View Full Version : Godan + Yudansha Requirements
Zoli Elo
06-05-2004, 06:17 PM
I was wondering if someone could inform me of the various requirements for godan and above? I am mainly interested in the aikikai, however, knowledge of requirements for other organizations would be welcomed. Thanks.
06-05-2004, 08:07 PM
Testing is generally to yondan with the aikikai and then after that it is by recommendation. If I recall you are looking at a minimum of 60 months after yondan and may be limited to having your own dojo.
Chris Li
06-06-2004, 12:07 AM
Testing is generally to yondan with the aikikai and then after that it is by recommendation. If I recall you are looking at a minimum of 60 months after yondan and may be limited to having your own dojo.
There's actually no time or dojo requirements for godan and up, all you need is to have the promotion approved by doshu (although 60 months or more sounds about right in most cases). Even in the lower ranks the "regulations" are more guidelines than anything else - a word from the right person waives most requirements.
Zoli Elo
06-06-2004, 04:45 AM
I thought that yondan was the last technical promotion level for the aikikai. A friend of mine swore that it was hachidan, as it is in other arts... I will take your word on this Chris.
Jorge Garcia
06-06-2004, 06:47 AM
I thought that yondan was the last technical promotion level for the aikikai. A friend of mine swore that it was hachidan, as it is in other arts... I will take your word on this Chris.
The Aikikai Hombu Dojo exam sheet lists an exam for 4th Dan but none after that. The largest American group, the United States Aikido Federation only tests up to 3rd Dan. Different Aikikai Aikido groups may having varing standards but none too far from these.
06-06-2004, 07:35 AM
AAA tests through 4th. I believe they used to test through 3rd and a few years back added the 4th test.
06-06-2004, 07:58 AM
Has anyone seen a Godan + test? Do we have any senior teachers out there who were unofficially tested?
06-06-2004, 10:15 AM
i'll be lucky enough to see a yondan test in Nov. if he ends up testing but thats the last official test. I think for Yoshinkan they have to do swariwaza freestyle and may have to do freestyle against bokken, tanto and jo etc. but dont quote me on that, I dont have the book with me.
06-06-2004, 06:46 PM
i'll be lucky enough to see a yondan test in Nov. if he ends up testing but thats the last official test. I think for Yoshinkan they have to do swariwaza freestyle and may have to do freestyle against bokken, tanto and jo etc. but dont quote me on that, I dont have the book with me.
Yoshinkan yudan syllabus has 12 jiyu waza to choose from: 1 of which is against tanto & another against bokken.
For nidan, the tasu dori jiyu waza involves 2 uke where one of the uke has a tanto.
For sandan, they add another uke with bokken.
Zoli Elo
06-06-2004, 07:13 PM
Here are the testing requirements from Aikikai Hombu Dojo that I have. I'm guessing the techniques necessary are cumulative:
5th kyu (30 days of training)
Shomenuchi ikkyo
Kakatedori shihonage
Shomenuchi iriminage
Zagi (seated) kokyuho
4th kyu (40 days of training after 5th kyu)
Shomenuchi ikkyo
Katadori nikyo
Yokomenuchi shihonage
Shomenuchi iriminage
Zagi kokyuho
3rd kyu (50 days of training after 4th kyu)
Shomenuchi ikkyo through yonkyo (seated and/or standing)
Ryotedori shihonage
Yokomenuchi shihonage
Shomenuchi iriminage
Tsuki iriminage
Shomenuchi kotegaeshi
Tsuki kotegaeshi
Ryotedori tenchinage
Zagi kokyuho
2nd kyu (50 days of training after 2nd kyu)
Shomenuchi ikkyo through yonkyo (seated and/or standing)
Katadori ikkyo through yonkyo (seated and/or standing)
Katatedori shihonage (hanmi handachi)
Shomenuchi iriminage
Tsuki iriminage
Katatedori iriminage
Shomenuchi kotegaeshi
Tsuki kotegaeshi
Katetedori kotegaeshi
Katatedori kaitennage
Ryotedori tenchinage
Katatedori jiyuwaza
Zagi kokyuho
1st kyu (60 days of training after 2nd kyu)
Shomenuchi ikkyo through yonkyo
Yokomenuchi ikkyo through yonkyo
Katadori ikkyo through yonkyo
Ushiro ryotedori ikkyo through yonkyo
Yokomenuchi gokyo
Katatedori shihonage (seated and/or standing)
Ryotedori shihonage (seated and/or standing)
Shomenuchi iriminage
Tsuki iriminage
Katatedori iriminage
Shomenuchi kotegaeshi
Tsuki kotegaeshi
Katetedori kotegaeshi
Shomenuchi kaitennage
Tsuki kaitennage
Katatedori kaitennage
Ryotedori tenchinage
Katatedori jiyuwaza
Ryotedori jiyuwaza
Morotedori jiyuwaza
Kokyuho (seated and standing)
1st dan (70 days of training after 1st kyu, at least 15 years old)
All techniques, seated, hanmihandachi, and standing from men, kata, mune, hiji, te, and ushiro.
2nd dan (200 days of training after 1st dan)
Above plus tantodori, niningake (two person attack), and an essay regarding aikido
3rd dan (300 days of training after 2nd dan)
Above plus tachidori, jodori, taninzugake (multiple people attack), and an essay regarding aikido (subject will be provided)
4th dan (300 days of training after 1st dan)
Above plus jiyuwaza and a short thesis.
-- Jun
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