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  1. Equipment: Bu Jin Design Customer Appreciation Sale
  2. AikiWeb News Discussions
  3. Equipment: Tozando's 2001 Spring Sale
  4. Seminar/Event: Aikikai Hombu Dojo's 70th Anniversary Party
  5. General News: Stolen Sword Inquiry
  6. Seminar/Event: Morihiro Saito Sensei in Rohnert Park, CA
  7. Website: New Issue of Midwest Aikido News
  8. Seminar/Event: Arlington Aikikai Summer Camp - June 17-22, 2001
  9. Website: New Iwama ryu aikido Dojo in Lisbon, Portugal
  10. AikiWeb News: Announcements Mailing List
  11. General News: Morihei Ueshiba Sensei's Passing
  12. Dojo News: IAA's New Affiliate Dojo in Germany
  13. Website: New Bu Jin Design Newsletter
  14. Seminar/Event: Caribbean Aikido Seminar
  15. Seminar/Event: Great Mongolian Adventure Tour
  16. Website: Aikido Journal to Become Online Only
  17. AikiWeb News: New Article: Opening the Door
  18. AikiWeb News: New Books Database
  19. Website: June Edition of Bu Jin Design Newsletter
  20. Seminar/Event: Kyoto Aikikai Aikido Summer Keiko in Israel
  21. Seminar/Event: Aiki Expo 2002 in Las Vegas
  22. AikiWeb News: New Links Portal
  23. Promotions: Chuck Clark Sensei Promoted to 8th Dan
  24. Website: Interview with Seiichi Sugano Sensei
  25. Equipment: Kanji Mugs at Koryu Books
  26. Website: Aikikai All-Japan Demonstration Photos
  27. Promotions: USAF-WR Names New Shihan: Arnold, Vázquez, Iseri sensei
  28. General News: Ichiro Shibata Sensei Separates from USAF West
  29. General News: Harry Eto Sensei Passes Away
  30. Website: New Bu Jin Design Newsletter
  31. Website: New Article on Aikido Online
  32. Seminar/Event: Aiki Expo 2002 Demonstration Participants
  33. General News: Fumio Toyoda Sensei Passes Away
  34. Seminar/Event: Asian Aikido Federation Seminar
  35. Website: Birankai Website Launched
  36. Seminar/Event: David Shaner Sensei
  37. Dojo News: New Dojo in Quezon, Phillipines
  38. Dojo News: Dojo in Rock Island, Illinois Reopens
  39. General News: Knee Injury Research Project
  40. General News: Summer Edition--Midwest Aikido News
  41. Website: New Aikido Internet Magazine in Hebrew
  42. Dojo News: New Dojo in Rodgau, Germany
  43. Dojo News: More Iwama Aikido in Edinburgh
  44. Website: New Bu Jin Design Newsletter
  45. Dojo News: New dojo in tarrytown NY
  46. Dojo News: New Dojo Aikido Aikikai Indonesia in Semarang
  47. Seminar/Event: Pat Hendricks Sensei Seminar Nov 17-18
  48. Dojo News: New Dojo in Milton Keynes, England
  49. Seminar/Event: Aikido Seminar and Demonstration
  50. Website: New Interviews and Articles on Aikido Journal
  51. Dojo News: New Dojo in Eugene, Oregon
  52. Dojo News: New Full-Time Dojo - Nottingham, UK
  53. Equipment: Year-End Sale at Tozando
  54. Website: New Bu Jin Design Newsletter
  55. Seminar/Event: Anno Sensei Seminars Cancelled
  56. Seminar/Event: Dennis Hooker sensei in Nashville, TN
  57. Seminar/Event: Takemusu Aiki week-end course
  58. Seminar/Event: Haydn Foster Sensei seminar
  59. Seminar/Event: Aikikai Malaysia 30th Anniversary Seminar
  60. Seminar/Event: Saito Sensei Seminar Update
  61. AikiWeb News: Scheduled Server Downtime
  62. Seminar/Event: Pat Hendricks sensei in Winnipeg, Canada
  63. Seminar/Event: 18th Annual Thanksgiving Seminar with Robert Bryner Sensei
  64. General News: Knee Injury Research
  65. Website: Aikido Klub Slovenska
  66. Seminar/Event: Nottingham Dojo Official Opening
  67. AikiWeb News: AikiWeb Books Database
  68. Dojo News: Okinawa Aikikai, US Dojos -- Official Washington, DC Opening
  69. Seminar/Event: Takemusu Aiki Winter Seminar
  70. Seminar/Event: Patrick Cassidy Sensei in Edinburgh
  71. General News: The Midwest Aikido News
  72. Equipment: Bu Jin Design's New Catalog
  73. Seminar/Event: Spring Seminar in Montana with Hiroshi Ikeda sensei
  74. Seminar/Event: Patrick Cassidy Sensei in Holland
  75. Seminar/Event: Pat Hendricks Seminar in Reno, NV
  76. AikiWeb News: New Article: The Role of Fear
  77. Website: New Issue of Aikido Online
  78. Website: New website
  79. Seminar/Event: Practical Aikido Seminar with Robert Koga Sensei
  80. AikiWeb News: Interview with Koichi Kashiwaya Sensei
  81. Website: Aikido Online Holiday Gift Items
  82. Website: Interview with John Stevens on Aikido World
  83. Website: Aikido Journal Gift Subscription
  84. Poll: What percentage of your aikido dojo is female?
  85. Seminar/Event: Pat Hendricks Sensei Seminar in Yellow Springs, Ohio
  86. Book/Video: Kenji Shimizu Sensei Video from Aikido Journal
  87. AikiWeb News: Interview with Hans Goto Sensei
  88. Poll: If you had to choose, which do you think is most important for experienced people in aikido?
  89. Poll: Is knee-walking and suwariwaza in aikido bad for you in the long run?
  90. General News: Nobuo Iseri Sensei Passes Away
  91. Poll: Would "aikidoka" be something you might call yourself?
  92. Seminar/Event: Takemusu Aiki Seminar: Emidio Lezza, 6th dan
  93. Dojo News: New Dojo in Princeton NJ
  94. Poll: Should aikido teachers tell their students how to act in their everyday lives outside of the d
  95. Website: Video Clips of Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu
  96. Poll: If you could be uke for yourself, would you be able to throw yourself?
  97. Seminar/Event: Fujimoto Yoji Sensei 7th Dan in Ireland
  98. Seminar/Event: International Seminar w/ Shinichi Tohei Sensei
  99. General News: USAF-WR, Birankai Launch New Aikido Publication
  100. Seminar/Event: Seminar with Sugano Seiichi Shihan
  101. Seminar/Event: Daniel Linden Sensei in Germany, May 1-5, 2002
  102. General News: AANC Division I Becomes Takemusu Aikido Association
  103. Poll: How many falls in an hour do you take in an average class at your aikido dojo?
  104. General News: The California Aikido Association is Formed
  105. Poll: Do you think aikido is becoming more martially "diluted" as the generations pass?
  106. Seminar/Event: Aikido and Introduction to Jodo - Mar 15-17, 2002
  107. AikiWeb News: Thoughts on Bugei Studies by Karl Friday
  108. Dojo News: Aikido of Providence and Rhode Island Aikido Downtown Join Force
  109. AikiWeb News: Article: Facing One's Internal Demons
  110. Article: Facing One's Internal Demons by Chuck Gordon
  111. General News: AANC/CAA Update from Pat Hendricks
  112. Poll: Do you think ukemi skills and ukemi techniques are covered sufficiently at your aikido dojo?
  113. Poll: Have you ever been afraid of hurting someone unintentionally during aikido practice?
  114. Website: February 2002 edition of The Midwest Aikido News
  115. Seminar/Event: Spring Gasshuku in Pennsylvania with Lia Suzuki, 5th Dan.
  116. Poll: If an instructor's budo "lineage" can not be traced back to Morihei Ueshiba, should
  117. General News: Aikido Knee Injury Research Report
  118. AikiWeb News: Dojo Search Engine Submission Page Temporarily Closing
  119. General News: Gilbert James Sensei Passes Away
  120. Poll: How effective do you think public demonstrations are in attracting new students into aikido?
  121. General News: Aikido Poetry Selections
  122. Article: Aikido "Poetry" Selections by Paul Schweer
  123. AikiWeb News: New Article: Dojo Gestalt
  124. Article: Dojo Gestalt by Alan Drysdale
  125. Seminar/Event: Kiatsu - The Healing Art of Aikido
  126. AikiWeb News: Dojo Search Engine v2.0
  127. Poll: Do you think taking the initiative to elicit a response from your attacker fits within the phi
  128. Seminar/Event: Shugenkai Summer School Seminar
  129. Poll: Do you think running away from an attacker is a valid method of resolving conflict using aikid
  130. Seminar/Event: Aiki Expo - Isoyama Sensei Unable to Attend
  131. Media (TV/Movies/News): Black-Belt Prosecutor Stops Fleeing Prisoner Cold
  132. AikiWeb News: Video Database Updated
  133. AikiWeb News: Aikido Seminars Database Updated
  134. Poll: How martial do you consider your aikido classes?
  135. AikiWeb News: New Article: Aikido as Spiritual Practice in the United States
  136. Article: Did Morihei Ueshiba Invent Aikido? by Peter Boylan
  137. Article: Aikido as Spiritual Practice in the United States by Peter Boylan
  138. Poll: If you could take a magical pill to instantly master the techniques of aikido, would you?
  139. Book: Aikido Shugyo by Gozo Shioda Now in English
  140. Poll: If you could take a magical pill to become a total beginner in aikido again, would you?
  141. Seminar/Event: Takeda Shihan Summer 2002 Aikido Intensive
  142. Poll: Have you been taught pressure points in your aikido training?
  143. Article: Polishing the Mirror and Grinding the Stone by Dennis Hooker
  144. Article: Honest Practice by Jim Zimmerdahl
  145. Article: Thoughts on Teaching by Chuck Clark
  146. Seminar/Event: Takemusu Aiki Course with Chris Tozer 4th dan
  147. Seminar/Event: Morito Suganuma Seminar
  148. General News: 33rd Anniversary of the Founder's Passing
  149. Poll: Are chronic injuries a necessary part of aikido training?
  150. Dojo News: Aikido Center of Rock Island Relocates
  151. Seminar/Event: Thirtieth Year of Aikido at University of Minnesota
  152. Seminar/Event: Seminar Miles Kessler (4th Dan)
  153. Seminar/Event: Aikido & Iaido Exhibition in Los Angeles
  154. Poll: What percentage of people starting at your aikido dojo reach shodan (black belt) in aikido?
  155. Seminar/Event: UK Summer Camp with Thamby Rajah & Joe Thambu
  156. Seminar/Event: Aikido of Mission 4th Annual Seminar
  157. Seminar/Event: Seminar with Henry Kono Sensei
  158. Poll:
  159. Poll: How many total hours were you on the mat for aikido training in the past seven days?
  160. General News: Morihiro Saito Sensei Passes Away
  161. Seminar/Event: John Stevens East Coast Seminar
  162. Website: AikidoKids.com
  163. Seminar/Event: Summer Gasshuku 2002 with R Jun Batobalani
  164. Website: Aikido Online Spring Issue
  165. Seminar/Event: San Rafael California Summer Retreat
  166. Seminar/Event: Arlington Aikikai Summer Camp - June 6-9, 2002
  167. General News: Saito Sensei's Funeral Arrangements
  168. Poll: What is the longest period of time you've been sidelined from aikido due to an aikido injury?
  169. AikiWeb News: AikiWeb Forums Reaches 1,500 Users, 20,000 Posts Milestones
  170. Poll: Do you think a student's character should matter in attaining aikido ranking?
  171. Seminar/Event: Yamada Sensei and Sugano Sensei in Indonesia
  172. Poll: Do you line up by rank in your aikido dojo?
  173. Seminar/Event: Building Bridges Seminar July 12-14, 2002
  174. Article: The Value of Ki Study by George Simcox
  175. Article: We Don't Fight by George Simcox
  176. Article: Analogies for the Aikido Learning Process by George Simcox
  177. Poll: How important is a sense of a dojo community to you in aikido?
  178. General News: Bill Sosa Sensei Passes Away
  179. Promotion: Tom Moss Sensei Promoted to 6th dan
  180. Seminar/Event: Memorial Training for Fumio Toyoda Shihan
  181. Poll: Should technical skill alone determine promotions in aikido?
  182. Seminar/Event: Buki Waza Seminar with Chris Tozer, 4th dan
  183. Seminar/Event: Seminar with Pat Hendricks Sensei
  184. Website: The June/July 2002 Edition of The Midwest Aikido News
  185. General News: Funeral Services for Morihiro Saito Sensei
  186. Book/Video: Aiki Expo 2002 Video Set Released
  187. General News: Bill Smith Sensei Awarded the Member of the British Empire Honor
  188. Website: Official Ki Society Website
  189. Poll: If you were to physically defend yourself successfully using your aikido skills today, would
  190. Seminar/Event: AAA Official Fumio Toyoda Shihan Memorial Training
  191. General News: Bob Gibbon Sensei Passes Away
  192. AikiWeb News: New Articles: Ukemi, Aikido as Budo Articles
  193. Article: Appropriate Ukemi by George S. Ledyard
  194. Article: Aikido as Budo by George S. Ledyard
  195. Seminar/Event: AAA Hosts Y. Kobayashi Shihan in Chicago and North Carolina
  196. Publications: New Biran Available
  197. Poll: Do you think the founder of aikido incorporated elements from Chinese martial arts into aikido
  198. Seminar: Satoshi Takeda Sensei in Sunshine Coast.
  199. AikiWeb News: Yoshinkan Aikido Video Clips Now Online
  200. Poll: How much do you pay each month for your regular aikido classes (in US dollars)?
  201. AikiWeb News: New Article: "Evaluating a Dojo"
  202. AikiWeb News: New AikiCard Images from Magnus Hartman
  203. Seminar/Event: Building Bridges Seminar (Ikeda and Stickles)
  204. Poll: Do you think aikido is purely defensive?
  205. Seminar/Event: Indonesia Aikido Seminar 2002
  206. Event: AikidoFAQ.com Maintainer Gets Married
  207. Media (News): Aikido Taught in Hong Kong to Litter Enforcers
  208. AikiWeb News: New Article: Sword and Aikido
  209. General News: Aikido Shinjinkai Announces Uchideshi Training Opportunities
  210. Seminar/Event: Calgary Aikikai Summer Camp with Asai Shihan
  211. AikiWeb News: New AikiCard Images from Zanshin Art
  212. Poll: Which role is more difficult for you in aikido?
  213. Video/DVD: The Rhythm of Aikido DVD/Video
  214. AikiWeb News: Two New Articles by Patrick Auge
  215. Article: The Development of Ki by Patrick Auge
  216. Article: Examinations and Their Purpose by Patrick Auge
  217. AikiWeb News: AikiGallery Aikido Images Section Now Open
  218. Poll: Do you think about martial effectiveness when you are training in aikido?
  219. Poll: How proficient are you with multiple person attack scenarios in your aikido training?
  220. Seminar/Event: Rocky Mountan Ki Society's 25th Anniversary
  221. Website: New Saito Sensei Website
  222. Poll: Do you think women-only classes in aikido are a good idea?
  223. General News: Aikido Association of America Uchideshi Program
  224. AikiWeb News: AikiWeb Celebrates Fifth Anniversary
  225. Seminar: Combined 3 Club Course Coming to Milton Keynes, England
  226. Poll: On what part of your foot do you usually perform turning movements in aikido?
  227. General News: Uchideshi Program at the Toyoda Center
  228. Seminar/Event: Hitohiro Saito Sensei in Denver, Colorado
  229. Poll: Are serious injuries a necessary part of aikido training?
  230. Seminar/Event: Aikido Philippines 10th Anniversary Aikido Seminar
  231. Seminar/Event: Tasaka Mitsuo Sensei in Biel, Switzerland
  232. Seminar/Event: 26th Aikido Seminar in Puerto de Veracruz, Mexico
  233. Poll: Do you think aikido instructors should be in good physical condition?
  234. Seminar/Event: Kids Summer Camp
  235. Seminar/Event: Seminar with Satoshi Takeda sensei in Australia
  236. Promotion: Martial Arts Expo in Bacolod Philippines
  237. Seminar: Aikido Dojo Camberley Autumn Course
  238. Seminar: Michigan Seminar with Glenn Iwaoka Sensei
  239. General News: Ubaldo Alcantara Passes Away
  240. Poll: Do you think your current aikido teacher is in good physical condition?
  241. General News: Aikido Center of Chicago Grand Opening Celebration
  242. Seminar/Event: Summer Cam in the Rockies 2003
  243. Website: New Website for Aikido Philippines
  244. Website: Fall Issue of Aikido Online
  245. Poll: How important is the history of aikido to you?
  246. Equipment: Bu Jin Design's 25% Off Sale
  247. Seminar: AIF/Southern Region Teaching Committee Seminar
  248. Seminar: Feyen and Rose Sensei Seminar
  249. Seminar: Sato Sensei Seminar in Sofia, Bulgaria
  250. Seminar: Ed Germanov Sensei in Chicago