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11-02-2000, 08:52 AM
Does anyone have any advice on how to avoid muscling through a technique? I have noticed a tendency that when uke isn't moving the way he/she is "supposed" to that he frequently gets physically put there. It's a wonderful "AHA" when a technique goes properly, but sometimes trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. This is especially true when working with physically fit partners, although everyone seems to get the bug at times.

11-02-2000, 11:29 AM
Whether you believe in ki flow or not, I find visualising it useful (and it eventually becomes quite natural). If you get used to the direction of ki of the uke, and then know how your ki blends with that, it can help.

Problems often occur when uke is stationary. It is often quite unrealistic like this, and there should be a degree of flexibility (unless it is a proper pin) - an atemi would distract. If you find they don't react to the atemi try this (though it will only work once) - instead of an atemi, do a very loud and small shout! - that should be just as distracting (P.S. I've often found 'slaps' rather than yokomen or shomen atemis a lot more distracting)

If it is a strong pin, bring your hips (& centre) to your hands, and use your hips to power your hands and turn uke - it needn't be fast, as long as there is ki and then extension.

hope this helps! - these are just my experiences.

11-02-2000, 11:30 AM
P.S. if they are twisiting out of the technique of landing funny, you need to alter your technique somehow; talk to sensei.

11-02-2000, 11:34 AM
I have found one of the easiest ways to avoid muscling people in class is to take a little time before class to do some physical exercise. My personal favorite is arm circles with the arms held perpendicular to the body making tiny circles in the air. I try to do fifty circles forward with palms up another fifty backwards and the same with palms down. After this I find I can barely lift my arms using muscle let alone throw anyone with them.


11-03-2000, 02:49 PM
Thanks. I will try all of the above and encourage others to do so as well. One of my problems is that when a technique feels effortless it's a puzzle as to whether it's "ki", muscles, or an example of application of an effective force in the perfect direction.

11-04-2000, 10:23 AM
If you clench your teeth you are probably muscling....

11-04-2000, 10:38 AM
joan wrote:
Does anyone have any advice on how to avoid muscling through a technique?
About 20,000 suburi under the guidance of a good teacher.
That'll definitely do it.

11-04-2000, 03:42 PM
I too have found myself muscleing through techniques. So I tried this
and it seemed to help:
On katate dori techiniques, instead of uke grabbing your wrist have
him grab your index finger. By doing this you can really "feel" the technique. Uke can also tell you if you are trying muscle through this if you start squeezing his hand with your finger. Becareful when doing this don't
want to break your finger. Start off having uke to hold your finger tight but
giving little resistance through the technique. Build your way up to more
resistance as you become more comfortable wihth it.

11-04-2000, 07:25 PM
practice, practice, practice!

Also- work with the bigger people in your dojo. a barometer of how well I have learned a technique at any given point is if it works on the largest person in the dojo... because, let's face it, big people attack small people (most of the time), not the other way around.

