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12-18-2000, 12:20 PM
Hello people,
This is my first post so i hope its ok :)
Anyway is anyone or does anyone know anyone who is disabled in some way and does a martial art, i would especially like tho know about those who do Aikido....cos i do that...

well thats it
hope to hear from u soon

12-18-2000, 01:33 PM
Hi Spudza100,

Please be sure to sign your posts with your real name as it is a Forum rule. Thank you.

-- Jun

12-18-2000, 04:20 PM
Spudza100 wrote:
Hello people,
This is my first post so i hope its ok :)
Anyway is anyone or does anyone know anyone who is disabled in some way and does a martial art, i would especially like tho know about those who do Aikido....cos i do that...

well thats it
hope to hear from u soon



12-19-2000, 03:22 AM
I dont really know someone who is disabled and does aikido, but,
I do remember once, we had one of our big international summer schools and there was someone who was disabled there.
She was sitting at the end of the mat, as she was not able to use her legs ( I think there was some mental illness also). and people would go and train with her and she throughily enjoyed it.
I practiced with her myself, it was great to see the smile on her face, yes the technique obviously was not going to be too effective. But, she was enjoying it thoughrily, and for me that is the whole point. I do aikido because I love it, and for me training with someone else who loves aikido and gets enjoyment out of aikido feels alot better than training with someone who technically is excellent, but doesnt have that glint in there eye that says "yes! this is what it is all about"

I have also heard of aikido being taught to people in wheel chairs, but i have not witnessed it.

Love and all inclusive training
Kev :)

12-19-2000, 03:41 AM
I've personally trained with a blind person and if I remember correctly a deaf person. Somewhere in the dank resources of my mind it seems like I've read something about someone training in a wheelchair and I'm getting visions of a one-armed Aikidoka as well. I personally can't verify the last 2 though.

12-19-2000, 10:32 AM
I've been on the mat with one blind person (the same one to which Erik refers), one person who was at least partially paraplegic (had to be lifted out of her wheelchair to sit onto the mat), and one person who was born without arms. They were all doing their own version of aikido -- much as the rest of us do, too...

-- Jun

12-19-2000, 04:00 PM
Trained with a blind woman at a seminar. Great tenkan and a very connected nikkyo.

ze'ev erlich
12-19-2000, 11:57 PM

here is our site for
aikido for the disabled
it is in english, japanese and hebrew.

hoping that you too will open your dojo's gates to pleople with disabilities.



[Edited by ze'ev erlich on December 19, 2000 at 11:03pm]

12-20-2000, 01:55 PM
Interesting and happy to see that there are people, however limited they are, that can enjoy the positive benefits of Aikido. Physically, I'm fine but do have a hearing loss and at can times I have a hard time trying to hear and understand what the instructors are saying in a crowd of people participating. I'm hoping to meet more deaf or hard of hearing aikido practitioners and I've dedicated my website for that purpose hoping to bring like deaf/hard of hearing aikido practioners together.

How many deaf or hard or hearing aikido practioners are out there? Problems encountered while on the dojo? Etc. That I'd like to know. I know that there are few and far in between.



[Edited by qwerty on December 20, 2000 at 01:04pm]

01-07-2001, 06:07 PM
I was born deaf in my right ear and Have a half good left ear. hearing went down 12 % over this summer and then when school started it jumped up 5 % so for a tottal of 6 % loss over the summer of 2000.
anyhow I encounter problems of hearing the teacher but having an aid is cool I can turn off my ears!! I am startign to train without my aid!