View Full Version : Testing

  1. New Forum
  2. Ki Testing ?
  3. First Test
  4. My Shodan Test
  5. First test
  6. On Testing
  7. Yet another test question
  8. General Shodan test requirements?
  9. 5th kyu - yay!
  10. 7th & 6th Kyu
  11. why?
  12. Aikido Ranking Data
  13. When to test
  14. Dan Testing Cutoff
  15. refusing a grading
  16. testing board
  17. Scripting your "free-style" test
  18. meiso ho
  19. hombu requirements
  20. Starting over
  21. Testing 101
  22. Summary of a recent test...
  23. Promotions
  24. 5th kyu test advice for a begginer
  25. 4th kyu - A good shot of reality (again)
  26. testing diet?
  27. giving grades
  28. Private Trainee Testing
  29. my poll
  30. Tapping in place
  31. syllabus, shodan and beyond
  32. Why Test?
  33. Wondering whether to test for 5th kyu
  34. How to judge your own test?
  35. Testing Tommorow
  36. Our dojo just tested; my account (kinda long)
  37. Standards in testing
  38. Funny Test Stories?
  39. menkyo
  40. transferring
  41. uke's performance
  42. Do we have the same exam's?
  43. testing across affiliations
  44. Number of Kyu gradings a year?
  45. How soon do you get test results?
  46. Testing and Pressure
  47. How do "no test" dojos work?
  48. Shodan Test in one Week.
  49. Ikkyu test soon
  50. Lowest common or 90th percentile
  51. Knowing you have already passed
  52. Godan + Yudansha Requirements
  53. Testing vs demonstration
  54. Argh! Grading tonight!
  55. Shodan blah...
  56. what is my first Kyu?
  57. 2nd kyu test report...
  58. Ranking: How does your dojo decide when?
  59. arghhhhhh why cant i do that?
  60. bowing etiquette for testing?
  61. Yudansha Promotion Fees?
  62. Announced Vs. Unannounced Testing
  63. Test Requirements question
  64. Another "Should I test" question...
  65. Starting at the beginning
  66. A new '6th kyu' student
  67. book containing 5th to 1st kyu syllabus?
  68. Grading too fast???????
  69. shodan exams
  70. Who deems you ready to test?
  71. Now what?
  72. should i test or not????
  73. AAaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhh!
  74. Ryoku-dan
  75. Quick Test vs Slow Test
  76. Someone up there has it in for me!
  77. Paying for testing?
  78. Tight Testing Criteria?
  79. Testing for 2nd kyu and beyond
  80. Students that surpass their sensei
  81. testing
  82. next grading soon?
  83. Arrrggggghhh, revisited (venting)
  84. Help :S
  85. YEY but how long
  86. ASU kyu test/general technique question
  87. Wish me luck
  88. Will I ever test?
  89. Shodan
  90. A test in sight
  91. Standards of testing???
  92. Ki Society Syllabus
  93. Reasons for testing
  94. Test Passing Standards - What is it?
  95. Tips for testing?
  96. Black outs
  97. Wrong Grade?
  98. Training 1 place, testin somewhere else!
  99. funny grading moments
  100. Testing requirements kyu levels
  101. what do you think??
  102. my san dan test video link
  103. 3rd dan examination video
  104. Disclosure of information on the net
  105. rankings?
  106. Shodan - onwards and upwards
  107. what makes a test great
  108. 3 Kyu Grading on Saturday
  109. 2nd Dan exam video
  110. Is this 'normal' procedure?
  111. Frustration about testing
  112. Different requirements
  113. New Video: Aikikai Aikido Shodan
  114. 6th kyu
  115. promotion test
  116. My Sensei is now a Sandan
  117. *gulp*
  118. testing 2morrow...
  119. Should ukemi be tested?
  120. significance to testing/belt rank?
  121. Video: My Favorite Aikido Test
  122. testing tomorrow
  123. ASU testing requirements
  124. applications aikido dan Test
  125. Dan
  126. My shodan test
  127. Congrats to my teacher
  128. Gokyu Test T minus 13 days
  129. Nidan Testing at Hidden Valley Aikikai
  130. Testing
  131. Do you test like this?
  132. Passed my Exam! (Whoot!)
  133. Advice for shodan test
  134. What would you expect from a 3rd kyu?
  135. Shodan
  136. 1st Dan Testing Fees?
  137. Preparing for Test Outside of Regular Class Time
  138. Name for youth kyu ranks
  139. My shodan exam on YouTube
  140. Pop quiz, hot shot
  141. Testing or not testing...
  142. What is expected from a beginner?
  143. passed exam! :)
  144. Nervous Newbie - About to Test
  145. shodan shinsa vs. 1st kyu
  146. I'm a 5th kyu... yahoo
  147. During your test, when you get jammed up, you.....
  148. Tested.. passed... on to the next one.
  149. YouTube: My 6 year old daughter`s 7th Kyu test
  150. what is expected for a not so beginger?
  151. About to take first test
  152. I test on Saturday: Now, I'm feeling a bit nervous.
  153. Testing..... or just train..
  154. Shodan exam video
  155. What is Ki?
  156. Passed shodan on 12-13-09
  157. Testing for Shodan
  158. Congrats to our new group of 6th kyus!
  159. 2nd Kyu
  160. D-Day of Sorts
  161. 5kyu test
  162. A reglamentary uniform
  163. Ronbun for testing
  164. A most embarassing start to a test
  165. 4th Kyu Test yoshinkan
  166. YouTube: Bear Jo Kata
  167. Minimum Testing Requirements/Guidelines
  168. 5th kyu question
  169. 4th kyu test what is expected?
  170. sandan Grading
  171. Testing before minimums???
  172. 5th Kyu
  173. 1st Kyu
  174. Tracking your training hours
  175. Shodan Testing at Hidden Valley Aikikai
  176. How ready should you be for a test?
  177. Ranks?
  178. Ethical questions before Shodan exam
  179. Changing perspective
  180. how should i aproach my 4th kyu test?
  181. early kyu expectations
  182. Being ready
  183. aikikai yudansha exam cost
  184. First Shinza coming up...
  185. Adult Ranks for Children
  186. The way others see you
  187. Tips?
  188. Just to add to the pressure...
  189. Double Grading!
  190. Passed my First test (rokkyu ) yellow belt
  191. Good news, i passed my 1st grading today
  192. Suwari Waza
  193. Query re first grading in Aikido?
  194. Could a child fail a grading?
  195. Green belt demo
  196. dan book?
  197. Examination Bowing Etiquette
  198. First Brown Belt I've Made it.
  199. Rivalry in Dojo
  200. 19 years....
  201. Post Test Class Attendance?
  202. Shodan testing
  203. 1st kyu test
  204. 6th kyu forever
  205. Overcoming the siren song of the Shodan(and beyond)
  206. Sins of the past stopping me
  207. Yuishinkai Yudansha Testing Protocols
  208. Kyu exams useful info
  209. Ukemi principles for "hakama exam"
  210. 3rd kyu craziness
  211. Ex-dojo Grading?
  212. USAF Nidan: Tachi Tori?