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Mike Hamer
09-18-2006, 07:45 PM
Some guy over at a friends house kept on bugging me to "show him aikido" I dont brag, and I dont boast about claiming to really have an understanding of the art, but he wanted to see aikido, so I showed him. At first I just showed him the unbendable arm, and my forward/backward rolls, but he was pretty much begging to be thrown. Anyways, I ended up being able show him quite a few techniqes from the same hand wrist grab, and suprisingly enough, at full speed with no pause in between his grabbing and my reaction. And the weirdest part........how far he went flying, compared to the amount of force I was applying. Looks like aikido really DOES work....hahaha. Oh, and also, sometimes he would end up getting completly flipped over in midair when I would do a technique that in practice just results in a slam to the ground....Most of the time he would hit the ground so hard that I freaked out asking him if he was ok..........sigh :ai: :ki: :do:

09-18-2006, 07:59 PM
These were people experienced in being thrown, I hope?

09-18-2006, 08:36 PM
There are in aikido the techniqes from hand wrist grab ??? :)
If you do aikido techniques in full speed your attacker will certainy die right away.

09-18-2006, 08:38 PM
oopps... I forgot to add :

he will die from laughing so hard.....

Mike Hamer
09-19-2006, 05:15 PM
What are you getting at Scezerpan jan

Mike Hamer
09-19-2006, 05:16 PM
These were people experienced in being thrown, I hope?

Ummm......no, in fact, he probably took harder ukemi than I ever have..............

09-20-2006, 12:10 AM
Be careful out there. I stopped showing my friends what I was learning in class when I very nearly dropped my best friend on the back of his skull. He actually attacked with intent and conviction; I didn't have enough control to slow the technique down after it started. When I realized what was about to happen I just grabbed him and we fell in a heap on the dining room floor. He looked at me with scared shitless eyes and said "I was going to land right on my neck!"

I don't even want to imagine what could have happened if it would have carried through to completion. Now if anybody asks me to show them something I show them escapes from wrist grabs. If they want to see anything else they can take classes.


Mike Hamer
09-20-2006, 09:08 AM
I should be more careful when chosing how to demonstrate aikido to others.

I havent even practiced defending against a strike yet.......sigh

Ron Tisdale
09-20-2006, 09:18 AM
Yes, be very carefull. Once your friend is injured, you can't take it back. Unfortunately, I have had the experience of injuring someone on the mat, and no matter of fault...it feels lousy.

You won't have to live with that if you don't horse around with friends. It happens enough as it is with normal keiko.


09-20-2006, 09:26 AM
Now if anybody asks me to show them something I show them escapes from wrist grabs. If they want to see anything else they can take classes.

Bronson Same here. Invite to class.

Mike Hamer
09-23-2006, 02:19 AM
I "freaked" a bunch of people out with the unbendable arm today. What really gets them is when you push on your arm muscles to show that they are soft and relaxed.

09-25-2006, 01:07 AM
Teach them to do it. It just takes a few minutes and it'll freak 'em out even more :D


Gernot Hassenpflug
09-25-2006, 01:31 AM
These were people experienced in being thrown, I hope? They are now :D Education: some learn by example, some by concussion.

Mike Hamer
09-26-2006, 09:56 AM
haha, good point.

09-27-2006, 06:28 AM
That happened to me too. My younger brother was bugging me to teach him a technique. I gave him a kote-gaeshi giving him a slight jerk, his head hit the door. It was just like a slapstick humor on TV :hypno: . Laughter drowned the pain away. Sometimes we don't know our own strength and also applying a technique who doesn't have training or a high tolerance to pain(locks) gets hurt easily. And oh yeah! The door's ok! LOL :p ;)

Gerald Rhoades
10-05-2006, 01:52 AM
I dont brag, and I dont boast about claiming to really have an understanding of the art, but he wanted to see aikido, so I showed him. :

How long have you been in aikido??
Im just wondering because im getting ready to beging training in it....

Mike Hamer
10-21-2006, 02:50 AM
How long have you been in aikido??
Im just wondering because im getting ready to beging training in it....

About 5 and 1/2 months, once a week.

10-21-2006, 04:03 AM
A bloke from work was interested in showing him some Aikido techniques some two years ago. I replied I could not beacause a)I was not a teacher b)it was dangerous ouside the carefully organised environment of a jojo. He insisted on for weeks but would not come down the jojo to see for himself. When summer came we went very early one morning to the beach for our regular swim and I decided to show him a few techniques on fine thick sand. I was very lucky he did not break his neck after landing awkwardly following a mae-ukemi from kneeling position. So I stopped right there and never "tought" anyone else. I consider myself being both very lucky and very stupid for even thinking of taking such a risk.