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  1. What makes a good teacher?
  2. How do you teach?
  3. What makes a good student?
  4. the sensis I respect the most looked very average,as well as the fact 1 was on dialas
  5. "Simon Says" and other Randori Exercises
  6. Three Things for Beginners
  7. Ukemi Evolution
  8. Teaching Children
  9. I want to learn
  10. Nobody Teaching?
  11. Testing Innovations
  12. urgent question
  13. ukemi
  14. Aikido from a chair.
  15. why koshinage?
  16. Roguish practitioners
  17. repetitive training
  19. Do it fast?????
  20. Comments from other instructors
  21. Can Teachers learn from students?
  22. Teaching Beginners
  23. Keeeeeksssss
  24. Aikido in Canada
  25. routines
  26. Aikido study
  27. dynamic vs. stationary
  28. Testing students with extreme anxiety
  29. Can aikido be taught?
  30. Starting on with beginners
  31. Teaching Intent?
  32. Thoughts vs. Words
  33. Aikido and beginners from other MA
  34. Treatment of "difficult" students
  35. A form of self development
  36. Form vs. Function
  37. new methods
  38. Ukemi 101
  39. students teaching
  40. kid's classes
  41. Beginning teaching
  42. Workshop to Promote Aikido
  43. When should forward rolling be introduced?
  44. Teaching
  45. Tradition and Scientific Training
  46. How does one teach Aikido as their profession?
  47. Teaching LITTLE kids
  48. When is it approporiate to start teaching?
  49. Learning How to Teach
  50. Martial Art or Teacher?
  51. Child Waivers Nullified
  52. How people started club/dojo?
  53. Aikido Curriculum for the beginner
  54. What makes a teacher?
  55. Masters
  56. Responsibility: Teacher's or Student's?
  57. Best practices: Emergencies
  58. Alternate thread to VOE on new dojos
  59. UK insurance
  60. How serious a teacher are you?
  61. made up techniques?
  62. How does one get an affiliation/accredidation?
  63. Which Teaching Style Do you......
  64. Laibility Waivers
  65. Teaching with a brand new student base
  66. Whats your favorite warm up technique and why?
  67. touchy topic
  68. Who Stays, Who Leaves
  69. Real Highest Ranking
  70. teaching without the teacher?
  71. Ever lose your temper while teaching?
  72. New club/no students
  73. Strategy in Aikido?
  74. new methods?
  75. front choke
  76. help for a review
  77. Hmmm...
  78. Class Structure
  79. Learning How to Learn Aikido
  80. oh dear...
  81. learning through teaching
  82. First paying teaching gig
  83. Who is the best to learn from?
  84. Teaching Children
  85. Question for instructors
  86. Trying to locate a teacher
  87. teaching self-defence
  88. Is Morihei Ueshiba really O Sensei
  89. where can i find a dojo/studio
  90. Children who don't want to learn
  91. old vs new method
  92. both sides
  93. Saito sensei's path was wrong?
  94. How to teach--Got tips?
  95. Beginner Teacher "Survey"
  96. Should everyone teach?
  97. Injuring students
  98. where's that teacher..?
  99. Am I out of line?
  100. Why do teachers stop learning?
  101. Teaching dancers
  102. teaching students with stage fright
  103. students teaching instructors
  104. Starting a beginner's program
  105. Instructor Certification Requirements
  106. teaching kids
  107. etiquette of politness/respect
  108. Weapons Training
  109. Exam Question for Beginning Aikidoists
  110. New to Teaching
  111. Aikido Games for Children?
  112. Starting a new kids program
  113. Who's your Teacher?
  114. When did you start taking over classes
  115. New kids class
  116. teaching Aikido helps teaching in genera
  117. Future Teacher - Advice to prepare?
  118. Questions on Starting a New Dojo
  119. Summer classes
  120. Kami??
  121. Central Florida-"outgoing" teacher ?
  122. Channaling the teaching
  123. When to introduce breakfalls
  124. Learning to teach
  125. teaching ideas for a "too hot" day
  126. One student who doesn't understand
  127. maximum progression
  128. Sensei on vacation! Heh heh heh.....
  129. does any1 know my teacher?
  130. Teaching Self-Defence to the Ladies..
  131. Who should wear hakama?
  132. Techniques of teaching
  133. data base
  134. Aikido books in spanish
  135. A new approach to teaching ukemi
  136. book
  137. Instructor Qualities/Characteristics
  138. Student Qualities/Characteristics
  139. Dropping of teaching standards.
  140. teaching sequence
  141. Is aikido suitable for children.
  142. Kind of Teaching Ukemi
  143. aikido clubs on-campus
  144. Student ability
  145. Women and Everybody Else in Aikido
  146. any training tips or advice
  147. Tax question
  148. A sudden fear of the floor
  149. Kids' Classes - Challenging AND Fun?
  150. My first attempt at teaching
  151. New People
  152. Instructing from video media
  153. Youth and breakfalls.
  154. Taking exam for 2.kyu
  155. "experienced" students
  156. Structuring Youth Aikido Programs
  157. Children's Instruction Seminars
  158. Aikido - To Teach Without Speech
  159. Is there more?
  160. Teaching The Blind
  161. From Scratch.
  162. Wheelchair Aikido
  163. Teaching a 1 legged Senior Citizen
  164. Attracting new students.
  165. Kid Action League of Martial Artists
  166. Ideas Teaching Aikido for Disabled ?
  167. Beginners Retention Rates
  168. Kids' classes, especially Boys
  169. Entrepreneurial Spirit
  170. like beauty, the stupidity of a question
  171. Too dangerous for children?
  172. Children's Summer Aikido Camp
  173. Diff. styles, 1 Aikido
  174. Aspergers and Autism in Aikido
  175. Questions re: mistaken presumptions
  176. Advertising a class
  177. Extremely short students
  178. why students stop training.
  179. What's your Specialty?
  180. No touch throw - again? OMG!!!
  181. O Sensei's teachings
  182. Use of Japanese terminology...
  183. striking practise
  184. kids' class hints
  185. man, it's tough!
  186. Have a sensei that is to verbose .
  187. Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake and stuff...
  188. A Personal Moment with O Sensei
  189. Up and downs. Teaching / running a dojo
  190. Ueshiba, Tohei, and "Non-Dissension"
  191. Shimizu Shihan
  192. How I'd teach Aikido
  193. Attendance Cards
  194. Things to look for in a teacher
  195. Teaching Rollfalls
  196. Aggressive sensei or high expectations?
  197. Staying motivated
  198. Need good video clips for a talk...
  199. Winter Garden, FL Dojo?
  200. A tale of two shihans
  201. What makes a teacher great?
  202. Teaching context in training
  203. Breath Techniques for Quadriplegics
  204. Business and Budo
  205. Teaching Aikido to Children 2008 Seminar
  206. AAA vs AWA
  207. Female shihan, or more accurately...lack thereof?
  208. Instructor and Student Safety
  209. Learning by teaching
  210. Starting an all-women's class
  211. half hour 'seminar' for a small class of 6-10 year olds- etiquette and ideas
  212. Can Aikido become contagious amongst the village kids?
  213. Teaching children, seeing parents
  214. Techniques for beginners
  215. Instructors of low rank
  216. Canadian not-for-profit / charity dojo
  217. Teaching Teenagers
  218. Teaching in the times of lawsuit.
  219. broken clavicle redux
  220. Shouts for Sub-Teens
  221. Dojo Costs
  222. What do you REALLY want to teach?
  223. formal "class" as a supplement to keiko?
  224. Everybody Is An Instructor….
  225. Things To Tell A New Aikido Student
  226. Things to Tell Someone Working with a New Student
  227. A teaching mistake
  228. Respect/Lack there of.
  229. Tips for kids class
  230. Garage Dojo
  231. aikiweb seminar and 7 year olds.
  232. Suggestions for assisting instructors?
  233. Dance, Wrist Locks & Sub-Teens
  234. Wrist locks & kids
  235. Instruction vs. Teaching, some thoughts
  236. Talk or not to talk?
  237. So I taught my first class...
  238. Teachine outline needed
  239. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder???
  240. Objecting to "Traditional Respect"
  241. Rank Certificate Issuance
  242. How to become an aikido instructor in Egypt?
  243. Steven Seagal seems like a jerk teacher. A bit at least...
  244. How To Teach Power & Harmony?
  245. Neat teaching techniques: teachers and students
  246. Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi
  247. Teaching Aikido to Children Seminar - 2010
  248. Teaching Aikido - Require Coaching Course?
  249. What would you do??
  250. teaching the blind