View Full Version : General
- What to pass on?
- Small World
- Self defense in Asian religions
- should there be an age for black belts?
- Futari Gake
- A quick question regarding UK policemen.
- Brutality
- Is there a way to unite all martail arts
- Race and Aikido
- It's (not?) all in the hips
- Self-defense art?
- right way of doing sitting kokyu-ho
- Renting mats for a seminar
- Simplified description of Aikido
- Awefully Annoyed
- Gi
- Yoshinkan Ryu Dojo?
- Akido notebook
- What Makes A Dojo?
- When is koshinage not koshinage?
- How did you find your dojo
- Shoulder Injuries
- two schools?
- Uncooperative participant
- Why Aikido?
- hypermobility syndrome
- cross training
- Drunken-master Aikido
- Is it proper?
- Banned from the dojo
- Music in the Dojo?
- Credentials
- Dobunkan Aikido?
- there is no room for a pass into shodan
- Are you knew there Aikido in IRAQ?
- Black Belt????
- Absent Patellae
- online shop embroidery question
- Yoshiaki Unno Sensei
- What's the Irish situation?
- Yamada Sensei coming to Japan
- Ukemi's a little ruff
- Ki and Chi
- enlighten me...pls explain
- Help !
- does anyone elses....
- Regrading grabs in Aikido...
- Which Hakama??
- Maai concerns
- Need some practical advice
- Aikido is only as good as the person...
- New Shodans in IRAQ.
- Healing shoulder
- Sunadomari Quote - Opinions Please
- Is Aikido right for me?
- Why these techniques?
- Tracing my Philippine Aikikai Roots
- Powerful
- Perfection of waza
- Good Tips for loosening ankles
- inflexible toes
- Physical Handicaps & Aikido
- Aikido as Budo
- Odd essay about the founder...
- Shirata Rinjiro Sensei - Revisited
- Anybody heard of this book?
- New England Aikikai 2006 Spring Seminar
- Kihon, kata, kumite and bunkai in Aikido
- Looking for a honest opinion
- need the 411 on Patrick Cassidy Sensei?
- Sonderhausen, Germany
- Desperate to rehabilitate ki
- What's in a belt?
- Aikido in Rio
- Osaka & Kyoto recommendations
- How many aikidoka?
- Nihon Goshin Aikido in Toronto
- Planning trip to Japan
- Tomiki / Shodokan Aikido in Birmingham
- ettiquette question
- bowing during testing
- Level 1 Coaching Qualification
- Ogi
- Spinal Surgery and Aikido
- how many times have you gotten hurt?
- Vacation in Tokyo
- sticky hands, push hands and kokyu-ho
- Dan Essays
- Saito Sensei & the no-hands throw
- Aikido in Bahrain
- Box / Walk ?????
- is aikido considered a personal philosop
- extra training
- Aikido back in the house...
- final lock doesn't work
- Charlotte, NC
- Visitors
- Sensei role!
- What makes something an Art
- Couple of tai chi related questions
- Correct Movement in Aikido
- Good Dojo in Toronto
- A nice way to spend $25.
- baby gi
- Getting together for Charity!
- Aikido in 70 Words or Less
- Tomiki and Hombu - Can you work in both?
- Technique or trick
- Steven Segal
- Dojos in Dundee, Scotland
- Seeking Peru Aikido Info
- Names
- Getting stains out of a judo gi
- Healing Cancer through Aikido?
- Trip to Paris
- Going Backwards
- Giorgio Veneri sensei
- History of Osaka Aikikai
- Thick forearms
- Advice needed...
- Trip to San Jose... looking to practice!
- Tokyo in May
- Is there a new fad "sword exercise?"
- Ego's in martial arts
- Sydney Dojos
- Suwari waza
- Training Meeting in Himeji
- aikido and spondylosis
- Aikido and Traffic
- Dvds...Any suggestions ???
- Any instructors here ever challenged?
- Am i missing something??
- Watch Out for Aikido 'Shihans'..........
- Politics in Aikido
- Using your centre during training
- Visiting Hawaii end of April - Makaha
- Deepening Our Training
- aikido and sledge hammers
- Just wanted to know?
- How do you prevent knee injuries?
- How do I attempt to change that?
- Aikido and Iaido...together?
- So I kotegaishi'd my girlfriend...
- First month of aikido
- Your opinion wanted for an Aikido paper
- Just for Curiosity
- Housing for Summer Camp in the Rockies
- 37th Anniversary of Founder's Passing
- Quick Question
- Been There, Done That Attitude
- Being your own teacher
- Dojo in Cardiff
- The "Jo Trick" and Similar Exercises
- New to Aikido
- Dojo floor remodel.
- McDojo
- back straight
- Searching for a rumored movie
- Aikido v.s. Hapkido
- Aikido internal and slow?
- David Dye Sensei
- Can different Aikido Schools crosstrain?
- Sensei Robert Mustard Seminar
- Children in the Dojo
- East African Aikido
- Need
- O'Sensei's 1930 Demo for Jigoro Kano
- Back from San Jose
- How long did it take you?
- In the dojo, 90% of Aikido is uke
- Consistancy of training
- Purpose of Dojo
- BJJ for Aikidoka Instructional DVD
- defeating myself!
- Update on Kevin Sparkman Sensei
- Kokikai v. Aikikai
- are you combat effective!
- Should I be Worried?
- Dojo in Dallas?
- Big Aikido vs Small Aikido
- Nippon Kan
- "Tanker" uke
- Akido vs Escrima
- Advice for a returning shodan
- Warm-up for knees
- Getting started: what, where, HOW?!
- Cross-training:Aikido & WingChunKungFu ?
- Aikido like no
- Throwing in the towel?
- the meaning...
- Question about being a uchideshi
- uke vs nage
- thinking about taking aikido
- Advice from your sensei.
- Randori, Sempai and experiences
- Contributing Membership "Pledge Drive"
- Oh my what a night
- Pain in aikido?
- Aikido as an alternative to judo kata?
- Close call
- Enjoyable Aikido Clips
- Mixing Aikido with other martial arts
- out of shape
- Replacing Dojo/Instructor
- Where to study aikido in the US?
- Ushiro sensei influence
- Sugano sensei in Woodstock this weekend
- Aikido and total hip replacement ?
- Panic Attack On the Mat
- Medical know-how?
- Only Sensei teachers
- Securing canvas mats.
- Aikido ground technique orgin
- What is "Shoot Aikido?"
- Aikido dojos in Spokane, Washington?
- Ryokukai Aikido?
- What do you think?
- Anyone know what this is?
- Help I am in a bad Aikido slump!
- Questions Here
- Canvas Vs. Vinyl
- Picking up Aikido
- New Members and mats???
- What's became with FLA's reunions?
- Gi's and etc.
- Seagal Video+Hapkido Video
- Jacked up my Knee
- Seagology
- why no martial art stores?
- Aikido Demo Video
- Difference between Yoshinkan and Aikikai
- Brawling with a friend
- Spirit + Form = Technique
- Doka of the Day
- Kamiza and Shomen Pics
- 1992-1993 Seminar, Colegate College NY
- 1 month in - I LOVE Aikdo!
- Hand-Washing Dogi
- Passing of Yoshiaki Unno Sensei
- how much training before...
- where's vol.3
- Saving a Tinted Gi
- One more iwamaivanovo!
- Zebra mats over carpet?
- Different perspectives.
- Visiting Dallas July 12 - 16
- What is the One Point?
- Other arts in the dojo?
- Neck Stingers and Burners
- Brown Belt Syndrome
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