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  1. What to pass on?
  2. Small World
  3. Self defense in Asian religions
  4. should there be an age for black belts?
  5. Futari Gake
  6. A quick question regarding UK policemen.
  7. Brutality
  8. Is there a way to unite all martail arts
  9. Race and Aikido
  10. It's (not?) all in the hips
  11. Self-defense art?
  12. right way of doing sitting kokyu-ho
  13. Renting mats for a seminar
  14. Simplified description of Aikido
  15. Awefully Annoyed
  16. Gi
  17. Yoshinkan Ryu Dojo?
  18. Akido notebook
  19. What Makes A Dojo?
  20. When is koshinage not koshinage?
  21. How did you find your dojo
  22. Shoulder Injuries
  23. two schools?
  24. Uncooperative participant
  25. Why Aikido?
  26. hypermobility syndrome
  27. cross training
  28. Drunken-master Aikido
  29. Is it proper?
  30. Banned from the dojo
  31. Music in the Dojo?
  32. Credentials
  33. Dobunkan Aikido?
  34. there is no room for a pass into shodan
  35. Are you knew there Aikido in IRAQ?
  36. Black Belt????
  37. Absent Patellae
  38. online shop embroidery question
  39. Yoshiaki Unno Sensei
  40. What's the Irish situation?
  41. Yamada Sensei coming to Japan
  42. Ukemi's a little ruff
  43. Ki and Chi
  44. enlighten me...pls explain
  45. Help !
  46. does anyone elses....
  47. Regrading grabs in Aikido...
  48. Which Hakama??
  49. Maai concerns
  50. Need some practical advice
  51. Aikido is only as good as the person...
  52. New Shodans in IRAQ.
  53. Healing shoulder
  54. Sunadomari Quote - Opinions Please
  55. Is Aikido right for me?
  56. Why these techniques?
  57. Tracing my Philippine Aikikai Roots
  58. Powerful
  59. Perfection of waza
  60. Good Tips for loosening ankles
  61. inflexible toes
  62. Physical Handicaps & Aikido
  63. Aikido as Budo
  64. Odd essay about the founder...
  65. Shirata Rinjiro Sensei - Revisited
  66. Anybody heard of this book?
  67. New England Aikikai 2006 Spring Seminar
  68. Kihon, kata, kumite and bunkai in Aikido
  69. Looking for a honest opinion
  70. need the 411 on Patrick Cassidy Sensei?
  71. Sonderhausen, Germany
  72. Desperate to rehabilitate ki
  73. What's in a belt?
  74. Aikido in Rio
  75. Osaka & Kyoto recommendations
  76. How many aikidoka?
  77. Nihon Goshin Aikido in Toronto
  78. Planning trip to Japan
  79. Tomiki / Shodokan Aikido in Birmingham
  80. ettiquette question
  81. bowing during testing
  82. Level 1 Coaching Qualification
  83. Ogi
  84. Spinal Surgery and Aikido
  85. how many times have you gotten hurt?
  86. Vacation in Tokyo
  87. sticky hands, push hands and kokyu-ho
  88. Dan Essays
  89. Saito Sensei & the no-hands throw
  90. Aikido in Bahrain
  91. Box / Walk ?????
  92. is aikido considered a personal philosop
  93. extra training
  94. Aikido back in the house...
  95. final lock doesn't work
  96. Charlotte, NC
  97. Visitors
  98. Sensei role!
  99. What makes something an Art
  100. Couple of tai chi related questions
  101. Correct Movement in Aikido
  102. Good Dojo in Toronto
  103. A nice way to spend $25.
  104. baby gi
  105. Getting together for Charity!
  106. Aikido in 70 Words or Less
  107. Tomiki and Hombu - Can you work in both?
  108. Technique or trick
  109. Steven Segal
  110. Dojos in Dundee, Scotland
  111. Seeking Peru Aikido Info
  112. Names
  113. Getting stains out of a judo gi
  114. Healing Cancer through Aikido?
  115. Trip to Paris
  116. Going Backwards
  117. Giorgio Veneri sensei
  118. History of Osaka Aikikai
  119. Thick forearms
  120. Advice needed...
  121. Trip to San Jose... looking to practice!
  122. Tokyo in May
  123. Is there a new fad "sword exercise?"
  124. Ego's in martial arts
  125. Sydney Dojos
  126. Suwari waza
  127. Training Meeting in Himeji
  128. aikido and spondylosis
  129. Aikido and Traffic
  130. Dvds...Any suggestions ???
  131. Any instructors here ever challenged?
  132. Am i missing something??
  133. Watch Out for Aikido 'Shihans'..........
  134. Politics in Aikido
  135. Using your centre during training
  136. Visiting Hawaii end of April - Makaha
  137. Deepening Our Training
  138. aikido and sledge hammers
  139. Just wanted to know?
  140. How do you prevent knee injuries?
  141. How do I attempt to change that?
  142. Aikido and Iaido...together?
  143. So I kotegaishi'd my girlfriend...
  144. First month of aikido
  145. Your opinion wanted for an Aikido paper
  146. Just for Curiosity
  147. Housing for Summer Camp in the Rockies
  148. 37th Anniversary of Founder's Passing
  149. Quick Question
  150. Been There, Done That Attitude
  151. Being your own teacher
  152. Dojo in Cardiff
  153. The "Jo Trick" and Similar Exercises
  154. New to Aikido
  155. Dojo floor remodel.
  156. McDojo
  157. back straight
  158. Searching for a rumored movie
  159. Aikido v.s. Hapkido
  160. Aikido internal and slow?
  161. David Dye Sensei
  162. Can different Aikido Schools crosstrain?
  163. Sensei Robert Mustard Seminar
  164. Children in the Dojo
  165. East African Aikido
  166. Need
  167. O'Sensei's 1930 Demo for Jigoro Kano
  168. Back from San Jose
  169. How long did it take you?
  170. In the dojo, 90% of Aikido is uke
  171. Consistancy of training
  172. Purpose of Dojo
  173. BJJ for Aikidoka Instructional DVD
  174. defeating myself!
  175. Update on Kevin Sparkman Sensei
  176. Kokikai v. Aikikai
  177. are you combat effective!
  178. Should I be Worried?
  179. Dojo in Dallas?
  180. Big Aikido vs Small Aikido
  181. Nippon Kan
  182. "Tanker" uke
  183. Akido vs Escrima
  184. Advice for a returning shodan
  185. Warm-up for knees
  186. Getting started: what, where, HOW?!
  187. Cross-training:Aikido & WingChunKungFu ?
  188. Aikido like no other...lol
  189. Throwing in the towel?
  190. the meaning...
  191. Question about being a uchideshi
  192. uke vs nage
  193. thinking about taking aikido
  194. Advice from your sensei.
  195. Randori, Sempai and experiences
  196. Contributing Membership "Pledge Drive"
  197. Oh my what a night
  198. Pain in aikido?
  199. Aikido as an alternative to judo kata?
  200. Close call
  201. Enjoyable Aikido Clips
  202. Mixing Aikido with other martial arts
  203. out of shape
  204. Replacing Dojo/Instructor
  205. Where to study aikido in the US?
  206. Ushiro sensei influence
  207. Sugano sensei in Woodstock this weekend
  208. Aikido and total hip replacement ?
  209. Panic Attack On the Mat
  210. Medical know-how?
  211. Only Sensei teachers
  212. Securing canvas mats.
  213. Aikido ground technique orgin
  214. What is "Shoot Aikido?"
  215. Aikido dojos in Spokane, Washington?
  216. Ryokukai Aikido?
  217. What do you think?
  218. Anyone know what this is?
  219. Help I am in a bad Aikido slump!
  220. Questions Here
  221. Canvas Vs. Vinyl
  222. Picking up Aikido
  223. New Members and mats???
  224. What's became with FLA's reunions?
  225. Gi's and etc.
  226. Seagal Video+Hapkido Video
  227. Jacked up my Knee
  228. Seagology
  229. why no martial art stores?
  230. Aikido Demo Video
  231. Difference between Yoshinkan and Aikikai
  232. Brawling with a friend
  233. Spirit + Form = Technique
  234. Doka of the Day
  235. Kamiza and Shomen Pics
  236. 1992-1993 Seminar, Colegate College NY
  237. 1 month in - I LOVE Aikdo!
  238. Hand-Washing Dogi
  239. Passing of Yoshiaki Unno Sensei
  240. how much training before...
  241. where's vol.3
  242. Saving a Tinted Gi
  243. One more iwamaivanovo!
  244. Zebra mats over carpet?
  245. Different perspectives.
  246. Visiting Dallas July 12 - 16
  247. What is the One Point?
  248. Other arts in the dojo?
  249. Neck Stingers and Burners
  250. Brown Belt Syndrome