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11-18-2006, 09:26 PM
I have been training fairly intensively for the last few years, and am now doing 3-4 classes per day six days a week, living in dojo. Would like to hear from other deshis and ex -deshi out there.

Having some strange experiences - when partners grab me for example, or even looks to do so, am starting to get a lot of information about them. Very practical but makes doing kata frustrating, also feels weird as seeing people intimately in whole new light!

Also concerned with how I interact with the general students who train 2-4 time per week as is clear we are seeing aikido differently (irrespective of grade) and would like to be able to train with them happily and harmoniously (no deshi superiority intended here).

Tell me I'm not just going mad !!!!!?!!!!! :) :ai:

In budo,

Mark Uttech
11-19-2006, 08:36 AM
You are not going mad, your practice is going through another phase; a phase that will probably last until the next phase. You just have to keep going.

In gassho


11-19-2006, 12:59 PM
Out of curiousity, what kind of information? My brother once talked about highly trainned people being able to gauge what kind of person someone was just by touching them, is that the kind of thing you are talking about?

11-19-2006, 06:58 PM
Levels of feeling:

1st level - Tension, balance, posture, strength. - PHYSICAL

2nd - Intention, desire, attention. - MENTAL

3rd - Personality, needs, emotions. - PERSON

Not saying I am good at this btw - just that it's starting to come up

11-21-2006, 12:23 AM
A good friend of mine, a martial artist from a different discipline, claims that he can learn more about a person sparring with them for 10 minutes than he can talking to them for a couple of hours.


11-21-2006, 10:36 AM
A good friend of mine, a martial artist from a different discipline, claims that he can learn more about a person sparring with them for 10 minutes than he can talking to them for a couple of hours.


Yeah you learn a lot about people by sparring with them, if it gets really intense that is. Curiously it's the only time you regularly see men hugging each other.

11-21-2006, 01:27 PM
Remember the scene in The Matrix: Reloaded where Seraph says to Neo:

"You don't know someone until you fight him" ? (or something like that)


11-21-2006, 07:40 PM
Remember the scene in The Matrix: Reloaded where Seraph says to Neo:

"You don't know someone until you fight him" ? (or something like that)


I think there's some truth in that. Fighting (in which I'll include sparring and play fighting) in my opinion tends to strip you to the core. There's no pretence in how you react under pressure.