View Full Version : Seminar/Event: Saito Sensei Seminar Update

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09-17-2001, 01:15 PM
9/17/2001 1:12pm [from Jun Akiyama (akiy@aikiweb.com)]
Website: http://www.somatic-arts.com/saito/

Saito sensei will be unable to attend and teach at the seminar in Rohnert Park, California this weekend, September 21st through 23rd. The event has been changed to an international Aikido Friendship seminar with Witt sensei, Moriyama sensei, Phong sensei, Alexander sensei, Totoian sensei, Goto sensei, Newens sensei, Tom sensei, Hendricks sensei, and Baumgartner sensei teaching. More details here (http://www.somatic-arts.com/saito/) and here (http://members.aol.com/precursors/aikido/saito.htm).