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04-19-2003, 01:52 PM
I'm always meaning to drop a word of encouragement to Jun.

This site is amazing, both in content and organization. It somehow manages to be simple and yet allows you to do things quickly and easily.

Thumbs up!! Thank god you didn't decide to use a WebCt system ;-)

04-19-2003, 03:10 PM
Second that :D :D :D

Jun is definitly the man

04-19-2003, 05:59 PM
Yes. It's excellent to stop and notice. Thanks, Bob, for bringing it up, and thanks, Jun, for organizing it all.

04-19-2003, 09:37 PM
*nods* Yes, it is a great site. Where else can you find several books worth of information as well as such interesting discussions and people? ...but, Bob, I'm sure he'd appreciate you buying a shirt even more :D

04-22-2003, 01:53 AM
*nods* Yes, it is a great site. Where else can you find several books worth of information as well as such interesting discussions and people? ...but, Bob, I'm sure he'd appreciate you buying a shirt even more :D
Holy crap -

(1) There are shirts?

(2) Jun is a *MAN*, babyee. That is so not a man's name ;-)


Hey I should talk, my actual name doesn't even translate into english.

04-22-2003, 07:56 AM
This site is terrific! I am beginning to appreciate it even more lately, as I start meeting folks in the flesh who I've already met online through AikiWeb. Three weeks ago I met Mel from Kentucky at a seminar. He was really nice, and was a ton of fun to train with (nice aikido!). Last night I met Bronson and Joe from the Battle Creek Michigan group and attended Bronsons class. That too was a ton of fun, and it opened my eyes to different ways of practicing aikido (also very nice aikido). Bronson recommended someone to sew the kanji onto my hakama (who did an outstanding job), and to make patches for my dojo, which brought me to BC, and then to his class.

These types of interactions that we have from our fellow aikidoka, who we would otherwise most likely never meet, are very precious. This forum allows us to get outside of our narrow daily practice, and opens us to other styles, opinions, etc. I wholeheartedly applaud Jun on his efforts to bring the aikido community together, albeit mostly online (and those wonderful opportunities we get occassionally offline).



04-22-2003, 09:59 AM
Hi everyone,

Wow -- thanks so much for your compliments, support, and encouragement! They're all very much appreciated and you're all welcome, of course. It's been my pleasure creating and maintaining this site.

It's great to have a wonderful bunch of people like yourselves populating this community. Without you, there wouldn't be the vivacious discussions, the witty banter, the occasional (ahem) flamewar, nor the sharing and exchange of our experience in aikido.

I'm glad, most of all, to hear that people have been able to connect with each other, even if just "virtually." I think that if we're unable to get along with people in this aikido world of ours, it'll be difficult to try to do so outside of it. I think the first step is to get together in the aikido world, whether on AikiWeb, physical seminars, or the dojo, and learn to be respectful, open, and receptive to each other's thoughts, experiences, and lives.

So, let's carry on! I'm looking forward to how the current discussions develop and I'm also looking forward to meeting folks on the mat some day.

Best regards,

-- Jun

PS: Yes, there are shirts! They're available in the AikiWeb AikiStore (http://www.aikiweb.com/store)...

Ron Tisdale
04-22-2003, 10:06 AM
Kudos Jun. Excellent Job.

Lan Powers
04-22-2003, 08:59 PM
Not to flog a dead horse,

but if for no other reason than his organizing the drive to raise $ for Barbara Bowen after the aneurism....

highest praise.

With gratitude, Lan

04-27-2003, 11:50 PM
These types of interactions that we have from our fellow aikidoka, who we would otherwise most likely never meet, are very precious. This forum allows us to get outside of our narrow daily practice, and opens us to other styles, opinions, etc. I wholeheartedly applaud Jun on his efforts to bring the aikido community together, albeit mostly online (and those wonderful opportunities we get occassionally offline).

Been meaning to get back to this thread. I'm just going to agree with Rachel here because I can't really think of any thing that would add to her already excellent statement.
Last night I met Bronson and Joe from the Battle Creek Michigan group and attended Bronsons class. That too was a ton of fun,

Glad you enjoyed yourself. You were a pleasure to have in class. Hopefully some of us will be able to get over to your place in the not to distant future.
it opened my eyes to different ways of practicing aikido

For those who don't know, this is a nice way of saying I confused the hell out of her :D

I've met two people now from aikiweb, Rachel and Mark Mueller. In both cases I've been very impressed with not only the aikido but also the quality and character of the person.

If this small sampling is any indication of the the type of people doing aikido across the globe then we have to be some of the nicest folks you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting (we're humble too...just ask us :D)


05-09-2003, 12:40 AM
Just to reiterate.

Aikiweb rocks and it rocks hard!

We had a visitor show up tonight who was in town on business and he found us because of the Aikiweb dojo search engine.

It's just another example of aikidoka from around the country/world being able to meet and train with people they may never have known about if it weren't for the brilliance and hard work of our dear web guru Jun.

Thanks for all you do Jun.


p.s. The gentleman's name was Steven Quick. He said he trained with Chuck Clark sensei in Oklahoma about 6 yrs ago and asked me to say hi for him. So if you're reading this Clark sensei, Steven Quick says HI ;)

05-09-2003, 09:20 AM
Hi Bronson, et al,

I just wanted to reiterate my "You're welcome!" in response to all of your kind words, praise, and compliments. I'm glad that my little space on the Internet here is helpful to many folks. It really does make me happy.

If I can, though, take this opportunity to remind folks that they can support AikiWeb financially by going over to the AikiWeb Store (http://www.aikiweb.com/store/) and purchasing one of the fine (if I may say so myself) T-shirts (http://www.aikiweb.com/store/tshirt.html), temporary tattoo sets (http://www.aikiweb.com/store/tattoo.html), or even make a small donation (http://www.aikiweb.com/store/donation.html), it would be greatly appreciated! Doing so would help me defray some of the costs involved in running the site...

Thanks, everyone, for being here!

-- Jun