View Full Version : General

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  1. The obligatory injury question
  2. Hello, I have a few questions
  3. Nutrition
  4. Aikido Memories
  5. How does one correctly pronounce,...
  6. My observations of New England Aikikai
  7. a question about DAN
  8. Who are you?
  9. Great N. Ca. Dojos?
  10. Randori
  11. Unexpected results of aikido training
  12. Rank! Good or bad?
  13. Other Ki Disciplines
  14. Seeking instruction
  15. meditation
  16. Aikido Holiday
  17. Is Aikido Non-Violent?
  18. Kawahara Sensei Seminar
  19. What made you start Aikido?
  20. Martial or Art?
  21. Other Martial Arts and Aikido?
  22. Who "decides?"
  23. Shihonage
  24. Dealing with a well-meaning sempai...
  25. What do you get out of Aikido?
  26. Using Aikido to deal with stress.
  27. Ki vs Aikikai
  28. O-Sensei pictures
  29. Getting spiritual again 8)
  30. Mute Sempai
  31. WARNING: sex offender teaching aikido in N. Carolina (John Lamont, Myoshinkan Dojo)
  32. Choosing a dojo
  33. This week's poll
  34. Somethin to think about...
  35. Another martial art
  36. AikiWeb Interviews
  37. Wearing Hakama
  38. The importance of breathing
  39. Question about clothing
  41. relationships and martial arts
  42. newbie
  43. a few questions
  44. the life of tadashi abe
  45. Aikido vs Kempo
  46. Injuries
  47. Meditation Assist Application
  48. Sempai/Kohai
  49. Being a good Uke
  50. Full Speed Randori and Self Defense
  51. a few questions for the sake of a new1
  52. Power and Strength
  53. Newbie
  54. jujutsu, aikijujutsu, or aiki no jutsu?
  55. Question for O-sensei
  56. Aikido molseter speaks
  57. Best training in Japan?
  58. Training with beginners
  59. Study In Japan
  60. Being a beginner
  61. Insults to O-sensei?
  62. New Interest....
  63. How does Yoshinkan Aikido differ from other forms of Aikido?
  64. Aikido Defense Against Shootfighting?
  65. Hakama and Experience
  66. Sempai knows best?
  67. A proverb about cross training
  68. Is two days enough?
  69. How old were you when you began...
  70. O'Sensei's Aikido
  71. Splintered Aikido
  72. Different Aikido Styles and differences
  73. aikikai?
  74. Aikido Wallpaper
  75. Why is Yoshinkan used by Tokyo Police?
  76. Steven Seagal's Aikido?
  77. Submiting A Webpage
  78. Aikido or Judo for Police Officer
  79. Ueshiba, Gandhi and Einstein.
  80. Aikido defense against a jab
  81. Complementary art to Aikido?
  82. Sokaku Takeda?
  83. Deaf Aikideshi?
  84. Do Away With Rank...
  85. Aikido Vs. (insert art here)
  86. LE-Sankyo on a tight fist
  87. How many hours to Train?
  88. Attitude in beginning training
  89. Aiki Taiso
  90. Loss of head instructor
  91. Dan Exams
  92. O'sensei's "rank"
  93. what is aikido and its realization?
  94. How long before first test?
  95. Your thoughts on age restrictions!
  96. Realistic Aikido
  97. Looking for a dojo
  98. Tanaka Bansen
  99. Aikido CD/DVD?
  100. Injuring an enemy
  101. O Senseis Atemi
  102. O Sensei Poll
  103. The way things get turned around...
  104. Joing a new Dojo.
  105. Most beautiful technique to observe
  106. Advertising Aikido
  107. Budo in the mountains?
  108. What is aikido to you?
  109. Suwariwaza & Hanmi Han Dachi
  110. Uncommited attack
  111. Whoops, I thought that would work....
  112. Aikido principles in theory & applied
  113. Seeking info for a paper
  114. using aikido outside the dojo
  115. O Sensei
  116. What is Aikijutsu?
  117. Help needed: school project on ikkyo
  118. Aikido and Aiki jujutsu
  119. Wear gi TO class?
  120. Washington DC Area Aikido?
  121. Want an O Sensei Video?
  122. Commited attack
  123. A Martial Art
  124. Breathing in training
  125. Street Aikido experiances
  127. On being humble
  128. Practising Aikido without ukemi?
  129. Aikido does not work at all in a fight.
  130. mostly ranting, politely, of course
  131. toughest?
  132. Eastern or western?
  133. Disapointed In Black Belt Magazine
  134. Budo is love??????
  135. That controversy
  136. Newby
  137. Movies with Aikido?
  138. Absolute Beginner
  139. Wrong time wrong place?
  140. Kiai(sp)
  141. Dialysis and Aikido
  142. Jedi Training
  143. 20 year technique?
  144. Am i right for Akido?
  145. "Peaks" and "Valleys"
  146. federation afilliation
  147. Sensai?
  148. New Guy has questions!
  149. Training and Hollywood
  150. George Simcox Sensei Passes Away
  151. Ed Baker Sensei Passes Away
  152. Art of Peace better than Art of War ?
  153. O'Sensei as Superman?
  154. KiAiDo...DoKiAi...KiDoAi...
  155. Web offer! for Aikidojos!
  156. Uchideshi
  157. Aikido and groung work
  158. aiky?
  159. Question about black belts
  160. Aikido is NOT combat effective
  161. Completely non-attack/combat related Aik
  162. Out of dojo attacks
  163. Help
  164. interested but hesitating
  165. Kensho Furuya-sensei?
  166. New to Aikido, some questions.
  167. STYLES
  168. Origins of Iriminage
  169. Openning a Dojo?
  170. Arrogance
  171. Waza for Waza
  172. fights with martial artisits
  173. US Army combatives and aikido
  174. flaws
  175. Being Late to Aikido Class
  176. Disability and martial arts
  177. Aikido for life
  178. kids classes
  179. Master?
  180. Breaking Dojo Items
  181. More newbie (sort of) nonsense
  182. Kumitachi
  183. It's All in the Mind
  184. Its time to ask what do you believe?
  185. I've started a threed look at it!!!!
  186. Aikido books and movie stores in Sweden!
  187. War stories
  188. Should we hang on to tradition?
  189. Aikido screen savers
  190. Food for thought
  191. Studying aikido good for everyone?
  192. Automatic Withdrawal?
  193. Worthy reading?
  194. Yoseikan Budo?
  195. Everything bad in a book and more...
  196. aikido Vs ju jitsu
  197. training in other schools
  198. Kototama
  199. Aikido where you compete????
  200. What age did you start aikido?
  201. Changing Dojos / Relocation
  202. How long to get a black belt
  203. Injury Risk for Beginner
  204. Sparring
  205. Question about punches and blocks!
  206. Choose a dojo....
  207. Getting a Gi
  208. Any other Martial Arts experience?
  209. Belt Ranks: Do we need them?
  210. the whole competition thing
  211. Hello Aikido!
  212. Blind doing aikido
  213. Dentistry and Aikido
  214. Looking for Dojo in Havana Cuba
  215. Which do you prefer?
  216. Lingering back pain
  217. Training and learning Japanese in Japan
  218. Kinesiology & Aikido
  219. Exercises to curve the lower back
  220. Martial Art... or martial Way???
  221. Who said this?
  222. What's the purpose of this forum?
  223. Who is big in Japan?
  224. Please help:Aikido Styles
  225. Live tanto in grading
  226. Nihon Goshin Aikido
  227. The Myth of Martial Arts
  228. How big is too big?
  229. well put message
  230. Making Bokken, Jo
  231. Who is everyone?
  232. Does aikido teach you to fight?
  233. Ki; How do you train your Ki?
  234. Signals
  235. Different styles of Aikido?
  236. Is Akido right for me?
  237. Aikidoka as better lovers?
  238. aikido travel in SE Asia
  239. Highest ranking aikidoka
  240. Most influential Martial artist?
  241. Ten Years from Now...
  242. Are you a believer?
  243. wood maintenance
  244. question on AAA
  245. Dynamic aikido
  246. Books from Saito?
  247. Tomiki Aikido and competition.
  248. Omote(irimi) or Ura
  249. Beginner Question
  250. Norihiko Ichihashi Sensei Passes Away