- instructors dating students
- Issues for Women in Aikido
- Meditation?
- HIV in the Dojo
- New York Shihans
- Style and Affiliation
- Better life?
- undeserved promotion?
- An embarrassing incident
- 'Honorary' dan ranking.
- Getting High On The Mat!
- Women in the dojo...VERY politically incorrect...
- Schisms....
- fear of retribution by associations
- Partners
- whats your most embarassing aikido moment?
- Who's been an uchideshi?
- Falling in love with Sensei
- Help me please
- North American aikido
- Cheap Aikido
- Does This make me Racist?
- Grading criteria?
- A revealing experience.
- Acceptable injury rate?
- Less discipline with time?
- Difficult situation
- training at multiple dojos?
- Teacher and Drugs
- Yu Sensei
- Glass ceiling in the dojo pecking order?
- Sensei's meddlesom spouse
- Attachment and aikido
- Attacks During Demos at the Aiki Expo
- YMCA, Gyms and similar alternatives
- Aikido and Libido
- Shihan Syndrome.. (UK Related)
- dilemma
- Why did you quit?
- Communicable Conditions
- Sexism in the Dojo
- Overtaking your teacher?
- Gift for Sensei?
- Newbie with question
- Pronunciation
- choosing between good aikido and nice people
- Is it appropriate for me to train?
- any four-fingered aikidokas out there?
- Member of USAF or not?
- Whose watching?
- Overly-aggressive instructor, anyone?
- Ego vs Compliments
- Anger Management
- Canadian Yoshinkan Seminar
- Mr. Poole and Mr. Ellis
- Training with tough disabilities
- Getting a teacher to talk less
- The Aging of Aikido
- Rude Sensai sets Poor Example
- nikyu
- Dojo clique
- Not being able to pay.
- goodbye cruel world!
- Question regarding an incident during early aikido
- Losing the drive?
- Senior student
- Would you switch schools?
- How Aikido disturbs my marriage
- Dealing with competitiveness
- Help: Quiting
- honorary dan ranking
- Protecting Your Self
- Presence upsets my ki
- Seminar Doubts - Your Advice?
- Training Dilemma
- Sensei Harshness Question
- dojo frat boys
- help with student
- Just saw myself for the first time
- Leave Ki Society for MMA?
- Talking too much
- What's in a name?
- Giving up aikido
- Uncomfortable
- Dojo loyalty or personal gain?
- A lesson in force.
- No one takes me seriously
- How should I handle this?
- acceptance
- Grading question advice please
- Help Sensei Very Political
- attacking?
- depressed about new dojo / my aikido
- Is Aikido turning me Zen?
- Promotion?
- Teachers are just like parents
- Sensei is a nutball and I had enough.
- Aiki labels
- Hands off the Uchideshi?
- Training in other schools of aikido
- Safety amongs beginners
- I think I'm done with Aikido
- Patronising beginners
- The Real World: How to Reconcile?
- Moral issues about teachers agenda
- Anger on the mat
- Master and Apprentice
- is anger ever appropriate?
- Spreading this wonderful budo
- I thought I was done with Aikido...
- Physical contact vs. "no-touch" policy
- Aikido A Place to Find True Love?
- Frustrated by unconvincing aikido
- Beginners with delusions of grandeur...
- Attacked by Uke
- Sensei v. Student
- Aggressive aikidoka
- Loyalty Issues
- Non-Yudansha in Aikido - etiquette
- Attitude problems at Dojo.
- Honorable Intentions...
- Aikido injuries
- aggresive and arrogant aikidoka
- Skipping grades?
- underestimated
- Poor Training partner
- Training, Training, & More Training?
- High level power abuse
- not underestimated : (
- My Aikido Secret
- worried
- Religious Restrictions on Training
- Feeling Guilty (sort of)
- motivation
- What is the big deal w/ testing???
- We need dojo help
- Quiet please!
- A beginner with delusions of grandeur
- Changing Dojo b/c Slow Progress, Loyalty
- Financial Obligations and Sensei
- Children and adults together
- Doubts about instructor's abilities
- Dealing with the 'Salieri trap'
- Hello my name is X and I'm a punk-oholic
- Changes: Into the second decade
- Testing
- club vs. dojo
- Crush on a Yudansha!
- independent dojo/switching affiliations
- Wife joining husband in aikido class?
- personal issues and training
- personal hygiene
- Group shutting down
- Training
- Controling Yourself AKA be nice to your Uke!
- It's not a democracy, I know.
- dojo head bans students from training with another teacher (ex student)
- Learning more from a 9 yr old?
- Need some advice.
- Odd conundrum
- In need of an Aikido magic bullet
- Grading Advancement - Special Scenerio
- My thoughts about my dojo/sensei
- A Thank You Gift
- Confused......need some advice
- Is it ok?
- Problems in a dojo
- aiki faux pas?
- What to do ?
- changing dojos
- When your family resents Aikido
- Should I stay?
- Mental Toughness
- jealous wife is cramping my teaching style
- If you disagree with your instructor's explanations...
- Mis-spelling on hakama
- Spirit and loyalty
- Another harassment question
- How to Say No
- Romantic Feelings for a Girl at the Dojo
- A Zazen question and some worries
- Need Advice - Disruptive Student
- Formal Dan Test vs. Dan Promotion without Testing
- Master/slave relationship and Instructor with ego
- Sensei -- drinking??
- Asking to Postpone Shodan Test?
- Fed up with Sensei
- Ask sensei to demonstrate "at speed"?
- Using less force on a smaller person w/o being patronizing
- Giving Advice
- Cycles in training
- Not coping with the new sensei
- Preventing a dojo coup
- doubts
- How to Handle Know It All Student?
- A Weird Testing Thing
- Sempai-Kohai relationship
- Aikikai Dan Ranks
- How to deal with my sempai?
- Fear & Shaking
- The path to becoming a sensei
- Escalating
- training troubles
- getting harder
- The purpose of Aikido?
- more religious issues
- signing a contract
- aikido politics - implications on training opportunities
- Unhappy being pushed to test
- Dojo survival in tough economic times
- Japanezsing
- Is there another solution?
- Teaching s.o. with ADHD/ ADD
- 5th kyu shihans
- How to Leave a Dojo?
- dirty uniform
- What to do - Telling sensei their waza isn't good any more
- Thinking about leaving
- Frustration with super-soft aikido class
- slow progress
- Farewell Aikido
- verbal abuse from a teacher
- Frustrated with aikido kids classes
- Honorary or Earned???
- On being Female in an Aikido Dojo
- The crux of two ranks having any equality
- HELP! I'm being bullied in the dojo!
- What would you do? (Older male teacher with young female student)
- Purpose of the Anonymous Forum
- My aikido is at the crossroads
- Changing aikido organizations
- student seems to not like you as a person
- What do you do when a student is acting rudely in your class.
- Senpai You Can't Respect
- "Don't use strength!"
- Student Selectively Learning
- No-one wants to practice with me
- No respect
- Affiliation conundrum
- Cold Sensei
- Rape Survivor and Aikido
- Aikido for all or one...
- changing aikido styles (rant)
- When Sensei denies pomotion because of spouse?
- exiting a dojo
- Dead end?
- Build it They Will Come...Or not
- Instructors first impressions turning away prospective students
- Etiquette for changing dojo
- How do you deal with.....