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10-10-2006, 07:01 PM
Were any of you able to catch the 2 hour documentary on National Geographic entitled "Fight Science" ?

I really enjoyed the show because the documentary was about showing the science behind different martial arts. I was very educational!

anyway, there was a comment on the show that keeps bothering me, and I hope to hear your insights.

When each Martial Artist representative was doing a demo, the narrator would explain a lot of things about the art. One in particular (Drunken Kung Fu Style), showcased a very colorful demo.

The narrator said that one of the advantages this style had was because the fighter's center was adapted to become flexible. That way, if the fighter recieves an attack, the energy would bounce or slide off the body as if it was rubber. This was supposedly an advantage over arts whose fighters were trained to have rigid centers, because they could be thrown off balance easier whenever they recieve attacks.... (At least that's how I understand it)

I am still studying Aikido, and I hope to clarfy something about our "centers." Can I assume that our centers are rigid? From what I know, we keep them mobile during an attack so we can blend with the attackers movements.

Please share your thoughts. :)

Thank you.

10-11-2006, 08:17 AM
Easy to talk, harder to walk.
If you want to talk just watch and read. If you want to do, train.
Gambatte kudasai!

10-11-2006, 10:41 AM
Can I assume that our centers are rigid? From what I know, we keep them mobile during an attack so we can blend with the attackers movements.
Saw the show too. Very interesting.

IMHO, the mobility of blending implies our centers are flexible.

Jill N
10-11-2006, 09:29 PM
flexible and relaxed.