View Full Version : Announcements & Feedback

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  1. Forums
  2. Junior Members?
  3. Smilies?
  4. General Navigation...
  5. New posts
  6. Logging out
  7. Other comments
  8. Where are the New People?
  9. Chat room
  10. Slow response
  11. The New People & The Replies
  12. Real Name
  13. 2000 Messages!
  14. Downtime 8/24
  15. Downtime 9/16
  16. An open letter to Jun Akiyama
  17. Any problems?
  18. Real Name, Please!
  19. video clips
  20. today's poll
  21. AikiWeb Reaches 1,000,000th Page View
  22. AikiWeb AikiCards
  23. Forum Hiccup
  24. "Infighting"
  25. A feature that would be really useful
  26. Unable to Post?
  27. people leaving
  28. Tanaka Sensei
  29. Scheduled Downtime (Perhaps)
  30. Forums Back Up!
  31. Private Messaging
  32. Thread Ratings
  33. Birthdays
  34. Ignore List
  35. Slowdown?
  36. Bullet hole
  37. What is going on
  38. Active Forum Threads
  39. AikiWeb Links Portal
  40. Aikiweb Buttons
  42. chat
  43. more books
  44. Happy Thanksgiving
  45. This week's poll
  46. Questions in Forums
  47. Printing, Copying, and Pasting
  48. Network Back Up...
  49. Aikido Chat
  50. Ignore List
  51. Proposed new forum
  52. AikiWeb Back Up
  53. Word explanations
  54. Deleted Messages
  55. Links to AikiWeb
  56. XML and RDF Files
  57. Logging In
  58. AikiWeb Forums New Features
  59. I can't view some of the threads
  60. Active Forum Threads....
  61. AikiWeb Back Up!
  62. Aikiweb Is Back!
  63. New Forums
  64. AikiWeb Members Gallery
  65. "Open Discussions"
  66. Ignore feature, not very Aiki
  67. That Fujimoto?
  68. Computer Virus
  69. Editing/Deleting Posts - 15 Minute Window
  70. AikiWeb T-shirt Giveaway!
  71. T shirt
  72. AikiWeb T-shirt Winners!
  73. Ignored
  74. AikiWeb Training Journals
  75. New Book/Video Reviews
  76. Saito Sensei's Books
  77. Nothing very important but..
  78. Marketplace
  79. Forum post on dojo bulletin board
  80. voices of experience
  81. Jun: Urgent - please Check Aikiwall
  82. 15 Minute Edit/Delete Time
  83. Front page quotes..
  84. On Suggestion
  85. Aikido Web Search Beta
  86. Ignor or are you hiding something?
  87. New Years Greeting
  88. taking the final elbow
  89. Time limit on posting
  90. Any Problems?
  91. New Journal System
  92. Unable to Log Out
  93. AikiGallery
  94. Pop Ups!?
  95. Aikiweb system is great!!
  96. Spell Checker
  97. Dojo Search
  98. Founders sayings
  99. Books:
  100. Posting photos:
  101. journals...
  102. Active members
  103. Smilies
  104. Fixed width: is it really necessary?
  105. regional topics heading?
  106. You already voted
  107. On The Anonymous Forum
  108. avatar assistance
  109. Most Users Ever Online
  110. Book and Video Reviews Help Request
  111. This Forum Just Lost Credability it had Left.
  112. Spelling Checker Help Wanted
  113. New Spelling Checker
  114. New Reviews Sections
  115. i cant get this thing to work?!
  116. IP Blocked?
  117. Lack of msn field in profile
  118. New AikiWeb Forums Software
  119. "Featured Images" Box
  120. Post "User Information" Option
  121. Profile Picture
  122. Journal System
  123. Hey Jun....
  124. Contributing Member Subscriptions
  125. Japanese Language Options
  126. Private messages
  127. smilies
  128. Political discussions on this website
  129. Site Downtime
  130. 4,000,000!
  131. Private Messages Size Increase
  132. Screen/Active Threads-question for Jun
  133. Database Back Up
  134. New Server Hardware
  135. Bandwidth
  136. I Need Help - I Can't Post
  137. Social engineering/old topics
  138. Moderating Politics
  139. photo approval
  141. DIfficulty posting photos
  142. Photo deletion
  143. Hey Jun, you got me where I am not
  144. Can't find Jamaica on the list of countr
  145. Updated Gallery & Reviews Software
  146. Problems logging out
  147. Forums Software Upgraded
  148. "Download This Thread" Feature
  149. Testing a New Feature
  150. Suggestion for the forum boss.
  151. New Feature: AikiChat!
  152. Image Number
  153. New Feature: AikiQuiz!
  154. AikiChat
  155. なんで?
  156. RSS feeds
  157. New Russian Language Forum
  158. Private message reciepts
  159. The AikiWeb AikiWiki
  160. New AikiCards by Laurence Mergi Rapaport
  161. Delete photos from gallery?
  162. New Feature: AikiWeb AikiBlogs!
  163. Atemi and Irimi thread closed - WHY?
  164. Question.
  165. search feature
  166. Members List / Aikido Style
  167. muliple dojo seminar planning tool
  168. email notification
  169. Aikiweb Sensei Images
  170. Thread ratings....
  171. I find the "autologout" time TOO QUICK
  172. public profile
  173. Book Reviews
  174. Downloading Private message function
  175. Chatting
  176. change signature name?
  177. RSS Problems
  178. Post Counter
  179. Slap fighting over the meaning of "ki"
  180. Flyers for Seminars
  181. Kill Previews
  182. Quoting
  183. Regarding James Smith
  184. New Feature: Spoiler Tag!
  185. Problem sending notifications to Yahoo?
  186. IE& - Internet Explorer cannot display t
  187. Doka of the Day
  188. Quotes Not Appearing!?
  189. AikiWeb Bugs
  190. i'm trying to upload an image
  191. Filtering/ignore buttons on threads?
  192. Is it okay to cross post in these forums
  193. Spell Check
  194. AikiWeb Poll Suggestions
  195. Thank you Jun
  196. Why are you here on this forum?
  197. Account problem
  198. Database Issues
  199. AikiWeb Software Updates
  200. Aikido Video Clips Links Category
  201. new forum category?
  202. Subject/Tone of Threads
  203. How to Ignore a User
  204. New Feature: Columns Forum
  205. Moving Threads
  206. Idea for new database?
  207. Sponsored links page?
  208. Where did the old threads go?
  209. Animated avatars?
  210. Counting 1...2....3
  211. problem with editing dojo
  212. Looking for a moderator of this forum
  213. search facility
  214. Referrals?
  215. On Posting on AikiWeb
  216. Highrankingwomen
  217. FOR JUN -- Blogs not opening
  218. Private messages on the Aikiweb
  219. Suggestion
  220. Unable to reply to some threads
  221. AikiWeb Forums Subject Matter
  222. Thread Starter Locking Own Threads
  223. Curly quotes break the spell checker
  224. My profile, preferences, options, settings.
  225. Call for Suggestions for AikiWeb Polls
  226. Google Chrome
  227. How to Exlude Certain Forums
  228. On Closing Threads
  229. Links in Threads
  230. Minor Peeve
  231. Why can't I see other posts ?
  232. How to post a reply as anonymous
  233. Nonsense on the forums
  234. Can I change my name?
  235. An Unknown and Unseen Audience
  236. AKI. Aiki Camping Reserve
  237. Shinichi Suzuki Passing
  238. Can't access blog entry tools.
  239. How do I send private messages??????
  240. Google Chrome - Not Seeing Drop-down Menus
  241. AikiWeb Server Back Up
  242. Learning the lesson
  243. Aggressive Posting
  244. E-Mail Notifications
  245. Fred Little's #5
  246. Why are we having these conversations
  247. AikiWeb Server Back Up
  248. Halloween Kanji
  249. how do i delete my fucking account
  250. Does Aikido work with robots and spiders?