View Full Version : AikiWeb System
Pages :
- Sculpture : Portrait O Sensei - Limestone
- Uchi Deshi Program in California with Lia Suzuki Sensei
- Video of 50th Anniversary Seminar: Yamada Shihan
- Yamada Shihan Visis Newport Beach Aikikai and receives Press
- New Aikido Movie/Film (2015)
- Dojo Closing Sale, Musubi Dojo, Montclair CA
- Book Release - Along the Way
- December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Rik Ellis Passes Away
- Five USAF Female Instructors Awarded Shihan Title
- 2015 "Kagami Biraki" Aikikai Hombu Dojo Promotions List
- New Aikido Dojo in Trinidad
- Hiroshi Ikeda Becomes "Independent Teacher"
- Sioux Hall (6th dan, Harvard Aikikai) Passes Away
- Walter Van Eck Passes Away
- Article: "At nearly 80, he earns his black belt in Aikido"
- Don Levine Passes Away
- Aikido Practitioner "Mr Bill" Requesting Help
- "Still going strong after 10 years, the 'babushkas fight club'"
- Southland Aikido reopens in Monterey Park, California
- April AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Kazuo Chiba Sensei Passes Away
- Dick Stroud Sensei Passes Away
- Rick Stickles Sensei Passes Away
- David Goldberg Medical Fund
- Ushi-Deshi program at Aikido Willapa Bay, WA
- July 18: Celebration Of Chiba Sensei's Legacy, Birmingham UK
- Tomiki Aikido in Toronto, Canada
- Israel Aikikai's formal recognition by Hombu Dojo
- IndieGogo Campain: Shihan Jacques Payet Film Project
- June & July AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Tamon Mark Uttech has passed away
- Cecelia Ricciotti Sensei Promoted to 8th Degree Black Belt
- August AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Events with John Araujo (6th dan, Aikido of Bristol County)
- September AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Yoshinkan Aikido Style Dojo in Boston, MA!
- Simone Wedell (4th dan, Bay Marin Aikido) turns 80 years old
- Article: Ellis Amdur, "The Use of Weapons in Aikido Training"
- October and November AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Article: Steven Seagal wanted by Serbia to train special police
- December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Article: How One Aikido Sensei Changed My Life
- 2016 Kagami Biraki Promotions Announced
- David Jones (ASU 6th dan) Passes Away
- Galveston Aikikai now Mizu no Kokoro Aikikai
- New book "Searching for O'Sensei" by Tom Collings
- January & February AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Aikido Documentary - David Rubens
- Aikido in Fiji Islands
- Atemi: The Thunder and Lightning of Aikido
- Passing of Peter Megann
- Atemi: The Thunder and Lightning of Aikido
- March and April AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- New Aikido Dojo in Highlands TX
- Craig Eddy (6th dan, Aikido of Missoula) Passes Away
- New Book "Aikido: An Everyday Approach"
- Open House at River of Life Dojo, June 25, 2016
- Ralph Chiaradia of Hartford Connecticut has passed away
- AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Kentucky Schools Ordered to Stop Using Aikido on Students
- 12th IAF Congress in Takasaki Japan, Sep 26-Oct 3, 2016
- New Edition of "Dueling with O-sensei" by Ellis Amdur
- Sata Saito, wife of Morihiro Saito, Passes Away
- Steven Seagal Receives Russian Citizenship
- 2017 Aikikai Hombu Dojo New Years (Kagamibiraki) Promotions List
- Pascal Norbelly Passes Away
- New dojo opening -- New York City Aikido
- New Tomiki Aikido Website
- Aiki Extension 2017 Conference - Call for Presenters
- New Batch of AikiWeb Columns Now Available!
- AikiWeb Columns - Full Listing
- "Blood, Sweat & Years" by John Longford
- Crowdfunding for 2017 East African Seminar
- May 12-21, 2017 "Aikido at the Leading Edge" Tele-Summit
- "Connection in Aikido" by Ania Small
- May 2017 AikiWeb Columns Now Available!
- "The Language of Aikido" by Michael Hacker
- Video/DVD - Living Aikido Life
- 8/26-8/27, 2017: How to Run an Aikido Dojo Workshop, Spotsylvania, VA
- Aikido Assassins: The gang of Siberian athletes turned contract killers
- "The Language of Aikido" Now in Paperback!
- Uchideshi Training at Korinji Monastery (Madison, WI)
- AikiWeb Columns: 20th Anniversary Edition
- Hironobu Yamada Shihan 8th Dan Aikikai passes away
- Michael Leung Sensei 50 Years in Aikido Anniversary Workshop
- Uchi Deshi Program at Ki Aikido Dojo Rodgau, Germany
- December AikiWeb Columns Now Available
- Kyoichi Inoue (10th dan, Yoshinkan) Passes Away
- 2018 Kagami Biraki Promotions List
- Anita Köhler (6th dan, AIkido Dojo Darmstadt) Passes Away
- Shihan Ruriko Masutani Passes Away
- AikiWeb Columns from Peter Goldsbury and "It Had to be Felt"
- Kupuna Aikido Hawaii: "Practicing a Fall to Prevent Injury"
- NHK Aikido Documentary (until Dec 13, 2018)
- Jan 4-6 & 11-13, 2019: Kobayashi Ryu Aikido in Los Angeles, CA
- Article: "The Disability Working Group in Action"
- AikiWeb Column: "It Had to be Felt" on Okimura Shigenobu by Christopher Barnett
- Aikikai Hombu Dojo 2019 Kagami Biraki Promotions
- Seminar with Ethan Weisgard in Santander, Spain, Feb 2-3, 2019
- "Perceptions of the Aikido Community" by Josephine Fan
- "The Gospel of Combat"
- Aikikai Malta Receives Recognition from Aikikai Foundation
- Watahiki Yoshifumi, Student of the Founder, Passes Away
- Aikikai Malta Gradings
- San Diego, CA: Aikido Shimbokukai Instructors Intensive, Sep 21-22, 2019
- Watanabe Nobuyuki Passes Away
- AikiWeb Column: "It Had to be Felt" on Seiichi Sugano by Brian Ericksen
- Petition: Support Women in the United States Aikido Federation
- Passing of Keith Hartley Sensei
- USAF Responds to Petition "Support Women in the USAF"
- AikiWeb Column: "It Had to be Felt" on Sekiya Masatake by Robert Whelan
- Marlory Graham's Response to the Petition for Gender Equality in the USAF
- Passing of O Sensei student Norman Miles
- 2020 Aikikai Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki Promotions List
- Latest "It Had To Be Felt" Column on Yokota Yoshiaki
- July 17-19, 2020: Shimbokukai Annual Instructors Intensive, Crystal Lake IL
- "10 Things You Can Do to Support Women in Aikido" by Malory Grah
- "10 Things You Can Do to Support Women in Aikido" by Malory Graham
- It Had to Be Felt #66 and #67: Yoshifumi Watahiki and Yutaka Kurita
- Roy Suenaka Passes Away
- Irvin Faust (7th dan, Albany Aikido) Passes Away
- "It Had to Be Felt" Column: Miyamoto Tsuruzo by Guillaume Erard
- "Moving Off the Line" by Ruth Peyser (6th dan, shidoin)
- Book Review: Liese Klein's "The Life-Giving Sword: Kazuo Chiba"
- "It Had to Be Felt" Essay on Hiroshi Ikeda by Jim Sorrentino
- "It Had to Be Felt" Essay on Hiroki Nemoto by Mitch Troop
- Article: "Great Aikido - Aikido Greats" by Ellis Amdur
- Solidarity with Black Lives Matter Movement
- It Had to Be Felt #71: Yamada Yoshimitsu
- USAF "A Message from Yamada Sensei 2020_08_09"
- RIP Peter Gardiner of Iwama Dojo and Scotland
- Linda Lee Vecchio Passes Away
- Interview with Former New York Aikikai Instructor Ruth Peyser
- Patty Saotome Sensei Passes Away
- Obituary: Hiroshi Somemiya Shihan (1932-2020)
- Posting Bug Fixed
- 2021 Aikikai Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki Promotions List
- Donovan Waite Sensei Passes Away
- British Aikido History
- Aikizen: Spiritual Aikido
- #MeTooAikido Website & Facebook Page Launch
- It Had To Be Felt #73: Isoyama Toshihiro
- "Kenshiro Abbe the Forgotten Budoka"
- It Had To Be Felt #74: Maruyama Koretoshi: "The Essence of Mind"
- It Had To Be Felt #75: Akimoto Hidehiro: "Living Proof"
- Michael Kimeda Receives 7th dan
- Wendy Whited Passes Away
- Sensei Collings, 6th Dan to swim 9 miles
- Aikikai Malta IAF Membership
- Aikido Comes to America
- Create a Beautiful World in Three Aikido Lessons
- It Had to Be Felt #76: Asai Katsuaki: "Like a safecracker"
- Dale Matthews Sensei Passes Away
- Article: "True Budo: Contextualizing Japanese Text and Quotes"
- Article: "True Budo: Contextualizing Japanese Text and Quotes"
- July 9, 2022: "Aikido: What's Trauma Got To Do With It" Online Panel
- July 10: Online Conversation with Ukrainian Aikido Instructors
- Wendy Palmer Sensei Passes Away
- Aikikai Hombu Dojo New Years Promotion List, 2023
- Yoshimitsu Yamada Passes Away
- New book "The British Budo Controversy"
- 30years of Aikido in Malta
- 30years of Aikido in Malta
- Oct 19, 2024: Aikido Center of Los Angeles 50th Anniversary Dinner Celebration
- Aikikai Recognition
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