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Les Kelso
07-10-2002, 06:36 PM
Are Aikido Dojo Chos and Instructors so incredibly thin skinned and afraid of comments and criticism they would punish their black belts for communicating their observations and beliefs? If my students were to do such, I would be embarrassed at my own inability to foster proper respect in them, but any punishment meted out would be due ME not the students....How far does the apple fall from the tree? I am ashamed for the lack of courage shown by so called "black belts" for not having the courage of their convictions to sign their name(s)...all this anonymous junk!?!?!! Speak up! And thank you to all the Women (and few men) who HAVE shown the courage and conviction by signing their names...If my association kicks me out because of my observations and beliefs, why in the world would I want to be part of them anyway? It's very difficult to perform Aikido while securely held under someone's overbearing fat thumb!

Unregistered HA ! HA ! (just kidding...)
07-10-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Les Kelso
[B]Are Aikido Dojo Chos and Instructors so incredibly thin skinned and afraid of comments and criticism they would punish their black belts for communicating their observations and beliefs? ...all this anonymous junk!?!?!! Speak up!... B]

Sad but true - especially from what has transpired in the Schisms thread....

And, huh, the anonymous thread IS for postings anonymously....

07-11-2002, 12:58 PM
I think realistic is more like it.
1. Yes there are some aikido instructors who are thin skinned-as evidenced by the AAA shodan stating he was threatened. I personally experienced one instructor who was very offended by anyone questioning him. His senior mudansha students brought up some issues and we were read up one side and down the other by his wife about being disrespectful, etc., etc. He demanded respect yet didn't respect his students and later had an affair with a younger woman and dumped the wife-apparently respect was only important to her.
2. It can be an issue of saving face with some instructors.
3. Some might just prefer to quietly go about leaving and don't want to rock the boat while searching for a new home.
4. Some issue would be better address one-on-one with the powers to be.
5. I feel the anonymous forum should allow people to air issues they would rather not be identified with-even if it's just to not get a lot of crap.

Chris Li
07-11-2002, 04:48 PM
Are Aikido Dojo Chos and Instructors so incredibly thin skinned and afraid of comments and criticism they would punish their black belts for communicating their observations and beliefs?

Sure there are. But just as importantly, it also requires that the students buy into the system. People talk about "punishment", but there's really nothing that an instructor can do to you unless you let them do it. Kick you out? Sure, but if they would kick you out for raising a valid issue than you probably wouldn't want to be there anyway, so it seems like more or less a moot point to me.



07-12-2002, 08:33 AM
In regards to the AAA shodan who was 'threatened' with expulsion -

I was a student of the Chicago-based AAA for several years and am somewhat familiar with the circumstances that were discussed in the 'Schisms' thread. Without getting into details or pointing fingers, I would agree that (in my experience), the AAA "management" is very thin-skinned and runs things as "my way or the highway." If you do not walk the Party line, you can find yourself out the door very quickly.

07-15-2002, 10:42 AM
Hey Jun,
not so sure that IP partial thing is so good, followed the thread and was able to go back and identify the person who Jim Baker argued with over Toyoda's bare feet...