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  1. Kyu tests
  2. Another This Week's Poll Question
  3. Competition in Aikido
  4. Really stupid beginner question.
  5. sparring practice?
  6. Double joints
  7. Just what is effectiveness?
  8. USA Today Article
  9. Aikido against average Joe.
  10. Weught Training for Aikido
  11. one to one with o'sensei
  13. Please read - Combat Ki?
  14. Warrior Spirit
  15. The Way of the Warrior
  16. How much should I be practicing at home?
  17. Effectiveness in self defence
  18. Minimum requirement for shodan
  19. Moving to Taiwan
  20. Flexibility how often should you stretch
  21. martial scholar?
  22. Favorite aikido books?
  23. looking for a video
  24. Clothing guidelines & tradition
  25. Aikido + other MA, What and Why?
  26. quick question
  27. Aikido really *does* work!
  29. The Magic of conflict
  30. Intesive course
  31. Dropout rates and reasons
  32. Training Mats - South Wales
  33. Aki-Jitsu
  34. Aikido Photography
  35. Fusae Tomiki
  36. deadly or non-violent?
  37. Is BJJ practice dangerous?
  38. Does Aikido Really Work?
  39. Proper care of Hakama??
  40. Does everybody have a YONKYO point.
  41. Is their a Aikido Dojo in Les Deux Alpes
  42. Hakama Length and Colour
  43. Aikido in the Olympics
  44. Hakama Repair
  45. Religeon and Aikido
  46. Shoulder Injuries
  47. Ki energy defined
  48. aikido and musicians
  49. The new Doshu
  50. Too old? Too heavy?
  52. High-ranking Non-japanese Yudansha
  53. Finally!!!
  54. Aikido and breaks
  55. Skiing and Aikido
  56. American Football and Aikido
  57. The poll!!!!!!!
  58. Staying in Osaka
  59. Exit wounds in the uk
  60. Sensei Segal
  61. macon GA
  62. Yoshinkan Aikido in NYC???
  63. Way of life
  64. Aikido usage
  65. Aikido Help...
  66. What is the difference in Aikido styles?
  67. Are standards going north or south?
  68. A Valuable lesson
  69. Ukemi styles
  70. Hakama worship
  71. Saito's Aikido Style?
  72. Aches and pains
  73. Stretching . . .
  74. intuition
  75. More About Saito and Isoyama?
  76. Tomiki Aikido
  77. Taking ukemi from your instructor
  78. rokyo/rokkyo
  79. Short Intro and question.. newbie!
  80. Dizzy after practicing rolls
  81. Unbendable Arm
  82. Aikido or Judo?
  83. Different Styles
  84. Thomas Makiyama Sensei
  85. Aikido and sports injuries
  86. Aikido + T'ai Chi = ?
  87. worth seeing the doshu?
  88. rashiki
  89. I'm dying to know...
  90. Breakfalls (Merged)
  91. Hakama
  92. Blows my mind!
  93. One more thought on effectiveness
  94. belt test
  95. Who's Summer Camp used to be at Colorado State U.?
  96. Shodan!
  97. Wat does Your Dojo do for tests?
  98. Politics in aikid
  99. Profit Making?
  100. Doka?
  101. News from the Front
  102. Kiai*cough*
  103. Pain in Aikido
  104. lop-sided
  105. aiki photography
  106. aikido styles
  107. Are There Many Dojo's Teaching Practical Aikido?
  108. Twist and shout
  109. The essence of aikido
  110. For those who answered "No"
  111. Ranking
  112. Martial Attitude
  113. Aikido
  114. AN#68 please help me
  115. Total Fitness Workout
  116. Dojos in France
  117. Gi brands???
  118. A New "crash" In E-budo??
  119. aikido and rugby
  120. If you had to choose, is aikido a "pushing" or "pu
  121. Steven Seagal
  122. aikido and weights lifting
  123. Responsibilities
  124. 16 variations
  125. the book "Aikido: Techniques & Tactics" ?
  126. Tokyo Dojo`s/cultural visas
  127. Kambu Kai ?
  128. Solo Practice
  129. Two Dojos in One (...by Ronco (tm))
  130. Looking for UF Aikido Club past members.
  131. Aikido and Chinese Martial arts
  132. The use of Japanese in the dojo
  133. so I've been wondering...
  134. Hapkido/Aikido (kissing cousins?)
  135. Do You Believe In Ki?
  136. Testing
  137. Where to get Hakama?
  138. V-Sensei
  139. Organizations
  140. Dojo Management
  141. food for thought ( maybe not... hey that rhymes!)
  142. The Path Beyond Thought - please vote
  143. aikido is weak
  144. Aikido demonstration?
  145. ikkyo
  146. Claping?
  147. Thoughts for a newbie plz!
  148. Foreigner training in Japan
  149. Meanning of ikkyo
  150. home made hakama
  151. experiences w/ other arts
  152. Stuart is weak
  153. Challenges
  154. Kamae vs. Shizentai
  155. "The best defense...
  156. More Stance ?'s.
  157. Looking for new dojo in Toronto
  158. A Thousand Members
  159. Aikikai vs Yoshinkan
  160. Too many cuts?
  161. Verbal Aikido
  162. Books of O´Sensei and fellows.
  163. Lineage
  164. Aikido hurts too much
  165. Starting Aikido
  166. Yoshinkan Police course question
  167. How severe should a student be?
  168. Tieing a belt
  169. Origin of the jo
  170. Fewer cuts, Heavier bokken
  171. tanren?
  172. NHB Fighting and Aikido
  173. My First Aikido Experience
  174. Aikido Does Work
  175. Mixing Arts
  176. Your thoughts appreciated
  177. Aikido boarding school
  178. Aikido and Arthritis
  179. Who knows Karl Geis?
  180. My jeep was broken into.
  181. 95 to 5
  182. Who is Ken Ota?
  183. Where have those hands been?
  184. aikido and dark reality
  185. Aikido Ranks and Tests : worthwhile or not.
  186. How to do an Aikido Demonstration
  187. Grande Puairie, AB
  188. Aikido and Aerobics
  189. Aikido and crew-members
  190. Martial Artists Against Terrorism
  191. UCLA Aikido
  192. Happy Rosh Hashana
  193. MMA vs. Traditional Arts
  194. Aikido on Discovery Channel
  195. Lunging range and random thoughts on Aikido.
  196. Real life experiences
  197. Agent Mulder's ikkyo
  198. Eddie Hagihara Sensei
  199. Ueshiba At Nakano Academy
  200. Rank Beginner
  201. No Competition in Aikido(excluding Tomiki)
  202. Aikido Philosophies
  203. Leaving Aikido
  204. looking for aikido training
  205. Belt tests
  206. Bad Lower Back Beginner
  207. Age to begin Aikido
  208. Aikido and beer...?
  209. World Centre Of Real Aikido
  210. Dojo in Sofia ,Bulgaria
  211. Choosing a dojo... Does the sensei's rank matter?
  212. Aikido & Community Service
  213. free classes for the handicapped
  214. Was Steven Segal the originator of Aikido?
  215. Curiosity about our instructors
  216. Aikido Phrases
  217. A New Addition To The List
  218. Question: Hombu Dojo
  219. Running a dojo
  220. These fellows are interesting
  221. how do we define aikido?
  222. Shodokan Aikido Interview
  223. Achieving harmony: To what extent?
  224. Reprogramming natural movement patterns.
  225. Shodan test
  226. Measuring Progress
  227. Look into each others eyes
  228. is aikido really practical
  229. Shioda Sensei
  230. O Confusion
  231. Thunder, fire water etc
  232. Ever had to use aikido in a fight
  233. multimedia clips
  234. Dojo in Syracuse, NY
  235. Keeping the "unbendable arms"
  236. Testing limits
  237. Formlessness
  238. Real street attack clip.
  239. Different Grading Systems In Ki-society
  240. embroidered names on hakama
  241. non competetive art
  242. Article on Ki
  243. Total Knee Replacement
  244. Is Aikido techniques applicable in real world?
  245. Dissapointment
  246. Verbal Attacks/Abuse
  247. Cute flash game
  248. Oldies
  249. Aikido and work
  250. Morehei Air Walking