View Full Version : Choosing a dojo

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de Valois
07-17-2000, 11:43 AM
Please pardon me if there is a FAQ that I missed, but I'd like more information on how to pick a dojo.

I'm a raw beginner to aikido, altho I did take a few years of judo a <ahem> few decades ago at a local YMCA.

Can someone point me in the right direction as to what to look for in a dojo?


07-17-2000, 01:56 PM

That should help you out. One thing I know (I think this is on there, but anyways) is that many traditional instructors don't like to talk to money or dues. They usually hesitate to ask for dues, whereas many 'phonies' will do their best to sap as much money out of you as best they can, as often as they can.


07-17-2000, 02:44 PM
The article Nick pointed out is pretty much on the spot.

I get a lot of questions regarding how a person should choose a dojo due to the dojo search engine here on this site. I usually tell them that it's definitely worth it to go check out all of the dojo in the vicinity and not just the closest one.

Check to see if you like the teacher. See if you think you would fit in with the students. See how the teacher acts towards the students. Watch how the students act toward the teacher and towards the other students.

As far as the money issue goes, my experience has been that monthly dues range from US$20 up to US$100 and above. The average that I've personally experienced has been about US$70/month, though.

As we say in Japan, "Rather one spend three years looking for a good teacher than three years studying with a bad one." I might substitue "school" for "teacher," though...

-- Jun

07-17-2000, 04:49 PM

That last phrase I think goes into all the "What makes a good student/teacher" posts. Like they said:

What makes a great student? A great teacher. What makes a great teacher? A great student.


de Valois
07-18-2000, 09:28 AM
Nick, Akiy, my thanks. I'm looking forward to the long journey.

07-18-2000, 10:06 AM
no problem. Just remember: Though we're all on the same road, it's up to each of us to find our path.
