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12-01-2009, 09:02 PM
I been trying for almost a year now, wonder where I should be now in my traing? what do you guys think?

12-01-2009, 09:17 PM
Hmmmm, Have patience and enjoy :). Take pleasure in the journey itself for when you do reach your destination, you must start another one. Though trust me, u'll never run out of places to go.

12-01-2009, 09:45 PM
I been trying for almost a year now, wonder where I should be now in my traing? what do you guys think?

amdemond to previous statement I ment 5 months well 6 in time but I took a month off so 1 month then a month off and then 4 moths of trying. I am jsut now on monday taking my 7th que test.

Michael Hackett
12-01-2009, 10:17 PM
Knowing your school and your teachers, you are right at 7th kyu. Good luck on your test.

12-02-2009, 07:53 AM
Knowing your school and your teachers, you are right at 7th kyu. Good luck on your test.

Is that a good or a bad thing... when you say knowing them? :confused: Also, thanks for the good luck, but hofullly I do not need it, hofully I know what I am doing.:)

12-02-2009, 09:03 AM
You worry too much about where you should be compared to oterh people, I think. Everyone is different. I had my first test around 5 months another friend of mine had hers around 4 months and I know someone who will be taking theirs at around 8 months into training. Some have reported going for a year and more without a test. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Look at your progress and acknowledge how far you yourself have come. This is a journey that does not have a final destination. It's not a race and it has no time limits.

If your sensei is testing you he must think you are ready. Trust his judgment. Have fun with your test and just enjoy your training.

12-02-2009, 10:09 AM
It also depends on how often testing is done at your dojo. Mine tends to wait till there are several people ready (at least at the lower ranks). There were 4 of us testing for 5th kyu, there are going to be about 4 testing for 4th kyu soon and there are 4 testing for 1st kyu soon. Relax and enjoy the ride. Just think about rank as being something additional you get every so often. Don't make trainnig about your rank. That will lead to frustration down the road.

12-02-2009, 10:25 AM
You worry too much about where you should be compared to oterh people, I think. Everyone is different. I had my first test around 5 months another friend of mine had hers around 4 months and I know someone who will be taking theirs at around 8 months into training. Some have reported going for a year and more without a test. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Look at your progress and acknowledge how far you yourself have come. This is a journey that does not have a final destination. It's not a race and it has no time limits.

If your sensei is testing you he must think you are ready. Trust his judgment. Have fun with your test and just enjoy your training.

Or he thinks I should be readdy, I don't knwo , I sometimes know it and then otherdays I screw it all up. I still get the names mixed up a bit. I not conparing in that way I just trying make sure I am keeping up with weterver the starders are because I don't know them. I am always a few steeps behind everyone esles and amim to meat my own goles. However, everonne else seems to be like in school greaded on and amiming to something that I dont know about.

12-02-2009, 10:26 AM
It also depends on how often testing is done at your dojo. Mine tends to wait till there are several people ready (at least at the lower ranks). There were 4 of us testing for 5th kyu, there are going to be about 4 testing for 4th kyu soon and there are 4 testing for 1st kyu soon. Relax and enjoy the ride. Just think about rank as being something additional you get every so often. Don't make trainnig about your rank. That will lead to frustration down the road.

Ic, Yea I think when I strtedthey were just testing and I think this is a new testing cycle.

Michael Hackett
12-02-2009, 11:17 AM

Sorry if my earlier post confused you. What I meant was that you are training in a terrific school and your Dojo Cho and other teachers are quality people. If Nakagawa Sensei is putting you up for 7th kyu, then you are ready for that level. You mentioned that sometimes you forget the names and mess up the techniques - well, here's a revelation for you - so did Nakagawa Sensei (and every other Aikido student) when he was an unranked student going for his 7th kyu. Have confidence in your teachers, they truly do know what they're doing and won't hang you out to dry. You did well by joining that dojo.

In reflection, I suppose wishing you luck on the test was a empty gesture. Luck isn't much of a factor now and you only need to demonstrate what you've been taught. I will change my close then to "Best Wishes" for a successful test.

12-02-2009, 11:32 AM

Sorry if my earlier post confused you. What I meant was that you are training in a terrific school and your Dojo Cho and other teachers are quality people. If Nakagawa Sensei is putting you up for 7th kyu, then you are ready for that level. You mentioned that sometimes you forget the names and mess up the techniques - well, here's a revelation for you - so did Nakagawa Sensei (and every other Aikido student) when he was an unranked student going for his 7th kyu. Have confidence in your teachers, they truly do know what they're doing and won't hang you out to dry. You did well by joining that dojo.

In reflection, I suppose wishing you luck on the test was a empty gesture. Luck isn't much of a factor now and you only need to demonstrate what you've been taught. I will change my close then to "Best Wishes" for a successful test.

It's ok I am essly confused, but I also lurned that satements can mean, espely some, can mean a lot of difrent things, so , thats why I asked becaue severl takes came to mind. Thanks for clfrying. thanks and I agree I do have greet Sensei and other students whom are techers as well.