View Full Version : General
- The obligatory injury question
- Hello, I have a few questions
- Nutrition
- Aikido Memories
- How does one correctly pronounce,...
- My observations of New England Aikikai
- a question about DAN
- Who are you?
- Great N. Ca. Dojos?
- Randori
- Unexpected results of aikido training
- Rank! Good or bad?
- Other Ki Disciplines
- Seeking instruction
- meditation
- Aikido Holiday
- Is Aikido Non-Violent?
- Kawahara Sensei Seminar
- What made you start Aikido?
- Martial or Art?
- Other Martial Arts and Aikido?
- Who "decides?"
- Shihonage
- Dealing with a well-meaning sempai...
- What do you get out of Aikido?
- Using Aikido to deal with stress.
- Ki vs Aikikai
- O-Sensei pictures
- Getting spiritual again 8)
- Mute Sempai
- WARNING: sex offender teaching aikido in N. Carolina (John Lamont, Myoshinkan Dojo)
- Choosing a dojo
- This week's poll
- Somethin to think about...
- Another martial art
- AikiWeb Interviews
- Wearing Hakama
- The importance of breathing
- Question about clothing
- relationships and martial arts
- newbie
- a few questions
- the life of tadashi abe
- Aikido vs Kempo
- Injuries
- Meditation Assist Application
- Sempai/Kohai
- Being a good Uke
- Full Speed Randori and Self Defense
- a few questions for the sake of a new1
- Power and Strength
- Newbie
- jujutsu, aikijujutsu, or aiki no jutsu?
- Question for O-sensei
- Aikido molseter speaks
- Best training in Japan?
- Training with beginners
- Study In Japan
- Being a beginner
- Insults to O-sensei?
- New Interest....
- How does Yoshinkan Aikido differ from other forms of Aikido?
- Aikido Defense Against Shootfighting?
- Hakama and Experience
- Sempai knows best?
- A proverb about cross training
- Is two days enough?
- How old were you when you began...
- O'Sensei's Aikido
- Splintered Aikido
- Different Aikido Styles and differences
- aikikai?
- Aikido Wallpaper
- Why is Yoshinkan used by Tokyo Police?
- Steven Seagal's Aikido?
- Submiting A Webpage
- Aikido or Judo for Police Officer
- Ueshiba, Gandhi and Einstein.
- Aikido defense against a jab
- Complementary art to Aikido?
- Sokaku Takeda?
- Deaf Aikideshi?
- Do Away With Rank...
- Aikido Vs. (insert art here)
- LE-Sankyo on a tight fist
- How many hours to Train?
- Attitude in beginning training
- Aiki Taiso
- Loss of head instructor
- Dan Exams
- O'sensei's "rank"
- what is aikido and its realization?
- How long before first test?
- Your thoughts on age restrictions!
- Realistic Aikido
- Looking for a dojo
- Tanaka Bansen
- Aikido CD/DVD?
- Injuring an enemy
- O Senseis Atemi
- O Sensei Poll
- The way things get turned around...
- Joing a new Dojo.
- Most beautiful technique to observe
- Advertising Aikido
- Budo in the mountains?
- What is aikido to you?
- Suwariwaza & Hanmi Han Dachi
- Uncommited attack
- Whoops, I thought that would work....
- Aikido principles in theory & applied
- Seeking info for a paper
- using aikido outside the dojo
- O Sensei
- What is Aikijutsu?
- Help needed: school project on ikkyo
- Aikido and Aiki jujutsu
- Wear gi TO class?
- Washington DC Area Aikido?
- Want an O Sensei Video?
- Commited attack
- A Martial Art
- Breathing in training
- Street Aikido experiances
- On being humble
- Practising Aikido without ukemi?
- Aikido does not work at all in a fight.
- mostly ranting, politely, of course
- toughest?
- Eastern or western?
- Disapointed In Black Belt Magazine
- Budo is love??????
- That controversy
- Newby
- Movies with Aikido?
- Absolute Beginner
- Wrong time wrong place?
- Kiai(sp)
- Dialysis and Aikido
- Jedi Training
- 20 year technique?
- Am i right for Akido?
- "Peaks" and "Valleys"
- federation afilliation
- Sensai?
- New Guy has questions!
- Training and Hollywood
- George Simcox Sensei Passes Away
- Ed Baker Sensei Passes Away
- Art of Peace better than Art of War ?
- O'Sensei as Superman?
- KiAiDo...DoKiAi...KiDoAi...
- Web offer! for Aikidojos!
- Uchideshi
- Aikido and groung work
- aiky?
- Question about black belts
- Aikido is NOT combat effective
- Completely non-attack/combat related Aik
- Out of dojo attacks
- Help
- interested but hesitating
- Kensho Furuya-sensei?
- New to Aikido, some questions.
- Origins of Iriminage
- Openning a Dojo?
- Arrogance
- Waza for Waza
- fights with martial artisits
- US Army combatives and aikido
- flaws
- Being Late to Aikido Class
- Disability and martial arts
- Aikido for life
- kids classes
- Master?
- Breaking Dojo Items
- More newbie (sort of) nonsense
- Kumitachi
- It's All in the Mind
- Its time to ask what do you believe?
- I've started a threed look at it!!!!
- Aikido books and movie stores in Sweden!
- War stories
- Should we hang on to tradition?
- Aikido screen savers
- Food for thought
- Studying aikido good for everyone?
- Automatic Withdrawal?
- Worthy reading?
- Yoseikan Budo?
- Everything bad in a book and more...
- aikido Vs ju jitsu
- training in other schools
- Kototama
- Aikido where you compete????
- What age did you start aikido?
- Changing Dojos / Relocation
- How long to get a black belt
- Injury Risk for Beginner
- Sparring
- Question about punches and blocks!
- Choose a dojo....
- Getting a Gi
- Any other Martial Arts experience?
- Belt Ranks: Do we need them?
- the whole competition thing
- Hello Aikido!
- Blind doing aikido
- Dentistry and Aikido
- Looking for Dojo in Havana Cuba
- Which do you prefer?
- Lingering back pain
- Training and learning Japanese in Japan
- Kinesiology & Aikido
- Exercises to curve the lower back
- Martial Art... or martial Way???
- Who said this?
- What's the purpose of this forum?
- Who is big in Japan?
- Please help:Aikido Styles
- Live tanto in grading
- Nihon Goshin Aikido
- The Myth of Martial Arts
- How big is too big?
- well put message
- Making Bokken, Jo
- Who is everyone?
- Does aikido teach you to fight?
- Ki; How do you train your Ki?
- Signals
- Different styles of Aikido?
- Is Akido right for me?
- Aikidoka as better lovers?
- aikido travel in SE Asia
- Highest ranking aikidoka
- Most influential Martial artist?
- Ten Years from Now...
- Are you a believer?
- wood maintenance
- question on AAA
- Dynamic aikido
- Books from Saito?
- Tomiki Aikido and competition.
- Omote(irimi) or Ura
- Beginner Question
- Norihiko Ichihashi Sensei Passes Away
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