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  1. Seminar with Paul Kang sensei 6th dan ASU
  2. Poll: Which "wall" do you run into more often during your current aikido training?
  3. Aikido and Judo Seminar in Enid, OK, 11/3-11/5
  4. November 11, 2006, Newark, DE, Thanksgiving Celebration
  5. Jimmy Sorrentino, 5th Dan ASU in Oberlin, Oh 11/3-11/5
  6. Poll: Do you think your physical aikido abilities will keep getting more effective as you age into your elder years?
  7. Sugano Sensei in Red Bank, NJ 10/28
  8. October AikiWeb Columns
  9. AikiWeb Workshop 2007
  10. Article: The Dance by Lynn Seiser
  11. Article: Beyond the Ninja Turtles by "The Mirror"
  12. Article: How to be a Student of Aikido by Ross Robertson
  13. Article: The Content of the Communication by Paul Schweer
  14. Article: A Little Distance by Paul Schweer
  15. Aikido of Harvard Hosts Takeguchi Sensei & Purdy Sensei 11/10-12
  16. Poll: Have you ever regretted studying aikido?
  17. Virginia Mayhew Passes Away
  18. Poll: If you were asked by your instructor to test for rank, would you turn it down?
  19. Poll: Does aikido contain an ethical code for you to follow?
  20. Takeguchi Sensei & Purdy Sensei in Illinois This Weekend
  21. "Somali Star Rising"
  22. Poll: Do you think private "one on one" lessons in aikido benefit the student more than regular group lessons?
  23. November AikiWeb Columns
  24. Article: The Do in Do by "The Mirror"
  25. Article: Introduction by AaaRk Sensei
  26. Article: Aiki-Write by Lynn Seiser
  27. Article: The Same Thing Again by Paul Schweer
  28. Article: 'Sincere' Attacks: A Platonic Dialogue by Peter Goldsbury
  29. Article: Temple Dogs by Ross Robertson
  30. Article: Seminar Tips by J. Akiyama
  31. Aikido of Tamalpais at New Location
  32. Tamura Shihan and Yamada Shihan in Buenos Aires, 11/10-11/11/07
  33. "West meets East during trip to Japan"
  34. Poll: Is "ki" as used in aikido a metaphor for you?
  35. Spirit of Aikido Study Guide
  36. Irv Faust Shidoin to Potomac Aikikai, VA, 1/6-1/7
  37. Poll: How important is right/left symmetry in your physical aikido practice?
  38. Poll: Do you have any permanent aikido-related tattoos on your body?
  39. Poll: How often do you train until the point of exhaustion in your aikido practice?
  40. New Shin-Budo Kai Dojo in Bedford Hills, NY
  41. Dojo Opening, Lake in the Hills, IL
  42. Mats for Sale in Santa Barbara, CA
  43. Article: Meeting O-Sensei by AaaRk Sensei
  44. Article: Deep Within Or Dancing Around by Paul Schweer
  45. Article: Falling Leaves by Ross Robertson
  46. Article: Aiki-Write II by Lynn Seiser
  47. December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  48. Poll: How often do you actively slap the ground with your arms/hands when you fall during aikido training?
  49. Kagami Biraki Celebration at Aikido Delaware Aikikai
  50. Poll: Are details of human anatomy helpful for you in learning aikido?
  51. Len Sly in Evanston, WY 1/12-14
  52. Poll: How much progress do you think you made in aikido in 2006?
  53. Special Class in Houston with Aikikai Shihan Terry Ezra
  54. Masahilo Nakazono Memorial Aikido Event 2007
  55. Shoshin Aikikai's Grand Opening Seminar - Feb 3-4, 2007
  56. William Gleason Sensei in San Antonio, TX: Feb. 23-25, 2007
  57. Poll: How do you usually pay for your aikido dues?
  58. Saito Hitohiro Soke Seminar, Melbourne Australia, April 2007
  59. Poll: How important for you is having a social connection with your aikido dojomates?
  60. USAF Kagami Biraki Promotions
  61. Poll: In which aikido role do you feel more physically comfortable?
  62. Forty Dojos in Indonesia affiliate with Hiroshi Kato, 8th dan
  63. "Master of agility celebrates the Renaissance man"
  64. "A Rare Achievement"
  65. Elliot Freeman Sensei in Twinsburg, OH: February, 24-25, 2007
  66. Bill Witt Shihan in Santa Fe, 4/20-4/22
  67. Article: O-Sensei Meets an Eager Student by AaaRk Sensei
  68. Article: RIP: Musubi and Zanshin by Lynn Seiser
  69. Article: Wherever We Need by Paul Schweer
  70. Article: Restoring Harmony by Ross Robertson
  71. Article: Dang! There's Aikido Everywhichwhere by "The Mirror"
  72. January AikiWeb Columns
  73. Tsubaki Sensei given Order of the Sacred Treasure from Emperor
  74. Lia Suzuki Sensei, 5th Dan In Pennsylvania -April 28 & 29, 2
  75. Shudokan Aikido Association Regional - Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
  76. Poll: How important is physical body size for effective aikido techniques?
  77. Aikido Delaware Aikikai Winter Seminar, 3/3/07
  78. Toshiro Suga, 7th Dan in Edinburgh 6/2-6/3/07
  79. Chicko Xerri in New Castle, Australia, 2/10-2/11/07
  80. Aiki Summer Retreat in Menlo Park CA, 6/10-6/16
  81. "A New Dawn in the Land of the Rising Sun"
  82. "Aikido, Selfless Service Drive after Retirement"
  83. Poll: How reliant is physically effective aikido on "commited" attacks?
  84. Bay Area Training Tour
  85. "Steven's a Record Breaker"
  86. "Verbal Aikido: 7 Ways To Handle Difficult Customers"
  87. Jason Tonks completes 1000 push-ups on the back of his wrists.
  88. "Promoting Peace Through Martial Arts"
  89. Poll: Is understanding human psychology helpful for you in learning aikido?
  90. Brisbane, Australia Maruyama Sensei Seminar, 9/28-10/3
  91. Donald Moriyama at The Aikido Ohana: Fri, Feb 16 Honolulu HI
  92. Aikido Delaware Aikikai Winter Seminar, 3/3/07
  93. Phong Sensei Joins Nakazono Aikido Event October 2007
  94. Summer Camp in the Rockies 2007 Registration Now Open
  95. Poll: How realistic is doing a physically effective aikido technique with only one finger?
  96. Lia Suzuki Sensei, 5th Dan in Ambler, PA, 4/28-4/29/07
  97. AikiWeb Column: Aiki Biz by Lynn Seiser
  98. AikiWeb Column: What is Left by Paul Schweer
  99. AikiWeb Column: Enduring Love by Ross Robertson
  100. AikiWeb Column: Another Training Dilemma: A "The Mirror" Conversation by "The Mirror"
  101. February AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  102. "Julie's Diary: Fight Like A Girl"
  103. AikiWeb Aikido Links Directory Upgrade
  104. Poll: How "peaceful" do your dojomates feel during your regular aikido training?
  105. "A Right to be Safe"
  106. "Aikido: Still Crazy After These Years"
  107. Kensho Furuya Sensei Passes Away
  108. Aikido of Livermore (California) Has Moved
  109. Takeshi Yamashima Sensei in Hawaii: May 17th-May 30th 2007
  110. Kono Sensei in Plano, TX, Apr 21-22
  111. Poll: Can slow training in aikido be intense for you?
  112. Dojo Fundraiser: Folding Seiza Bench
  113. March AikiWeb Columns
  114. Poll: How often do you engage in very slow practice in aikido?
  115. New Aikido Dojo in Makassar, Indonesia
  116. Ivaylo Draganov, Chairman of Bulgaria's Aikido Fed., Passes Away
  117. Poll: How important is working with strong-gripped, "static grabs" in your aikido training?
  118. Donald Moriyama at The Aikido Ohana: Sun, Apr 1 Honolulu HI
  119. "Breathing Martial Arts into the Curriculum"
  120. Poll: Have you ever pulled a successful April Fool's prank on your aikido instructor?
  121. Poll: How often do you rely on your training partner for your safe ukemi during aikido training?
  122. April AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  123. Poll: How important is the philosophy of aikido in your everyday aikido training?
  124. Poll: If you had a choice, when in the day would be your preference for aikido training?
  125. "The liberal arts throw it down in Aikido"
  126. Interview with Kayla Feder Sensei
  127. "Aiki Law: Pronation is safer than Supination"
  128. Poll: What level of vigorousness do you feel leads to the most effective learning in your aikido training?
  129. Looking for French Speaking Corresponding Authors for AikidoKa
  130. Poll: How physically effective do you think aikido is against a real knife attack?
  131. Poll: Would you consider aikido without a physical practice component to still be aikido?
  132. New Aikido Classes in Houston
  133. "Art of Defense"
  134. "Art of Defense"
  135. New Edition of Aikido East Newsletter
  136. May AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  137. Poll: Would you consider aikido without a spiritual practice component to still be aikido?
  138. New Aikido Philippines website
  139. Poll: Does aikido alone fulfill your spiritual practice in life?
  140. Chicko Xerri's South Europe Tour 2007
  141. Yoshinkan Aikido Ryu Online Dojo
  142. Australian Aikido Volunteers in Brazil
  143. John Stevens Sensei in New Hope, PA, 10/18-10/21
  144. Paul Kang Sensei Passes Away
  145. Poll: Do you like including aikido training as a part of vacation travel?
  146. Poll: Which of the following three shapes resonates the most with your own aikido practice?
  147. Poll: Which of the following three shapes resonates the most with your own aikido practice?
  148. Poll: How important for you is the spreading of the art of aikido into the world?
  149. "The Strongest Technique in Aikido"
  150. "Martial Art Takes Wrist-Snapping Path to Harmony"
  151. Poll: How attached do you feel to your physical belt in aikido?
  152. Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would like to study to become an aikido shihan, how encouraging would you be?
  153. "Blending Work and Aikido"
  154. Poll: How important is trusting yourself in order to have "good" ukemi during aikido
  155. Poll: How important is trusting your training partner in order to have "good" ukemi during aikido training?
  156. Takeda Satoshi Sensei 6th dan in Australia, 7/21-7/29
  157. "Forget the bouquet: Bride tosses groom"
  158. "Aikido master trains enthusiasts during weekend event"
  159. New Aikido group on Meetup.com
  160. July AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  161. Poll: Who do you have to trust more for "good" ukemi in aikido training?
  162. Poll: Who do you have to trust more for "good" ukemi in aikido training?
  163. Poll: How often do you train in your regular street clothes in your aikido practice?
  164. AikiWeb Sponsored Link
  165. Poll: Is there such a thing as "bad" aikido to you?
  166. "Food Drive and Aikido" in Woburn, MA on 8/25/2007
  167. August AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  168. "A Master's Legacy: The Aikido Center's Very Unusual Move"
  169. Poll: How interested are you in being the chief instructor of your own aikido dojo some day?
  170. Poll: If you had to choose, which of these two qualities would you characterize your
  171. "Peaceful Warriors"
  172. Three Articles on Aikido from Across the Globe
  173. Poll: How important is the concept of "receiving" in your aikido training?
  174. "Aikido: Defensive Maneuvers, Inner Peace"
  175. "In Litchfield, the Flow of Aikido"
  176. Fall Edition of Aikido East Newsletter
  177. Poll: Which do you think allows people to learn aikido more effectively?
  178. Official Yoshimitsu Yamada Sensei in Europe Website is Online
  179. "Kokikai Aikido Club Connects Body, Mind With Self-Defense&
  180. September AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  181. "A Kicking Grand Ma: Old Age is a Myth"
  182. "Aikido is helping an Iraqi to 'get out of the way of conflict'"
  183. Poll: How strong of a connection do you personally feel to Morihei Ueshiba?
  184. Poll: Are your aikido friends your main social community in your life?
  185. Kobayashi sensei - Excerpts from a fascinating life
  186. Lia Suzuki Sensei in Europe
  187. Lia Suzuki Sensei At AKI PA: One Day Thanksgiving Intensive
  188. Masahilo Nakazono Memorial Aikido Event 27th October 2007
  189. "Sharing Aikido's Life Lessons"
  190. "Hero Ash Nails Runaway Driver"
  191. Godegeiko and Embukai in Kamakura
  192. October AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  193. Poll: Is comparing aikido with other martial arts worthwhile to you?
  194. Poll: Ho well do you know the financial situation of your aikido dojo?
  195. Poll: Which is more important in your aikido training: "aiki" or "ki"?
  196. Poll: Which way of ukemi do you employ for you to learn aikido more effectively?
  197. New Uchideshi Program in Virginia
  198. New Institute of Aikido dojo opens in Auckland
  199. Poll: How comfortable are you in taking falls from aikido koshinage?
  200. November AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  201. Poll: How comfortable are you in being nage for aikido koshinage?
  202. Poll: How religious is aikido to you?
  203. "Still Got It!"
  204. New You Tube Aikido clips
  205. Yasuo Kobayashi Shihan in The Woodlands, TX, 3/27-3/30
  206. Poll: How spiritual is aikido to you?
  207. "Larger Named Youngest US Second-Degree Aikido Blackbelt&qu
  208. "Aikido Offers Exercise In Meeting Challenges"
  209. "Honored Teacher" on Shinichi Suzuki Sensei of Maui, H
  210. December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  211. January 29th, 2008: Open Evening at Takemusu Aikido Naarden, Nld
  212. Poll: Do you have any "new year's resolutions" for your aikido training in 2008?
  213. "Aikido - A beginner's guide" 3rd edition Released
  214. Shinichi Suzuki Sensei of Maui, HI, Receives 9th dan
  215. "Michael Kicks Out at His Problem"
  216. January AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  217. Poll: How much physical exagerration would you say occurs in your aikido training?
  218. New, New Zealand Aikido website now up and running
  219. Poll: Do others call you by an aikido nickname?
  220. New book about aikido principles and ideas
  221. "Lessons from Japan"
  222. Poll: Do you think studying aikido can allow people to develop "supernatural" powers?
  223. "Channel Your Aiki-Flow"
  224. Aiki Taisai and Ireisai in Granite Falls, WA, 4/25-4/27
  225. New Zealand Aikikai Federation 38th National Gasshuku
  226. "Aikido" Becomes Wikipedia Featured Article for 1/31/2
  227. "Learning Aikido by Watching Aikido Video"
  228. Shrine/Aikido Intern Position in Granite Falls, WA
  229. Chicko Xerri Sensei of Australia Awarded 5th Dan
  230. Poll: Do you think physical aikido techniques can be totally explained by physics alone?
  231. Teaching Aikido to Children - Call for Presenters
  232. Lia Suzuki Sensei in Pennsylvania, February 24th
  233. Poll: How inspired do you feel in your aikido training currently?
  234. Feburary AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  235. Yamada Sensei Birthday
  236. Boulder Aikikai Summer Camp in the Rockies 2008
  237. Poll: In generel, where does your inspiration from aikido come from?
  238. Poll: Which is the most important to develop in your own aikido training?
  239. Aikido Dojo opens in Lloyd Building (Spokane, WA)
  240. Junior Fun Day, 4/3/2008 - Aikido Shinryukan NZ
  241. Poll: Do you think telling someone to "relax" is helpful in aikido training?
  242. Seminar: Aikido without Borders, 3/22-3/23, Noosaville AU
  243. Poll: Do you think referring to one's "center" is helpful in aikido training?
  244. Martial art studio finds new home in Union Square, Somerville MA
  245. Auckland NZ, Aikiway Friendship Seminar April 6th 2008
  246. Poll: Which is more important currently in your aikido training?
  247. Seminar Cancellation/ Aikido without Borders
  248. March AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  249. Call for Support for Mary Heiny Sensei's Hip Surgery
  250. Junior Fun Day 4/5/08 - Shinryukan Hombu Dojo, Akl NZ