View Full Version : should i test or not????

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04-01-2005, 05:00 AM
ok so testing day in my dojo is coming up soon, and i have all the requirements to test... but my shihan obviously does not think im ready. but other people are testing that were there for a shorter time than i was and i think i am at the same level as they are and i feel like i could pass the test... and my shihan said i COULD test but he gets this face and tone in his voice like he doesnt want me to.

should i try the test and know that i might fail? or just wait till the next testing day?

04-01-2005, 05:20 AM
How much do you have invested in testing at this point in time? if need to test now > problems caused if you test now (disapproval + possible fail), go for it - otherwise leave it, the next test is always just round the corner... Also, remember the worst case scenario is not that you fail, but that you succeed but don't feel you should have.

04-01-2005, 05:36 AM
I wouldn't test unless I had the support of my instructor.

When he says I'm ready to grade then I'll grade.

Just my way.


Nick P.
04-01-2005, 06:49 AM
I wouldn't test unless I had the support of my instructor.

When he says I'm ready to grade then I'll grade.

Just my way.


...my way too, but then our dojo does not have open testing days. You are tested when you are asked to test.

04-01-2005, 07:36 AM
...my way too, but then our dojo does not have open testing days. You are tested when you are asked to test.

Makes it a lot simpler! ;)

I work on the priciple that no one grades without a grading form signed by their instructor beforehand.

That way any potential embarrasment is minimised..

no one likes to be publicly told they are not ready to grade and no one likes to fail to pass.

Open testing? how does that work? people just roll in and say grade me?


Eric Webber
04-01-2005, 10:02 AM
Howdy Mal,
Perhaps you can address your interpretation of your teacher's reaction with him, ask him why he sounds like you shouldn't test when you ask, and what would make you more ready to test. A good teacher should be able to give you an honest answer without significant emotional injury. Good luck. :)

04-01-2005, 03:45 PM
daren sims asked how open testing works... well in our dojo there is a specific testing time, and if you have put in the required amount of hours for the rank that your testing for... then you just sign up and take the test.... which is why i CAN test... but my shihan doesnt want me to, i think. but hes not holding me back from it either. so im lost.
i think that at the next class i will just ask him to go over some general things that we need to know to test, and then just see how it goes.

Eric Webber
04-04-2005, 07:47 AM
Good choice, you might be able to get a read on him and why he sounds like he doesn't want you to test, or even get a good opening to ask him about it. In my little opinion, good aikido is partially about seeing the openings and making decisions from there. Good luck.

04-04-2005, 09:43 AM
daren sims asked how open testing works... well in our dojo there is a specific testing time, and if you have put in the required amount of hours for the rank that your testing for... then you just sign up and take the test.... which is why i CAN test... but my shihan doesnt want me to, i think. but hes not holding me back from it either. so im lost.
i think that at the next class i will just ask him to go over some general things that we need to know to test, and then just see how it goes.
Thanks Mal. That sounds like a sensible approach.

Hopefully you get to test...or get some targets to achieve so that you can test soon.


04-06-2005, 02:20 AM
...he gets this face and tone in his voice like he doesnt want me to.

Maybe he's just got gas or heartburn or something ;)


04-06-2005, 04:31 AM
Maybe he's just got gas or heartburn or something ;)


Or maybe he's Japanese, in which case he'll hope you get the hint and decide yourself not to grade without him having to actually say it and embarrass everyone.

Jonathan Punt
04-06-2005, 06:30 AM
If the only pre-requisite to grading is putting in X amount of hours, then I may be tempted to thow my name in the hat if I was very keen to pass even though my instructor has told me that I was likley to fail.

It sounds to me as though your instructor doesnt have the last say in the matter, I personally havent experienced your method of grading, but you are doing nothing wrong as far as I can see as you all knew the rules before you started training.

There seems to be a good chance that you are going to fail. So what! You can try it again next time, I expect that your instructor or the grading panel will be able to tell you exactly why you failed and what you need to work on for next time.

No system of grading is perfect, but if your chief instructor makes up the rules then they are there to be adhered to. I see no shame in failing, you dont fail til you give up.

I sometimes think that the system I have graded under, where you have to be nominated by your instructor to be able to grade has its floors. Basically you get an almost 100% pass rate, and to the outsider/newbie it appears that there are no standards.

I can understand your dissapointment that your instructor has knocked you Aikido, theres nothing stopping you going out there and proving him wrong.


Nick P.
04-06-2005, 08:48 AM
I believe Stuart is bang-on with his description.

If I do not trust/respect my teacher's opinion on whether I should test or not, than perhaps there is a larger question that needs answering.

I am not saying to blindly do what your teacher says (there are quite a few other forums on that topic), but if one does not trust the teachers judgement, live with their decision or seek another teacher. IMHO.

04-06-2005, 10:32 AM
daren sims asked how open testing works... well in our dojo there is a specific testing time, and if you have put in the required amount of hours for the rank that your testing for... then you just sign up and take the test.... which is why i CAN test... but my shihan doesnt want me to, i think. but hes not holding me back from it either. so im lost.
i think that at the next class i will just ask him to go over some general things that we need to know to test, and then just see how it goes.
Testing is one of those things where it takes 11 aikidoka to screw in a lightbulb...one to actually do it and the other ten to say "nice, but we do it differently at our dojo" ;) . At my dojo sensei will ask you to test once you have thae hours requirement( :rolleyes: ) and if you're ready you say you'd like to test and she'll work out a day for it :D . If you're not ready then she'll come back in about 2 weeks and ask again. It's considered impolite though to ask her because it shows impatience. :mad:

Nick Simpson
04-06-2005, 01:23 PM
Im glad I just get forced into grading by my sensei ;)

04-08-2005, 10:03 AM
Im glad I just get forced into grading by my sensei ;)
I quite envy you, but i'm lucky enough to have never failed a test before! (and yes for those who like to bend words i have actually taken a test :cool: )

04-10-2005, 03:11 PM
well thank you guys for the input... i have talked more with my instructor and have decided to test... and i have his support! but im still REALLY scared because for a while he made it sound impossible for me... but now he makes it sound like i should be ok...but ill know soon enough :eek:

04-10-2005, 09:13 PM
well thank you guys for the input... i have talked more with my instructor and have decided to test... and i have his support! but im still REALLY scared because for a while he made it sound impossible for me... but now he makes it sound like i should be ok...but ill know soon enough :eek:

I was a nervous wreck leading up to my last test. (http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7573) Looking back on the 5th Kyu test before that, I now don't know why I was so nervous.

Even looking back at the last test, in retrospect I "enjoyed" it - but I was a wreck prior to.

Remember that everyone else who tests goes through pretty much the same thing. I had to keep reminding myself that it was a test and barring bizarre injury, the world would be the same afterwards, however the outcome.

Good luck. You'll do fine.

Lan Powers
04-10-2005, 09:23 PM
Good luck Mal....tell us how it comes out.

Eric Webber
04-11-2005, 08:28 AM
Gook luck, Mal, will look forward to hearing how the experience goes for you. :) Is this your first time testing? If so, relax, it does get easier with experience and perspective (I think? ;) ).

04-15-2005, 06:38 AM
well i did it! I PASSED my first test ever!!!! (and with no corrections to make :D ) and i dont know why i was freaking out... and i did actually like it... once i got into the techniques. but my heart is still racing thinking about it. :) it was really really cool.

Jerry Miller
04-15-2005, 10:00 AM
Congratulations, now back to training.

Eric Webber
04-15-2005, 01:30 PM
Congratulations! :D You are now rank...wait, that didn't come out right ;) Glad you enjoyed your experience, many more to come!

04-16-2005, 08:57 AM
i know i honestly cant wait until i learn my new techniques and get to test again!!

Melissa Fischer
04-17-2005, 01:46 PM
As you learn new techniques, remember that the "old" ones have to deepen and improve as well for you to rank up. Ukemi has to get better too.

What rank are you now?


Nick Simpson
04-19-2005, 06:28 AM
Well done mate, Nice one! ;)

Aiki LV
04-29-2005, 04:43 PM
If you have been training for awhile and you have to ask if you should test, you already know the answer to that question. You know if you can meet the requirements of the test or not. Good Luck no matter what you decide to do.

Jeanne Shepard
04-30-2005, 06:33 PM
Everyone ggoes thru the "really nervous before-really glad they did it after thing". Its all part of the fun. You have to have some kind of adrenaline rush or it would be boring.


Jeremy Young
05-02-2005, 08:50 AM
My opinion is to just wait if you think that your instructor is not supporting the idea. Maybe you do know the techniques but sometimes the instructor may see something else that needs improvement (body movement, some small shuffle or not hesitating, etc.) and that is what they are looking for before testing you. Personally, i do not really like to test and put it off as long as possible! jajaja :p My opinion would be that you just do not worry about testing and just TRAIN. Concentrate as much as possible on training and getting better and as you do that your intructor will let you know when he wants to promote you. Anyways, that is my opinion.
:ai: :ki: :do:
Jeremy Young
Tatsumaki Dojo
Springdale, AR

05-07-2005, 02:27 AM
sorry, so late in congratualting you. GOOD JOB, MATE! See, that adrenaline rush thing before the test is actually the best part! And don't worry, the tests only get easier, bcause on the next one, yu probably know most of the stuff anyway, from the first test. Keep at it!