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11-22-2001, 09:52 AM
Hi folks,

Today is an American holiday here in the United States called Thanksgiving wherein we give thanks for what we have.

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for participating here in the AikiWeb Forums. I think the discussions on aikido that we have here are lively, intriguing, educational, and great fun. I hope everyone else here who is posting and who is lurking (post, why don't you!) is finding the discussions as such as well.

Thanks for being here, folks, and happy Thanksgiving.

-- Jun

11-22-2001, 10:06 AM
Is this the one where americans feasted on turkey with the red indians? I can't remember but I think I saw that on tv a long time ago.

Well, I'm sincerely thankful for what I've got in life, although I don't mind having more. :p

So happy thanksgiving to everyone!

11-22-2001, 10:52 AM
It's a great feeling to spend the day surrounded by family and friends...

I'd like to ask everyone, while they are giving thanks today, to remember those who are not with their families: the police, fire, and medical personnel who protect us 365 days a year, and the military and civilians fighting overtly and covertly for our country. Having spent more than one holiday in those situations, sometimes eating MREs, I can tell you the warm wishes of folks back home can be felt continents away.

11-23-2001, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by akiy
Hi folks,

Today is an American holiday here in the United States called Thanksgiving wherein we give thanks for what we have.

KAMI : So sorry, all of you!:eek:
In my country, we do not have a special day for thanksgiving (as a mostly catholic country, we are used to thank dayly for all we've got) but even a bit late, I wish every possible happiness, harmony and love to all of you.
Best :ai:

11-23-2001, 10:31 AM
While I am a tad late. Just wanted to say I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving (For those who celebrate).

And to everyone, stay safe this winter.


11-23-2001, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by akiy

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for participating here in the AikiWeb Forums. I think the discussions on aikido that we have here are lively, intriguing, educational, and great fun. I hope everyone else here who is posting and who is lurking (post, why don't you!) is finding the discussions as such as well.

Quite apart from the (usually) fine quality of most of the discussions here, this is quite the best designed web-based discussion forum I've encountered. So in the spirit of thanksgiving, I'd like to thank you, Jun, for all your excellent work.


Melissa Fischer
11-24-2001, 12:41 PM
I am Thankful daily that O Sensei discovered the amazing art of Aikido. I am thankful that I happened to come into contact with the incredible teacher I have. I'm thankful to all the Nages at our dojo that throw and pin me, thankful to the Ukes that give me the opportunity to practice dealing with confrontation. And I'm thankful to have internet access through this site to all the people in the world who practice Aikido and have plenty of spare time to chat about it. By the way, I've been reading this site for nearly a year but this is my 1st post.
Happy Thanksgiving! Melissa