- New Forum
- Ki Testing ?
- First Test
- My Shodan Test
- First test
- On Testing
- Yet another test question
- General Shodan test requirements?
- 5th kyu - yay!
- 7th & 6th Kyu
- why?
- Aikido Ranking Data
- When to test
- Dan Testing Cutoff
- refusing a grading
- testing board
- Scripting your "free-style" test
- meiso ho
- hombu requirements
- Starting over
- Testing 101
- Summary of a recent test...
- Promotions
- 5th kyu test advice for a begginer
- 4th kyu - A good shot of reality (again)
- testing diet?
- giving grades
- Private Trainee Testing
- my poll
- Tapping in place
- syllabus, shodan and beyond
- Why Test?
- Wondering whether to test for 5th kyu
- How to judge your own test?
- Testing Tommorow
- Our dojo just tested; my account (kinda long)
- Standards in testing
- Funny Test Stories?
- menkyo
- transferring
- uke's performance
- Do we have the same exam's?
- testing across affiliations
- Number of Kyu gradings a year?
- How soon do you get test results?
- Testing and Pressure
- How do "no test" dojos work?
- Shodan Test in one Week.
- Ikkyu test soon
- Lowest common or 90th percentile
- Knowing you have already passed
- Godan + Yudansha Requirements
- Testing vs demonstration
- Argh! Grading tonight!
- Shodan blah...
- what is my first Kyu?
- 2nd kyu test report...
- Ranking: How does your dojo decide when?
- arghhhhhh why cant i do that?
- bowing etiquette for testing?
- Yudansha Promotion Fees?
- Announced Vs. Unannounced Testing
- Test Requirements question
- Another "Should I test" question...
- Starting at the beginning
- A new '6th kyu' student
- book containing 5th to 1st kyu syllabus?
- Grading too fast???????
- shodan exams
- Who deems you ready to test?
- Now what?
- should i test or not????
- AAaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhh!
- Ryoku-dan
- Quick Test vs Slow Test
- Someone up there has it in for me!
- Paying for testing?
- Tight Testing Criteria?
- Testing for 2nd kyu and beyond
- Students that surpass their sensei
- testing
- next grading soon?
- Arrrggggghhh, revisited (venting)
- Help :S
- YEY but how long
- ASU kyu test/general technique question
- Wish me luck
- Will I ever test?
- Shodan
- A test in sight
- Standards of testing???
- Ki Society Syllabus
- Reasons for testing
- Test Passing Standards - What is it?
- Tips for testing?
- Black outs
- Wrong Grade?
- Training 1 place, testin somewhere else!
- funny grading moments
- Testing requirements kyu levels
- what do you think??
- my san dan test video link
- 3rd dan examination video
- Disclosure of information on the net
- rankings?
- Shodan - onwards and upwards
- what makes a test great
- 3 Kyu Grading on Saturday
- 2nd Dan exam video
- Is this 'normal' procedure?
- Frustration about testing
- Different requirements
- New Video: Aikikai Aikido Shodan
- 6th kyu
- promotion test
- My Sensei is now a Sandan
- *gulp*
- testing 2morrow...
- Should ukemi be tested?
- significance to testing/belt rank?
- Video: My Favorite Aikido Test
- testing tomorrow
- ASU testing requirements
- applications aikido dan Test
- Dan
- My shodan test
- Congrats to my teacher
- Gokyu Test T minus 13 days
- Nidan Testing at Hidden Valley Aikikai
- Testing
- Do you test like this?
- Passed my Exam! (Whoot!)
- Advice for shodan test
- What would you expect from a 3rd kyu?
- Shodan
- 1st Dan Testing Fees?
- Preparing for Test Outside of Regular Class Time
- Name for youth kyu ranks
- My shodan exam on YouTube
- Pop quiz, hot shot
- Testing or not testing...
- What is expected from a beginner?
- passed exam! :)
- Nervous Newbie - About to Test
- shodan shinsa vs. 1st kyu
- I'm a 5th kyu... yahoo
- During your test, when you get jammed up, you.....
- Tested.. passed... on to the next one.
- YouTube: My 6 year old daughter`s 7th Kyu test
- what is expected for a not so beginger?
- About to take first test
- I test on Saturday: Now, I'm feeling a bit nervous.
- Testing..... or just train..
- Shodan exam video
- What is Ki?
- Passed shodan on 12-13-09
- Testing for Shodan
- Congrats to our new group of 6th kyus!
- 2nd Kyu
- D-Day of Sorts
- 5kyu test
- A reglamentary uniform
- Ronbun for testing
- A most embarassing start to a test
- 4th Kyu Test yoshinkan
- YouTube: Bear Jo Kata
- Minimum Testing Requirements/Guidelines
- 5th kyu question
- 4th kyu test what is expected?
- sandan Grading
- Testing before minimums???
- 5th Kyu
- 1st Kyu
- Tracking your training hours
- Shodan Testing at Hidden Valley Aikikai
- How ready should you be for a test?
- Ranks?
- Ethical questions before Shodan exam
- Changing perspective
- how should i aproach my 4th kyu test?
- early kyu expectations
- Being ready
- aikikai yudansha exam cost
- First Shinza coming up...
- Adult Ranks for Children
- The way others see you
- Tips?
- Just to add to the pressure...
- Double Grading!
- Passed my First test (rokkyu ) yellow belt
- Good news, i passed my 1st grading today
- Suwari Waza
- Query re first grading in Aikido?
- Could a child fail a grading?
- Green belt demo
- dan book?
- Examination Bowing Etiquette
- First Brown Belt I've Made it.
- Rivalry in Dojo
- 19 years....
- Post Test Class Attendance?
- Shodan testing
- 1st kyu test
- 6th kyu forever
- Overcoming the siren song of the Shodan(and beyond)
- Sins of the past stopping me
- Yuishinkai Yudansha Testing Protocols
- Kyu exams useful info
- Ukemi principles for "hakama exam"
- 3rd kyu craziness
- Ex-dojo Grading?
- USAF Nidan: Tachi Tori?