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  1. YouTube: Moriteru Ueshiba at 54th All Japan Student Aikido Demonstration
  2. YouTube: Mitsuteru Ueshiba at the 45th Iwate University Aikido Demonstration
  3. Review - Ki Federation of Great Britain
  4. YouTube: Jenny Flower: Ai Hanmi Iriminage
  5. Reconciliation in Aikido?
  6. Poem - Gaku Homma
  7. Video - Doshu at Kagamibiraki 2015
  8. YouTube: Yoshimitsu Yamada and Mitsunari Kanai in 1970's
  9. Wendy G Walker?
  10. YouTube: Aikikai Kagami Biraki Ceremony 2015 (with Doshu Demonstration)
  11. YouTube: T.K. Chiba Semimar in 1986
  12. The Man in the High Castle
  13. Budo Begins And Ends With Rei
  14. Linda is 70
  15. YouTube: Koichi Tohei Jo Kata
  16. YouTube: Yoshinobu Takeda, 2004
  17. Why do you do Aikido?
  18. YouTube: Christian Tissier, 2014
  19. Is this Tomiki Aikido or??
  20. What can a beginning aikidoka expect in their first and subsequent classes?
  21. Aikido: Striking all along?
  22. Aikido: Striking all along?
  23. Anyone recommend any good ebooks
  24. Budo Values
  25. Is aikido a budo?
  26. Ron Pendleton Obituary.
  27. Video: Endô sensei hombu dôjô 1990
  28. YouTube: Kisaburo Osawa (9th dan), 1968
  29. Keep Calm
  30. Budo Vices
  31. YouTube: Donovan Waite at Long Island Aikikai
  32. What happens when I go home?
  33. Young Guy Budo Vs Old Fellow Budo
  34. Training with Multiple Myeloma
  35. States of Mind: Mushin
  36. The relevance of origin.
  37. Vimeo: 50 Years of Aikido in Brazil
  38. Blood on the mat
  39. Do You Go To Seminars Outside Your Style?
  40. YouTube: Hiroshi Tada in in Belgrade in 1974
  41. YouTube: Bruno Gonzalez at the "Festival des arts Martiaux"
  42. Oneness Rhythm Exercise MIDI file?
  43. Using Aikido outside of the Dojo.
  44. 30 Years of Lakeview: Chicago's Japanese American Community 1960s-1990s
  45. Kata's Hidden Wisdom (and yes, what you practice in Aikido is kata)
  46. States of Mind: Fudoshin
  47. Bbc Documentary Iaido Master...
  48. YouTube: Susumu Chino (8th dan, Yoshinkan) Demonstration in 2012
  49. New Aikido Club in Newcastle Upon time
  50. Aikido in Edmonton(Alberta)
  51. YouTube: TEDx: Aikido: an alternative education system for humanity?
  52. Aikido Isn't Life
  53. Gi pants leg and sleeve
  54. Aikido Holiday
  55. Recommendations
  56. Mounting a Gi in a shadow box
  57. Budo Quotes
  58. Tanto Dori
  59. Les Kelso
  60. Interview w Bruce Bookman
  61. Master Class with Jo Thambu
  62. Diabetes and Aikido
  63. Brazilian jujutsu and aikido - not the usual fighting theme!
  64. YouTube: Hirokazu Kobayashi, Thonon, 1980
  65. YouTube: Aiki Jinja Festival, April 2015
  66. A Dojo Isn't A Comfortable Place
  67. Marc and Mayda Abrams Shin-Budo Kai promotions
  68. Seeking Children's Aikido Instructor
  69. Youtube: Suganuma Sensei at the Shoheijuku Aikido Embutaikai
  70. Rare Footage Of UK AIkido Pioneer Sensei Kenneth Williams
  71. What Makes A Good Dojo?
  72. Seeking dojos to visit in Aruba and Curaçao
  73. The train story
  74. Chatham Mass.
  75. Neuro Plasticity and Aikido
  76. Doka of the day
  77. Putting the "POWER" in Empowerment
  78. Aikido - Teachers - Affiliations
  79. The Armigeri defensores seniores
  80. Doshu's demonstration at the 53rd All Japan Aikido Demonstration
  81. Aikido and Over 40's
  82. Georges Rousseau (1935/03/17 - 2015/05/20)
  83. How To Be A Good Uke
  84. Hi everyone, how goes things?
  85. USAF in South Puget Sound?
  86. YouTube: Steven Seagal in Saratov, Russia
  87. Perception, Reaction Time and Training
  88. Tradition Is Tending The Flame. It's not Worshiping The Ashes
  89. YouTube: Mitsuteru Ueshiba at 53rd All-Japan Aikido Demonstrations
  90. Aikido and Krav Maga
  91. Need more mats
  92. NEW Ellis Amdur Taikyoku Aikido Video - Kumi Jo and Taijutsu (Cross-Posted)
  93. YouTube: Ellis Amdur Taikyoku Aikido Kumi-Jo & Taijutsu, Oberlin, OH
  94. Smooth as silk - Ukemi Video
  95. Instagram
  96. Small Circle Aikido?
  97. Aikido Study for PhD
  98. What do you like at seminars?
  99. Rik Ellis - Aikido - MMA - R.I.P
  100. Koshi
  101. Is it ok to step back from training for awhile
  102. The unbendable arm in ukemi
  103. YouTube: Hombu Instructors' Demonstration at the All Japan Children Demonstration
  104. Martial Arts Instructors Should Learn To Teach
  105. You can only have one Sensei / Cross training.
  106. Joe Curran
  107. 4 question interview with Joe Curran
  108. YouTube: 50 Different Aikido Ukemi Drills in 7 Minutes
  109. Kuzushi Is More Than Off-balancing
  110. There in no foot work in Aikido
  111. Can you use Knee Pads in Aikido?
  112. Youtube video Yusuf Uddin
  113. Feel the Force
  114. 4 question interview with Mary Eastland
  115. Good Budo Is Simple. That Doesn't Mean It's Easy
  116. Kokyu Nage - Irimi
  117. YouTube: Yoko Okamoto at 53rd All Japan Aikido Demonstration
  118. Peter Byl
  119. Just another look at aikido and what are the consequences of it?
  120. Crisis of Faith
  121. Aikido Connects The Past To The Present
  122. Video: Interview with Christian Tissier Shihan
  123. Podcast - Ki Aikido
  124. 2 Martial Arts
  125. What is your misconception of aikido?
  126. Skeptic in the Dojo (A Review)
  127. Don't be the bad guy
  128. Why and why not....
  129. Organizing the Body For Aikido
  130. any aikijujutsu clubs near sheffield south yorkshire
  131. Aikido highlights
  132. Aikido Is An Anachronism In the 21st Century
  133. Ethics in Aikido
  134. YouTube: Aikido (IAF Promotional Video)
  135. Shoes for practise (on tatami mats)
  136. Patrick Cassidy Sensei on the future of Aikido
  137. Striking all along ( Wrong. Apologies.)
  138. YouTube: Saito Sensei teaching under the supervision of O Sensei
  139. Secret Techniques or Specialty Techniques: Which are better
  140. Sourcing Dojo Scrolls and Pics
  141. First time on the mat
  142. Total hip replacement
  143. hakama leg width?
  144. Help me find a school
  145. 11th TAIN Tomiki Aikido Festival
  146. Heijoshin, or what is a normal mind
  147. Aikido vs Street Fighter Video
  148. Bone spurs in the knee
  149. Sensei Steven Seagal full video seminar in Russia 22/10/2015
  150. Beauty
  152. Aikido apprentices train in honbu dojo (Black Belt - May 1966)
  153. My Impression. My visit with TAKEDA Y. SHIHAN at AKI Sydney City Dojo Australia. 21&22 November 2015
  154. Injuries
  155. My Top 5 Aikido Training Floors and the Dojos Who Made Them
  156. YouTube: Terry Dobson on Takemusu Aiki
  157. Are you training just techniques? Or something more?
  158. The Hagakure and Absurdity
  159. RIP Tom Osborn
  160. Who is your Teacher?
  161. YouTube: Aiki Budo (1935). In slow motion
  162. Opinions on this please. (Article: "The founder of Aikido was a fraud")
  163. Budo is not a solo path
  164. Happy New Year 2016
  165. Upcoming interview with Peter Goldsbury
  166. Dojo
  167. Christian Tissier promoted to the 8th Dan
  168. YouTube: Jiro Kimura (8th dan, Aikikai)
  169. What do we owe?
  170. Happy Birthday to Janet Rosen
  171. YouTube: Aikido Doshu Ueshiba Moriteru - Kagamibiraki 2016
  172. YouTube: International Aikido Seminar Le Vigan 1990/2015 - Episode 1 : Saotome Sensei
  173. Aikido and Character
  174. The best Aikido technique for combating a blade carrying opponent.
  175. Academic Aikido Study
  176. Ukemi
  177. Non-Profit Advise/Assist
  178. Ukemi skills and Counters
  179. The best way to win is not to play
  180. Am I Really Practicing Budo?
  181. Create a Beautiful World
  182. YouTube: Mitsunari Kanai, Yoshimitsu Yamada, Akira Tohei, and Yukio Kawahara from Aikidocanada.ca
  183. This guy
  184. Video - David Rubens Sensei- Speaks of Gozo Shioda and his aikido experiences
  185. What does the dojo mean to you?
  186. Budo And Who We Are
  187. Video interview with Peter Goldsbury
  188. Better For What?
  189. Budo Is Not About Techniques
  190. The Passing of Robert Kubo
  191. Demonstration Budo vs. Training Budo vs Doing Budo
  192. YouTube: International Aikido Seminar Le Vigan 1990/2015 - Episode 2: Ikeda Sensei
  193. Feeding The Budo Mind
  194. Sweat The Small Stuff. And It's All Small Stuff.
  195. Doshu's demonstration - 54th All Japan Aikido 2016
  196. Mada Heta Desu - or - The Joy Of Being A Student
  197. Will taking Tai Chi hurt my Aikido?
  198. Looking for Schools Run By Students of Yoshio Kuroiwa
  199. Kazuo Chiba Sensei, 1988: Shomenuchi Iriminage
  200. Yellow belt today!
  201. Pro's and con's of asking questions.
  202. Protecting toes.
  203. aikido dojo in Takayama Japan?
  204. Reconcile the world
  205. Budo dreams
  206. Hello all
  207. Gozo Shioda resting place
  208. YouTube: International Aikido Seminar Le Vigan 1990/2015 - Episode 3: Friendship
  209. YouTube: Tohei Sensei and Hagihara Sensei: New Jersey 1965
  210. Teachers who won't share
  211. Iwama Ryu in Singapore
  212. Cross Training
  213. Ukemi, attacks and Ishin-Denshin
  214. Interview with Saito Morihiro sensei - 1998
  215. New club new start...
  216. So You Wanna Cross Train?
  217. Debating between aikido styles.
  218. Taking a trip to Takasaki (12th IAF Congress)
  219. Budo and Non-Action
  220. I'm back in the game
  221. Understanding and Assumptions
  222. YouTube: Demonstration by Moriteru Ueshiba - 12th IAF Congress in Takasaki
  223. Started training again.
  224. Verbal Aikido Mentioned in Article
  225. Nariyama on Timing
  226. Passing of Takashi Nonaka
  227. Budo And Control
  228. Forging the Spirit?
  229. Video interview: Micheline Tissier 6th Dan
  230. Video interview: Janet Clift 6th Dan
  231. Video Interview: Peter Goldsbury on the History of Aikido
  232. used equipment?
  233. YouTube: Christian Tissier Demonstration at 12th IAF Congress (2016)
  234. How do you take care of your knees and joints?
  235. Black belt tried to attack me for doing the technique "wrong".
  236. Jodo/Jojutsu training in Atlanta
  237. Thanks Jun!
  238. Ukemi saved me from getting busted up...
  239. Aikikai Hombu Dojo Instructor Masaya Tokuda Under Arrest
  240. Ode to Aikido and Aikido practitioners
  241. Kagamibiraki 2017
  242. Last direct students of O Sensei?
  243. Training In Japan
  244. Is this aikido?
  245. Hypotethical question.
  246. Article From NY Times About Falling
  247. Stan Pranin
  248. Doing Aikido after a brain injury?
  249. New school, some concerns
  250. Duration of rank