- Kyu tests
- Another This Week's Poll Question
- Competition in Aikido
- Really stupid beginner question.
- sparring practice?
- Double joints
- Just what is effectiveness?
- USA Today Article
- Aikido against average Joe.
- Weught Training for Aikido
- one to one with o'sensei
- Please read - Combat Ki?
- Warrior Spirit
- The Way of the Warrior
- How much should I be practicing at home?
- Effectiveness in self defence
- Minimum requirement for shodan
- Moving to Taiwan
- Flexibility how often should you stretch
- martial scholar?
- Favorite aikido books?
- looking for a video
- Clothing guidelines & tradition
- Aikido + other MA, What and Why?
- quick question
- Aikido really *does* work!
- The Magic of conflict
- Intesive course
- Dropout rates and reasons
- Training Mats - South Wales
- Aki-Jitsu
- Aikido Photography
- Fusae Tomiki
- deadly or non-violent?
- Is BJJ practice dangerous?
- Does Aikido Really Work?
- Proper care of Hakama??
- Does everybody have a YONKYO point.
- Is their a Aikido Dojo in Les Deux Alpes
- Hakama Length and Colour
- Aikido in the Olympics
- Hakama Repair
- Religeon and Aikido
- Shoulder Injuries
- Ki energy defined
- aikido and musicians
- The new Doshu
- Too old? Too heavy?
- High-ranking Non-japanese Yudansha
- Finally!!!
- Aikido and breaks
- Skiing and Aikido
- American Football and Aikido
- The poll!!!!!!!
- Staying in Osaka
- Exit wounds in the uk
- Sensei Segal
- macon GA
- Yoshinkan Aikido in NYC???
- Way of life
- Aikido usage
- Aikido Help...
- What is the difference in Aikido styles?
- Are standards going north or south?
- A Valuable lesson
- Ukemi styles
- Hakama worship
- Saito's Aikido Style?
- Aches and pains
- Stretching . . .
- intuition
- More About Saito and Isoyama?
- Tomiki Aikido
- Taking ukemi from your instructor
- rokyo/rokkyo
- Short Intro and question.. newbie!
- Dizzy after practicing rolls
- Unbendable Arm
- Aikido or Judo?
- Different Styles
- Thomas Makiyama Sensei
- Aikido and sports injuries
- Aikido + T'ai Chi = ?
- worth seeing the doshu?
- rashiki
- I'm dying to know...
- Breakfalls (Merged)
- Hakama
- Blows my mind!
- One more thought on effectiveness
- belt test
- Who's Summer Camp used to be at Colorado State U.?
- Shodan!
- Wat does Your Dojo do for tests?
- Politics in aikid
- Profit Making?
- Doka?
- News from the Front
- Kiai*cough*
- Pain in Aikido
- lop-sided
- aiki photography
- aikido styles
- Are There Many Dojo's Teaching Practical Aikido?
- Twist and shout
- The essence of aikido
- For those who answered "No"
- Ranking
- Martial Attitude
- Aikido
- AN#68 please help me
- Total Fitness Workout
- Dojos in France
- Gi brands???
- A New "crash" In E-budo??
- aikido and rugby
- If you had to choose, is aikido a "pushing" or "pu
- Steven Seagal
- aikido and weights lifting
- Responsibilities
- 16 variations
- the book "Aikido: Techniques & Tactics" ?
- Tokyo Dojo`s/cultural visas
- Kambu Kai ?
- Solo Practice
- Two Dojos in One (...by Ronco (tm))
- Looking for UF Aikido Club past members.
- Aikido and Chinese Martial arts
- The use of Japanese in the dojo
- so I've been wondering...
- Hapkido/Aikido (kissing cousins?)
- Do You Believe In Ki?
- Testing
- Where to get Hakama?
- V-Sensei
- Organizations
- Dojo Management
- food for thought ( maybe not... hey that rhymes!)
- The Path Beyond Thought - please vote
- aikido is weak
- Aikido demonstration?
- ikkyo
- Claping?
- Thoughts for a newbie plz!
- Foreigner training in Japan
- Meanning of ikkyo
- home made hakama
- experiences w/ other arts
- Stuart is weak
- Challenges
- Kamae vs. Shizentai
- "The best defense...
- More Stance ?'s.
- Looking for new dojo in Toronto
- A Thousand Members
- Aikikai vs Yoshinkan
- Too many cuts?
- Verbal Aikido
- Books of O´Sensei and fellows.
- Lineage
- Aikido hurts too much
- Starting Aikido
- Yoshinkan Police course question
- How severe should a student be?
- Tieing a belt
- Origin of the jo
- Fewer cuts, Heavier bokken
- tanren?
- NHB Fighting and Aikido
- My First Aikido Experience
- Aikido Does Work
- Mixing Arts
- Your thoughts appreciated
- Aikido boarding school
- Aikido and Arthritis
- Who knows Karl Geis?
- My jeep was broken into.
- 95 to 5
- Who is Ken Ota?
- Where have those hands been?
- aikido and dark reality
- Aikido Ranks and Tests : worthwhile or not.
- How to do an Aikido Demonstration
- Grande Puairie, AB
- Aikido and Aerobics
- Aikido and crew-members
- Martial Artists Against Terrorism
- UCLA Aikido
- Happy Rosh Hashana
- MMA vs. Traditional Arts
- Aikido on Discovery Channel
- Lunging range and random thoughts on Aikido.
- Real life experiences
- Agent Mulder's ikkyo
- Eddie Hagihara Sensei
- Ueshiba At Nakano Academy
- Rank Beginner
- No Competition in Aikido(excluding Tomiki)
- Aikido Philosophies
- Leaving Aikido
- looking for aikido training
- Belt tests
- Bad Lower Back Beginner
- Age to begin Aikido
- Aikido and beer...?
- World Centre Of Real Aikido
- Dojo in Sofia ,Bulgaria
- Choosing a dojo... Does the sensei's rank matter?
- Aikido & Community Service
- free classes for the handicapped
- Was Steven Segal the originator of Aikido?
- Curiosity about our instructors
- Aikido Phrases
- A New Addition To The List
- Question: Hombu Dojo
- Running a dojo
- These fellows are interesting
- how do we define aikido?
- Shodokan Aikido Interview
- Achieving harmony: To what extent?
- Reprogramming natural movement patterns.
- Shodan test
- Measuring Progress
- Look into each others eyes
- is aikido really practical
- Shioda Sensei
- O Confusion
- Thunder, fire water etc
- Ever had to use aikido in a fight
- multimedia clips
- Dojo in Syracuse, NY
- Keeping the "unbendable arms"
- Testing limits
- Formlessness
- Real street attack clip.
- Different Grading Systems In Ki-society
- embroidered names on hakama
- non competetive art
- Article on Ki
- Total Knee Replacement
- Is Aikido techniques applicable in real world?
- Dissapointment
- Verbal Attacks/Abuse
- Cute flash game
- Oldies
- Aikido and work
- Morehei Air Walking