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02-03-2002, 09:34 AM

I was wondering if anybody has (perhaps France specific) advice on where somebody could train by themselves.

More clearly put, i'm perfectly happy at my current dojo, but i'd like to give myself a little weapons work on the side. The only problem is finding a place that's both open and private at the same time.

Open, of course, for the sheer ability to move without taking somebody out or destroying something. Also, somewhere outdoors would be nice, so i can get a little taste of that fresh air and good weather.

As for the privacy,
1) i'm feeling really self-conscious (doubly so, considering my suckage)
2) i don't want that annoying kid who does his swordwork in a courtyard that also happens to be surrounded by high-rise student flats with a heavily trafficked footpath to boot, i.e, very clearly trying to attract attention to himself.

Do you see what i'm saying? Especially as a beginner, doing this in my wee studio could result in a fair amount of damage. Doing this in a park would make me TOTALLY feel like that kid.

What do you guys do for self-training?

02-03-2002, 10:02 AM
Where do folks at the dojo where you are perfectly happy go to train by themselves...I'd start by asking there. I used my backyard at my last house (good because the glass doors made a nice mirror in the evening), on my roof now---some of the other roof top decks can see me, but there are better views to be looking at, so I don't worry about it). I assume you have neither. Are you far from the country? It's nice if you can drive out to a pretty spot, but if that's too far, you pretty much are stuck with school yards, parks, apartment grassy areas, etc.---so find one that seems out of the way and use it. When I was TDY to a rather isolated base in Canada once, I found a little spot near the VOQ, and no one ever ran across me. Now, I don't wear a gi when I do this, THAT might be asking for attention, but otherwise I don't think it is any more attention grabbing than someone doing other sports activities (unless you use a lot of loud kiai's :D ).

I wouldn't think someone practicing outside was looking for attention if he was in a place out of the path of traffic, and working quietly by himself. Loud shouts, blasting music, and funny clothing, in the middle of the busiest path to the parking lot, yes, but otherwise I'd just think he was getting exercise without breaking his windows.

02-04-2002, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by ca
standing in the middle of traffic, blasting music and swinging a large wooden stick at pedestrians

Wow, I have the same um... concern.

I could go to the park here, its a rather quiet park, with couples and children playing and lots of green grass... and DOG POO...

One time I got the guts and just jumped on the grass and did a couple of rolls - only to catch the bewildered look in some young mother's eyes.

02-04-2002, 01:12 PM
Hrm... thanks. I'll try asking the seniors and report back if i ever find someplace.

Are you far from the country? It's nice if you can drive out to a pretty spot

Surburbs/Bicycle. Actually, there are some woodsy areas, come to think of it... will explore a bit and hope for a clearing.

Does anybody here bike with weapons strapped to their back? I'm kinda paranoid about catching on something.

Also, how to these things take to rain (french oak if it means anything)? Should i fashion a plastic liner inside the carrying sack?

Thanks again, especially for reassurance about the attention bit . I'll have to admit that it's probably the self-consciousness that gets me more than anything else., though.

By the way, what do TDY and VOQ mean?

02-04-2002, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by kowey

Surburbs/Bicycle. Actually, there are some woodsy areas, come to think of it... will explore a bit and hope for a clearing.

When my group was between buildings one year, we trained outdoors from April to Sept. Found a shady spot in the city park, off the main path, very few spectators. The only problems we had was one afternoon when a group of rabid football munchkins wanted to move us out so they could use the turf to practice.

One of the coaches tried to bully me into moving. My students snickering behind me upset him a bit, but he listened to reason and was finally convinced that we weren't moving and that he could take his trampling horde to another area.

Solo, I've trained in my living room, on hiking paths, by a riverside ... I love training outdoors.

Does anybody here bike with weapons strapped to their back? I'm kinda paranoid about catching on something.

Not on my back. When Emily and I bike to the dojo, we strap weapons to the bike frames with bungee cords.

Also, how to these things take to rain (french oak if it means anything)? Should i fashion a plastic liner inside the carrying sack?

Not a bad idea, but unless you get them absoluely soaked and leave them somewhere where they could warp, a little moisture probably won't hurt.

By the way, what do TDY and VOQ mean?

US military speak.

TDY means 'business trip'
VOQ (visiting officer's quarters) means cheap hotel (on base)


02-04-2002, 04:29 PM
I've been known to put my weapons in a good sized trash bag if the skies turned unexpectedly dark--kept them dry, should have used one for me...

ps, cheap hotel that you are expected to take good care of and keep neat...

02-25-2002, 07:39 PM
Well i know this ain't aikido but I tried doing nunchakus in the house.

Don't practice nunchakus in the house.

Unless you want to be showered with glass like in the movies.;)

02-25-2002, 08:28 PM
I dunno, being showered in glass sounds kinda fun, but it would be horrible moneywise, so I too would advise against it. :p :D
