View Full Version : General
- What do you say when you see Aikido done like this?
- Early Aikido in Eastern USA
- Dueling With O-sensei expanded edition
- advice for the hearing impaired
- anyone involved in research re health benifits of Aikido?
- Do we inadvertently hurt people in Aikido?
- Getting shouted at, again
- Video Interview with Isoyama Shihan 8th Dan
- Verbal Aikido
- Is the Aikidoka losing faith in their own martial art? I hope not.
- Who was the naval officer?
- What's it mean to be a senior in your dojo?
- Stanley Pranin Passes Away
- YouTube: "When You're Attacked by a Banana"
- Do you practice Aikido on a blank canvas, or do you fill in the background?
- "The Future of Aikido"
- applied techniques for
- "A Message to Joe Rogan: Roy Dean talks BJJ & Aikido"
- Ueshiba Morihei - Video Clip with the US Marines?
- YouTube: Yoko Okamoto (岡本洋子) - Demonstration - 12th IAF Congress (2016)
- O'sensei's relocation to Iwama
- YouTube: Aikido Class: Micheline Tissier 6th Dan - 12th IAF Congress in Takasaki
- YouTube: Janet Clift - Aikido Demonstration - 12th IAF Congress (2016)
- YouTube: Lorraine Dianne and David Halprin DC Demo 1984
- YouTube: Jenny Flower: Ai hamni iriminage drop down
- YouTube: Mary Heiny Sensei - Aikido Demonstration
- Non-Male Aikido Instructors
- What are the demographics off Aikido practitioners in your dojo
- Youtube: Aikido V MMA in the ring
- Is Aikido a philosophy or a collection of techniques?
- YouTube: Kayla Feder Sensei at Aikido of Berkeley
- Chiba Sensei Iaido dvd?
- Philadelphia area Aikido uchi-deshi opportunity
- YouTube: Malory Graham - kokyu-nage variation
- Aikido and Stress
- Founder of Aikido.... Also a liar.
- I'm thinking about retiring from martial arts/aikido...
- Aikido™
- Chiba Sensei elegy to Saito Sensei
- The Origins of Aikido
- “Is Aikido A Martial Art?” - Roy Dean, Lenny Sly, Vince Salvatore, Corky Quakenbush
- Kendo as training aid?
- Endo Sensei
- The Problem of Jiyu Waza/Spontaneous Application
- YouTube : Aïki Taïso
- YouTube: Street Story 2
- I graded for my red/black belt today
- What do you do to keep your energy up?
- Kentaro Seagal Dojo in LA
- Roy Dean podcast, guest Josh Gold:
- Robert Burns Sensei RIP
- Rare old Aikido videos
- YouTube: Shingu Dojo 1973 (Hikitsuchi, Yanase, Tojima)
- Sexual.abuse case
- Gi Advice for Tall, Thin Student
- Leaving an organisation and leaving your rank behind.
- [Aikido Interview] TADA Hiroshi Shihan - Part 1/3
- The Disillusionment of Aikido Video
- Criteria for Dan evaluation
- Gi sizing assistance
- Military aikido dreaming :)
- Mainz
- Which style to resume?
- For everyone who wants to find out if aikido works in the "real world"...
- Does your ukemi work in the real world?
- Aikido Practice and Aging
- Daito Ryu and Aikido
- Have you ever had an aggressive challenger come into class?
- Digestion before class
- Uchi deshi and relationships
- NorCal Fires
- Aikido As An Everyday Activity
- Hi Res Photo Minoru Mochizuki
- Why do you train Yoshinkan?
- Moving to France... What I´ve to do to start a dojo?
- Lost in Aikido
- Attendance @ Classes and Seminars
- Ueshiba film footage- how much of it is there?
- Found in Aikido
- The throw.
- What do you think about the combat orientated styles?
- Types of jiu-jitsu?
- NE USA, UK and France - Senseis?
- Beginner classes at Hombu Dojo
- "World Combat Games" - better name suggestions?
- Aikido: Confronting a Crisis
- YouTube: "Aikido - Okamoto Yoko Shihan - 55th All Japan Aikido Demonstration (2017)"
- Introducing Aikido Journal Academy
- Sexual Harassment Policies for an Aikido Organization
- How do you correctly state a dan rank in your CV?
- Going back to training
- Kagamibiraki Promotions 2018
- Mary Heiny, 4th degree
- VIDEO: Interview with Kobayashi Yasuo
- How One Can Run a Successful Independent Dojo
- Aikido thoughts
- Worn a fitness tracker during practice?
- Classical Aikido (and Neijia) in Police Work
- YouTube: Kayla Feder Sensei teaching at Aikikai Aikido Amsterdam
- What is "Real Budo"?
- Dojo Memories
- I learnt a valuable but unpleasant lesson
- Another dojo scam email
- Aikido - physical, mental, and spiritual art
- NY Aikikai dojo was recreated in Chicago - in TV series The Good Fight
- Where are the oldest aikido dojos in the world?
- What is "Mushin" in Aikido?
- Practicing Aikido in Japan versues Norway
- Aikido club which is located near or far?
- Tomiki Aikido - 3 Principles & 6 Concepts
- Ai-nuke
- Passing of Peter Brady Shihan
- Youtube Video About Iwama
- Discussion with Miyamoto, Tissier, and Okamoto Shihan
- New pain from bokken practice.
- Putting the art back in MMA
- Etiquette question.
- tenken getting lost
- YouTube: Aikikai Aikido - Osawa Hayato Shihan - 54th All Japan Aikido Demonstration (2016)
- What do you think Aikido is.
- best arts to cross train with aikido
- Filming in the Dojo
- Ukenagashi
- Effectiveness – From a Different Perspective - XX motivations
- In Memory Kanetsuka Minoru Sensei
- How long to get the feel of a new dojo
- Doshu at All Japan 2019 [video]
- Lymphedema and aikido
- Older Warriors and Injuries
- On Chiba Kazuo
- Dating at the dojo
- Deeper understanding of Osensei's teachings.
- Gerry Gyngell - RIP
- Jei Nakazono Sensei
- It Aint Necessarily So #3: Where's My Money!!!??
- Aikido lessons explanation
- Iwama or Takemasu
- Thank you for your good wishes
- dan promotions
- Keith Larman Passes Away
- Response to "It Had to Be Felt #34: Suganuma Morito: The Calligrapher"
- Suspended practice? (COVID19)
- Aikikai Hombu Dojo Still Open? (Covid-19)
- Dojo Recommendation in Birmingham, AL
- Bernie Mulligan, 6th Dan Aikikai, Passes Away
- RIP: Clark Bateman
- Aikido mix with other martial arts
- Favorite Aikido Book?
- Racism and Aikido
- Aikido/Economy/Covid-19 Disaster
- The Judoka who defeated Kyuzo Mifune, Sokaku Takeda & Morihei Ueshiba : Kenpachi Murai
- Body, mind, and spirit
- Happy new year!
- I just started Aikido. Did I make myself look bad already?
- #keeptheflamealive interview with joe thambu shihan about dojo websites
- Iwama Ryu Training in Singapore
- What can we do in lockdown
- Shu Ha Ri Dialogues
- Interview with david orange of yoseikan aikido
- Is Aikikai Shipping Yudansha Materials in 2021?
- Hombu or Local Dojo in Tokyo
- Why Tohei?
- Aikido need not prove itself
- RIP: Mitsuru Yamashita, Aikido Yoshinkai 7th dan
- What brings you joy...
- What is Aiki to you?
- Checking In
- Saito Video - 1980's - New Zealand
- Ukemi what it means to you
- The Cuban connection
- Searching for a particular video
- Circle Triangle Square
- The Founding of JuJutsu, Judo, Aikido in the UK
- I miss aikido, pandemic woes
- aikido to improve krav maga and grappling, opinion on style
- stretch hakama
- Aikido/Daito Ryu video comparison?
- Harmonious Balance in Aikido
- PNW aikido, no vaccine apartheid?
- Safety for kids
- (RIP) Takafumi Takeno Shinan
- New Interview with Josh Gold of Aikido Journal
- Aikido Journal and Copyright and Profits $$
- Article: The Aikido Founder's Place of Practice
- reDiscover Kasama Aikido Blog
- Real peace is in Uke’s hands
- Sugamo prison interogation of O'Sensei
- Doing = Uke and Nage (not *or*)
- Is Aikiweb still relevant?
- If you want to live, keep moving.
- Should I republish my book - Discovering Aikido: PPFL
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