187. Visual documentation / explaination of technique
  188. Hard Floor
  189. X-Training within Aikido
  190. helpless in Binghamton, NY
  191. Training in the Japan
  192. Thanks
  193. How heavy?
  194. Isn't it odd...
  195. Injury
  196. Training time
  197. Body awareness
  198. Total Aikido
  199. Great Class!
  200. solo exersies - tai sabaki
  201. Heart of the matter
  202. Outdoor training.
  203. Non "Standard" Aikido
  204. "chess"-like cross training
  205. It's a training kata
  206. Wrong Reflexes?
  207. what's the absolute minimum training time?
  208. Physical Aikido
  209. automatic reponse training
  210. aikido curriculum and training
  211. Rooting and the Iron body
  212. na waza
  213. Shodan - lessons learned
  214. Fighting
  215. zanshin
  216. Atemi cross training?
  217. Uke's Message
  218. Drills
  219. Perfection and Mistakes
  220. Tai Sabaki
  221. hip throws
  222. intense training for excellence
  223. appearances
  224. Crosstraining?
  225. Shikko and variations
  226. Rolls and breakfalls
  227. Can you improve your skill without using weapons?
  228. Medicine Ball 'Z'
  229. Private Lessons?
  230. Can you recommend a dojo in Miami, Florida?
  231. choosing the right MA
  232. Multiple Nage Randori?
  233. Learning by taking ukemi
  234. Upper or Lower Body Development ?
  235. Being in shape
  236. Seiza
  237. Aikido ettiquette?
  238. Is Aikido for me?
  239. Weapons training for beginners
  240. Advice to Your Beginner Self
  241. instructors
  242. Help! I use too much muscle...
  243. Ukemi
  244. How physical do techniques need to be?
  245. rising energy
  246. Will Hapkido teach me aikido?
  247. adaption with time
  248. Need advice for my newbie self.
  249. more atemi...
  250. Beyond Frustration