View Full Version : General
- Names of techniques ?
- sticky hands
- article
- misunderstanding
- Hi
- A04415 - All MAs must be licensed
- Rookie
- Aikido clips
- Effectiveness and Insolence
- Anyone else feel this way sometimes?
- Folding Hakama
- "Newbie" from Michigan
- Changes since you practiced Aikido
- Why do you practice Aikido?
- HELP! I Need Contact Info...
- Aikido at Incirlik, Turkey?
- What's the most important thing you've learned...
- Code Of Bushido (questions)
- Aikido research paper
- Barbara Bowen-Kelso Update
- Teaching Aikido and other MAs in the same place
- Too Old or Too young?
- Aikido as a journey
- Regular web board participants
- Aikido as Escapism
- What keeps you motivated?
- Pirated Aikido Movies
- What is it that is special about aikido?
- Monkey See Monkey Do
- Nariyama and Tomiki
- Aikido, defence, and tactics
- Aikido dojo in Delhi?
- Why would you quit?
- who looks most like Ueshiba?
- being defeated
- Taking my first test
- Chain Punching.
- Real Tests
- Anyone going to Cherry Blossom Seminar?
- I Used to Believe...
- Preferred training partners
- students intimidating others
- Found my center, Now what?
- Dynamic Sphear
- Randori movies
- Firm grabs and ki no nagare
- visiting Japan
- Where is the street, and why does it matter?
- Barbara Bowen Update
- judgement & reaction
- Fight vid - could aikido work here?
- Dojo in Brazil
- REAL clips of SEGAL AIKIDO! Plus a chimp!!
- Having an open mind
- Bartending/Bouncing
- Article on
- Police Aikido
- a couple etiquette questions
- University clubs vs "real" dojo
- Funny hair
- hakama embroidery
- Interesting footwork clip
- The Basics
- The Way
- Attention parents
- What has happened to the budoka?
- Aikido on DVD ?
- Thinking of starting Aikido....
- training one side only
- Yoshigasaki split with Ki Society
- Modern Masters of Aikido video - Koichi Tohei
- The Dreaded Flip
- Your Dojo's Sensei's rank?
- Scoliosis and Aikido
- Breathing
- Style differences?
- Big pants, what are they?
- Aikido & other forms of exercise
- How much is Aikido worth to you?
- Aikido at PSAB?
- Physics and Aikido
- poem
- Two things.
- Poetry
- So, what are your thoughts on violence and Aikido?
- I Used to Fear...
- Deciding on Aikido
- Prince George Dojo
- It's HUGE!
- new user
- embroidery
- Teaching Self Defense
- Weber State Aikido?
- Hello I'm new.
- aikido attacks
- off-mat ukemi
- When is long enough to long?
- Aikido and body shape?
- balanced life
- Injuries in Aikido ?
- Never play tag with kids
- Wedding ring?
- Free form training
- Anger over a dead horse
- First gi :)
- Bruce Bookman or Donovan Waite?
- wich kyu will gote gaeshi flip come?
- A question that came up
- High Flying ukemi - gymnastic is better?
- Old School Tournament
- Dojo Recommendations In Gifu
- Longevity
- soft style?
- Takamatsu Sensei
- Need some compelling arguments...
- Getting between the moves
- Making your own Gi and Hakama
- Decided on aikido -- followup
- Quandary
- More knee questions.
- Aikido in Judo Randori
- Cowboy Bebop, Jeet Kune Do and Aikido
- football and aikido
- O'Sensei Commemoration
- Dojo in Tokyo? (Ebisu area)
- I got too use my aikido in school
- Extension of the hakama thread---for a bit anyway!
- Dojo in Kyoto
- Dojo in Des Moines?
- Belt System Question.
- Death in the Family
- Styles of Aikido
- whats the most street effective aikido style?
- Aikido Suimei Grand Opening
- whistle while you work?
- Anyone here going to VKS Summer camp?
- It Actually Works!
- Kamiza
- Doubting Aikido
- 390lb ukemi...
- Some places my face aren't meant for...
- Tenkan works. yes, yes it does.
- yoshinkan
- Female Aikidoka
- Just took my first class
- Blooood on the danceflo... uh.. mat..
- What do you think is the most gentle martial art?
- wing chun
- Am I missing something?
- Kokikai:
- Count-down to Shodan:
- Oh heck! Testing next month!.. :O
- Another knee thread
- Adidas attempts to corner Aikido market?
- Steven Segal and Celebrity Boxing
- Holes in the Real Attack
- a challenge
- whats the biggest aikido forum?
- Tattoos and Aikido
- Captured Aikido Motions
- White Belt Randori..
- Under the Hakama?
- Burmese/Thai Boxing
- A small victory along the greater path..
- Self defence vs fights
- Bond Street 30th Anniversary Seminar
- systema?
- Awkward position.
- the Komyozan in Boise
- ki development
- Q&A with Ellis Amdur
- Kalaripayat?
- Ontario Canada, Aikido
- steven seagal knife fighting style=
- Fake real life stories?
- Jewlery in class
- Aikido and Disability
- Grading
- steven seagal aikido forums
- Warming up knees?
- Hardcore Dojo's
- Rank
- "knee walking" and friction
- Angry White Pyjamas
- Does your Aikido come with sound effects?
- New comer
- Cornered?
- Dojo Breaking!
- Hip Throw?
- O sensei's signature
- Aikido - is aikikai the true path?
- Aikido vs Aikido
- Atemi Dojos
- Other grappling arts
- keeping my belt from moving
- Complusive testing.
- the wado perspective
- Idea for a new Segal movie !!!
- Diato Ryu Aikijujutsu's relation to Aikido
- hardest warmup excersise
- Looking around for a club, but would like to know…
- what technique against a jab?
- pragmatic aikido or more flowing soft?
- Dogi question:
- Weight Training
- Grading??
- Aikido Origins
- Tips for newcomer???
- Yoshinkan Uchideshi
- Bokken practice stand
- Famous Aikidoka?
- Super O'Sensei
- Instructor assaults Student
- Extended time in seiza
- Seiza weirdness
- What's the problem with Ki?
- Women's martial art?
- Insurance woe
- Just how effective is Aikido in the street?
- Aikido saved my beer! (Real-life incidents)
- Shodan test:
- Katsuaki Asai coach for germany
- Recommend any books?
- Toes!
- Is self defence a myth?
- Aikido Dojos in Orlando Flordia area?
- recovery - wrist injury
- When was the last time your Aikido changed directi
- Internal Vs. External
- Off to summer camp
- It wasn't about the knife
- Surprises
- Opening a Dojo
- They're watching us!
- Intriguing Teachers
- The role of fear
- Time to retire and say goodbye
- How to become relaxed?
- Dojo Construction
- My answer to the big question..
- Hapkido, anyone?
- one-eyed training
- Gift search: tooyama? sanbo?
- Americans want belts or training??
- slow & soft?
- medical alerts
- staying cool
- Seagal? Like or Dislike
- aikido in/near Traverse City Michigan?
- Does this say Ai-Ki-Do?
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