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  1. Sculpture : Portrait O Sensei - Limestone
  2. Uchi Deshi Program in California with Lia Suzuki Sensei
  3. Video of 50th Anniversary Seminar: Yamada Shihan
  4. Yamada Shihan Visis Newport Beach Aikikai and receives Press
  5. New Aikido Movie/Film (2015)
  6. Dojo Closing Sale, Musubi Dojo, Montclair CA
  7. Book Release - Along the Way
  8. December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  9. Rik Ellis Passes Away
  10. Five USAF Female Instructors Awarded Shihan Title
  11. 2015 "Kagami Biraki" Aikikai Hombu Dojo Promotions List
  12. New Aikido Dojo in Trinidad
  13. Hiroshi Ikeda Becomes "Independent Teacher"
  14. Sioux Hall (6th dan, Harvard Aikikai) Passes Away
  15. Walter Van Eck Passes Away
  16. Article: "At nearly 80, he earns his black belt in Aikido"
  17. Don Levine Passes Away
  18. Aikido Practitioner "Mr Bill" Requesting Help
  19. "Still going strong after 10 years, the 'babushkas fight club'"
  20. Southland Aikido reopens in Monterey Park, California
  21. April AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  22. Kazuo Chiba Sensei Passes Away
  23. Dick Stroud Sensei Passes Away
  24. Rick Stickles Sensei Passes Away
  25. David Goldberg Medical Fund
  26. Ushi-Deshi program at Aikido Willapa Bay, WA
  27. July 18: Celebration Of Chiba Sensei's Legacy, Birmingham UK
  28. Tomiki Aikido in Toronto, Canada
  29. Israel Aikikai's formal recognition by Hombu Dojo
  30. IndieGogo Campain: Shihan Jacques Payet Film Project
  31. June & July AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  32. Tamon Mark Uttech has passed away
  33. Cecelia Ricciotti Sensei Promoted to 8th Degree Black Belt
  34. August AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  35. Events with John Araujo (6th dan, Aikido of Bristol County)
  36. September AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  37. Yoshinkan Aikido Style Dojo in Boston, MA!
  38. Simone Wedell (4th dan, Bay Marin Aikido) turns 80 years old
  39. Article: Ellis Amdur, "The Use of Weapons in Aikido Training"
  40. October and November AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  41. Article: Steven Seagal wanted by Serbia to train special police
  42. December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  43. Article: How One Aikido Sensei Changed My Life
  44. 2016 Kagami Biraki Promotions Announced
  45. David Jones (ASU 6th dan) Passes Away
  46. Galveston Aikikai now Mizu no Kokoro Aikikai
  47. New book "Searching for O'Sensei" by Tom Collings
  48. January & February AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  49. Aikido Documentary - David Rubens
  50. Aikido in Fiji Islands
  51. Atemi: The Thunder and Lightning of Aikido
  52. Passing of Peter Megann
  53. Atemi: The Thunder and Lightning of Aikido
  54. March and April AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  55. New Aikido Dojo in Highlands TX
  56. Craig Eddy (6th dan, Aikido of Missoula) Passes Away
  57. New Book "Aikido: An Everyday Approach"
  58. Open House at River of Life Dojo, June 25, 2016
  59. Ralph Chiaradia of Hartford Connecticut has passed away
  60. AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  61. Kentucky Schools Ordered to Stop Using Aikido on Students
  62. 12th IAF Congress in Takasaki Japan, Sep 26-Oct 3, 2016
  63. New Edition of "Dueling with O-sensei" by Ellis Amdur
  64. Sata Saito, wife of Morihiro Saito, Passes Away
  65. Steven Seagal Receives Russian Citizenship
  66. 2017 Aikikai Hombu Dojo New Years (Kagamibiraki) Promotions List
  67. Pascal Norbelly Passes Away
  68. New dojo opening -- New York City Aikido
  69. New Tomiki Aikido Website
  70. Aiki Extension 2017 Conference - Call for Presenters
  71. New Batch of AikiWeb Columns Now Available!
  72. AikiWeb Columns - Full Listing
  73. "Blood, Sweat & Years" by John Longford
  74. Crowdfunding for 2017 East African Seminar
  75. May 12-21, 2017 "Aikido at the Leading Edge" Tele-Summit
  76. "Connection in Aikido" by Ania Small
  77. May 2017 AikiWeb Columns Now Available!
  78. "The Language of Aikido" by Michael Hacker
  79. Video/DVD - Living Aikido Life
  80. 8/26-8/27, 2017: How to Run an Aikido Dojo Workshop, Spotsylvania, VA
  81. Aikido Assassins: The gang of Siberian athletes turned contract killers
  82. "The Language of Aikido" Now in Paperback!
  83. Uchideshi Training at Korinji Monastery (Madison, WI)
  84. AikiWeb Columns: 20th Anniversary Edition
  85. Hironobu Yamada Shihan 8th Dan Aikikai passes away
  86. Michael Leung Sensei 50 Years in Aikido Anniversary Workshop
  87. Uchi Deshi Program at Ki Aikido Dojo Rodgau, Germany
  88. December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
  89. Kyoichi Inoue (10th dan, Yoshinkan) Passes Away
  90. 2018 Kagami Biraki Promotions List
  91. Anita Köhler (6th dan, AIkido Dojo Darmstadt) Passes Away
  92. Shihan Ruriko Masutani Passes Away
  93. AikiWeb Columns from Peter Goldsbury and "It Had to be Felt"
  94. Kupuna Aikido Hawaii: "Practicing a Fall to Prevent Injury"
  95. NHK Aikido Documentary (until Dec 13, 2018)
  96. Jan 4-6 & 11-13, 2019: Kobayashi Ryu Aikido in Los Angeles, CA
  97. Article: "The Disability Working Group in Action"
  98. AikiWeb Column: "It Had to be Felt" on Okimura Shigenobu by Christopher Barnett
  99. Aikikai Hombu Dojo 2019 Kagami Biraki Promotions
  100. Seminar with Ethan Weisgard in Santander, Spain, Feb 2-3, 2019
  101. "Perceptions of the Aikido Community" by Josephine Fan
  102. "The Gospel of Combat"
  103. Aikikai Malta Receives Recognition from Aikikai Foundation
  104. Watahiki Yoshifumi, Student of the Founder, Passes Away
  105. Aikikai Malta Gradings
  106. San Diego, CA: Aikido Shimbokukai Instructors Intensive, Sep 21-22, 2019
  107. Watanabe Nobuyuki Passes Away
  108. AikiWeb Column: "It Had to be Felt" on Seiichi Sugano by Brian Ericksen
  109. Petition: Support Women in the United States Aikido Federation
  110. Passing of Keith Hartley Sensei
  111. USAF Responds to Petition "Support Women in the USAF"
  112. AikiWeb Column: "It Had to be Felt" on Sekiya Masatake by Robert Whelan
  113. Marlory Graham's Response to the Petition for Gender Equality in the USAF
  114. Passing of O Sensei student Norman Miles
  115. 2020 Aikikai Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki Promotions List
  116. Latest "It Had To Be Felt" Column on Yokota Yoshiaki
  117. July 17-19, 2020: Shimbokukai Annual Instructors Intensive, Crystal Lake IL
  118. "10 Things You Can Do to Support Women in Aikido" by Malory Grah
  119. "10 Things You Can Do to Support Women in Aikido" by Malory Graham
  120. It Had to Be Felt #66 and #67: Yoshifumi Watahiki and Yutaka Kurita
  121. Roy Suenaka Passes Away
  122. Irvin Faust (7th dan, Albany Aikido) Passes Away
  123. "It Had to Be Felt" Column: Miyamoto Tsuruzo by Guillaume Erard
  124. "Moving Off the Line" by Ruth Peyser (6th dan, shidoin)
  125. Book Review: Liese Klein's "The Life-Giving Sword: Kazuo Chiba"
  126. "It Had to Be Felt" Essay on Hiroshi Ikeda by Jim Sorrentino
  127. "It Had to Be Felt" Essay on Hiroki Nemoto by Mitch Troop
  128. Article: "Great Aikido - Aikido Greats" by Ellis Amdur
  129. Solidarity with Black Lives Matter Movement
  130. It Had to Be Felt #71: Yamada Yoshimitsu
  131. USAF "A Message from Yamada Sensei 2020_08_09"
  132. RIP Peter Gardiner of Iwama Dojo and Scotland
  133. Linda Lee Vecchio Passes Away
  134. Interview with Former New York Aikikai Instructor Ruth Peyser
  135. Patty Saotome Sensei Passes Away
  136. Obituary: Hiroshi Somemiya Shihan (1932-2020)
  137. Posting Bug Fixed
  138. 2021 Aikikai Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki Promotions List
  139. Donovan Waite Sensei Passes Away
  140. British Aikido History
  141. Aikizen: Spiritual Aikido
  142. #MeTooAikido Website & Facebook Page Launch
  143. It Had To Be Felt #73: Isoyama Toshihiro
  144. "Kenshiro Abbe the Forgotten Budoka"
  145. It Had To Be Felt #74: Maruyama Koretoshi: "The Essence of Mind"
  146. It Had To Be Felt #75: Akimoto Hidehiro: "Living Proof"
  147. Michael Kimeda Receives 7th dan
  148. Wendy Whited Passes Away
  149. Sensei Collings, 6th Dan to swim 9 miles
  150. Aikikai Malta IAF Membership
  151. Aikido Comes to America
  152. Create a Beautiful World in Three Aikido Lessons
  153. It Had to Be Felt #76: Asai Katsuaki: "Like a safecracker"
  154. Dale Matthews Sensei Passes Away
  155. Article: "True Budo: Contextualizing Japanese Text and Quotes"
  156. Article: "True Budo: Contextualizing Japanese Text and Quotes"
  157. July 9, 2022: "Aikido: What's Trauma Got To Do With It" Online Panel
  158. July 10: Online Conversation with Ukrainian Aikido Instructors
  159. Wendy Palmer Sensei Passes Away
  160. Aikikai Hombu Dojo New Years Promotion List, 2023
  161. Yoshimitsu Yamada Passes Away
  162. New book "The British Budo Controversy"
  163. 30years of Aikido in Malta
  164. 30years of Aikido in Malta
  165. Oct 19, 2024: Aikido Center of Los Angeles 50th Anniversary Dinner Celebration
  166. Aikikai Recognition