View Full Version : O'Sensei's bath

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12-04-2011, 04:43 AM
With all the talk, (and histories) of the 'many' uchi-deshi that O'Sensei had doing his menial duties for him, you gotta think that his bath must have been pretty crowded at times. So who held the soap, who held the towel, who had his fluffy pink slippers err Geta

Nicholas Eschenbruch
12-04-2011, 05:37 AM
With all the talk, (and histories) of the 'many' uchi-deshi that O'Sensei had doing his menial duties for him, you gotta think that his bath must have been pretty crowded at times. So who held the soap, who held the towel, who had his fluffy pink slippers err Geta

Also, I am impressed by his (possibly shamanic) ability to be in several places at the same time:
- one week a month in Osaka,
- a regular presence at Hombu Dojo
- quite frequently in several places in Tanabe
- very often at the Sunadomari's
- yet most of the time in Iwama.

Which leads me to the idea that he may have divided his self between several bathrooms.

12-04-2011, 06:03 AM
I'm currently at a seminar and we were all laughing at this. It made his bath sound like thee place to be!!

12-04-2011, 06:37 AM
Also, I am impressed by his (possibly shamanic) ability to be in several places at the same time:
- one week a month in Osaka,
- a regular presence at Hombu Dojo
- quite frequently in several places in Tanabe
- very often at the Sunadomari's
- yet most of the time in Iwama.

Which leads me to the idea that he may have divided his self between several bathrooms.

Enlightened spirits can do that you know - when you are over 50 you can never pass a bathroom; and being able to use more than one at the same time, is truly being in nirvana :D


12-04-2011, 06:55 AM
The Several Bathrooms of O'Sensei tour of Japan. I'm seeing a lot of possibilities for new products here.

Janet Rosen
12-04-2011, 10:30 AM
Great, one could theoretically have a pissing contest with oneself :-p

Chris Li
12-04-2011, 10:58 AM



12-04-2011, 11:27 AM


Every home should have one!!! Joe.

12-04-2011, 11:29 AM
I'm currently at a seminar and we were all laughing at this. It made his bath sound like thee place to be!!

Dear Dan ,
I guess everone in the bath became good chums after the search for the bar of soap. Cheers , Joe

12-04-2011, 08:19 PM
The Several Bathrooms of O'Sensei tour of Japan. I'm seeing a lot of possibilities for new products here.

Perhaps these were the secret dojo(s) of O'Sensei where the art was really transmitted.

Imagine holding the soap for sensei, you need to protect the soap, as other uchi deshi will want to be the one that get to hold it for sensei, thus you must practice aiki against katatedori attacks and even multiple attacks, yet maintain proper posture or else you will fall over on the slippery floor.

FWIW Having recently been handed the secret recipe for the soap he used, I am now developing the proper handgrip to hold it, not too tight, not to loose...just using Ki. I am hopeful of learning the secrets of towel flicking in the future to develop ma-ai, generation of power etc... as well


Janet Rosen
12-04-2011, 08:33 PM
It's the little known Soap-On--Rope takeaway.

Michael Varin
12-05-2011, 03:00 AM
Perhaps these were the secret dojo(s) of O'Sensei where the art was really transmitted.

Now that you mention it. . . Morihei's aiki abilities were near their peak in the bath. The uchideshi would be reprimanded if they touched the bathwater. Morihei couldn't take a bath if he could feel another person's energy in the water.

I am hopeful of learning the secrets of towel flicking in the future to develop ma-ai, generation of power etc... as well

Sokaku was apparently a master of this!

Carl Thompson
12-05-2011, 05:51 AM
The Several Bathrooms of O'Sensei tour of Japan. I'm seeing a lot of possibilities for new products here.

Osensei's Goemon-buro (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishikawa_Goemon) style bath still remains at his dojo in former-Iwama.



Diana Frese
12-05-2011, 02:47 PM
not exactly the original topic, but being a humor thread, maybe I can get away with an old story from the old NY Aikikai...

about the showers. In order to get to the showers, you needed to pass by the seating area, for they were near the entry door to the dojo, which was on the second floor of a loft building.

Someone mentioned towels, well it was a game to quietly hold on to the towel as the fellow students of ours walked by in their gi, holding the towel, if the towel was in the right hand, nearest the seating area. I never saw anyone fall from this, but they sure were startled as they walked by and the other end of the towel stayed where it is.

Oh well, getting old and can't resist passing on a choice memory.

12-06-2011, 05:21 AM
Osensei's Goemon-buro (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishikawa_Goemon) style bath still remains at his dojo in former-Iwama.


hey that looks like a bit like a sumo ring, maybe thats how it originated when you wanted the bath all to yourself. Guessing the obi came shortly after as there is only one other thing to grab :P

12-09-2011, 03:46 AM
Ya know....as funny as it is, it should not escape our attention that with so many of these Japanese deshi telling these sorts of whoppers over menial things, what else did they lie ab...or...uhm... uhhh...be nuanced, sophisticated, culturally and contextually correct in their wording.....about.
Well in keeping with the true believer types; how much of this got sucked up and regurgitated to newbies.
It's amazing -being an Asian teacher, with all the johnnies scrambling to play samueye and all...and others being controlled by a ranking system, how much you can get away with. You can even get caucasions -completely outside of any cultural context of their own- to publicly wax apologetically for you. Sometimes sacrificing many things in the process. Sometimes without even knowing they're doing it! Now that...is humorous.

12-09-2011, 09:35 PM
Ya know....as funny as it is, it should not escape our attention that ...

I think this is the role of humour maybe, to have a little bit of a laugh, sometimes at ourselves, it risks insult, as its all there for anyone that wants to look.

Easy for me to say from the sidelines I suppose, but enjoying the various threads as how people resolve from within the wider community and lineages.
