View Full Version : General
- Embu Competition
- I practice.......Aikido?
- Ki Society Aikido
- Mai Case
- Miniture people!
- Get 'em while they're HOT!
- Iaido & Aikido
- All Aikido Addicts Come Here To Discuss
- Envy and O'Sensei
- Dojo marketing that worked?
- New Vids on Youtube
- Dojos in Montreal West
- 4 Principles in Japanese
- German/French Aikido Journal
- Realni aikido video clips
- Yoshinkan and knees
- Kagami biraki promotions
- Heir apparents to shihans
- Hypocrisy in Aikido
- Doing Aikido while in college/uni
- Does size matter...
- Question on different schools
- Musings on combat distance
- Aikido Lit
- I'm back... and a little cornfused
- Aikido on adrenaline?
- Dobson and Arikawa Sensei
- Aikikai hombu
- hello
- Mixing Aikido with working out
- 1952 demonstration video
- Favorite Aikido Video Clips
- Finding a framed image of O Sensei
- This aint UFC!
- why did you start aikido?
- Steven Segal
- Called out.
- If you could have a magic door...
- Dojo in Bakersfield, Ca.
- advice for those starting the journey...
- Ukemi and Kokyu
- What has aikido caused you to do?
- rowing exersize
- Interesting technique
- Aikikai Pioneers in Europe
- Sport is the new Budo
- Looking for the name of instructor in CA
- Blind Student
- Learning to read energy
- The third generation
- I had an "aiki moment" today
- O Sensei and Einstein
- Osensei 1935
- Real life Aikido
- How would aikido fare in an actual fight?
- Some aikido thoughts
- Aikido and Sumo
- O'Sensei's Largest Obstacle
- Weapons Bags in the UK
- Exclusivity
- A Noble Endeavor with Aikido
- An appropriate response to a gift
- Aikido no kokoro
- Training at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo
- Doka of the Day
- On my way to my first Aikido Dojo
- Oh, how it hurts!
- Doshu Succession
- aikido and kali
- Reasonable Hakama?
- Aikido Transmission and Class Size
- Aikido: Its Spirit and Technique
- Jiyushinkai
- Phylisophical differences between aikido and kali
- aiki-taiso origin
- about Real Aikido
- Who Does Aikido Belong To?
- This look like a good school?
- Professor Goldsbury: "Classic Iwama-style ukemi"
- Getting very discouraged, need your help.
- Spectacular Aikido Demonstration by Tissier
- Into the hands of my enemy
- Onegaishimasu
- Is it advisable to have two cups?
- help escaping extension - connection problem
- Long hair and Aikido
- Proving yourself.
- What's your martial-to-art ratio?
- We lost Iraqi Aikidoka
- Help with Techniques
- Shoulder Injury
- Looking for Dojo
- Attracting / keeping women members at a dojo
- Well I must have learned something from Ikeda Sensei...
- Aikido in Russia
- What do you consider NOT injuring your attacker?
- Craig Dunn
- Uchideshi in Japan
- Help, please
- Active Ukemi
- A dilemma in the Dojo
- What does "ki rank " mean at Ki Society?
- Who Trains in Arizona?
- Unwilling To Give Up On Aikido
- George Ledyard on the Future of Aikido
- Nippon Kan Aikido - My Visit to Nippon Kan.
- Picture ettiquette
- The Osensei Bobblehead!?
- To Test, or not to Test
- Shodokan Basic Movements
- Hakama and Obi tying. . .
- Is this Yokomenuchi?
- Properties of Ki as related by O sensei
- Ueshiba on the future of Aikido
- Giving Suggestions to Beginners
- is it at all possible?
- Why did almost all of K.Tohei's students establish independent ryuha?
- Return to Iwama
- Beginner to Something more?
- New Dojo
- Aikido: The Way of Avoidance
- Aikido Podcast Number 2!
- Ahhhh - Alberta!
- Help Finding a Dojo In North Las Vegas
- really strugling
- trying to gauge interest in new club Jackson/Somerset MI
- MMA as catalyst for change in Aikido?
- "We don't do that here"
- There is only one *TRUE* style of Aikido. . .
- Aikido's Intended/Ideal Context
- Novice, Beginner's Question
- Changing Schools/ "styles"
- How many Shihans?
- VA Tech shootings
- Is Aikido Only For the Wealthy
- What do you get from Aikido that you didn't get from a previous art.
- Deformed by seiza
- Aikido Podcast 2.5 is now up!
- Aikido Shugyo
- Favourite technique in Aikido?
- Help with my hakama please!
- Atemi waza: good or bad for Aikido?
- New Aikido dojo in Folsom, California
- Yoshinkan/Yoshokai People in DC Area?
- Best Dojo in Tokyo
- What do you do?
- Parents teaching off the mat
- Aiki-Boxing
- How open is your heart?
- loyalty a lost virtue
- Evil Heart - Japanese Aikido Manga!
- New Hakama
- "Aikido is for wusses": a response?
- Texas Aikidoka Passes away
- Green Day, May 4th in Japan
- Creation of the name "Aikido"
- O' Sensei's View on Sword Training
- Natural Movements and Following
- Starting a dojo
- Sitting in Seiza.... Painfull
- Aikido & Judo
- spiritual or martial?
- Achilles tendons
- Finish him! ... !?
- Open Invitation
- Greece and Aikido.
- My Last Class!
- training without training?
- What is the binding feature of O'Sensei's teaching and training?
- Irimi
- Secret Of Aikido?
- Tai Sabaki
- O'Sensei's Martial Art Training
- aikido styles
- Aikido in Orlando
- Aikido for kids
- Do I need Japanese to practice in Japan?
- Aikido is a pair of ducks- tantric practices and aikido
- Aikido "Tourism"
- Another art first?
- Protect the attacker OR let him fall on his own sword?
- British Aikido Board membership fees question
- what's wrong with my knee?
- Yuishinkai
- Honolulu Aikikai
- Off nights - is it just me?
- No more Mr. Nice Guy.
- Chiba Sensei sword style
- Never use this technique!!
- Getting very tired
- Attn: Atlanta, GA- You're getting a great sensei
- Aiki Jutsu?
- Terry Dobson
- DVDs for sale
- Best randori
- Is the hakama obligatory?
- Serious injuries or deaths in aikido
- Aikido Videos for Beginner
- Familial Transmission Of Budo
- Surprise!
- Zanshin
- No thought
- Vintage French Aikido, feat. O Sensei
- Fear
- Oyo Henka
- For those who complemented Aikido with Tai Chi please share your experience
- O'Sensei Figurine
- Aiki and cross training
- Ouch! My kidney
- Aikido Clubs in the south of france?
- original quotes in japanese
- Does having formal Sensei - Sempei - Kohei relationships attract more students?
- Aikido or Kenpo (trying to decide)
- Eye for Eye, Blow for Blow?
- Who Is The Master?
- Best Dojo To Train At?help Me!
- Kinomichi
- A wife with confidence in her husband
- Iwama/Takemusu
- Aikido, Martial Arts, and Buddhism
- What to do with a senior student...
- Katas in Ki-aikido?
- How many types of wazas are there?
- Evaluation of "Spirit of Aikido"
- Audio Interview with Sensei George Ledyard...
- My first glimpse of internal power
- Aikido vs. Holduppers
- Ueshiba on Youtube
- National Geographic Documentary
- Ueshibas Aikido not the Best
- Aikido for bodyguards
- Burn Order
- Iaido
- Casino Royale
- So It's been one year now...
- Aikido Shioda on Youtube
- Dojo's in Colorado Springs?
- Chiba Sensei in Burlington,VT; who's going?
- Did you know in the novel "Cyborg"
- Lets Get To It
- Ki and Koryu?
- Aikido & the Japanese
- Extended Absent
- confusing techniques between styles
- New Developed method of the traditional Aikido
- Mixing styles
- Hungarian Aikido?
- back to aikido after lay off
- Aikido and Judo
- Aikido Practice Away from the Dojo
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