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  1. instructors dating students
  2. Issues for Women in Aikido
  3. Meditation?
  4. HIV in the Dojo
  5. New York Shihans
  6. Style and Affiliation
  7. Better life?
  8. undeserved promotion?
  9. An embarrassing incident
  10. 'Honorary' dan ranking.
  11. Getting High On The Mat!
  12. Women in the dojo...VERY politically incorrect...
  13. Schisms....
  14. fear of retribution by associations
  15. Partners
  16. whats your most embarassing aikido moment?
  17. Who's been an uchideshi?
  18. Falling in love with Sensei
  19. Help me please
  20. North American aikido
  21. Cheap Aikido
  22. Does This make me Racist?
  23. Grading criteria?
  24. A revealing experience.
  25. Acceptable injury rate?
  26. Less discipline with time?
  27. Difficult situation
  28. training at multiple dojos?
  29. Teacher and Drugs
  30. Yu Sensei
  31. Glass ceiling in the dojo pecking order?
  32. Sensei's meddlesom spouse
  33. Attachment and aikido
  34. Attacks During Demos at the Aiki Expo
  35. YMCA, Gyms and similar alternatives
  36. Aikido and Libido
  37. Shihan Syndrome.. (UK Related)
  38. dilemma
  39. Why did you quit?
  40. Communicable Conditions
  41. Sexism in the Dojo
  42. Overtaking your teacher?
  43. Gift for Sensei?
  44. Newbie with question
  45. Pronunciation
  46. choosing between good aikido and nice people
  47. Is it appropriate for me to train?
  48. any four-fingered aikidokas out there?
  49. Member of USAF or not?
  50. Whose watching?
  51. Overly-aggressive instructor, anyone?
  52. Ego vs Compliments
  53. Anger Management
  54. Canadian Yoshinkan Seminar
  55. Mr. Poole and Mr. Ellis
  56. Training with tough disabilities
  57. Getting a teacher to talk less
  58. The Aging of Aikido
  59. Rude Sensai sets Poor Example
  60. nikyu
  61. Dojo clique
  62. Not being able to pay.
  63. goodbye cruel world!
  64. Question regarding an incident during early aikido
  65. Losing the drive?
  66. Senior student
  67. Would you switch schools?
  68. How Aikido disturbs my marriage
  69. Dealing with competitiveness
  70. Help: Quiting
  71. honorary dan ranking
  72. Protecting Your Self
  73. Presence upsets my ki
  74. Seminar Doubts - Your Advice?
  75. Training Dilemma
  76. Sensei Harshness Question
  77. dojo frat boys
  78. help with student
  79. Just saw myself for the first time
  80. Leave Ki Society for MMA?
  81. Talking too much
  82. What's in a name?
  83. Giving up aikido
  84. Uncomfortable
  85. Dojo loyalty or personal gain?
  86. A lesson in force.
  87. No one takes me seriously
  88. How should I handle this?
  89. acceptance
  90. Grading question advice please
  91. Help Sensei Very Political
  92. attacking?
  93. depressed about new dojo / my aikido
  94. Is Aikido turning me Zen?
  95. Promotion?
  96. Teachers are just like parents
  97. Sensei is a nutball and I had enough.
  98. Aiki labels
  99. Hands off the Uchideshi?
  100. Training in other schools of aikido
  101. Safety amongs beginners
  102. I think I'm done with Aikido
  103. Patronising beginners
  104. The Real World: How to Reconcile?
  105. Moral issues about teachers agenda
  106. Anger on the mat
  107. Master and Apprentice
  108. is anger ever appropriate?
  109. Spreading this wonderful budo
  110. I thought I was done with Aikido...
  111. Physical contact vs. "no-touch" policy
  112. Aikido A Place to Find True Love?
  113. Frustrated by unconvincing aikido
  114. Beginners with delusions of grandeur...
  115. Attacked by Uke
  116. Sensei v. Student
  117. Aggressive aikidoka
  118. Loyalty Issues
  119. Non-Yudansha in Aikido - etiquette
  120. Attitude problems at Dojo.
  121. Honorable Intentions...
  122. Aikido injuries
  123. aggresive and arrogant aikidoka
  124. Skipping grades?
  125. underestimated
  126. Poor Training partner
  127. Training, Training, & More Training?
  128. High level power abuse
  129. not underestimated : (
  130. My Aikido Secret
  131. worried
  132. Religious Restrictions on Training
  133. Feeling Guilty (sort of)
  134. motivation
  135. What is the big deal w/ testing???
  136. We need dojo help
  137. Quiet please!
  138. A beginner with delusions of grandeur
  139. Changing Dojo b/c Slow Progress, Loyalty
  140. Financial Obligations and Sensei
  141. Children and adults together
  142. Doubts about instructor's abilities
  143. Dealing with the 'Salieri trap'
  144. Hello my name is X and I'm a punk-oholic
  145. Changes: Into the second decade
  146. Testing
  147. club vs. dojo
  148. Crush on a Yudansha!
  149. independent dojo/switching affiliations
  150. Wife joining husband in aikido class?
  151. personal issues and training
  152. personal hygiene
  153. Group shutting down
  154. Training
  155. Controling Yourself AKA be nice to your Uke!
  156. It's not a democracy, I know.
  157. dojo head bans students from training with another teacher (ex student)
  158. Learning more from a 9 yr old?
  159. Need some advice.
  160. Odd conundrum
  161. In need of an Aikido magic bullet
  162. Grading Advancement - Special Scenerio
  163. My thoughts about my dojo/sensei
  164. A Thank You Gift
  165. Confused......need some advice
  166. Is it ok?
  167. Problems in a dojo
  168. aiki faux pas?
  169. What to do ?
  170. changing dojos
  171. When your family resents Aikido
  172. Should I stay?
  173. Mental Toughness
  174. jealous wife is cramping my teaching style
  175. If you disagree with your instructor's explanations...
  176. Mis-spelling on hakama
  177. Spirit and loyalty
  178. Another harassment question
  179. How to Say No
  180. Romantic Feelings for a Girl at the Dojo
  181. A Zazen question and some worries
  182. Need Advice - Disruptive Student
  183. Formal Dan Test vs. Dan Promotion without Testing
  184. Master/slave relationship and Instructor with ego
  185. Sensei -- drinking??
  186. Asking to Postpone Shodan Test?
  187. Fed up with Sensei
  188. Ask sensei to demonstrate "at speed"?
  189. Using less force on a smaller person w/o being patronizing
  190. Giving Advice
  191. Cycles in training
  192. Not coping with the new sensei
  193. Preventing a dojo coup
  194. doubts
  195. How to Handle Know It All Student?
  196. A Weird Testing Thing
  197. Sempai-Kohai relationship
  198. Aikikai Dan Ranks
  199. How to deal with my sempai?
  200. Fear & Shaking
  201. The path to becoming a sensei
  202. Escalating
  203. training troubles
  204. getting harder
  205. The purpose of Aikido?
  206. more religious issues
  207. signing a contract
  208. aikido politics - implications on training opportunities
  209. Unhappy being pushed to test
  210. Dojo survival in tough economic times
  211. Japanezsing
  212. Is there another solution?
  213. Teaching s.o. with ADHD/ ADD
  214. 5th kyu shihans
  215. How to Leave a Dojo?
  216. dirty uniform
  217. What to do - Telling sensei their waza isn't good any more
  218. Thinking about leaving
  219. Frustration with super-soft aikido class
  220. slow progress
  221. Farewell Aikido
  222. verbal abuse from a teacher
  223. Frustrated with aikido kids classes
  224. Honorary or Earned???
  225. On being Female in an Aikido Dojo
  226. The crux of two ranks having any equality
  227. HELP! I'm being bullied in the dojo!
  228. What would you do? (Older male teacher with young female student)
  229. Purpose of the Anonymous Forum
  230. My aikido is at the crossroads
  231. Changing aikido organizations
  232. student seems to not like you as a person
  233. What do you do when a student is acting rudely in your class.
  234. Senpai You Can't Respect
  235. "Don't use strength!"
  236. Student Selectively Learning
  237. No-one wants to practice with me
  238. No respect
  239. Affiliation conundrum
  240. Cold Sensei
  241. Rape Survivor and Aikido
  242. Aikido for all or one...
  243. changing aikido styles (rant)
  244. When Sensei denies pomotion because of spouse?
  245. exiting a dojo
  246. Dead end?
  247. Build it They Will Come...Or not
  248. Instructors first impressions turning away prospective students
  249. Etiquette for changing dojo
  250. How do you deal with.....