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  1. Embu Competition
  2. I practice.......Aikido?
  3. Ki Society Aikido
  4. Mai Case
  5. Miniture people!
  6. Get 'em while they're HOT!
  7. Iaido & Aikido
  8. All Aikido Addicts Come Here To Discuss
  9. Envy and O'Sensei
  10. Dojo marketing that worked?
  11. New Vids on Youtube
  12. Dojos in Montreal West
  13. 4 Principles in Japanese
  14. German/French Aikido Journal
  15. Realni aikido video clips
  16. Yoshinkan and knees
  17. Kagami biraki promotions
  18. Heir apparents to shihans
  19. Hypocrisy in Aikido
  20. Doing Aikido while in college/uni
  21. Does size matter...
  22. Question on different schools
  23. Musings on combat distance
  24. Aikido Lit
  25. I'm back... and a little cornfused
  26. Aikido on adrenaline?
  27. Dobson and Arikawa Sensei
  28. Aikikai hombu
  29. hello
  30. Mixing Aikido with working out
  31. 1952 demonstration video
  32. Favorite Aikido Video Clips
  33. Finding a framed image of O Sensei
  34. This aint UFC!
  35. why did you start aikido?
  36. Steven Segal
  37. Called out.
  38. If you could have a magic door...
  39. Dojo in Bakersfield, Ca.
  40. advice for those starting the journey...
  41. Ukemi and Kokyu
  42. What has aikido caused you to do?
  43. rowing exersize
  44. Interesting technique
  45. Aikikai Pioneers in Europe
  46. Sport is the new Budo
  47. Looking for the name of instructor in CA
  48. Blind Student
  49. Learning to read energy
  50. The third generation
  51. I had an "aiki moment" today
  52. O Sensei and Einstein
  53. Osensei 1935
  54. Real life Aikido
  55. How would aikido fare in an actual fight?
  56. Some aikido thoughts
  57. Aikido and Sumo
  58. O'Sensei's Largest Obstacle
  59. Weapons Bags in the UK
  60. Exclusivity
  61. A Noble Endeavor with Aikido
  62. An appropriate response to a gift
  63. Aikido no kokoro
  64. Training at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo
  65. Doka of the Day
  66. On my way to my first Aikido Dojo
  67. Oh, how it hurts!
  68. Doshu Succession
  69. aikido and kali
  70. Reasonable Hakama?
  71. Aikido Transmission and Class Size
  72. Aikido: Its Spirit and Technique
  73. Jiyushinkai
  74. Phylisophical differences between aikido and kali
  75. aiki-taiso origin
  76. about Real Aikido
  77. Who Does Aikido Belong To?
  78. This look like a good school?
  79. Professor Goldsbury: "Classic Iwama-style ukemi"
  80. Getting very discouraged, need your help.
  81. Spectacular Aikido Demonstration by Tissier
  82. Into the hands of my enemy
  83. Onegaishimasu
  84. Is it advisable to have two cups?
  85. help escaping extension - connection problem
  86. Long hair and Aikido
  87. Proving yourself.
  88. What's your martial-to-art ratio?
  89. We lost Iraqi Aikidoka
  90. Help with Techniques
  91. Shoulder Injury
  92. Looking for Dojo
  93. Attracting / keeping women members at a dojo
  94. Well I must have learned something from Ikeda Sensei...
  95. Aikido in Russia
  96. What do you consider NOT injuring your attacker?
  97. Craig Dunn
  98. Uchideshi in Japan
  99. Help, please
  100. Active Ukemi
  101. A dilemma in the Dojo
  102. What does "ki rank " mean at Ki Society?
  103. Who Trains in Arizona?
  104. Unwilling To Give Up On Aikido
  105. George Ledyard on the Future of Aikido
  106. Nippon Kan Aikido - My Visit to Nippon Kan.
  107. Picture ettiquette
  108. The Osensei Bobblehead!?
  109. To Test, or not to Test
  110. Shodokan Basic Movements
  111. Hakama and Obi tying. . .
  112. Is this Yokomenuchi?
  113. Properties of Ki as related by O sensei
  114. Ueshiba on the future of Aikido
  115. Giving Suggestions to Beginners
  116. is it at all possible?
  117. Why did almost all of K.Tohei's students establish independent ryuha?
  118. Return to Iwama
  119. Beginner to Something more?
  120. New Dojo
  121. Aikido: The Way of Avoidance
  122. Aikido Podcast Number 2!
  123. Ahhhh - Alberta!
  124. Help Finding a Dojo In North Las Vegas
  125. really strugling
  126. trying to gauge interest in new club Jackson/Somerset MI
  127. MMA as catalyst for change in Aikido?
  128. "We don't do that here"
  129. There is only one *TRUE* style of Aikido. . .
  130. Aikido's Intended/Ideal Context
  131. Novice, Beginner's Question
  132. Changing Schools/ "styles"
  133. How many Shihans?
  134. VA Tech shootings
  135. Is Aikido Only For the Wealthy
  136. What do you get from Aikido that you didn't get from a previous art.
  137. Deformed by seiza
  138. Aikido Podcast 2.5 is now up!
  139. Aikido Shugyo
  140. Favourite technique in Aikido?
  141. Help with my hakama please!
  142. Atemi waza: good or bad for Aikido?
  143. New Aikido dojo in Folsom, California
  144. Yoshinkan/Yoshokai People in DC Area?
  145. Best Dojo in Tokyo
  146. What do you do?
  147. Parents teaching off the mat
  148. Aiki-Boxing
  149. How open is your heart?
  150. loyalty a lost virtue
  151. Evil Heart - Japanese Aikido Manga!
  152. New Hakama
  153. "Aikido is for wusses": a response?
  154. Texas Aikidoka Passes away
  155. Green Day, May 4th in Japan
  156. Creation of the name "Aikido"
  157. O' Sensei's View on Sword Training
  158. Natural Movements and Following
  159. Starting a dojo
  160. Sitting in Seiza.... Painfull
  161. Aikido & Judo
  162. spiritual or martial?
  163. Achilles tendons
  164. Finish him! ... !?
  165. Open Invitation
  166. Greece and Aikido.
  167. My Last Class!
  168. training without training?
  169. What is the binding feature of O'Sensei's teaching and training?
  170. Irimi
  171. Secret Of Aikido?
  172. Tai Sabaki
  173. O'Sensei's Martial Art Training
  174. aikido styles
  175. Aikido in Orlando
  176. Aikido for kids
  177. Do I need Japanese to practice in Japan?
  178. Aikido is a pair of ducks- tantric practices and aikido
  179. Aikido "Tourism"
  180. Another art first?
  181. Protect the attacker OR let him fall on his own sword?
  182. British Aikido Board membership fees question
  183. what's wrong with my knee?
  184. Yuishinkai
  185. Honolulu Aikikai
  186. Off nights - is it just me?
  187. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
  188. Chiba Sensei sword style
  189. Never use this technique!!
  190. Getting very tired
  191. Attn: Atlanta, GA- You're getting a great sensei
  192. Aiki Jutsu?
  193. Terry Dobson
  194. DVDs for sale
  195. Best randori
  196. Is the hakama obligatory?
  197. Serious injuries or deaths in aikido
  198. Aikido Videos for Beginner
  199. Familial Transmission Of Budo
  200. Surprise!
  201. Zanshin
  202. No thought
  203. Vintage French Aikido, feat. O Sensei
  204. Fear
  205. Oyo Henka
  206. For those who complemented Aikido with Tai Chi please share your experience
  207. O'Sensei Figurine
  208. Aiki and cross training
  209. Ouch! My kidney
  210. Aikido Clubs in the south of france?
  211. original quotes in japanese
  212. Does having formal Sensei - Sempei - Kohei relationships attract more students?
  213. Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
  214. Eye for Eye, Blow for Blow?
  215. Who Is The Master?
  216. Best Dojo To Train At?help Me!
  217. Kinomichi
  218. A wife with confidence in her husband
  219. Iwama/Takemusu
  220. Aikido, Martial Arts, and Buddhism
  221. What to do with a senior student...
  222. Katas in Ki-aikido?
  223. How many types of wazas are there?
  224. Evaluation of "Spirit of Aikido"
  225. Audio Interview with Sensei George Ledyard...
  226. My first glimpse of internal power
  227. Aikido vs. Holduppers
  228. Ueshiba on Youtube
  229. National Geographic Documentary
  230. Ueshibas Aikido not the Best
  231. Aikido for bodyguards
  232. Burn Order
  233. Iaido
  234. Casino Royale
  235. So It's been one year now...
  236. Aikido Shioda on Youtube
  237. Dojo's in Colorado Springs?
  238. Chiba Sensei in Burlington,VT; who's going?
  239. Did you know in the novel "Cyborg"
  240. Lets Get To It
  241. Ki and Koryu?
  242. Aikido & the Japanese
  243. Extended Absent
  244. confusing techniques between styles
  245. New Developed method of the traditional Aikido
  246. Mixing styles
  247. Hungarian Aikido?
  248. back to aikido after lay off
  249. Aikido and Judo
  250. Aikido Practice Away from the Dojo