View Full Version : Is it okay to cross post in these forums

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08-08-2006, 12:14 PM
I just posted something in the training forum but noticed that there were more folks viewing this one then that one.

Can I cross post here?

08-08-2006, 12:33 PM
Okay I guess I'll just walk away :(

Mark Gibbons
08-08-2006, 12:44 PM
I'm not sure how other people view posts. I click new posts and look them all over. Reading the same question on multiple forums would be a waste of my time. Welcome to aikiweb.


08-08-2006, 12:45 PM
What do you mean, are you allowed to post in more than one forum?
If so, then the answer is yes.

08-08-2006, 12:53 PM
What do you mean, are you allowed to post in more than one forum?
If so, then the answer is yes.

Thanks, where I come from . . . other BBSs . . . posting the same thing in multiple forums is frowned upon.

James Kelly
08-08-2006, 01:12 PM
Thanks, where I come from . . . other BBSs . . . posting the same thing in multiple forums is frowned upon.
it is frowned upon here as well. (i think pagie didn't realize you meant cross posting the same thing)

08-08-2006, 01:19 PM
it is frowned upon here as well. (i think pagie didn't realize you meant cross posting the same thing)

That's what I figured, I'll stick to the training forum for now.

Thanks for the heads up.

08-08-2006, 01:21 PM
I'll chime in (at least until Jun weighs in): No, cross-posting is not kosher.

Also, as Ron suggested, you might wait a little longer before concluding that you're being ignored. It IS a work day, after all.

Welcome to the board.

08-08-2006, 01:32 PM
No, cross-posting is not kosher.
Yes, please refrain from posting the same topic in multiple places on AikiWeb. Thank you.

-- Jun