View Full Version : Teaching
- What makes a good teacher?
- How do you teach?
- What makes a good student?
- the sensis I respect the most looked very average,as well as the fact 1 was on dialas
- "Simon Says" and other Randori Exercises
- Three Things for Beginners
- Ukemi Evolution
- Teaching Children
- I want to learn
- Nobody Teaching?
- Testing Innovations
- urgent question
- ukemi
- Aikido from a chair.
- why koshinage?
- Roguish practitioners
- repetitive training
- Do it fast?????
- Comments from other instructors
- Can Teachers learn from students?
- Teaching Beginners
- Keeeeeksssss
- Aikido in Canada
- routines
- Aikido study
- dynamic vs. stationary
- Testing students with extreme anxiety
- Can aikido be taught?
- Starting on with beginners
- Teaching Intent?
- Thoughts vs. Words
- Aikido and beginners from other MA
- Treatment of "difficult" students
- A form of self development
- Form vs. Function
- new methods
- Ukemi 101
- students teaching
- kid's classes
- Beginning teaching
- Workshop to Promote Aikido
- When should forward rolling be introduced?
- Teaching
- Tradition and Scientific Training
- How does one teach Aikido as their profession?
- Teaching LITTLE kids
- When is it approporiate to start teaching?
- Learning How to Teach
- Martial Art or Teacher?
- Child Waivers Nullified
- How people started club/dojo?
- Aikido Curriculum for the beginner
- What makes a teacher?
- Masters
- Responsibility: Teacher's or Student's?
- Best practices: Emergencies
- Alternate thread to VOE on new dojos
- UK insurance
- How serious a teacher are you?
- made up techniques?
- How does one get an affiliation/accredidation?
- Which Teaching Style Do you......
- Laibility Waivers
- Teaching with a brand new student base
- Whats your favorite warm up technique and why?
- touchy topic
- Who Stays, Who Leaves
- Real Highest Ranking
- teaching without the teacher?
- Ever lose your temper while teaching?
- New club/no students
- Strategy in Aikido?
- new methods?
- front choke
- help for a review
- Hmmm...
- Class Structure
- Learning How to Learn Aikido
- oh dear...
- learning through teaching
- First paying teaching gig
- Who is the best to learn from?
- Teaching Children
- Question for instructors
- Trying to locate a teacher
- teaching self-defence
- Is Morihei Ueshiba really O Sensei
- where can i find a dojo/studio
- Children who don't want to learn
- old vs new method
- both sides
- Saito sensei's path was wrong?
- How to teach--Got tips?
- Beginner Teacher "Survey"
- Should everyone teach?
- Injuring students
- where's that teacher..?
- Am I out of line?
- Why do teachers stop learning?
- Teaching dancers
- teaching students with stage fright
- students teaching instructors
- Starting a beginner's program
- Instructor Certification Requirements
- teaching kids
- etiquette of politness/respect
- Weapons Training
- Exam Question for Beginning Aikidoists
- New to Teaching
- Aikido Games for Children?
- Starting a new kids program
- Who's your Teacher?
- When did you start taking over classes
- New kids class
- teaching Aikido helps teaching in genera
- Future Teacher - Advice to prepare?
- Questions on Starting a New Dojo
- Summer classes
- Kami??
- Central Florida-"outgoing" teacher ?
- Channaling the teaching
- When to introduce breakfalls
- Learning to teach
- teaching ideas for a "too hot" day
- One student who doesn't understand
- maximum progression
- Sensei on vacation! Heh heh heh.....
- does any1 know my teacher?
- Teaching Self-Defence to the Ladies..
- Who should wear hakama?
- Techniques of teaching
- data base
- Aikido books in spanish
- A new approach to teaching ukemi
- book
- Instructor Qualities/Characteristics
- Student Qualities/Characteristics
- Dropping of teaching standards.
- teaching sequence
- Is aikido suitable for children.
- Kind of Teaching Ukemi
- aikido clubs on-campus
- Student ability
- Women and Everybody Else in Aikido
- any training tips or advice
- Tax question
- A sudden fear of the floor
- Kids' Classes - Challenging AND Fun?
- My first attempt at teaching
- New People
- Instructing from video media
- Youth and breakfalls.
- Taking exam for 2.kyu
- "experienced" students
- Structuring Youth Aikido Programs
- Children's Instruction Seminars
- Aikido - To Teach Without Speech
- Is there more?
- Teaching The Blind
- From Scratch.
- Wheelchair Aikido
- Teaching a 1 legged Senior Citizen
- Attracting new students.
- Kid Action League of Martial Artists
- Ideas Teaching Aikido for Disabled ?
- Beginners Retention Rates
- Kids' classes, especially Boys
- Entrepreneurial Spirit
- like beauty, the stupidity of a question
- Too dangerous for children?
- Children's Summer Aikido Camp
- Diff. styles, 1 Aikido
- Aspergers and Autism in Aikido
- Questions re: mistaken presumptions
- Advertising a class
- Extremely short students
- why students stop training.
- What's your Specialty?
- No touch throw - again? OMG!!!
- O Sensei's teachings
- Use of Japanese terminology...
- striking practise
- kids' class hints
- man, it's tough!
- Have a sensei that is to verbose .
- Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake and stuff...
- A Personal Moment with O Sensei
- Up and downs. Teaching / running a dojo
- Ueshiba, Tohei, and "Non-Dissension"
- Shimizu Shihan
- How I'd teach Aikido
- Attendance Cards
- Things to look for in a teacher
- Teaching Rollfalls
- Aggressive sensei or high expectations?
- Staying motivated
- Need good video clips for a talk...
- Winter Garden, FL Dojo?
- A tale of two shihans
- What makes a teacher great?
- Teaching context in training
- Breath Techniques for Quadriplegics
- Business and Budo
- Teaching Aikido to Children 2008 Seminar
- AAA vs AWA
- Female shihan, or more accurately...lack thereof?
- Instructor and Student Safety
- Learning by teaching
- Starting an all-women's class
- half hour 'seminar' for a small class of 6-10 year olds- etiquette and ideas
- Can Aikido become contagious amongst the village kids?
- Teaching children, seeing parents
- Techniques for beginners
- Instructors of low rank
- Canadian not-for-profit / charity dojo
- Teaching Teenagers
- Teaching in the times of lawsuit.
- broken clavicle redux
- Shouts for Sub-Teens
- Dojo Costs
- What do you REALLY want to teach?
- formal "class" as a supplement to keiko?
- Everybody Is An Instructor….
- Things To Tell A New Aikido Student
- Things to Tell Someone Working with a New Student
- A teaching mistake
- Respect/Lack there of.
- Tips for kids class
- Garage Dojo
- aikiweb seminar and 7 year olds.
- Suggestions for assisting instructors?
- Dance, Wrist Locks & Sub-Teens
- Wrist locks & kids
- Instruction vs. Teaching, some thoughts
- Talk or not to talk?
- So I taught my first class...
- Teachine outline needed
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder???
- Objecting to "Traditional Respect"
- Rank Certificate Issuance
- How to become an aikido instructor in Egypt?
- Steven Seagal seems like a jerk teacher. A bit at least...
- How To Teach Power & Harmony?
- Neat teaching techniques: teachers and students
- Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi
- Teaching Aikido to Children Seminar - 2010
- Teaching Aikido - Require Coaching Course?
- What would you do??
- teaching the blind
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