View Full Version : Will Hapkido teach me aikido?

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jeff satterfiel
02-28-2003, 08:34 PM

02-28-2003, 08:45 PM
Even though Hapkido and Aikido may share some similarities, they are two different martial arts; so the answer to your question is, no.

Hapkido will not teach you Aikido.

02-28-2003, 09:00 PM
Hi Jeff,

How well one's experience in hapkido translates into learning aikido really depends on the respective flavors of hapkido and aikido you studied/intend to study. The ukemi skills you learn in hapkido tend to help when you take up aikido. Some of the techniques are also quite similar, but the approaches to learning/executing the techniques can be very different indeed...i.e. if you're practicing mainstream aikido, please do not kick people in the groin as a means of kuzushi when executing ikkyo, or stomp on their head as a finish-off to kotegaeshi. Would you mind elaborating on why you're asking this question?


02-28-2003, 09:23 PM
I would second that opinion. A lot of the people training aikido in Korea have had previous experience in hapkido. My observations are that it does help, but they themselves are quite emphatic in distinguishing aikido and hapkido. While the movements may seem similar, the details that make the techniques work seem to be quite different.

jeff satterfiel
02-28-2003, 09:46 PM
there is only a hpkido dojo in my area, and i wanted to learn aikido.

jeff satterfiel
03-02-2003, 01:55 PM
dont they have the same root art?

03-02-2003, 02:19 PM
Are the both good martial arts? Yes

Will training hapkido learn me Aikido? No

Will training aikido learn me hapkido? No

Will riding a bike learn you how to drive a car? No

Greg Jennings
03-02-2003, 07:35 PM
dont they have the same root art?
A much debated question.

At any rate, if you have hapkido available to you but not aikido, why not go for it?

If you'd let us know where you live, we might be able to find an aikido dojo for you.

Best Regards,

jeff satterfiel
03-03-2003, 08:46 PM
i could have sworn HKD used aikido throws. heres a quaote from martialway.com

"HAPKIDO - Hey! Don't click this link unless you have a Black Belt in TKD! Just kidding. This is a highly effective and precise martial art, similiar to Aikido (the throwing part, that is)"

Greg Jennings
03-03-2003, 09:05 PM
i could have sworn HKD used aikido throws. heres a quaote from martialway.com

"HAPKIDO - Hey! Don't click this link unless you have a Black Belt in TKD! Just kidding. This is a highly effective and precise martial art, similiar to Aikido (the throwing part, that is)"
A rhetorical question: "What does "similar" mean?".

Hapkido is a great art. If you want to study hapkido, find a good hapkido teacher and dedicate yourself to it.

Aikido is a great art. If you want to study aikido, find a good aikido teacher and dedicate yourself to it.

Simple, no?


03-03-2003, 09:47 PM
please study what you can until you are in a situation that allows you to study the art of you true self. I did the same thing and it happened for me... in time...

03-04-2003, 12:35 AM
the founder of hapkido as far as i know actually went to japan and studied daito ryu jujitsu bringing it back to korea with his own spin on it.

Greg Jennings
03-04-2003, 05:22 AM
the founder of hapkido as far as i know actually went to japan and studied daito ryu jujitsu bringing it back to korea with his own spin on it.
Really? What evidence do you have?

The problem with the whole deal is that there is very little good information and much disinformation and rumor.

Read for yourself in this thread on Aikido Journal. Its author, Stanley Pranin, is THE historian of aikido and daito ryu.

It doesn't get serious till the second page.


jeff satterfiel
03-05-2003, 08:25 PM
it is a very nice hapkido school with nice people :0

Kevin Leavitt
03-05-2003, 08:59 PM
As Erik put it..."can you learn to drive a car by driving a bike?" NO.

I agree, however I would add this.

"Is your intent to go to the grocery store for a loaf of bread?" if YES then what difference does it make....both modes will get you there!

To translate to your question. "Why do you want to study aikido?" The answer could be that both Aikido and Hapkido could both be viable modes for achieving your desired endstate.

I submit that it is possible to study with a "BAD" aikido teacher and never learn the principles that Aikido is geared to teach while it is also possible to study Hapkido with a GOOD teacher and learn the principles that aikido purports.

The first question to ask yourself is "why are you on the path to begin with?"

If the answer is to look cool wearing a hakama and say catchy japanese phrases...then NO Hapikido can never teach you aikido!!

Good luck in your search on the path!!

jeff satterfiel
03-06-2003, 02:10 PM
self defense and fitness

E. Winters
03-25-2003, 10:18 PM
Hi Jeff!

I talked to a Hapkido student and he said the Korean writing is actually the same as the Japanese kanji for Aikido. I also saw a few videos of Hapkido. What I noticed was that the lower ranked black belts looked like they were doing Tae Kwon Do with a few joint locks and throws thrown in. I then saw a video of a very high ranked Hapkido teacher and if I didn't know it was a Hapkido video I would have said with 100% certainty that he was doing Aikido technique. I think most arts at very high levels eventually get to the same place but if you want the "pure" aikido experiance then no art can teach you everything Aikido has to offer. I also think that whatever art you do study, if you practice with the right attitude you will eventually get "Aikido" philosophy and that is much more important than studying "pure" Aikido. Just my opinion.

Train hard grasshopper!