View Full Version : Testing for Shodan

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Jonathan Guzzo
01-27-2010, 11:34 AM
Hello all,

I'm an infrequent poster but a frequent lurker. I thought I would take a moment and share the fact that I am testing for shodan on February 28, after a six-year aikido journey.

I am apprehensive, but beginning to get used to the notion of getting up before my fellow students to take this on. I have several areas that need polishing, not the least is tanto-dori from slash attacks and kata-dori ushiro techniques from hanmi-handachi.

I'd welcome your advice and thoughts. Thanks in advance.


Dieter Haffner
01-27-2010, 02:23 PM
Only one advice: enjoy the test!

01-27-2010, 03:55 PM
Being apprehensive is the first step toward success, IMO. It'll help you focus more this last month before the test.

Advice? Keep good posture and enjoy yourself. And my favorite- when in doubt, hit 'em in the face ;)

01-27-2010, 07:53 PM
I realise Daniel is probably joking. But one of the worst shodan exams I saw was a case where the guy got overexciteed or maybe panicked and did his entire randori just lunging his hand into the ukes' faces. We got a very long speech from an unhappy Yamada sensei that year.

I agree with he rest though. Relax and enjoy yourself. But stay focussed and have presence; remember relaxed does not mean wet noodle.

Russ Q
01-27-2010, 07:56 PM
Jonathan is right on...I would add that you should "show what you know".....



01-28-2010, 10:21 AM
Own the space. It's your show, your opportunity to show what you know. *Everybody* wants to be better prepared, wants thier test(s) to be better. Even if you don't have the confidence, pretend you do, most folks won't be able to tell the difference. Don't get too hung up when things don't go according to plan, they won't always and the panel may not notice anything wrong if you just keep going. If there are a couple of things you want to work on, pick someone after class and work with them for a few minutes, doesn't have to be the same person everytime. Don't try and change any of what you're doing dramatically between now and then, you'll probably just end up somewhere in between where you are and where you want to go and it will probably come out ugly. Also, if there's a class of some sort before your test, take it easy and conserve your energy for the test.

Good Luck!


Daniel Blanco
01-28-2010, 04:49 PM
Hope this helps, first stick to your basic tech's anything extra will come automatically concentrate on FORM!, good form shows good clean tech and control.(advice: start jogging 1 1/2 x3 per week to give u stamina, re: lost of stamina during the exam will show u getting sloppy and thats not good.) Tanto - dori, concentrate on the tanto, not the attacker so much, if the tanto is controlled the attacker is controlled and this is what u must show. In short with stamina all of your exam will show great form and control, so make time from now til 2/10 for ROAD/RUNNING WORK. You will do well, good luck,remember start jogging on a tread mill preffered its better for your knees ok.

Daniel Blanco
01-28-2010, 04:52 PM
Good Luck Shodan Guzzo !!!!!

01-29-2010, 12:47 AM
Hope this helps, first stick to your basic tech's anything extra will come automatically concentrate on FORM!, good form shows good clean tech and control.(advice: start jogging 1 1/2 x3 per week to give u stamina, re: lost of stamina during the exam will show u getting sloppy and thats not good.) Tanto - dori, concentrate on the tanto, not the attacker so much, if the tanto is controlled the attacker is controlled and this is what u must show. In short with stamina all of your exam will show great form and control, so make time from now til 2/10 for ROAD/RUNNING WORK. You will do well, good luck,remember start jogging on a tread mill preffered its better for your knees ok.

I'm scheduled for my shodan exam in the May'ish time frame. I've been running on the treadmill since mid-November and still need a lot of work on my wind and general conditioning. I'm doing 3 miles 4 days a week and 60 flights of stairs at work on non-running days.. The stairs really help a TON.

Daniel Blanco
01-29-2010, 08:00 AM
keep up your training and u will do great Brandon

Jonathan Guzzo
02-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Thanks for all your advice, everyone. Stamina is the biggie. I can get through the test fairly easily, since I'm in pretty good cardiovascular condition. But I'm still winded by the randori--which is the last piece--and my ability to move smoothly and stay low deteriorates.

Brandon, I'll be thinking about you around May-ish. Can't wait to hear how your test goes.


02-02-2010, 09:38 AM
The best advice has been echoed by several posts, "Enjoy the test." I would only add, "Live in the moment." Each attack is a present event and our training should allow us to blend and control. Once the encounter is complete then it is forgotten and we focus our tanden, mind and being on the current attack. I've found that this has allowed me to "enjoy the test."

02-02-2010, 11:02 AM
Just "roll with it." Pardon the pun, but all you gotta do is trust that your Sensei has enough faith in your ability, otherwise they would have never told you to test. Control the speed and enjoy it...you'll do fine.

Larry Feldman
02-03-2010, 02:20 PM
Figure out which techniques are giving you the most trouble.

Spend time just practicing them until you reach a comfort level with each one.

You already 'have' the other techniques, the reps and concentrated training closer to the test will help.

You wouldn't be asked to test if you didn't already have the skill.

02-13-2010, 04:36 PM
Most don't feel like they are ready for the shodan test, It is something you grow into. I'm sure you are well practiced, just have confidence in what you have learned, like the one guy said just try to enjoy. Have someone video the exam and down the road look at it and review. You'll see a big difference in your ability!

Boris Spassky
02-13-2010, 09:52 PM
It is YOUR mat...

Enjoy- and be in the moment, you will remember it forever!